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Whole 30 starting Jan 1


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Happy day 13!

I feel amazing!  I have for the past few days.

My workouts have been great.  (weight training and cardio)

My sleep has been super.

My energy levels have been awesome.

My mood has been fantastic.

I wish everyone could feel as FLAWLESS as I do!


I love the food!  Thank you Well Fed (only made dishes from the first one so far, but have both)

I don't feel an urge to snack, I'm not hungry.

My boyfriend even asked me twice last night if I was going to have my warmed up apple (he wouldn't feel so bad eating his ice cream if I was eating something with him) and I told him no, I wasn't hungry.


I love good tasting food but I don't need to eat it just because it tastes good.  My meals taste good and that's plenty for me.


I feel like I could take on the world!  And LOOK OUT!  Cuz I might!


Have a great day all!



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Morning all!


I was sick all last week so I didn't go to the gym, but my workout this morning was AWESOME.  I was squatting and deadlifting away with my little pregnant belly sticking out.  I probably looked ridiculous, but I felt really strong.  Lots of energy, which is what I was hoping for!


I had a fun day yesterday -- one of the packages of grassfed meat I had bled all over the inside of my fridge, and down into the veggie drawer.  I had to throw away a couple of bunches of mustard greens and an open package of baby carrots.  SUCH a bummer.  I normally stick defrosting meat on a pie pan, but forgot in my hurry to get out the door.  My own fault, I guess, but now I'm going to have to go to the grocery store to replace the couple-of-meals worth of veggies I lost to the goo.  Maybe they'll have rainbow chard today.  I love rainbow chard.

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I kind of hit the 'I'm over it' wall.  I had to seriously talk myself out of eating grits this morning.  I was trying to rationalize that it was worth downgrading the w30 to a 'gluten free' or something.  I had a great grocery shop and cooked a lot this weekend, but somehow didn't get the motivation from that I was hoping for...


No vegetables for breakfast. I'm trying to talk myself into (again!) having some broccoli soup... but I'm just feeling rebelious all around.  Hopefully its just a phase.


I like Tara Stiles for yoga.  She has lots of short (5 - 10 mins) youtube videos.  I also like her 'This is Yoga' series.  The routines range from 15 minutes to an hour on that one.  I am actually taking a beginners yoga class this month to try and commit myself to practice.


Wish I had more encouragement for everybody, but it does help me stay the course to see how you guys manage to stick with it when 'life' keeps intervening!  Happy monday!



It really is worth it to stick it out to the end, and beyond.  I agree with the temptation of backing down to gluten free - I have those thoughts all the time regarding my kids.  But it's only 30 days of our lives, and then we can add in the "gluten free" stuff one at a time, and really see if it has an effect.  Remember, the Whole30 is an elimination diet.  Most elimination diets have to go on at least six weeks before you can really see a measurable effect, so 30 days is short in the long run.

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I saw your posts on the almonds & sunflower seeds and need some additional info.  I've tried making my own butters in both my VitaMix & my food processor, and except for the "b-butter" recipe in Primal Cravings, have had pretty crappy results.  I tried soaking & dehydrating first, but the results seemed like they were going to melt the jar from friction-generated heat before turning into butter.  Just using raw nuts/seeds is pretty much the same result.  Any detailed tips/tricks would be appreciated.


I used to make my own almond milk from soaked whole (unblanched) almonds all the time, but have gotten lazy since discovering coconut milk during my last Whole30.  I would save up the pulp in the freezer until I had a bunch of it, then dehydrate it & grind into almond flour.  It is much lighter than the store-bought stuff, which I really like, but it behaves differently in recipes, so I mix it half & half with the regular.  Just a thought.


