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June 26 start, and I've got avacados!


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I started my Whle30 diet today! I had eggs, mushrooms, onions, and spinach for breakfast and I'll say that I've never stayed this full till lunch. I actually wasn't even hungry but knew it was time to eat. I told my Coworkers that I was on a diet, even though it's more of a eating style change, but at least that got them off my back for not eating with them.


For lunch it was a simple meal of boiled eggs, zucchinni, carrots, and cumcumber. I did find avacados yesterday at the store (very rare for us living in Korea) and now I have to add them to the diet this week. Dinner tonight is a simple chicken broth veggie soup as I'm getting over a cold. I'm sure all these good foods will help me get better quicker too!

Anybody have suggestions what to eat with guacamole without going to nachos? Thanks 

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I started my Whole30 diet today! I had eggs, mushrooms, onions, and spinach for breakfast and I'll say that I've never stayed this full till lunch. I actually wasn't even hungry but knew it was time to eat. I told my Coworkers that I was on a diet, even though it's more of a eating style change, but at least that got them off my back for not eating with them.


For lunch it was a simple meal of boiled eggs, zucchinni, carrots, and cumcumber. I did find avacados yesterday at the store (very rare for us living in Korea) and now I have to add them to the diet this week. Dinner tonight is a simple chicken broth veggie soup as I'm getting over a cold. I'm sure all these good foods will help me get better quicker too!

Anybody have suggestions what to eat with guacamole without going to nachos? Thanks 

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Salad dressing. Scrambled egg topping. Seasoning for chicken fajitas. Mayo substitute for tuna or chicken or egg salad. Dip for crunchy veggies. Topping for hamburgers. Spread for crispy baked sweet potatoes.

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Eat it with vege sticks.


Or spread on top of chicken breast or beef schnitzel and pop under the grill for a few minutes to warm.


Or make nori rolls filled with avocado, chicken or tuna and vege sticks.

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Guest WholeStanley

I don't think  i have ever eaten a meal that wasn't improved by a dollop of guacamole on the side! It's especially tasty with chicken breast or canned tuna, or salmon, or prawns, or mackeral, or cod, or on a beef burger with mushrooms or on top a turkey burger, or with a spicy chocolate chilli...ha I actually can't think of anything that it's not good with!


Have fun with your avocados! I use this recipe for guac and it never lets me down ..http://blogs.babycenter.com/life_and_home/four-seasons-secret-guacamole-ole/

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Hey, I started today, too!  Looks like you are off to a good start, planning ahead and everything  :)  Glad you found a treat at the market.  What are you doing in Korea?


For breakfast, I had leftover steak and sweet potatoes, lunch was grilled chicken breast and zucchini, and dinner looks like some kind of stir fry with green beans, red pepper, and leftover chicken.  I'm thinking about using lime and coconut aminos for zing, but might check out  some websites for better ideas.  


Cleaned out the cupboard yesterday, and am raring to go!  :rolleyes:

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It has been quite a while since I posted anything but I decided I am tired being just a "reader" of posts and not a participant. I plan on posted more frequently. I realized how much this 6/9 group has kept me motivated.  Deb C. has the greatest food ideas and I love the food for the day.  Never knew all of that stuff about cooking eggs - thank you! Dave makes me crack up and has amazing stamina and a great sense of humor.  Many times I have laughed aloud at his comments and my family wants to know why I am laughing at my computer!


Starting last week I noticed I am more energetic and positive which my family loves.  I am not as moody or irritable.  (Granted, I am not teaching right now and that has something to do with it too. :D)  I am full much longer than I used to be but 4-5pm is still hard for me.  At that time of day I am used to baking or eating something that is not so healthy but is quick and instant gratification. This plan is not only planning and eating great food but coming to grips with emotions and how food is used to match emotions. I got a Gear Fit with my Samsung Galaxy 5s Active phone and now I monitor my steps and sleep.  I want to make my 10,000 steps goal each day and the Gear Fit may be like a Dick Tracy watch but it is really helping me get motivated to exercise and my dog really loves the walks.


