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Wow, where to begin...?

How about goals for this experience which I really do hope and want to change my life.


#heal my body from over training

#bring my mind into a healthy relationship with food again - not an obsession

#heal my gut from using artificial sweeteners and hopefully get my metabolism fired up

#learn to live without 'dessert' - this scares me! - end night-time snacks

#love my body and treat it with more compassion and gentle movement


Day one overview:

went ok. enjoyed the start of the day and through out, but feel I failed in the evening when I learned that coconut products where food with out breaks for me. just enough fat plus sweet, grrr, so I totally overate on the last meal which were egg muffins with zuchinni, grn apple, and coconut flakes. yah, wont be making that again.



had green tea ( in place of pre-work out supp which btw have been doing me no good)  had another cup just to get out the door

>trail run/hike, kinda lame for a work out as far as zero intensity but that's ok

PWO plaintain, zucchini, egg, eggwhite

Meal 1 sardines, olives, baby greens, hb egg

Meal 2 ahi, avo, greens

Meal 3 went way over: 5 egg muffins, coconut cream and some coconut butter....yah

good thing we aren't supposed to weigh our selves bc this morning (day 2) I would have suffered mentally from the supposedly powerful piece of metal on my bathroom floor!


Day two - in progress -

got dressed to walk or do yoga at the park. didnt happen.

Meal 1 three egg muffins, decaf with coconut cream, very small banana


right now I'm hungry...

do plan/ hope to at least do some yin yoga, tomorrow I'll hit legs and Sat is another trail run.

i'm up about 9 lbs since my last contest and didn't lean out enough to do well then because my body was under so much stress. i am also aware of how emotional stress, mental, etc play into the over all stress load and the promise of fixing my diet to help out

in these other areas sounds great to me!!!


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Hey Celestial!


It doesn't really look like you're eating enough darling!


Yesterday you did great with a Pwo, but your whole day has almost no vegetables... greens don't really count toward any meaningful consumption unless you're eating a veritable wheelbarrow full at every meal!


Have you had a look at the meal template linked below?  You'll find you do much better on this journey if you're making your meals to match the template... 1-2 palms of protein, 1-3 cups of vegetables and added fat at EACH meal.

Eggs, when your sole source of protein are as many as you can hold in one hand without dropping... for most people that's 3-4...

Try making your meals according to the template and getting you between 4 and 5 hours between and report back.  


And ya, ditch the coconut butter unless you're having it on top of a sweet potato... 

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End of Day 2 - harder but better


I have to journal some of this mental psychobabble bc I know I’m not the only woman out there that struggles and wants to have food freedom.

Just ate 1/2 small green apple and I just came to life again! I was drowning and thinking of making this or that or the other for dinner, then realizing I would have zero energy to make beautiful food by the time I was able to. Have school open houses to go to and figured dinner would be after, like around 7. I didn’t want to consume any food bc it wasn’t “time” to eat. That comes from competing and spacing meals so regimented around work outs. You know, fasted cardio or weights (I’ve been working out on nothing but a little caffeine (plus other pre-wko ingredients) and maybe half a scoop of protein then going until 9 AM to eat a little meal, then 11, 2, 4, 7, 10…) Then thinking of how I am going to have a good gym day tomorrow with a friend when I can’t boost my energy pre and what on earth to do after since it will be hours from the time I’m un until when I’m home….

Ok - breathe~ and are there any paleo yogi’s out there bc I feel my life slowing down where I can do more outside exercise and yoga…I was just plant-strong for the past month, being so sick of meat and wanting to do what was in my heart…how will I not get sick of animal protein???  

Maybe I should take a step back and do a vegetarian whole 30? But I WANT, no I NEED the benefits of healing my whole body. Joint stiffness is a big one, then I need to drop back to a comfy weight for my body size….

Ok, off to Jr and Sr high orientations, then home to cook grass fed/finished gr. beef. wow.

