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Whole 30 starting Jan 1


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I plan to stay as close to Whole 30 standards as long as possible as I know how much better I feel when I do.....and plan to continue seeking and offering support to anyone else who continues. I believe it makes a difference.

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I am from the Jan 2 forum but have been lurking around this one because it is much more active then mine. My husband and I are planning on going for at least 60 days (with one bad weekend for my husbands birthday in between). We both love eating like this and I really love the feeling of not being hungry all the time and no cravings. For once in my life (I am 41) I feel in control and it is amazing. I have a lot of weight to lose so my second round will probably be trying to tweak the amounts of food that are optimal for me to lose weight (I am obese so this is very important for my health). I will start writing on this forum so I can be a part of your whole 60's or longer. Good luck to all.

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I'm planning on doing at least 45 days at this point and may go to 60 simply because I'm still having digestive issues and figure a little longer may help.  Otherwise, I am starting to stay asleep during the night, My random aches & foot swelling have basically dissappeared, and I'm starting to feel more energy.


So even though I don't post much, I'll hang with you all a little longer.

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I got hardly any sleep Thursday night, but still haven't felt the inevitable crash the couple days after that happens.  Maybe that's a little tiger blood?  My only problem now, is I seem to have developed some serious acid reflux.  It kept me up and it's like a dull pinching in my chest all day.  It gets worse after I eat, and then it subsides, so I'm not too worried it's anything else.  I'm wondering if it's not all the extra balsamic vinegar, veggies, etc. that I've been eating.  I'm pretty disappointed about it, since this food is supposed to make me feel better!  And I do feel pretty great, except for this.  


So far it hasn't been too hard to stay compliant, even when the family is eating pizza, etc.  but I am spending a ton of money on groceries.  It seems I need to get something every other day.  I need to do a big store trip today or tomorrow, so hopefully that will get me through to the end almost.  


I'm still not getting the most veggies for breakfast, but I'm not usually that hungry by lunch.  I was planning to eat the sausage eggplant strata from Well Fed for breakfast yesterday, but cuz of the reflux I played it safe with just the bananas/cashews.  Today I had compliant chicken apple sausage and braised cabbage for lunch.  Tonight I'm planning to make the pad thai from Well Fed.  

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I'm not going to stay on the Whole30 after 30 days so if anyone wants to do a post thread let me know.  I need support on keeping my offroading healthier at least psychologically so I can navigate better in the 'real' world.

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I'm going to keep eating fairly strict paleo.  Haven't decided if I'm going to keep up with the whole30 or not, but I'd love to keep posting. 


I'm feeling good!  I'm sleeping really well and my workouts have been excellent, so that's a good thing.  AND they've just opened up a Crossfit Gym ON FORT POLK.  This is huge, people.  Fort Polk is like, a desert wasteland, in the center of Louisiana.  If you're ever curious where Fort Polk is on the map, just take a looksy at the Verizon 4G LTE map, and that big old white space in the middle of Louisiana?  That's Fort Polk.  There is NOTHING around here.  You have to drive an hour and a half just to get to the nearest chain restaurant, you know what I mean?  The hubs and I regularly drive 75 miles to go to the nearest Panera. 


So when I found out that they converted the old boxing gym across the parking lot from my office to an open-workout Crossfit gym, with three coach-led WODs per day, whee!  I'm out to here pregnant at the moment, but whatevs.  Still going to make time to go on my lunch hour.

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Hello all!


So, I'll be back to my 80/20 Paleo post-30. My goal was to kill the sugar demon I created over the holidays (seriously, I had zero control), not to completely stay like this. I know that dairy and I do fine, but wheat makes my knee issues 100 times worse. So I pretty much live by those ideas.


Anyway, I'll likely stick around anyway. I like having the inspiration here.


Today's plans got weird. My plan was to run with a friend, come home and make a grocery list, go shopping and cook for next week. Well, I ran (5 miles it was great) and during our run the snow started. Went to my running buddy's house for a few and the "couple inches" turned into a full on, 20 car pileup mess. So I ended up not getting home until 2:30, no grocery shopping. I guess tomorrow morning will be crazy before the big game. Ah well, such is life.


