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Dirty Thirty "Roundup and Ride"!


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Happy Friday Everyone! I want to say ladies but then I'm sure that day will be the day dcducks stops by. haha


Kelli I'm so sorry you had a rough night. But guess what? Today a new day. Tomorrow will be one too. It will be a blank slate for you to take what you've learned and do a little better. Don't be too hard on yourself. We all hit bumps in the road, just have to stand back up and dust yourself off and keep moving forward.


Rome wasn't built in a day eh? A lifetime of good clean healthy eating after the years of not so great eating is an adjustment. On the bright side, 3 pieces of chocolate is not a loaf of french bread with butter or a pint of ice cream or a whole bag of chips. (Been there, done that) 


MeadowLily, MeGA and jmcbn are posting powerhouses. Great words! 


I came home last night to my cowboy surprising me with a portable a/c unit. He's so sweet. He said "now you can cook, bead, clean, sew, basically whatever you want." I guess he really was listening to me complain about not wanting to clean the house bc it was so hot in there. Monsoon season is supposed to be starting early but so far no rain. Hoping to get some soon and then I won't even need the cooler. I was just telling myself "just have to get through June". lol


SO I'll be home this weekend beading and sewing and cleaning and prepping next weeks food. Yay! After a few early morning hikes with my pup and our hiking buddies. 


SpinSpin - I totally feel you on the craft bags. I have 4 packed up and ready to go depending on what I want to work on. I haven't been working on much though. I take a bag with me everywhere. I'm so productive at my cowboy's ropings and rodeos but when we're at the ranch I just want to be outside with the horses. 

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Aww SpinSpin and LissFish

Yes been there done that


Oh LissFish your Cowboys a doll Go girl you enjoy the weekend

It gotta learn to pack a craft bag I just am so not used to focusing unless I'm actually in my sewing room

For those projects When I'm out I just kinda veg and take everything in

Meadows blowin up the house getting ready for the guesties

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Evening y'all. :)

There are always such great words when I pop in here. Thank you all.

Well tomorrow is my first challenge. But I'm ready! We are going to an outdoor concert/charity event tomorrow night. (It's an annual thing for us). But I have prepared a spectacular menu to keep us away from the food vendors and on plan. Bring it! :D

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Kelli -- I have a Breeze 2 meter that I like really well -- have had it for 5 years now. I also have a Contour USB but I haven't started using it yet, because I filled the test strips for the Breeze when I got it and I had 6 months worth of test strips and I didn't just want to chuck them! They are both by Bayer. The meters themselves are not that expensive (relatively) it is the strips that can be expensive. Some meters do come with a sample pack of strips to get you going, and i would see if you dr could give you a prescription for the strips.  

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Howdy Pardners.  It's been hot and dusty out there on the Chisholm Trail.   Don't you think it's about time we headed over to the Old Faithful Inn  Bear Pit  Lounge for a Sarsaparilla Kombucha?   Booch with the bears. 


I heard there's a good lounge lizard over there cranking out some tunes.  They said his name was Blake and a gal named Miranda is lounging on top of the rustic piano. Let's saddle up and head on over there, Cowgirls.  


I want to watch Old Faithful once again.  We'll drink our icy Booch out on the balcony.  Let's go!  It's going to be plummy. 

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