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Dirty Thirty "Roundup and Ride"!


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Lady Shanny, jmcbn 


I've noticed individuals are weighing themselves...daily, on their Whole 30 logs.  Others eat in some fashion that is not compliant but a mystery.  I understand that post logs are wide open and not moderated.   Do you give any nudges on the logs when they're dieting and not doing a Whole 30?

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MeadowLily is dropping bombs... truth bombs that is! You go lady! We hear you roar! 


SpinSpin thank you for sharing your story. I am also sorry you had to go through that. My Grandmother lost one leg from the knee down and passed from a complication with dialysis. I worry for my father every day bc he is a binger. It used to be alcohol but he went to AA. Now its food. The downside to being thousands of miles away is I can't do much more than send him links to w30. I'm hoping that by completing this 60-90-120-life that he will see that it works. I'm just a borderliner but that was enough to scare me to w30 and I'm so glad it did. 


Kelli those Rx bars might be the difference in the weight loss issue. But everyone is right. It's not a diet or a weight loss program. I have to keep reminding myself that as well. I have a wedding to go to in Mexico and I'm trying to calculate how much weight I can lose by then. I had to mentally shake myself and remind myself that isn't why I'm eating the way I am. 


MeGa - Naming isn't like a christening. I was raised Catholic and completed the 3 Sacraments as well. It happened during our longest ceremony of the year. The name is chosen by the Clan Mothers. There were about 10 others, of all ages, that received their name as well. That's pretty much it. 

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Of course -- do you snack every night before bed?


Spin I did not snack before bed as a matter of routine until I started MRC... they had me drink a protein shake with amond milk. These low blood sugars so often are kind of new to me... don't get me wrong I have hypoglycemia but lately has been worse for me.

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Diabetic Neuropathy Prevention


"What I usually find is surprising: Their diet is predominantly refined carbohydrates. These processed, high glycemic load foods are one of the driving reasons they are diabetic in the first place!


Instead of removing the driving factor that causes illness (the foods they eat), most patients simply rely on their prescribed medication. This lulls patients into a false sense of security. They think their illness is being effectively treated and there is nothing more to worry about. But this isn't the case. Diabetics who take medication but don't change their diet could still be damaging their bodies.

Think of it this way. Each time a diabetic consumes carbs, their sugar levels rise above normal. When this happens they may suffer glycation damage--the damage sugar causes to microscopic blood vessels. This leads to the degeneration of nerves that are fed by these microscopic blood vessels. Hence diabetic neuropathy.


Fasting blood sugar levels miss these events, because after an eight-hour fast we find that many diabetics' blood sugar levels normalize. A1C levels may also miss these spikes, because they take an average of blood sugar levels over time--they do not identify what happens on a day-to-day basis with blood sugar.

As a result many supposedly "well-controlled" diabetics still develop neuropathy, and other diabetic complications that can be prevented. "

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Kelli you'll work it out I'm sure of it You are smart and seeking answers to get feeling better you're off to a great life ahead

LissFish :) Thanks for explaining that to me it's a nice tradition with good memories I too was raised Catholic etc Faith and Tradition keep us stable and hopeful

GAgal you're in the right corale We will keep you

Safe and when the horses come by we will be right there riding along with you

Jmcbn will set us up with the gear and we'll follow Meadow and SpinSpin they know how to get there Anyone else needs a ride Dream?? Ive never ridden a real horse have you??

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"Imagine living with the haunting possibility that one day, you may lose all feeling in your feet and that this lost sensation could ultimately lead to ulceration, infection, and even amputation of your unsalvageable limbs. This grim but very real condition is called diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN), and according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease 60-70 percent of diabetics suffer some kind of nerve damage.


That means as the number of type 2 diabetics continues to spiral out of control, we are facing a growing population suffering from pedal disasters like these. What's tragic is that with all we now know about diabetes, many of these conditions are preventable and largely reversible when they do occur.


To help you prevent DPN or reverse the damage if you are already suffering, in today's blog I will review some of the issues that lead to the onset of the condition and outline some simple dietary measures and supplements you can take to properly support your feet and reverse the damage.


