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I'm still getting hungry at 4 pm. I don't eat breakfast within a half hour of getting up because I get up at 5 with my son. Is that terrible? I usually eat at 7 or 8 am, 12, and dinner is at 6. Hard to stay full that long.

I'd add an extra mini-meal in the morning when you get up with your son, and have something at 8, 12 and dinner at 6 :) You're still hungry at 4pm, so I think you need a little more food.



Ideally if I see benefit in doing another Whole30 I'd probably do all the end of W30 stuff over the course of a week or 2, then pick up again - maybe for another 30 days?


Does anyone have an opinion on this theory?



I think I'm currently obsessed with prosciutto because I found a brand with only 2 ingredients - pork & salt, and it's delicious! It's a little $$$'y but it's compliant and versatile!



Not keen to have any more of the medicine so if the coughing continues, I'll be off to the doctor to find out what could be triggering it and what home made remedies there might be.


leaC - I think the time to extend the Whole30 is when you don't really want to stop to do reintroductions (either feeling so good or think you need more time for habits or health). 

leaC - I am mad for prosciutto too! It satisfies that bacon-ish flavour :) If you can find it, the Bertocchi Porchetta is at the other end of the scale, much wetter (and much bigger packets!), needs more cooking, but oh so tasty!


leaC - Ginger and Peppermint tea work for some people, usually the stronger the better. Some folks have great success with fresh ground black pepper in tea, others it makes cough. In your cooking, garlic, onions and chilli may help, if your throat can handle them :) Some coughs are triggered by sinus, in which case steam might be your best bet :) Hope you feel better soon! 

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I just got back from a 3 day trip to Toronto to visit family that we didn't get to see over the Christmas break.


Thankfully, my mother was all on board to accommodate my new diet.  We cooked together and had a great time!

My mother in law....totally different story.  I was a major burden and an insult to her because I didn't eat ANYTHING she prepared.  Good thing I saw that coming, because mom and I prepared extra food for me to take with me.  (Which only ticked off the mother in law even more)


I made it home, and don't need to start over!  WOOT!

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Hey Dem ( I still can't make the quote function work on this thing) congrats on your pregnancy! I'm sure you've got things figured out, but just one thought with the less than healthy cravings (I have six kids so I can relate to the pregnancy thing)... My last two pregnancies I figured out that regular exercise would help me a ton to actually want meat and veggies. I'm sure this isn't news for you, but hey-it took me 4 kids to figure it out so I thought I'd mention it :) Just in case it's helpful.

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I can't believe we're on the downslope!  I just had a big bowl of zucchini soup and a couple of tuna cakes for breakfast. 


This is a little OT, but does anyone have any ideas about how to treat/prevent upper back pain?  I have a pain right at the base of my neck, between my shoulder blades.  It hurts to look up or down.  It loosens up over the day, but at night it stiffens up again.  I think my pillow is partially to blame.  Has anyone dealt with this before?


I'm going to make butternut squash soup today with all the bone broth I've been hording.  :)  Hopefully I'll get a chance to make it to the gym, too.

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This is a little OT, but does anyone have any ideas about how to treat/prevent upper back pain?  I have a pain right at the base of my neck, between my shoulder blades.  It hurts to look up or down.  It loosens up over the day, but at night it stiffens up again.  I think my pillow is partially to blame.  Has anyone dealt with this before?


Do you foam roll and/or do mobility work?


The god KStar:


Generic foam-rolling reference:


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DAY 19: Yay!!!! This is the furthest I've ever got with the whole 30!!!! And, you know what? I really truly think I can do the full 30 days this time. I'm feeling great, the cravings have all gone and I've got plenty of energy for life in general (including my two kids!!!) and my exercise on top (3 runs/wk, 1-2 swims/wk, 1 x kbx/wk and lots of walking/hiking). I've been a tad stressed out for the passed few days because I'm waiting for a response from my University application (I'm hoping to go back to full time studying at the 'mature' age of 42!)....usually this type of stress would see me hitting the wine, pasta, chocolate and any other comfort food/drink I could get my hands on. But, I've simply not done it....I've taken long hot baths, gone for long hikes, read trashy novels in bed.....anything other than mindless comfort eating. Feeling good!!!

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I was still hungry last night after 2 servings of dinner, so I went to bed.  I'm starving today so am having extra servings of fat in my lunch: ghee, olive oil, avocado and pork fat.  I'll either be ill or satisfied :)  

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Wow it's day 19! Woohoo!


