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Whole30 to ring in the New Year....

Julie Sassaman

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I was a teacher here for six years, and a substitute teacher for about four years prior to that. I am quite familiar with the school system. I could go on and on, but this is the wrong forum for all that. Suffice it to say that is why I left my career to homeschool my boys. I have many strong opinions about public education in general based on what I witnessed.


The medical scene? Well, we also have opinions there, as my wife is an RN and quickly working her way up at her hospital. Honestly, we stay in Florida because of Florida itself. The environment here talks to me more than most places ever have (except in July and August). I also enjoy many, definitely not all, aspects of our Southern culture. Right now, Florida is in a rough place because we have been hard hit by the recession and we rely way too much on tourism without developing jobs in other areas. Tourism obviously gets hit very hard during recessions.


Back to your W30. Keep it up. That future is going to get even better based on what you are doing for yourself right now. 

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I honestly seriously considered homeschooling my boys too, but I'm not sure that is right for our family. At least not right at this moment. The thought is always there though. How awesome that your wife is moving up quickly! And I know not all medical professionals are bad, I've just had several really bad experiences here, one of them being a doctor actually telling me that I couldn't go by how I feel. I was like, "Don't you have a job because I FEEL like crap?" But you're right, there are some pretty good things about living in Florida too!


I did have some almond butter with apples today, which was quite refreshing. For dinner I ended up making a hamburger topped with mayo and mustard. That bagged cabbage I bought that I haven't liked cooking with, I decided to make it into a coleslaw. It was really good. My 12 year old LOVED it. Yay! :D Onward to Day 28!

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Fear not friends, I am still rockin' my day 28! I only slept for about 6 hours last night, but I did wake up right before the alarm went off, which I feel is a good thing! Today I tried something different though. I had registered for the PaleoCon presented by PaleoHacks and on the first day they discussed intermittent fasting and feasting with Abel James. A lot of the things they talked about was exactly some of the things that I have been experiencing. So I decided to try to go awhile without eating today, and I can't even tell you how much better I feel. After I thought about it, I started feeling worse when I started MAKING myself eat three full meals a day when I wasn't even hungry. There is a lot more to it obviously, and it certainly isn't recommended on a daily basis, but I can't deny how much better I have felt today. So, for dinner, I had leftover chili, which was awesome. with a side salad that I topped with ranch made from the new Nom Nom Paleo cookbook. It was REALLY good and the closest thing to ranch that I have tasted since I started this paleo journey a couple years ago. Anyway, I hope I don't get in trouble from the W30 police for fasting, but I tried it because I was actually trying to listen to my body, like the program encourages us to do.


Today, one of the PaleoCon seminars was on doing correct kettlebell swings. I was excited for that too, because I am going to make that my first 'exercise' baby step. I haven't decided yet if I will continue with strict W30 guidelines after I finish this one, or if I will transition into paleo/primal. Honestly, I am kind of leaning toward the latter, but I still have cravings every once in awhile that makes me think I need just a little more time! :)

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I am glad you are feeling better and that you are enjoying Paleocon.


I'm not saying that intermittent fasting may not be the right choice for you however it is something that we ask you not to play with during a Whole30 where 3 template meals a day is the minimum. If you want to play with intermittent fasting after your W30 than it is your bike to ride and we won't stop you.

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Thanks Physibeth! It wasn't so much that I was really trying to intermittent fast yet, after reading up about some of that, it seemed interesting to me with how I have been feeling. I simply decided to listen to my body today and eat when I felt hungry. And I felt better today than I have for the last two weeks. When I felt hungry, I found I wanted to eat, and I wanted to eat healthy. I took that as all good signs. I wasn't planning on a real IF until I was done with my W30. PaleoCon has been interesting indeed so far! Thanks for keeping us in line.....I know I genuinely appreciate it! :)


Tonight was baseball evaluations for my 3rd grader, which was a lot of fun. Practice starts next week. I am looking forward to some scheduled outside activity! I just realized that I wrote my dinner was chili and a salad. That was lunch. For dinner I had a hamburger and coleslaw again. Keeping it simple. Two. More. Days. :blink: Crazy!