Sadly, these conditions typically begin with one major medical assumption: Diabetes can be controlled by medicine alone.


Controlling Diabetes with Medication: Can it Be Done?

In my opinion, one of the biggest misconceptions in modern medicine is the assumption that diabetes can be controlled by medication alone. The truth is that it simply can't be. Somehow our culture has developed this fantasy that people can eat anything they want, do no exercise, and any health complications will be resolved with a few pills or injections. Nothing could be further from the truth.


On the surface it may appear that diabetes can be successfully treated with pharmaceuticals. Fasting blood sugar and hemoglobin A1C levels both seem to improve. And while these are important indicators, looking at these tests in isolation from the larger picture of a person's diet and lifestyle can be misleading. Here's why.


Fasting blood sugar tests are a snapshot of your sugar levels in the present moment under controlled conditions (an eight hour fast). They do not accurately identify what happens to your blood sugar over time. Hemoglobin A1C tests, on the other hand, take an average of your glycated hemoglobin levels over a three-month period (which is the life span of the red blood cell). This provides a long-term portrait of blood sugar levels. The problem is that a lot happens with blood sugar in between.


I typically have patients with DPN keep a food journal to get a more accurate assessment of their daily diet. What I usually find is surprising: Their diet is predominantly refined carbohydrates. These processed, high glycemic load foods are one of the driving reasons they are diabetic in the first place!


Instead of removing the driving factor that causes illness (the foods they eat), most patients simply rely on their prescribed medication. This lulls patients into a false sense of security. They think their illness is being effectively treated and there is nothing more to worry about. But this isn't the case. Diabetics who take medication but don't change their diet could still be damaging their bodies.


Think of it this way. Each time a diabetic consumes carbs, their sugar levels rise above normal. When this happens they may suffer glycation damage--the damage sugar causes to microscopic blood vessels. This leads to the degeneration of nerves that are fed by these microscopic blood vessels. Hence diabetic neuropathy.


Fasting blood sugar levels miss these events, because after an eight-hour fast we find that many diabetics' blood sugar levels normalize. A1C levels may also miss these spikes, because they take an average of blood sugar levels over time--they do not identify what happens on a day-to-day basis with blood sugar.


As a result many supposedly "well-controlled" diabetics still develop neuropathy, and other diabetic complications that can be prevented. 

So what can a diabetic patient do to ward off or reverse neuropathy?

Healing Your Feet (and the Rest of Your Body) When You Are Diabetic

First and foremost, every diabetic must become his or her own best health advocate. Take your medications as prescribed, but also learn what it takes to eat healthfully. This is the most important step you can take if you want to prevent or reverse DPN and all of the complications that come along with it.


A diet containing 70 percent carbohydrates--most of them from refined sugars such as white sugar, white flour, and white rice--will not support good health but it will support diabetic complications.

If you have diabetes, you need to change your diet. Here is what you should be eating:


Protein. Approximately 40 percent of your diet should be lean, healthy protein. Examples include fish (ideally small and wild-caught) and lean, grass-fed chicken, beef, lamb, or pork. 


Fat. Approximately 30 percent of your diet should be fat. Use healthy forms of fat to cook with like olive oil and add nuts and seeds into your diet as your primary snacks.


Carbs. No more than 30 percent of your diet should be carbohydrates, and you need to focus on fruits, vegetables. Avoid processed carbs,  fruits, fruit juices, sweetened beverages, alcohol, and baked goods.


Organic. Consuming organic foods lessens the toxic load in your body and makes for a more efficient immune system.


Eating a healthy balanced diet like this will reduce the need for medications and, in many cases, may eliminate the need for them altogether. Normalizing your diet and preventing high sugar peaks minimizes glycation damage and gives your body a chance to heal the damage that has already occurred.


Next let's look at how you can use supplements to protect vital nerve and vascular tissue. Notice that they are called supplements because they are intended to supplement a healthy diet. They are not intended to replace a healthy diet. The first step is to change your diet. Then add the supplements.