Sorry, I have only had my vitamix for a few weeks, too and am still learning.  I did make almond butter but it seemed really dry.  I made sunbutter and still have it in my fridge.  For the Pad Thai recipe, I think I just blitzed the roasted sunflowers with the rest of the ingredients, so I didn't make the sunbutter first.  I know I have read recipes that say the you have to let the nuts get warm in the vitamix to release the oils, and then mix some more.  Maybe it takes multiple blendings.  I'm sure some of the bloggers discuss it elsewhere.

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Day 14, wow.  Hubby apologized for the meltdown.  He did not sabotage the kids' diet.  So life is at least ok.


Fried eggs and Well Fed creamed spinach for breakfast.


Making Chocolate Chili to stockpile.  I made it yesterday but ran out of cumin and only had regular tomatoes, not fire-roasted, and it was NOT THE SAME!  Luckily I only made a single batch yesterday, so I am going to make a second batch today and combine the two.  That recipe is just too delicious too not make right.


Also got some chuck roast to make a crock pot pot roast today.  I need to confess, though, my grocery store only offers small amounts of grass-fed beef.  There was a grass-fed chuck for 7.99/lb sitting right next to a regular chuck for 2.99/lb.  I just couldn't make the financial plunge to the grass fed (and it was smaller) and bought the regular chuck roast.  I spent the money I saved by buying a bunch of veggies to go into the stew.

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sailorlawrence - you made me realise that the post-W30 treat I had lined up for myself - wine and port, is probably defeating the object! You inspired me to come up with a non food-related treat. Thank you!

annabel/semolina - my little local Tesco express actually does the fish sauce but weirdly a bigger Tesco I went in today didn't. Random!

Today was a goooood day on the food front:

M1: leftover rosemary and garlic pork roast with kale, sweet potato, parsnips, apple and carrot. That pork is so good!

M2: parsnip and apple soup, mackerel and olives. Loved the soup but sadly the boyf hated it. Typical

M3: pork carnitas (recipe link below, lush) with spinach, sweet potato, avocado and some red onion and yellow pepper. Really really tasty and spicy and a hit with the boy. Win!


I am a little bit over the W30 at the moment, despite enjoying my food. Am dreaming of wine and treats. But I know it's just a blip. I've decided once it's over I will follow the 90/10 rule and allow myself 3 treats a week. Maybe a glass of wine one night, some quality chocolate another... I need rules but I also don't want to deny myself or I end up bingeing. Someone wrote that they think about how eating something will make them feel before they eat it. This is what I want to do - mindful eating.

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Some family drama came up today and I thought about cheating but I told myself it would not make the problem go away, it would just make me sad, on top of having to deal with the drama. Also I thought about you all, and how we are all in this together. So thanks for being here everyone, I appreciate the support!

This has inspired me :)

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Thanks, Physibeth! I googled the gassy veggies and will try not to pick my fantasy football team out of them. Too bad all my favorite ones are the gassy ones... I guess I do belong in a Mel Brooks movie.

I'm seconding the thoughts about the support from the forums... it is really great. I have thought about cheating with popcorn and/or rice a couple of times, and each time I thought, "No, the groovy folks on the forums can do it, so I can do it too!"

*Waves pom poms*

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Oh my fancy dancy pants you guys. A DAY THIRTEEN EPIPHANY AT MY HOUSE: starring Ali and Ali's brain.

Ali's brain: Hey. Hey. Can we talk?

Ali: If this is about raisin bran I'm not listening.

Ali's brain: But there are two scoops of...

Ali: NO.

Ali's brain: OH FIIINE then, that isn't what I wanted.

Ali: Okay.

Ali's brain: Promise you won't be mad.

Ali: Oh for the love of little yellow apples, spit it out.

Ali's brain: So you're not going to give me any sugar.

Ali: Nope.

Ali's brain: But we can have like, all the fat.

Ali: Seems like it.

Ali's brain: So why...

Ali: Yes?

Ali's brain: WHY... are we not putting your sister in law's guacamole on EVERYTHING?

Ali: ... oh my god.

Ali's brain: Are you mad? You're mad.