Tonight I made tomato meatball soup from Mark's Daily Apple. Very good and fairly simple to make. It really hit the spot on a day like today.

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For those of you on your second (or third) Whole 30 I'm curious what so far is different/awesome for you.  This is my 3rd and I have noticed a few things:


1.  Had very few Larabars and nuts this time around.  Just planning better and not needing them.


2.  Finally switched to full fat coconut milk (was buying at TJ's and all they have is 'light').  OMG.  So much better for many reasons (helping with getting enough fat at breakfast).


3.  Learned prosciutto is complaint.  Awesome to cook a little with my eggs in the morning.


4.  Figured out that my 'smoothies' are really veggie juice with pulp so not as frowned upon as I thought.   


What are yours?

Just to clarify, smoothies/ juicing are discouraged on a Whole30. The idea is to chew your food vs. drink it, as chewing is more satiating.

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Just to clarify, smoothies/ juicing are discouraged on a Whole30. The idea is to chew your food vs. drink it, as chewing is more satiating.

I know.  I make sure to eat veggies with all my meals.  But, I really like this weird turmeric drink I've concocted (spinach, turmeric, ginger, pepper, chia and a small handful of berries) as a 'immune boost' in the winter and it seemed to be more okay (so I felt less bad that I did it during a W30) after I read this article.  I usually make them without the spinach/berries/chia and instead with coconut water (so turmeric, ginger, pepper, coconut water only) but the spinach/berries is less sugar actually and healthier.   I was copying this turmeric drink they sell for $6 at my yoga studio that is awesome and I've gotten it pretty close.  But, I do try to have it while also eating veggies most of the time.



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Hey, all. I'm technically a Jan 2 person, but I'be been following this thread here and there. This is my 2nd W30 - the prior one was in march/April 2013. In between, I kept quite close to W30 in many respects but would have non-W30 food here and there (or, in the case of a few rough patches, more than just here and there!). When I've gotten too close to old habits, I've done brief stints of pure W30 here and there. I've stayed on the forum but am only an occasional poster. It's been really helpful staying on the forum thus far, and I plan to continue.

At this point, I can't imagine ever going back to eating stuff like cereal or bagels for breakfast or sandwiches for lunch. To me, those are treats, and I'd much rather save my treat times for things much more worth it! I spend a lot of time cooking, prepping food, grocery shopping, planning what I'm going to buy, reading recipes and cleaning up from cooking, but I'm ok with that (ok, not so much the dishes!).


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I am planning to continue my whole30 in February as well. For the others who will be continuing, are you going to weigh yourself on day 31? I am tempted but not sure yet. If I do, I definitely won't weigh again until day 61.

So I was really proud of myself today. Hubby and I made a last minute trip into town, where there is nothing I can eat. We brought some chicken to his grandma's house and she served us raw tomatoes, broccoli, bananas, and hard boiled eggs. She also offered ice cream, buns, and cupcakes, but I stayed strong. Normally she is really pushy about food and gets offended if you don't eat it. I used to dread going to her house b/c of the food situation but today went well! I was really hungry while we were grocery shopping but the thought of going off plan made me really sad.

Hubby is eating primal and I think he is finally realizing how junk makes him feel. He blew my mind in the grocery store by putting FOUR spaghetti squash in the cart! He is so not a veggie eater!

The kids are eating better by default. Tonight dd asked me for "some food that makes my tummy feel good, like chicken and salad with onion". :)

My face looks so thin, I am loving it!

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Hello all!

Mayo was another fail, but SO CLOSE this time. I actually saw it rising up creamily like it is supposed to, but then when I started to pull the immersion blender up slowly, suddenly it all fell apart into goopdom. There was still actual mayo on the blades of the immersion blender, so I was SO CLOSE. SO VERY CLOSE. Fortunately I needed some salad dressing anyway.

I do not in fact have a kitchen mixer with a whisk attachment, or a kitchen mixer at all. I do have a food processor, but it does not have the thing with a hole in it that everyone says makes it so easy. So I have to either do the immersion blender thing or drizzle the oil in slowly myself, and y'all. I am sorry. I know some of y'all take pride in that and love doing it, but I would rather set myself on fire. This is the same reason I failed the gravimetric chloride lab in second semester chemistry, and if I couldn't do it for SCIENCE, there is no way I can do it for mayo. I will keep trying with the immersion blender in a jar method, I think perhaps I needed a little less oil and it would have been fine.