There are many different types of supplements that can be used to help protect nerves and repair the damage done by DPN. Today I want to focus on the ones I most commonly prescribe, but you should be aware that supplement protocols are very patient specific, and your needs may be somewhat different. The following are a good starting point for most people:


• Alpha lipoic acid. This fat and water soluble antioxidant can protect nerve cells from further damage and assist in the repair of damaged nerve cells. A trained and qualified health care professional should determine the dosage that is right for you. In most cases, you will start with 300mg with each meal.


L-arginine. This important amino acid improves blood flow, an important step in repairing nerve damage. A dose of 250 mg three times daily is the starting dose. Note that patients with a history of Herpes should not take this amino acid as it has been implicated in an increase in outbreaks.


Omega-3s and omega-6s. Since nerve cells depend on fat for repair and healthy function, supplementing with these important fats can create great imrpovements in DPN.

A blood test is often used to examine RBC levels of these fats to determine specific needs. Since both omega 3's and 6's need to be in ideal balance in DPN, it is best to determine actual blood cell levels for optimum dosing.


B vitamins. Taking a balanced B complex may help with symptoms of peripheral neuropathy. Make sure the B complex has what we call synergistic levels of B vitamins (not just every B vitamin in the same dose), and that it has adequate levels of folate in it (400 mcg).


Vitamin B12 can also be given by injection weekly, and this will increase your levels more rapidly if they are not improving orally.


Note that high levels of B6 may worsen symptoms over time. So be careful not to take too much. On the other hand benfotiamine, another important B-vitamin derivative has proven helpful in many cases of DPN .


Remember that drinking alcohol can block how your body uses thiamine, folate, and vitamin B12, and can only worsen symptoms of neuropathy. So stay away.


Clearly, the best treatment for neuropathy is prevention. However, once DPN manifests, there are ways you can reverse it if you become educated and pro-active. Use the steps in this blog and do more research on your own so you can take the necessary steps to prevent diabetic foot disasters like these."


Robert Kornfeld, DPM

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We're not trying to scare the h.e.l.l. out of anyone but if that's what it takes....so be it.   If one person stops and sets their will, by an act of your will....chooses with all of their heart to get off of this nightmare fueled merry-go-round...our job here has been worth it. 


I don't want any of you to head down this road. 

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I am trying to read posts but I'm having difficulty focusing/concentrating. 


Not sure what day I am on - maybe in the 40's.  As usual, I am not following the "spirit" of the whole 30.  No nuts/nut butter/bars/dried fruit but I am eating too much regular fruit and I'm eating between meals (when my body is not hungry).   Today my goal is no fruit and only 3 meals - so far I am on track.


Meadow - I think you are the only one left from our original Dirty 30 group.  You've been here with me the entire time I've written about Steve's stem cell transplant journey.  Last week Steve started to experience great difficulty walking. Originally, doctor thought he had sciatica but Steve did not respond well to muscle relaxers/ pain meds.  Yesterday Steve has a MRI of his spine/lumber.  The results are in and we are anxiously waiting for his doctor's call with the results. Steve also has graft vs. host disease of the liver. 


I keep typing and deleting.  I'll be back and I will continue my journey of health with all of you.

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I am trying to read posts but I'm having difficulty focusing/concentrating. 


Not sure what day I am on - maybe in the 40's.  As usual, I am not following the "spirit" of the whole 30.  No nuts/nut butter/bars/dried fruit but I am eating too much regular fruit and I'm eating between meals (when my body is not hungry).   Today my goal is no fruit and only 3 meals - so far I am on track.


Meadow - I think you are the only one left from our original Dirty 30 group.  You've been here with me the entire time I've written about Steve's stem cell transplant journey.  Last week Steve started to experience great difficulty walking. Originally, doctor thought he had sciatica but Steve did not respond well to muscle relaxers/ pain meds.  Yesterday Steve has a MRI of his spine/lumber.  The results are in and we are anxiously waiting for his doctor's call with the results. Steve also has graft vs. host disease of the liver. 