Ali's brain: ON EGGS!

Ali: YES!!!

Ali's brain: ON STEAK!


Ali's brain: ON COCONUT!

Ali: Okay no, too far.



*Curtain goes down. There is thunderous applause.*

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Alliath! You crack me up, seriously funny. Thank you for making me laugh. The Whole 30 Day 13 video made me laugh really hard too, that was good!


Jodea: Super glad that you changed your mind about your post 30 reward :) I cant wait for a massage! And my toes are looking pretty terrible- got that combat boot feet going  :P 


Steph: I'm so happy you're feeling awesome! I think I'm getting ready to join yea.


Run4life: Don't you love it when other people notice your weightloss?! It just really gives you that extra spring in your step!


Tracy: I'm happy your husband apologized, I was about ready to give him a nutrition lecture myself ;) Really your children are better off on Whole 30 foods, and the fact that their behavior is getting better is proof enough.


Day 14! Feeling happy! I even forgot my lunch, but went to subway and they made me a double chicken chopped salad with avacado on top. $8.25! Yikes oh well, what can you do? Everything else is going super for the most part, definitely better focus at work. And my memory is getting better. I'm gonna need it for next week...I was nominated for Junior Sailor of the Quarter and now I have to go to a board in front of a bunch of Chiefs and they're going to ask me a bunch of questions on current events, navy history, chain of command, etc! I'll be ranked with other Junior Sailors from the Hospital. I'm nervous, can you tell?! Gahahh


Well everyone gotta go teach CPR!

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It feels like I've been gone forever, but I don't have time to post at work and my home computer was out of commission for a while.  I'm still doing well.  No slip ups, and I don't really even have any cravings.  Friday night was a little hard when the family had pizza, but when I ate my braised cabbage and sausage it was worth it.  


I'm not sure what I'll be cooking this week.  I'm waiting for Well Fed 2 to arrive.  So far everything I've made from Well Fed was good.  We had chocolate chili last night.  


My only downfall is I haven't been able to get motivated to make eggs in the morning, so I've just been eating my cashew, banana, coconut flake salad and a coffee with coconut oil.  I know I probably need more protein, but I'm not even hungry until lunch.  It's nice not to be hungry until mealtime. 


So far I haven't felt  any miraculous changes.  My pants feel a little tighter, and some recurring achy joints have actually gotten a little worse.  I also seem to be having some recurring heartburn, which I never get.  Nothing too major.  I'm looking forward to finishing and seeing how I feel then.  

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lexes -- have you tried a hash for breakfast? I quite like one from Sarah Fragosos book: 2 sweet potatoes; 2 zucchini, grated (can do in food processor -- should make 50:50 mixture); 2 shallots; 2 eggs; seasalt; 1 tbsp. curry powder; 0.5 tbsp. cinnamon; coconut oil. -- Put all veg in huge bowl with eggs, salt, curry powder and cinnamon; heat coconut oil (she says 5 tbsps. but that's far too much IMO) ... then fry turning every now and then but the crispy bits are good. Keeps for a few days, and can easily be reheated and is great with poached eggs.

At the moment that is too much effort for me (!) but I ate it loads the last two go-rounds. Tasty tasty tasty and a good way to get veggies at breakfast (and it still somehow feels like breakfast, or it did to me, anyway).


Hang in there. Are you eating food you like? I know that sounds silly but I really really love stuff I make and would choose it over any other food. The only reason I haven't eaten like this all the time is because it takes effort and I get lazy (though hopefully not this time!). All I need is a personal chef and I'd be fine! :D  I LOVE roasted onions; I could eat roasted cauliflower just for fun; roasted tomatoes are to die for. If you aren't feeling really positive about the food you eat, maybe you should try something else? (Other W30 foods, that is!)


Just a thought.