2babies2kidsmom, I was so delighted to hear about your kiddo asking for chicken and salad with onion. That just makes my heart smile.

Tracy, my boyfriend says he knows it is none of his business, but he thinks your husband is being a fancy princess if he won't wash the dishes himself. I told him that probably husband was used to the trash from pre-whole 30, like "peel back foil to expose tater tots, throw foil in trash when done," and he still said, "But he ate the chili, right?" "So I am told." "Faaaaaaancy princess." "I will tell her." (Boyfriend likes to tell everyone they are fancy princesses whenever they are grossed out or upset by anything, so take it with a grain of salt. I myself am a fancy princess for refusing to let his dog kiss me on the face. LOOK THAT DOG EATS POOP, I'VE SEEN IT OCCUR.)

I am feeling pretty rad today and I hope y'all are too. I'm not planning on going more than thirty days this strict; I am planning on reintroducing full-fat goat dairy and seeing how I tolerate that, and my best friend's husband is making chili with beans in it for the opening ceremonies of the Olympics, and it is famous chili and I'ma eat it. However, I will be living 80/20, and I plan to use what I have learned to make better choices. (For example, do you know how many times I have added grains to a meal for no other reason than to add bulk? NO OTHER REASON. I could have been eating more of the actual meal ALL THIS TIME.) I will still be around waving the rah rah pom poms for y'all that are going sixty or a hundred days though.

I forgot to tell y'all that the other day when I misjudged portions and went into the Walgreens to get anything compliant (which turned out to be almonds), I saw the Russell Stover eggs. They are out early. Usually I have an Easter debauchery with those; I'll buy like ten of them and eat them all at one sitting. This time I thought, why do I do that? Are they good? They really aren't, after the first one my taste buds are so burned out on sugar I don't even taste them. Now, they do have a wedding cake flavor one that is new this year, and after the whole 30 I am going to get one of those and eat one bite of it. But that day in Walgreens, I thought about my usual Easter debauchery, and I thought, "Not worth it. Not even tasty." I have never been happier. THANK YOU WHOLE 30.

The only other thing to report is that today I cooked up a bunch of chicken breast to use as PWO protein in the next week, and I left it to cool on the counter like an idiot while I ran out to run some errands. Hey, who remembers that I have a cat? I'm still finding pieces of chicken in weird places ALL OVER THE HOUSE.

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Oh no on the chicken/cat fiasco! 


Day 18: Tiger blood maybe?


Having trouble sleeping past 6 or 6:30 am (which is nice when I have to get up, but annoying today when I could have slept in).  I cleaned like a maniac today, and then I still exercised this afternoon (1/2 hour barre, plus 20 minutes of stretching). 


m1: sausage/sweet potato hash; blueberries with coconut cream

m2: veggie scramble with sweet potato, spaghetti squash, zoodles, olives, red/yellow/orange pepper, and shrimp.  Added some coconut milk to make it a little creamy, plus salt and pepper.  YUM!

snack (post workout)--almonds and baby carrots

m3: grilled steak, baked sweet potato, green beans, 2 apple slices.


I was full with supper, but now, 2 hours later, I'm hungry.  Steak always seems to do that to me for some reason.

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Day 18!!

Getting my 3 Day weekend on, after a very stressful week. I was nominated for an award and had to go up to a board of Chiefs and Senior Chiefs and answer random military questions on Friday. It was like military jeopardy...ugh and I was such a nervous wreck. I felt like it was more of a punishment for being a good sailor than anything. Lmao Thank goodness it's over. I don't handle stress all that well, my stomach gets very upset and I tend to over eat.

Last night I had a girls night and we made a few recipes from Well Fed, shepherds pie, and the spicy butternut squash one with pecans. So delicious and I'm happy I have friends who support me :D

Today I've been cleaning house big time and getting a lot done! Really not much to report, still feeling awesome and can't imagine eating differently. Don't know if I have tiger blood yet, but I think it's one of those things I won't be questioning once it hits. Has anyone else experienced tiger blood??

Much love!