I haven't been online for the past couple days due to a local music festival that offered loads of fun, jams, workshops, shows, friends old and new, no sleep and tons of food and drink temptations. I had about a total of 8 hours sleep the whole weekend - got caught up last night with 9.5 hours. Feel so rested now.... sometimes good solid FUN offers such an uplift, nourishing soul and body, I don't need as much sleep. 


There was one point throughout weekend when I thought I might have to call it a day foodwise though - raise my white flag and eat one of those steaming homemade waffles from the stack at an all-night jam - it was around 2 a.m. 

The host then walked in with a huge tray of homemade blackberry and whiskey bread pudding. I literally had to swallow several times to keep from drooling. And inhaled deeply over and over again enjoying the sweet aromas. 

What stopped me was a calm and quiet reminder to myself that if I ate any of this I would: 1. Feel terrible the next day - bloaty, gassy, tired, foggy headed and 2. Feel terrible the next day for failing my Whole 30 when I've been so gung ho about it. 


I also really really wanted a beer or just a little wine. Just a 1/4 cup. Instead, I made my own drink with sparkling water and lime. Also had several virgin hot toddy's without the honey - aka hot lemon and water.


Sunday morning we went out to brunch to a place famous for its French Toast and steamy hot meaty, cheesy sandwiches. This is after about four hours sleep so Thank GODDESS we can have coffee on Whole30. I ordered a breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon and grits. I asked them to replace the grits with salad. It was very good with a touch of tabasco on all of it.


This morning I'm enjoying all of your posts and am SO glad to have stayed on track! I had several dreams throughout weekend of falling off track. Last night I dreamed I tried two different kinds of cheeses and really enjoyed it until I realized I had thrown my Whole 30 program right out the window. Actually woke up feeling a lump in my throat about it and then realized it was a dream and the sadness morphed into a biiiiiig smile! 


Sunsoakeddreamer - I don't know if eating ONE chip entails a start over for your hubby. It's about listening to your body right? If your husband had an evening of chip gluttony then yes, start over. But ONE chip with a bunch of guys drinking beer and eating chips? I think that merits a pat on the back rather than a I've failed and have to start over now. Just sayin'.

Aso re Yoga with Adrienne - I LOVE her videos! Was following them for a while but then life took a turn into some busy days and been meaning to get back ever since. I will check out her morning yoga vids. 


SuzeEG WOW that's wonderful to hear no inhaler! Yaaay! 
mumontherun - you GO girl!
To all who are considering extending Whole 30, I too am extending - but into the KetwhOle30 forum as I will be reintroducing homemade yoghurt (yay!) on my docs recommendation for SIBO issues. My gut feels better without the fruit, but I've been experiencing quite a bit of diarrhea now and last night some really loud growls. Drinking tons of h2o - this morning it seems a little better. Am cutting out nuts too except for walnuts and almonds in salads. 
Thanks for putting up with this hellalong post. Good to be back! xoxb



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SandyM, whole30 was on Dr Oz a while ago, if that makes it more mainstream and therefore acceptable ;)

Sunflour, to kill cravings for the junk food around me, I read the ingredient list. Weird but it works

Not sure if my mom watches him (kinda hope not, even my husband brings up the fact he had to go before congress to try and defend some of his claims ~ which he couldn't) My mom saw some Today show piece and somehow after hearing someone speak for all of three minutes thinks the information given must be correct. :(

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I think a lot of people have this skin condition, I know I've always had a bit of 'chicken skin' on the back of my arms and a little bit on the top half of my legs. I thought it was sort of like ingrown hair folicles, but I've noticed a LOT of people have it - mainly women! It's funny you should mention yours seems to clearing up! As I mentioned earlier, my skin now seems softer etc and I've always suffered from dry skin with that bumpy business in chicken skin areas. Now it seems less 'bumpy'.....totes amaze balls!!!

The more people mention this the more I want my daughter to try the Whole 30...she has had those tiny bumps on her face, arms, legs and torso since she was 5 or 6. She thinks she is ugly because of it (well I guess most 14 year olds think they are not pretty...ugh, hormones!) Hope I can convince her to give it a try :wub:

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Had my first food dream last night. I took a bite of chocolate cookie and then I realized I had blown my whole30. I was glad to wake up from that. I took my lunch with me to town yesterday. The cold mashed sweet potatoes were a little hard to choke down but the cauliflower rice was fine. Next time I might do some of Nom Nom Paleo's tuna patties.

I feel like I've hit the cruise control button with this whole30. Hope everyone is able to take some time today to do some prep work for the upcoming week!