I totally agree about eating food you like.  I've eaten more braised cabbage (nom nom paleo) these last two weeks than in my entire life, and it's so good!  I can't believe I was missing out all this time.  And it's quick and easy to prep for the oven too!  I think it's all in your attitude.  I don't feel like I'm deprived when the food I'm making is so good.  Tonight I had zucchini and red onion sauteed in clarified butter with grilled chicken and homemade taco seasoning, topped with guacamole.  It was great!  It's fun to hear what everyone else is eating too!

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It feels like I've been gone forever, but I don't have time to post at work and my home computer was out of commission for a while.  I'm still doing well.  No slip ups, and I don't really even have any cravings.  Friday night was a little hard when the family had pizza, but when I ate my braised cabbage and sausage it was worth it.  


I'm not sure what I'll be cooking this week.  I'm waiting for Well Fed 2 to arrive.  So far everything I've made from Well Fed was good.  We had chocolate chili last night.  


My only downfall is I haven't been able to get motivated to make eggs in the morning, so I've just been eating my cashew, banana, coconut flake salad and a coffee with coconut oil.  I know I probably need more protein, but I'm not even hungry until lunch.  It's nice not to be hungry until mealtime. 


So far I haven't felt  any miraculous changes.  My pants feel a little tighter, and some recurring achy joints have actually gotten a little worse.  I also seem to be having some recurring heartburn, which I never get.  Nothing too major.  I'm looking forward to finishing and seeing how I feel then.  

Who says you have to eat eggs in the morning? There are countless other protein options. Whatever you eat within an hour of rising, please be sure it fits the template of 1-2 palms of protein, 1-3 cups of veggies, and the appropriate amount of healthy fat. It is so important to start each day this way.

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Jodea/Semolina- My little Tesco Express doesn't sell the fish sauce. But they do have a section of American junk food (which I'm glad are super expensive, or else I might want to buy them)  I still think W30 is a bit easier when you're not surrounded by all of your tempting comfort foods.


I've been drinking kombucha this morning, but only about half of the small glass.  I think it's still a bit too sugary, but I've let it go too vinegary the last few times.  I had kombucha making down to an art over the summer, but with the drop in temperature it't not quite going to plan anymore.


Dinner tonight is ribs with barbecue sauce, sweet potato and salad for me.

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Hi everyone,

Things are definitely getting better for me mentally. I have a lot more energy, something I didn't notice as much the first time around. Also I love that my kids are eating a lot more veggies, even though they aren't doing W30. The weird thing that keeps happening is I feel like I have a little devil dude sitting on my shoulder. He says, "hey, cake sounds good!" at the most random times. He catches me off-guard and I have to constantly remind myself what I am doing. DH is being really supportive and I don't know what I would do without him ;)

Last night I was hungry long after dinner so I made myself some side pork (uncured bacon) for a snack. Yum.

Alliath, i agree your posts are hilarious!

Tracy, glad your hubby is being nice to you.

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Good morning, all!


This morning was tough. Not in a craving kind of way or anything, but that I woke up late and was freaking about having to make lunch, pre-WO snack and breakfast before leaving. But I did it!


Breakfast: sauteed acorn squash in ghee, 2 eggs, bacon, avocado

Lunch: broccoli, pineapple, beef stir fry in Tessamae's bbq sauce

PWO: chicken salad with homemade mayo and grapes, topped with avocado


I'll get home within 15 minutes of my workout, so I'll grab a post WO snack then, and dinner after. I must say, I hate WO days in that I feel like I eat too much. I don't WANT those p/pWO snacks, but know my body needs them to fuel what I'm doing. So I just have to work out harder. :) 

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on day 14! I've found that my taste buds are adapting, and I'

roud of myself for all three good food choices I've been making.

A bit of trouble, though. I found a couple of bruises, and the skin in my hands will crack and bleed suddenly. I moisturize, but somehow it must not be enough. Also, I have a ridiculous set of new pimples on my chin, and have been experiencing a sore throat and I tell myself it must be my body getting rid of toxins.