Enjoy your weekend! You have earned it! Thanks for your service......I know you are a great sailor  :D I'm not experiencing tiger blood either.  Maybe next few weeks...........

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Haven't been able to post very often and I really enjoy seeing how everyone is doing when I get a chance.


Still compliant W30.  Am really enjoying this way of eating......just struggling with all the prep & cooking.  Have not been exercising & that is one of the things I want to get started with.  


Planning to continue until at least 2/8.  Huge family wedding. I plan to get right back on W30 until the end of Feb....so I'll continue to check in as often as possible.


Ya'll are lots of inspiration!! Keep up the good work!!

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I proposed the following to dh; "How about we do the WholeMonth each month with a dinner out on the last day. You know, go out and eat whatever on the 31, and start again on the 1st and so on all year long. We will always know when date night is and we can go wherever and have anything we want." His reply (mind you, he eats Paleo but not W30 and definitely not AI) "So, we waste a whole months work on one meal, every month? That's crazy!"

Now, I admit he has a point. I would hate to heal my gut and then just ruin it again...but a glass of wine with dinner would be nice.

Our anniversary is on the 29th. My plan is to weigh myself on the 31st and go celebrate that evening. We only eat out for special occasions, and we go to this great place that only serves fresh, local, grass fed, organic foods so it is pretty easy to be compliant. I am going to have wine though. So, I may be doing multiple W30s (or W28s or W31s) but as I will have a date night each month, I don't think I will be able to call it a W60 or W100 ;)

We have gone to two parties this month, and both times I had no problem with just having club soda. Tonight everyone was ordering nachos and I felt sorry for them. We had grilled flank steak, cauliflower mash and pan seared baby squash with coconut oil before we went out. I am sure our dinner was WAY better than pub nachos ;)

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Today my husband wanted to go out to his favorate Lebanese buffet restaurant.  They have some delicious vegetable dishes and kefta (meat thingies), and an amazing garlic sauce, but also lots of rice, lentil soup.  I don't eat with him because I can't eat enough to justify paying for a buffet.


Anyway, the above was the background to tell you that I made Well Fed deconstructed somosas (hamburger meat plus various indian spices, placed on a lettuce leaf or eaten plain).  I brought it with us to the restaurant so my husband could eat his buffet and the kids and I could stay compliant.  Well - the kids adored it.  They adored it so much that even when I gave them one of the restaurant keftas, they said, no, they want what mommy made!  Good babies.


Today I made some sun butter, and then since the Vitamix had a bunch of sun butter stuck in the bottom of it, I searched for a recipe that had sun butter in it and found Well Fed West African Creamy Chicken Stew.  It is very delicious.  I am eating it with roasted butternut squash and a light cucumber/rice vinegar salad.


The kids brought baggies of marshmallows home from daycare. They had refused the marshmallows when they were offered to them, telling the teacher they were on a "healthy diet".  Good babies again!

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I'm not going to stay on the Whole30 after 30 days so if anyone wants to do a post thread let me know.  I need support on keeping my offroading healthier at least psychologically so I can navigate better in the 'real' world.

I'm with you. Don't want to continue W30 but definitely want to keep my off-roading in check.

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To those of you who aren't doing  a W30 but who want to keep posting to keep their "off-roading in check" (as Jodea put it) ... if everyone is OK with it, why not just stay with this thread? The reason I say that is that my first W30 group fragmented because people were doing different stuff and I think we all got lost. We've started to get to know each other on this thread, and even if we are doing slightly different things we've all got basically the same goal ... so my suggestion is keep posting to this thread until you feel it really no longer applies (long posts about how delicious the brownies you just baked, for example, might be off topic :) ) ... Just a thought. I guess maybe exploring how difficult off-roading is (my experience so difficult that I'm not going there again!) might not fit ... but if you want to stay pretty tight to W30 eating while you are off-roading I don't see why we shouldn't stick together. Just a thought.