I had my first food dream on Friday...my kids had brought home fudgebars and as I was eating it I mentioned to my husband that there was one for him. Then it hit me that I had just blown it. I remember throwing the fudgebar in the sink ( and a few swear words) then I woke up....phew!

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The more people mention this the more I want my daughter to try the Whole 30...she has had those tiny bumps on her face, arms, legs and torso since she was 5 or 6. She thinks she is ugly because of it (well I guess most 14 year olds think they are not pretty...ugh, hormones!) Hope I can convince her to give it a try :wub:

Keratosis Pilaris has no definitive cause or treatment but it has been linked with both casein and gluten sensitivities. And as we Whole30 folk know, the food we eat has a hand in just about everything our bodies do, so.........................

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Keratosis Pilaris has no definitive cause or treatment but it has been linked with both casein and gluten sensitivities. And as we Whole30 folk know, the food we eat has a hand in just about everything our bodies do, so.........................

I'm trying to explain some of that to my daughter...who for most of her life has been super easy...not so much anymore. When do teenagers go back to normal???? :huh:

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I'm trying to explain some of that to my daughter...who for most of her life has been super easy...not so much anymore. When do teenagers go back to normal???? :huh:

Haha, most of what kids complain about (skin conditions, excess weight/roundness etc) is all solved by the diet that they are unwilling to change. Hmmmm......not so different from a lot of adults!  LOL!

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Still trying to catch up on posts since we went out of town this weekend...I am happy to report we (hubby and I) stayed 100% on plan! I have to admit I was really worried it would be hard but we packed everything we needed and had no troubles. I think this is of the easiest lifestyle changes I have made...I don't know that I am seeing or feeling big changes yet. But I figure if I keep plugging away, eventually it will all become habit and I will notice the changes. Hopefully when I am allowed to start exercising I will feel bigger changes.

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Bronnyd, are you 100% sure you are ok with almonds? They give me tummy troubles like nothing else, so may well be worth cutting them out for a while if you are eliminating all other nuts.

I had my first food dream for this whole30 last night, I dreamed that plantains were in season and I bought out the whole shop, and then txt my friend the good news lol

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I'm a teacher and when I get home from school I usually have an hour or two before my husband gets home.....it is during this time that I have a habit of binging b/c no one is home to see me. Shameful and unhealthy I know. During the W30, I have found myself far away from the kitchen, in my bedroom trying on and coordinating my outfit for tomorrow. This serves two purposes, first it keeps me away from temptation and two it helps me feel better the next day knowing that I put extra attention to making sure I look my best. These types of coping strategies are going to be my ticket to success......being honest with myself, aware of my weaknesses, stressors, etc and learning alternate activities. Retraining myself. Looking forward to getting my first W30 in the books!

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Leahcarn re almonds - yes I've never had a reaction to almonds, just cashews and pistachios. I buy almonds raw, unsalted, soak them in salt water for 10 hours, then slow roast them for another 24 hours with oven at 200. They are wonderful snacks, but I have to watch munching them too much. 


I'm still learning about SIBO and in research have found that nuts that have been already roasted and salted may contain SIBO "illegals" in them from the roasting process, which explains the cashew and pistachio sensitivities. But I've always roasted my own almonds and that also explains why I don't have any reaction to them. 


Slow roasted nuts are way better for us and also taste awesome. I also roast filberts (hazel nuts) the same way. 

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Day 18. The day just got away from me. Oldest son came home from school and cleaned out the fridge, so my whole 30 back up plans gone. Husband came home from trip. Anyway, I stayed whole30 but again ate pretty weird. For dinner I went to subway and had a double chicken salad with vinegar. Who ever mentioned that in one of their post, thank you!

Day 19. Oldest son back at school called to ask what all the YELLOW MEMO stickers with "W30" ment. I told him all that food is good for all your friends that have food allergies. So apparently I fed quite a lot of kids on his dorm floor because he also raided the freezer and took home made lasagna, pre- made venison burgers and an apple crisp. Today after work made more W30 back up food. I even made the "Well Fed" mayo. To my surprise it turned out very nicely, and taste good.

M1, fried cinnamon apples and 3 eggs. That's my favorite breakfast.

M2, ham and celery and carrots raw

M3, cinnamon beef stew, carrots & celery

No snacking today.

Have a great night/day!!

