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Storing bone broth?


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I am trying to regularly incorporate bone broth into my family's diet. I have had some issues with storage, however, and would like to know what works best for some of you.


1) How long does broth keep in the fridge?


2) When freezing, what size containers does everyone find the most efficient? I'm feeling a bit like Goldilocks here - I either have too big or too small quantities.


3) What material? I try to avoid plastic, but have had some jars break in the freezer. I thought I left plenty of room for expansion, but.....


I'd appreciate any thoughts.




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I freeze mine in mason jars, definitely leave at LEAST one inch of space or the jar may break. I'll estimate I've done about 80 litres in the last 3 months and only had one jar break. I thought I'd left enough space but it expanded straight up through the middle as it froze so had a cracked one.

I don't personally leave mine in the fridge but my sister does and she says it lasts about a week. You'll know if it's gone off, it'll smell awful.

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When I put mine in the fridge I put it in mason jars while it is still hot and that kind of creates a seal with the canning lid. I've had mine last a pretty long time that way.


You can also freeze some in ice cube trays or muffin tins and then transfer to another freezer safe container to get smaller portions for different things.

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Also, look for Ball freezer jars in the canning/preserving section of your local hardware store.  They come in 1-Cup; 2-Cup and 1-quart sizes.  They're a rigid plastic with screw-top lids.  They work great for freezing broth in recipe-ready quantities.  

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I know some people don't like plastic, but just for maximizing storage space and ease of use, my favorite way to store broth is, once it's cooled, to measure out one and two cup servings in quart size ziploc freezer bags and lay them flat to freeze. I label each bag with type of broth, date, and amount, and once they're frozen,they can be "filed" standing up - I seem to be able to store more this way.

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I can all my stock - it is VERY easy and lasts forever, shelf stable so it doesn't take up any freezer space, doesn't cost to store it, and you don't have to worry if you lose power.  You need a pressure canner but once you get one you will use it for all sorts of things!!!

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I also use Mason jars in the fridge and freezer. In the fridge mine lasts over a week. Maybe that's not perfectly safe but it seems ok.

I agree with Bethany--if you put the canning lid on when it's hot it seems to create somewhat of a seal that pops when you open it.

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Fido jars are more airtight than Mason/Ball jars so if you can find those you may get a little more time in the fridge. Sometimes it goes off really quickly and other times it seems to last for longer--probably related to how quickly you bring the temp down and get the broth/stock in the fridge. Another trick--if you are getting short on storage--is to cook the stock down to a smaller volume and then add water when you use it.

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