Talked to hubby last night about how dreadful his diet is. (He is skinny and loses weight by accident all the time, but drinks alcohol, eats grains and SUGAR for breakfast and his lunch makes me want to cry ... usually soup out of a can with a sausage roll (from a shop) or a Cornish pasty (also from a shop) ... or loads of bread and cheese ... and is stressed, headachey is sleeps poorly.) His response: yeah, but what you eat is really high quality and expensive and takes ages to prepare. Me: and totally worth it (and yes, I would prepare it for him if he was willing to eat it.) I guess I'm pleased he thinks the food I eat is high quality, but I just don't get why he won't eat it (he does for dinner ... though he eats rice and pasta in place of riced cauliflower and zoodles). Hey ho.


Hope you all having a good long weekend!

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Good morning from sunny Hampshire! Yesterday was a strange one but I managed to keep myself going. I spent about 5 hours prepping and then painting our internal glass-paned doors. Painful! Got a bit to finish off today and also painting the bathroom door which will be a breeze in comparison - no glass! So, in the midst of all that yesterday was actually the first day I've snacked. It was a complaint mini meal so all good but I think doing the DIY all afternoon made me famished. I went with it but hope it doesn't become a habit.

Saturday looked liked...

M1: two egg frittata with roasted vegetables and prosciutto

M2: king prawns in a chilli and tomato sauce with mushrooms, spinach, onion, garlic and avocado on the side and an apple

M3: prosciutto, roasted vegetables, almonds

M4: prawn cocktail with fennel and orange, steak with salad and olive oil plus sweet potato wedges and green beans. Mustard on the side.

M4 was dinner at a friend's who went all out to make me a compliant meal. It was so good. But when she announced she'd made Paleo brownies for dessert I felt awful! For a second I thought, "Oh, I'll have to eat them, she went to all this trouble." But then I grew a pair, followed her to the kitchen and thanked her ever so much but explained why I couldn't have them. She was totally fine. I bought one home for the freezer and everyone else really enjoyed them as dessert.

It was my third Saturday night out with people drinking this month and I navigated it successfully once again. Phew!

Back to the painting. But, the sun is shining so it will be chores, painting, Jillian Michaels DVD then a stroll to our favourite coffee shop and Breaking Bad Season 5. No spoilers please!!!

Happy Sunday.

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I think if we want to continue on with this thread post-W30 we might need the mods to move it to another section of the forums if people aren't staying 100% compliant.


Personally, I plan to carry on eating mostly Whole 30 until my half marathon the first weekend in March, but not be so strict about things like sugar in my fish sauce or deli meats.  And we have tickets to the 6 Nations game on the 1st of Feb, so that will be a non-compliant day.


Off for a 6.5/7 mile run now, then planning to get my kitchen cleaned and some more food prep sorted out.  Glad to see the sun today, best enjoy it while it lasts.


Alliath- Have you tried making your mayo by hand with a whisk?  Unfortunately, even that requires patience, but I've only managed to mess that up once and I think it was because the egg had a really small yolk.  I was doing 1 egg yolk, 2 tsp of acid (combo of lemon juice and apple cider vinegar), 1/4 tsp of salt and 1/4 tsp dijon mustard.  And only 3/4 cup of oil.... so a bit less patience than some recipes.  The super slow drizzling is only super essential at the very beginning. After the first 1/4 of a cup you don't need to be quite so painfully slow with it.



Semolina- My first Whole 30 my husband ate what I prepared for dinner, but supplemented it with pasta and rice and bread,  He actually tried my zucchini noodles this go and loves them.  Same with cauliflower mash.  He even said the other day that he doesn't miss bread at all, and would prefer to eat more of the actual meal. (And he used to eat 3 or 4 slices of bread with dinner every night) Sometimes it just takes time.  Though I do credit Well Fed 2 with part of the change, he's hoping for an improvement in athletic performance.


Jodea- Well done on not eating the brownies just because your friend had made them. :)  I've just finished Season 4 of Breaking Bad and really need to hurry up and finish it before it gets ruined for me.

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To those of you who aren't doing  a W30 but who want to keep posting to keep their "off-roading in check" (as Jodea put it) ... if everyone is OK with it, why not just stay with this thread? The reason I say that is that my first W30 group fragmented because people were doing different stuff and I think we all got lost. We've started to get to know each other on this thread, and even if we are doing slightly different things we've all got basically the same goal ... so my suggestion is keep posting to this thread until you feel it really no longer applies (long posts about how delicious the brownies you just baked, for example, might be off topic :) ) ... Just a thought. I guess maybe exploring how difficult off-roading is (my experience so difficult that I'm not going there again!) might not fit ... but if you want to stay pretty tight to W30 eating while you are off-roading I don't see why we shouldn't stick together. Just a thought.