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leaC - I think the time to extend the Whole30 is when you don't really want to stop to do reintroductions (either feeling so good or think you need more time for habits or health). 


leaC - Ginger and Peppermint tea work for some people, usually the stronger the better. Some folks have great success with fresh ground black pepper in tea, others it makes cough. In your cooking, garlic, onions and chilli may help, if your throat can handle them :) Some coughs are triggered by sinus, in which case steam might be your best bet :) Hope you feel better soon! 


Hi praxisproject, thanks yet again for great feedback! I was quite desperate again today (coughing my lungs up), so I stopped at the chemist and asked what they had that was 'natural' - needless to say I walked away with something really toxic + some saline nasal spray.


Have decided to give the saline nasal spray a go and took your advice and googled 'teas to help coughs'. I've just had a small glass of diluted apple cider vinegar (I could get used to it, weirdly), and a concoction which is supposed to be ginger tea. I didn't have fresh ginger so steeped minced ginger from a jar in boiling water and let sit till it cooled (also not bad)!


M3 today was an experiment:

Seafood marinara with vegies (marina mix, stir fry vegie mix, chopped onion, chicken stock, can of chopped tomatoes, 2 tablespoons of tomato paste, garlic, fish sauce, tobacco sauce, coconut milk)

AND Konjac (Slim) Noodles.


I have been contemplating whether Konjac noodles might be W30 compliant, but after re-reading the ingredient list (konjac root flour, water, calcium hydroxide), I thought I might be on a winner. I googled calcium hydroxide which is basically  lime mixed with water. It's used to keep the noodles from breaking apart. It sooounds OK, hope I'm not sabotaging my W30 by eating this versatile noodle...after all - konjac is a vegetable?!


Well, tomrrow will be day 21 (3 weeks) - wow....I've never gone this long without a glass of wine. Cheers to that! xx

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Hey Dem ( I still can't make the quote function work on this thing) congrats on your pregnancy! I'm sure you've got things figured out, but just one thought with the less than healthy cravings (I have six kids so I can relate to the pregnancy thing)... My last two pregnancies I figured out that regular exercise would help me a ton to actually want meat and veggies. I'm sure this isn't news for you, but hey-it took me 4 kids to figure it out so I thought I'd mention it :) Just in case it's helpful.

Thank you stravajunkie! And I appreciate the tip about exercise!

Yesterday I tried playing with my mealtimes. Not sure if it was the timing or pregnancy hormones but I had some trouble sticking to the template. I ate m1 at 6:15 and really piled on the fat. I had steak, 3 PC bacon, salad with avocado, sweet potato with ghee. I couldn't finish the steak or sweet potato. M2 was at about 11:15. I had chicken cabbage salsa stir fry, avocado, and butternut squash. And grapes. The squash went down much easier than the sweet potato. Then at 3 I was trying to get the twins ready for our walk when I realized I was hungry again. I had two handfuls of cashews t still felt kind of lightheaded on the walk. Got home and ate a small bowl of roasted veggie soup and a chicken thigh. I was aiming for a mini meal. Then I kind of snacked on hard boiled egg yolks (gave the whites to the kids who don't like yolks). Then when everyone else was eating dinner I really didn't feel like eating but an hour later I was starving so I had some cauliflower rice and two boneless chicken thighs. Hoping I can get into a better routine so I can actually eat dinner with the family.

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hello everyone!


Beginning day 17 for me....I survived the weekend. Was able to get out for a good ride on Sunday.


I don't remember the last 3 days exactly, but yesterday was:


M1 an avocado with salsa

M2 3 large bowls of beef stew (ended up being too much, but I was STARVING at the beginning of the meal)

M3 3 bananas and a palm sized piece of sausage.


I realize these meals are going to elicit some rolled eyes from the moderators! This is what I've been thinking lately: I'm going to make it to 30 days this time. I'm starting to get in a groove, it's not SO hard to just get up from the table and do something other than munch on sweet stuff after dinner, I don't walk in the house after a long day and go straight to the kitchen to get a treat to relax with, I drink black coffee when I go out for coffee with friends...I'm slowly getting the hang of the habits that support better eating. I also deal with an incredibly stressful life right now, and I am what my friends call "a recovering perfectionist". SO-beating myself up for my far from perfect template meals is counter productive right now. I think I can only adapt to so many changes at once.


BUT-I am really intrigued by the idea of fat adaption, and I want to move further in that direction, especially in regard to endurance activities. So the more I think about it the more I want to do a second W30, immediately following this one, and REALLY focus on dialing in the balance of each meal (shoot for at least an 80/20) and figuring out pre/post workout meal/snacks.


Best of luck today, everyone!

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