I made "Best Chicken Recipe Ever" tonight and it was amazing. I got it from www.clothesmakethegirl.com. It is a bit time consuming but so worth it.  Make sure you follow Secret #3 because the dipping sauce is to die for. Last Saturday I made almond green beans and shrimp kabobs from WELL FED.  My husband couldn't eat enough of both.  I asked him if he wanted to know the ingredients and he said "no" but kept on eating. I find I don't really miss a starch at meals except for sandwich bread.


I know people in the forum have talked about whether or not to continue after 30 days and I believe I will make it Whole60.  Summertime is really hard for me to manage my weight and this plan makes me feel so good it doesn't seem wise for me to stop.


I haven't been able to read any posts for 3 days or even get to the Whole30 website.  I hope that is all fixed.


THANK YOU everybody for the great posts and encouragement  and as someone else posted, no whiners - yeah!

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Day 2...feeling confident and already more motivated to do other things simply because of the Whole 30 motivation. I'm a teacher, and summer can easily turn into a mush where I don't get much done. My sister is coming to visit, and we are planning our cooking WOD ;0)

Already looking for the best paleo 4th of July ideas...anyone? Thinking of nomnom paleo's damn fine chicken, and would love to hear what others are doing.

Making my favorite breakfast: skillet sweet potatoes, onions, and sausage (make my own to cut the sugar) with a fresh egg on top. Hungry now...gotta go!

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Ugg...day 3 blah. Energy levels down (read about that) and craving cookies (read about that, too). Ate chicken instead, and am going to the cookbooks to find something amazing for next week...

And welcome, Kristiannarose :0) Glad you are joining us! I love getting the videos and reading all the info, too!

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Made it through day 3, and like you chrisbyran, I was low on energy and craving chocolate. I found a recipe to make avocado chocolate pudding but it involves adding honey. Pretty sure thats a no go. So far my favorite meal has been the Mexicali Chicken skillet meal from the It Starts with Food book. I added lots of bell pepper though and net time will add onions as well.

So yesterday we spent the day out with friends that are leaving Korea in two weeks (btw we are english teachers here in the public school system, going into our 3rd year here). We ate at two restaurants, the first being this new mexican place (so hard to find here) and the last being a korean barbecue place. The mexican place was a bad idea. I had two beef tacos but i forgot to ask for no cheese, but I didn't eat the tortilla. I felt a little bloated the rest of the day. Surprisingly the Korean barbecue was the easiest place to eat. The meal is essentially grilled meat in a lettuce wrap with various sides inside. I had meat, lettuce, onions, both raw and grilled garlic in the wrap. But it was a little dry without the traditional sam-jang sauce, or salty red bean paste (trust me it's amazingly good), So with it being Korea I put kimchi on the wrap instead, and it was great. Kimchi is a great alternative to get those good bacteria in your system without eating sauterkaut. I don't like that stuff but kimchi I can handle. 

So day 3 lunch was a bust, but I will be doing great from now on. Awkward question: Anybody else have diarrhea on day 3 and 4? I don't think it's the little bit of cheese I ate because it happened before that too. If it's lack of probitics then I'm glad I ate all that kimchi yesterday. 

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Hey there! I'm on Day 7 and feeling pretty groovy. Regarding July 4th - I'm gonna do a batch of the ginger line shrimp from Well Fed and these: http://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/Lemongrass-Pork-Patties-with-Vietnamese-Dipping-Sauce-51237010

If you remove the sugar they're still awesome!

Both grill nicely and I'm planning to combine them with some veggies on the grill. I've got friends throwing a grilling party and this way I can bring my own stuff and chillax with some fizzy water :)

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Hey drjeni...thanks for the tips! Both of those ideas look great and would be fun to share. Looks like I might be working at a fireworks stand to help raise $ for a Hatian student instead of doing the BBQ thing...should be fun! So my celebration may be a tad post-poned...

Okay, day 4 was better than day 3... But my sleep schedule is messed up...keep waking up at 1 or 2 am - wide awake. Not much fun, but hopefully just a phase...have to do some more reading.

