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Whole 30 Attempt 2


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One of the habits the W30 is trying to break is mindless eating just because. You are right about the during the day snacking...best way to break the habit is to not have the food there. If you feel the need to eat but are not hungry do something else and be purposeful about it. As to the eating while cooking maybe try to be purposeful about getting all your ingredients prepped in the right amounts before you start cooking and then put everything away. Not sure. Really this might just take some mindfullness and discipline. 

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Day 14

Breakfast- spinach and artichoke crust less quiche, leftover cabbage and carrot fries

Lunch- vegetable beef soup and an apple

Dinner- nom nom paleo's loco moco- cauliflower rice with a burger topped with an egg. Banana after dinner.

Felt pretty full and bloated all day. Blaming the cabbage.

Been craving sweets a lot lately, the banana after dinner literally tasted like a nice cream sundae. Trying hard not to snack but it's a pretty strong habit.

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Day 15

Got my period for the first time since August. Ugh so wonder I was so cranky, tired and ravenous this week.

Breakfast - spinach and artichoke egg casserole, half a tomato, celery sticks and half an avocado


Vegetable beef soup

Post workout- hard boil egg and almonds

Snacked (again) on nut butter while cooking.

Dinner- shrimp pad Thai from the 21 day sugar detox book (zucchini noodles, peppers, onions, and shrimp with almond butter pad Thai sauce)

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Day 16

It's getting a little rough here, I wasn't prepared to deal with my first period in five months while doing a whole 30. Before it came I had crazy carb cravings and didn't know why, today was more of the same. I feel as if I could eat forever. I keep overeating at dinner, it's part of this impulse since I cut out my bedtime snack I feel like I need to eat as much as possible because it's my last eating for the day. I almost wonder when my whole 30 is done I should go back to the bedtime snack, esp if it is something healthy like fruit or nuts. Today I overate at dinner and looking at my meals today I ate WAY too many nuts!! I hope I didn't ruin my whole 30

Breakfast- spinach and artichoke quiche with an apple, tablespoon of sun butter, half a tomato

Lunch- leftover shrimp, cauliflower rice, with almond butter pad Thai sauce, banana

Snack- decaf coffee with coconut milk, half a larabar

Dinner- delmonico grass fed steak, butternut squash and rutabaga hash green bean casserole with cashews

Eeeeeeek wayyyyy too many nuts! not feeling the the best right now.

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Felt okay today, eating wasn't too out of control. Except I am experiencing terrible bloating, cramps, and annoying frequent urination. I have no idea if it's from my period or the nut overdose yesterday. I normally eat nuts several times a week and don't have issues so I'm thinkng it's prob my period, however I think I'll lay off of them for the duration of the whole30, possibly even extending the no nuts from 30 days from now.

Breakfast- shredded rutabaga, two eggs, a grapefruit, dollop of sun butter.

Lunch- Rx bar, carrots, sun butter, cherry tomatoes

Dinner- spaghetti squash with sauce, three meatballs, half an avocado and side salad.

During the day I didn't snack too much,might have snagged a bite of pineapple between meals that it. Still feeling disgusting,

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Felt okay today, eating wasn't too out of control. Except I am experiencing terrible bloating, cramps, and annoying frequent urination. I have no idea if it's from my period or the nut overdose yesterday. I normally eat nuts several times a week and don't have issues so I'm thinkng it's prob my period, however I think I'll lay off of them for the duration of the whole30, possibly even extending the no nuts from 30 days from now.

Breakfast- shredded rutabaga, two eggs, a grapefruit, dollop of sun butter.

Lunch- Rx bar, carrots, sun butter, cherry tomatoes

Dinner- spaghetti squash with sauce, three meatballs, half an avocado and side salad.

During the day I didn't snack too much,might have snagged a bite of pineapple between meals that it. Still feeling disgusting,


I'm sorry if we seem critical here, but I have to come in and critique once again. The whole30 is not a "diet" and it certainly looks like you are dieting and restricting here. PLEASE eat the full template at every meal. It is not "out of control" to have three meals per day where you give your body the nutrition it needs: a PALM SIZE OF PROTEIN. every meal. I really want you to feel as much success as possible and you won't if you continue like this. If you can afford an RxBar, you can afford a can of tuna, so save the RxBars in the glove box of your car for when you are broken down at the side of the road and eat real food at your meals. Add another egg in the morning or some other protein, try for 5 or 6 meatballs. Give your body the nutrition it deserves.


You can do this!


ps. frequent uriniation during a whole30 most likely means you are flushing out inflammation. that is a very good sign.

pps. the period is also pretty good news. annoying, yes, but a good sign that this way of eating is helping with hormonal balance in the body.

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Thanks for the help! I appreciate the advice. You are right about the RX bars. What kind of tuna can I buy that's compliant? I am going to Wegmans tomorrow. Honestly I don't feel like I'm restricting at all.

Tuna packaged in olive oil or no oil is compliant. Watch out for tuna with soy/soybean oil - not compliant.

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Made an honest effort to eat more today. Three whole meals. I still find myself hungry after every meal and searching for something. It's annoying. even when I am bloated and full I am searching for something at the end of my meal.