I keep typing and deleting.  I'll be back and I will continue my journey of health with all of you.

I'm so glad you've stopped by today.  We'll all keep praying for Steve and you, daughter and all of your loved ones.  Keep us posted and let us know.   

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MegaG will give them a powerful rocket booster, Laurie.  She's equipped with prayer after-burners.  They shoot straight to the moon, bounce off the sun, head straight as an arrow through all of the stars and galaxies for the Main Gates.    We'll begin today.



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Laurie - I prayed for you when I read your message. Kind of sorts everything out when you face a real challenge in life vs the stuff we think is important.


Meadow - thanks for the awesome posts. I need remimders like that. My Mom has DN from knees to toes and had a sore (Charcot) on her toe that will not heal. Suspect it is due to uncontrolled blood sugars. I am afraid of ending up like that too. Not to mention my Dad who was a brittle Type I diabetic.


Mega - thanks - I thought you cancelled the staycation due to my poor attitude.

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Aww Kelllliii you do NOT have a poor attitude .. life is all about big challenges small tests and what choices we make in how we handle them

Some choose to live in denial We are strong we face our fears and try to make better choices skip around fall down then have good hearted friends to help dust is off and point us in the right direction!

The staycation is postponed for this subject was of utmost importance today

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Lady Shanny, jmcbn 


I've noticed individuals are weighing themselves...daily, on their Whole 30 logs.  Others eat in some fashion that is not compliant but a mystery.  I understand that post logs are wide open and not moderated.   Do you give any nudges on the logs when they're dieting and not doing a Whole 30?

Meadow I read many, many logs, and when I feel it's appropriate (particularly when it's a newbie) I pass comment and give advice. But seeing as the logs are not technically moderated many choose to ignore the advice because often it's not what they want to hear - even when they've requested it by PM!! The older the log the less I'm inclined to read/comment as I figure if you've been around long enough you should have an inkling about what you're doing by now. Although I know and have seen that sometimes this is not the case.

You should all know though that it's clear from the food logs that many purport to be doing a Whole30 but they're only kidding themselves. Many are stuck in the old calorie restriction, counting & weighing mindset that brought them here in the first place. Many want the gut re-set but can't get their head around the need for a head re-set too. Many are here strictly for weightloss, and on day 31 they go back from whence they came, and celebrate their success on a carb & sugar-fest. They come back a few months later with their tail between their legs promising to do a reintro this time, but when the time for reintro comes it's wham, bam, thank-you ma'am, now take me to my Mountain Dew.

I'd advise anyone reading food logs to not assume that what everyone else is doing is right. If you have any doubt that what you're doing is right then just ask.

If your meals are keeping you satiated for 4-5hrs, if you're not snacking (or when you do it's a mini meal of protein, fats & veg), if you're not having cravings or feeding cravings with fruit, if you not surviving on twigs & sticks then you're on the right path.....


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I am trying to read posts but I'm having difficulty focusing/concentrating. 


Not sure what day I am on - maybe in the 40's.  As usual, I am not following the "spirit" of the whole 30.  No nuts/nut butter/bars/dried fruit but I am eating too much regular fruit and I'm eating between meals (when my body is not hungry).   Today my goal is no fruit and only 3 meals - so far I am on track.


Meadow - I think you are the only one left from our original Dirty 30 group.  You've been here with me the entire time I've written about Steve's stem cell transplant journey.  Last week Steve started to experience great difficulty walking. Originally, doctor thought he had sciatica but Steve did not respond well to muscle relaxers/ pain meds.  Yesterday Steve has a MRI of his spine/lumber.  The results are in and we are anxiously waiting for his doctor's call with the results. Steve also has graft vs. host disease of the liver. 


I keep typing and deleting.  I'll be back and I will continue my journey of health with all of you.

Laurie - so glad to see you posting, and good to see that you're soldiering on in spite of what's going on around you. You and Steve are in my thoughts & prayers. Type & delete all you like, but on occasion do please hit 'post' - we all like to know that you're doing okay....

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