I've had my sister and her 3 girls visiting his weekend. All kinds of unapproved goodies floating around, but it hasn't been too hard to avoid the candy and other treats, so that's good. They are definitely getting packed up and shipped out with the girls today, though!

Thinking of giving myself a 10 day running challenge - at least a mile everyday for 10 days. Now that I've got the eating back on track, time to get moving more consistently. Training for my 1st 1/2 marathon in Nov. done lots of 3-4 mile races, but never more than that. Some of the gals from the school where I teach are planning on doing it together. It helps when you aren't doing it alone...

...just like here. Keep it up, everyone. Day 5, here we come!

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Okay, family gone, along with all those tempting treats  :)  Made it through day 5 with only a bad case of munchies around 4.  Ate some trail mix with unsweetened cherries, cashews, pistachios and coconut flakes, and made it through.  Also, suspecting the late-night wake-ups are due to the allergy meds I was taking.  I had switched to something new last week, but not continuing if it keeps me up!


Not feeling so blah today, so maybe my body is starting to figure some things out.  

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I didn't leave! I've had a rough couple of days, but I'm proud to say that I have resisted all temptations. Yesterday I was offered caramel candies, a capri sun, and ice cream and I turned them all down. Not because I didn't want it I might add. I have had a craving for chocolate for a while now so my friend made me some banana ice cream, but it's only frozen bananas blended and it has the texture of ice cream. I love it! I made it with blueberries and a little cocoa powder. 

Because I haven't been real shopping since last week I have been cooking on what we have. Yesterday I picked up a rotisserie chicken (I was out of meat at the house) and roasted some cabbage and sweet potatoes. I have to say I really liked the cabbage. I pt olive oil and lemon juice on it with a little salt and pepper. 

After 1 week on this change I like the way I feel, but I'm starting to get burnned out on all the planning. So I think I've decided with the help of my husband, to create days that I will cook one type of meat for dinner. That way I can buy the same meats every week and simply change up the veggies depending on whats in stock. Ex I no longer have avacados. :( Summer is the season for veggies so stocking up on other veggies shouldn't be a problem. 

Hope everyone else is doing great! 

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Glad to hear you are sticking with it!  I understand about the planning piece, but it gets easier with practice - I did this last August, and this time feels a lot easier.  I think I am starting to hit the energy boost part - already feel more alert and motivated.  Two weeks ago, I could barely muster the energy to go downstairs and watch TV.  Sad, sad.  


Still trouble waking up, so it must not have been the allergy meds.  Trying to remember if this happened last time, but it is getting old.  At least I have time in the afternoons to nap if need be!  


Today was an unexpectedly gorgeous day - high of 74 degrees in July.  Hooray! Trying to get a chicken coop built so I can move my 7 chickens out of my garage and into the yard.  The nice weather helps!


I think I want to up my veggie portions - tend to focus on the protein and fat - since this is summer, as you said, veggies should be abundant and taste better than ever. :P

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So I just spent 3 days in the hospital with a colon infection. I had some questionable meat one night and the next day I couldn't keep anything in my body for nutrition absorption. I was extremely dehydrated and in a lot of pain. I was given antibiotics and being in a country that doesn't speak my language I wasn't able to tell or even ask for dietary restrictions when they gave meals. Of course some meals I just skipped altogether because...uggg, hospital food in a another culture! It was bad to say the least. And I'm going on vacation back to the states for two in three weeks. 

So I think I will have to wait to restart my 30 days till after July and maybe August. With the encouragement of my husband we will stilll make Whole9 approved dinners, but I'm paying for school lunches so I might as well finish the month. I'll start a new blog when I start again in August. :)

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I feel ya on planning burnout - that and going to multiple stores to get what I need (meat and veg are easy enough but things like coconut aminos are more challenging!).

I found the hot plates idea from clothesmakethegirl to be really helpful here - esp having a bunch of chopped veggies on hand and ready to throw into something delicious! I'm getting better at throwing things together too, where in my first few days I had a hard time putting my own meals together.

Best of luck on your journey!

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