M1- Two eggs, rutabaga hash, leftover green beans with cashew "cheese", grapefruit


M2- PaleOMG spaghetti squash pizza bake, one meatball with sauce, carrot fries with sun butter, apple


M3- Sardines, roasted brussel sprouts, sweet potato with sun butter


yeah I still ate nuts today, felt fine as far as the bloating (except when I ate broccoli while food prepping) and eased up on the need to pee every 5 seconds.

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M1: spaghetti squash bake, Brussels sprouts, banana with sun butter

M2: compliant tuna fish, a tomato, shredded carrots, 1/3 of an avocado, plantain chips, grapefruit

M3: chuck roast w celery and onions, butternut squash and rutabaga mash, carrot fries

Am I eating too much? It seems like I'm pretty stuffed at every meal but struggling with hunger cues. I'm resigned to the fact that fixing this will take more than 30 days. I am going to complete the 30 days and then have a more laid back but strict approach when it comes to treats. Making treats is a psychological thing for me and I get wrapped up in recipes I see on blogs and just have go make.however not only are the treats psychologically and physically unhealthy they are expensive! So I've got to cut that out. I would really like to come to a place where I don't feel like I have to load up on food at every meal because it's the last time I'll eat or something

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Made an honest effort to eat more today. Three whole meals. I still find myself hungry after every meal and searching for something. It's annoying. even when I am bloated and full I am searching for something at the end of my meal.



Just a suggestion - maybe lay off the fruit for a while, especially early in the day.  I find it makes me feel snacky, so I usually only have it in the evening or incorporated into a dish (rather than as a side).


Also, and again just a suggestion, maybe take a vacation from Pinterest and food blogs that include treats (even Paleo treats).  Give your mind and body a break.  Not to mention your wallet.  You may find that if you stop buying Paleo baking ingredients, Rx bars and Larabars, you'll have more room for things you thought you couldn't afford. 

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It definitely does take discipline which I struggle with!! Also last night I had a dream I ate a cupcake. I was so upset with myself and relieved when I woke up and realized it was a dream

You're right - it takes discipline. But why set yourself up for more of a challenge than you need?! If the nuts are a problem "just because you have them" then get rid of them and keep them out of your house until you get used to eating 3 meals and not snacking. Also, why not play some mind games of your own to beat your head at its own game (yes, I know that doesn't really make sense)? Try limiting eating to sitting at the table only. Set yourself a nice place at the table, prepare your meal and then sit down to eat. When you're finished eating, get up from the table and that's it - no more eating.

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Good ideas, thanks for the advice. I will try this.

Today I feel fabulous. My skin looks great and my sleep is really good, I've been doing the natural calm before bed and am kind of worried I will get addicted to it!?!?! Any tips on this supplement?

M1: spaghetti squash pie, one meatball with sauce, Brussels sprouts, grapefruit

M2: nom nom paleo's cream of broccoli curry soup, large chunk of leftover chuck roast

M3: sweet potato, carrot,zuchinni crust less quiche with two strips compliant bacon. Side salad with artichokes, avocado, onion and olive oil

Side of carrot fries, apple.

Looking At dinner it sure looks like I ate a lot..... I was still hungry after eating the casserole (it was prob 2 eggs worth) so I had the apple. Then I felt full and didn't snack after dinner like I usually would ( I usually grab extras from the fridge or something)

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Day 21- man I feel amazing. I Didn't even think it was possible to feel this great. Workouts today and yesterday were out of this world ... I surprised myself and I think my trainer when I did a flexed arm hold for almost a minute. Last week was really a drag with my period and all- really got me discouraged, this week I feel amazing. I'm even able to fend off cravings easier for some reason. Today after dinner I would normally snack and add more to my plate. Even though I could have eaten more I just grabbed a couple of plantain chips and that was it. Same with breakfast and lunch. I am loving veggies- roasted everything. Oh man I just love life right now, sleep is also amazing.

M1: spaghetti squash casserole, celery sticks with sun butter, a grapefruit

M2: large chunk of chuck roast and broccoli curry soup

M3: sweet potato, bacon, zucchini and carrot casserole, side of roasted cocoa cauliflower, a few plantain chips

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Continuing to feel great today

M1: spaghetti squash pie, leftover roasted cauliflower, grapefruit, sun butter

M2: chuck roast, broccoli soup, a few plantain chips

M3: shrimp zuchini pasta with butternut squash "Alfredo" and a banana

Snack after workout was a hard boiled egg

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Day 23:

Breakfast- rest of spaghetti squash pie, celery sticks with sun butter, a few pieces of leftover roasted cauliflower and a grapefruit

Lunch- leftover steamed shrimp with curry butternut squash purée

Half of a larabar

Snack: pistachios

Dinner: sirloin cocoa rubbed steak (ahhhhhmazing) sweet potato with almond butter, small side salad with artichokes and avocado

Went a little overboard on nuts again....

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Day 24: EEEKKKK only had starchy veggies in the house today. I think I did okay considering...didn't go off track but definitely didn't follow the tempalte.


M1: parsnip and butternutsquash hash with two eggs

M2: Sardines with artichokes, hot sauce. A half plantain with a tablespoon of almond butter

Rx bar- snack, squash seeds

M3: Burger with avocado crema and parsnip and carrot fries

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