Talked to hubby last night about how dreadful his diet is. (He is skinny and loses weight by accident all the time, but drinks alcohol, eats grains and SUGAR for breakfast and his lunch makes me want to cry ... usually soup out of a can with a sausage roll (from a shop) or a Cornish pasty (also from a shop) ... or loads of bread and cheese ... and is stressed, headachey is sleeps poorly.) His response: yeah, but what you eat is really high quality and expensive and takes ages to prepare. Me: and totally worth it (and yes, I would prepare it for him if he was willing to eat it.) I guess I'm pleased he thinks the food I eat is high quality, but I just don't get why he won't eat it (he does for dinner ... though he eats rice and pasta in place of riced cauliflower and zoodles). Hey ho.



I would be insane if I lived with your husband.  I struggle so much to keep myself at a healthy weight (which I am 20 pounds over right now).  It just isn't fair that some people have these awesome metabolisms.  Although, heart disease and such can still sneak up on you.  But just being lean is so awesome for your health, he is lucky!


I know what you mean about keeping the thread going.  I am going to reintroduce slowly.  I would like to add back in tempeh and quinoa and see how those go.  I did a proper reintroduction last time and didn't have any reactions to food except that I wasn't able to maintain my blood sugar levels and energy as well.  Eating this way just makes me feel better but W30 is just too strict for me especially because I enjoy eating out and socializing with friends so trying to figure out how to navigate that world better.  A little early to be talking about this for most but I guess I'm thinking about it because I've been there before.  For example, I'm in this dance collective and we have our leadership meeting on Tues.  Normally we go to this place where I have a ginger gin shandy and popcorn.  They have a local meat tray and a cheese tray but really nothing there is compliant as it isn't really a 'restaurant' more an eclectic pub.  This month it is fine because I'm on the W30 but what about next month?  I'd love a thread where I could offer up the choices and see what others would order to be the most healthy.  Eating at home is easy, for me it is when I am out in the world trying to navigate that things start getting really murky.  

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Good morning!


It's Playoff day! So I have chicken in the crock pot for pulled chicken in lettuce cups, and will serve with baked sweet potato and these cute pear/bacon bites from The Clothes Make the Girl.


First, I have to get through my workout. I'm so sad - the gym changed everything so it's unlikely I'll be able to strength train with these trainers any more. I'm heartbroken and have no idea what to do, and it's all so stupid because if I weren't in this lack-of-sunlight funk I wouldn't be ready to cry over this. :(


Anyway, PreWO meal was leftovers from last night. SO good! I always make meatballs with just ground beef, but last night I made them with half gb and half ground pork and they were SO amazing. I'll have to make more. :)

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I know.  I make sure to eat veggies with all my meals.  But, I really like this weird turmeric drink I've concocted (spinach, turmeric, ginger, pepper, chia and a small handful of berries) as a 'immune boost' in the winter and it seemed to be more okay (so I felt less bad that I did it during a W30) after I read this article.  I usually make them without the spinach/berries/chia and instead with coconut water (so turmeric, ginger, pepper, coconut water only) but the spinach/berries is less sugar actually and healthier.   I was copying this turmeric drink they sell for $6 at my yoga studio that is awesome and I've gotten it pretty close.  But, I do try to have it while also eating veggies most of the time.



Thank you for bringing that part of the article to my attention.


To be consistent with that article's guidance, if you're going to continue to have this drink, 

- Only use it when you already have whole real veggies filling your plate that you will also eat. (don't use it to substitute for chewing/eating whole veggies or as a meal substitute)

- Make sure the drink has more vegetables than fruit

- Watch the fruit to not exceed your daily limit of 1-2 daily fruit servings (where a serving is whole fruit the size of your fist)

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Alliath - you probably said somewhere, but there are a lot of posts here ;-) - are you adding any water to your mayo ingredients before blending? It can help keep the mayo from breaking. I had several fails before I tried adding water. One Tbsp.

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