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I listened to a few of the paleocon broadcasts also. Intermittent fasting has always intrigued me, and I have played around with it. To me, it just makes sense.


I want to find a balance between sitting at our table and having one family meal, and allowing people to eat as their body requires. There is nothing more paleo than that. Our ancestors never looked at the clock and said "hmm, 1:00, time for lunch." Hunger is often determined by what you eat anyway, and certain foods just keep you full longer. I'm still aiming for 100 days, though IF will be one of the first things I adopt again. It simply felt natural to me, and breakfast is still a forced issue for me. Some days I wake up hungry, but other days I have to force a meal in. On those days, I would rather wait 6-8 hours before I eat.


A few years back, I read The Warrior Diet and, sure enough, after a google search I found that some are combining Ori's IF with paleo foods.


Day 30 approaches, you are so close.

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Hey Kryztle! PaleoCon is a pretty cool seminar series by a lot of experts and bloggers in the paleo world. It has been interesting so far! You can click here to register if you want to check it out!


Intermittent fasting makes a lot of sense to me too ArcheoGator. I am very much not a breakfast person either. I think everyone is different. 1 of my boys is like me. 2 of them eat breakfast, but not right when they wake up, and my oldest asks if he can eat before his eyes are even all the way open. I am a big fan of the 'sit down' dinner. I don't always necessarily nail it to a specific time, but we almost always all sit down for dinner every night together. We also normally do not have phones and such at the table either, unless we get the opportunity to have dinner with my husband via facetime since he is a long haul trucker.


It's funny, because I have never made it this far before, so I am kind of laughing about the timeline now because I totally get the "Day 28 is as good as 30, right?" I would love to see how cheese treats me. ;) Cheese makes eggs so much better!


Have a good day everyone!

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Day 29. You are doing this.


It's good to hear you have the sit down tradition in your home also. We make sure the TV is off, which it usually is, and no one has their face stuck in a phone or computer, etc. For us, we have a tradition that everyone tells what they are thankful for. That is usually enough to lead into a conversation during the meal. My eight year old is a gabber, though, so sometimes I just have to tell him to finish up. I truly hope that I can pull this off during the teenage years, but I've got a bit of time for that.


So, since you mentioned cheese, are you doing reintros? If so, try to follow the schedule, so you will have a better chance of each food group's effect.


Congrats again. Now that you are so close, your will to finish is probably no problem.

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I am not a morning eater and most of my life would wake up at 6 or 7 and not eat until 10.  It worked for me, but I have to admit that I also carried a lot of extra weight and health issues.  When I seriously began to work on losing weight, I saw that research says successful dieters share "eating breakfast" in common.  It doesn't say that helps them lose weight, but it was something they had in common so I began making myself eat a bowl of oatmeal every morning.  Blech.  But it did get better.  Now with this Whole30 thing I've again been doing the breakfast thing because of all that hormone talk they do.  I have no clue if it makes a difference.  I'm dutifully eating breakfast before I have my tea as well.  Perhaps I'll mess around with later morning meals post Whole30, but I don't know.  This entire hormone thing is fascinating to me because I had such a clear message from my body to stop my caffeine intake and then I had a really dramatic change in my menstrual cycle after reducing my caffeine that I'm now aware that entire hormone balance is much more at work than I realized.  I'm SO thankful to be able to get a cold and recover from it like a normal person, but I'm also frustrated by my low mood and low energy levels.  It's all kind of interesting isn't it and understanding our bodies is such a mix of left and right brain - such an art to find the right balance.

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Here to congratulate Julie on reaching Day 30!! 


You did it, I'm so proud of you!


Now, carry this memory with you: you tried something and it didn't work. Instead of giving up, you tried again (and maybe again?) until you did it! That's a powerful skill to have, and something to model to your children. 


You did it!

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Thanks misshannah! Thanks to everyone! I don't know if I would have been so successful without these boards and all of you! I really am so proud of myself! I am going to go ahead and begin my reintroduction tomorrow. I will still be here though!