I started writing recipes down as I discover new dishes I repeatedly make. My husband travels all week, .p.

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I struggled with peeling, painful nails during my first w30 (which was in August - when the humidity usually makes my nails stronger).  This time (January, when they usually fall apart), they are doing great!  I wish I knew what the difference might be - maybe just adjusting to paleo life.  The only other thing I 'might' be doing is taking more omega 3 fish oil (or doing it more consistently anyway).

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Okay, my piss-poor attitude is improving - phew!  I think the meltdown came because I had a number of 'recipe fails' in a row.  This depressed me on all kinds of fronts.  While I never ate anything off road these last two grumpy days, I didn't eat to the template very well either.  I remember last time going through a tough phase at day 13 when i got mad that it was so hard to eat out, because I was tired of cooking, cleaning, etc.  Yesterday I ate a whole packet of cashews with lunch (and you know they never only put one serving in those bags).  That plus skipping vegetables at breakfast... and dinner because I had to make myself eat anything...seemed to constitute my tantrum.  I feel back on course today.  I even chatted up a cute Secret Service agent in the elevator, so I have recovered some swagger as well ;)


But in response to my meltdown I am going to put away all the cookbooks and go back to basics for the rest of this week - roast chicken, ground beef, roasted vegetables, avocados and more water!

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My cravings for the foods I love are almost down to nil (well, not wine. I still really really want a glass of wine). I was hopeful that eating clean would start eliminating the horrible "I have to have it now!" type cravings, and it has.


But last night, on TV, someone was making pancakes (it wasn't a cooking show, it was a documentary and they were talking to someone while she was making pancakes) and now I CANNOT STOP THINKING ABOUT PANCAKES!


The thing is, I don't even really LIKE pancakes. I can't remember the last time I had them...but my god they sound good right now.


Waiting for my compliant frittata to finish baking...

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I just read 8 pages of comments to get up to date. I feel more normal. There are so many crazy emotions this month. This morning I was bonkers with my daughter because she refused to eat eggs for breakfast and we were late for school. And yet last night I was the model of calm as my older son attempted to eat tomato sauce with a fork making the tablecloth appear to be a murder scene. I am waiting for the whole30 tranquility and stability thing to kick in.

We had a big party this weekend and I was so proud of myself for abstaining at the cocktail hour that I "rewarded" myself with salmon which was dripping in sweet chili sauce - which I am sure isn't compliant. Since I went off the rails with that, I took a piece of gum offered to me because, heck, why not? I already ate sweet chili sauce.

I am really relieved to read about others having theses types of situations. I am redoubling my efforts to get back to the code of whole30. And on a happy note, I like what I see in the mirror. I feel positive about the way I look and feel right now. I love, love, love not getting in the scale.

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Day 14 and my mood is still blue.  Have the food choice down pat, now need to refocus on portions.  I feel like I am eating way too much still.


I have had more energy at the gym and I'm proud to say I have exercised 6 out of 7 days of both weeks!  I want to continue this because while some soreness is happening around my hams and chest, I overall feel so much more energetic.


Impressed my mom with the lamb rogan josh last night - served with coconut cauli rice and green beans.  It was delish.


This morning made a scramble of odds and ends that were leftover (bit of bacon, bit of beef, bit of sweet potato, etc.).  I called it Skip's Scramble (Arrested Development joke).  It was HEAVY.

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But last night, on TV, someone was making pancakes (it wasn't a cooking show, it was a documentary and they were talking to someone while she was making pancakes) and now I CANNOT STOP THINKING ABOUT PANCAKES!


The thing is, I don't even really LIKE pancakes. I can't remember the last time I had them...but my god they sound good right now.



Welcome to the world of a runner. :) I'm not overly fond of pancakes, but without fail at about mile 8 I start craving them like nothing in the world. So weird... 


I hope your frittata is great! :)

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