This morning I fried three homemade sausage patties, and topped them with sweet potato rounds that I seasoned with salt, pepper, garlic powder, and a little smoked paprika, then cooked in some coconut oil. It was good, but I was only able to finish two of them! I also had some coffee with coconut milk. Dinner last night was a disaster!! I wanted to roast a couple of chickens. It turns out that my oven takes 4 hours to roast 2 chickens together!!! By the time 7pm came around, I threw something together for my boys and had a hamburger patty with broccoli myself. I did finish cooking the chickens which we will have tonight.


I have to admit, I am nervous about starting the reintro. I have had such an unhealthy relationship with food my whole life, that I am sometimes scared I can't stand up to it on my own. I find now that I WANT to eat more healthy though. And if I adopt a paleo/primal lifestyle, it will still be a good thing for me and my family, just not as restrictive as a W30. And besides, I do know the W30 is always here for me, like a good friend, if I need to get my wheels back on the track! :)


Have a good day my friends, and thank you all again....it really has meant a lot to me. :wub:

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And here you are. Day 30. You have now accomplished something that many would not even consider. I have heard from so many how they refuse to try life without bread, pasta, etc. Now you did it, and you won this time.


Whatever you choose long term, always keep your health in mind now. These 30 days showed you how you could make proper choices. Also remember that you have those kids who are watching you, and learning from you. The same way many of us picked up our unhealthy habits, your kids can now pick up healthy habits.


Best wishes on your reintro. Be sure to follow the schedule so that you will know how specific food groups affect you. Enjoy your precooked dinner; perhaps that will make a more relaxing day 30 since it is just a reheat.

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You guys.....you really are all so awesome!


Dinner is reheating as I type! It smells sooooo good. I definitely plan to follow the reintro schedule ArcheoGator. Although I haven't decided where I want to start. I am more leaning toward dairy, but I also want to know about popcorn or corn tortillas. I will probably save the gluten for last because it will be my biggest challenge with my solid love of pizza. ;)  And, as far as sugar, I really think I could do a Whole365 and still have a sugar dragon, so that will be a lifelong challenge no matter what and I really need to teach myself to make smart choices about it. I feel like I have a good foot forward on that as I am not craving it as much anymore. I think it was more of a psychological dragon anyway.

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Day 31!! I did it!! GO ME! I really want to thank all of you for all the support and time you have given me! It made the difference in my success on this journey. I am going to start a new thread over on the post-W30 thread, as I don't want to post here all the new foods I am re-introducing! I hope to see you over there on occasion! :) Keep up the good work everyone, you guys are all so great and inspirational!

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You totally did it!!  It's exciting and of course you (and I and others) will slip and slide, but I think whatever we do will still be less damaging than what we did before.  One of the things that I'm planning is to really avoid traditional baked goods.  They don't have brakes for me.  Instead, I'll continue trying out paleo baked goods - some are blech, but some are good and they satisfy that desire for something sweet without triggering that weird overeating behavior.  These banana muffins from Rob Wolf are ones I like and my regular friends like as well.  I do add a half teaspoon of salt.



I'll see you over at the post Whole30 blog once I'm done here.


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Thanks for the recipe Emma! I love Robb Wolf. He is hysterical to listen to on his podcast. I am the same way about baked goods myself. I have a different relationship with that because it was something my grandfather and I always did together, so it is a harder habit to break, mentally. I just bought Against All Grain too, and some of the recipes in that are absolutely amazing, although I don't actually know how they taste yet. And I do know we should not get into Paleofying foods, but having recipes like that will allow me to keep some of my traditions that I hold dear, like decorating Christmas cookies, with out having to fall into the SAD trap. I will just make sure I keep track of how often I am starting to do it, so I can make sure it never gets out of hand.


Thanks again everyone! You all rock! :D

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This past December I decided to make some non paleo cookies and it was SO NICE to work with flour and butter and sugar and things that I knew.  The textures and everything were so familiar and so EASY and I loved baking, but it really did turn sour on me when I saw how we behaved around the cookies.  Hopefully this year, I'll learn some new recipes that will keep us more in line with how we want to be eating.  CIAO!!

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