Also: coconut does not give me energy like avocado does. I think almonds might be a good satiating fat, but I’m worried that I’ll over eat (like I’ve been doing on coconut) and have said in the past “nuts are not my friends!” well, what if I just use Avocado???


>Snack 4 egg muffins with tea and coconut cream (now they are gone, I'll be making just fritatta or crustless quiches next time)


>strong matcha wtih coconut milk (had headache almost all day, finally let up after the caffeine)


>snack reluctantly but happy I did it green apple


>Dinner, probably almost twice what I had planned on but I "over ate" so I wouldn't be so inclined to look for something "I can have"later.

1.5 apple sausages, 2 zuchinnis spiralized, 1 tsp coconut oil, 1/2 cup broccoli and about 2.5 oz orgainc grass fed burger meat


post dinner 5 minute nap, bath, computer, Doing good almost bed time, and I'm not going to go looking for food or randomly put some in my face, lol! still hoping to do some yoga and hoping that I get a good gym session in tomorrow! Don't have to work out wtih former client...that is a little easier. Still need to prep food. Should really do lots of prep....


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Hey! Looks like you are having a lot of emotional struggle in the Whole30, just like I did during my first attempt (last 4 days). I get how you're feeling!!


Almonds and all other nuts are encouraged by the mods here to be used sparingly, just like a condiment on a salad maybe. I have basically eliminated them from this Whole 30 attempt (my fourth). I do have some compliant almond butter for when I'm desperate for a quick fat. I use olive oil (in dressings/cooking), ghee (to top almost all my cooked veggies and sometimes my scrambled eggs!), olives (according to template), avocado (on top of lean meats like chicken and pork; also chopped on top of stews, one pot meals, or salads), and sometimes I use a fattier ground meat in my meal without draining it. 


I also worry when I decide to have seconds; although, I am getting better about this. I have been a Weight Watchers member for 14 years, so weighing, measuring, and counting is what I've done forever. The points allowed me to have a stopping point for myself because I am a chronic overeater. However, with the Whole30, I've used the template (posted on my fridge) as guide to help me not overeat. But I'm finding that I need more fat to make hunger stay away for 4-5 hours, and I think I need a little more than a palm of protein most days. Hang in there an be patient with yourself as you learn a new way of eating. Try to avoid feeling guilty if you think you "overate." Just take what you learned from that ONE MEAL and apply it to the next. 


If you stress too much, you might quit. I think that's why I did. I like being good at things, so I'm usually hesitant to do something new because one is not usually good at something that's new. However, I am now on day 11 (I had 19 Whole30 eating days in July though), and I have a rhythm and routine. My energy is great, and I feel that food-related emotional healing is happening. If you ever need any encouragement or help, let me know!!

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Celestial, you can do this! Take it one meal at a time. You are not alone in your food obsessions, believe me. I would suggest cooking in batches so u have meals prepared for a few days in advance. If you havent read Whole30 consider doing so, it has helped me a lot w this process. Breathe, relax. All is well.

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Day 3 - good so far, almost over, one meal and a few hours to go!


Sleep - about 8 hours with 3 interuptions

Mood-generally happy! (this is new, much less volitile emotionally) Blues that I assume were caffeine (sports sup and energy drink related are dissappating. Did have 4 very stressful events today and so far (knock on wood, handled them well.)

Work-out- ugh, squating 40 lbs not 90! But I'm ok with that, did extra sets but don't want to re-awaken an injury that I think I sustained in a supre depleted state and just not healthy toward the end of my last show prep

Was about an hour long, def. got my heart rate up, way more than I get out of walking or even trail jogging. I like that :) Also...so happy that I pushed through because the endorphins were so helpful! I've not been able to work out wiht hardly any intensity lately and felt physically depressed (that happens sometimes after peaking for an athletic even like bodybuilding) but really felt crappy and not able to do much with out pre-work out then it didn't even motivate me to go at times. That just set me up for "stealing energy" as a cycle which I never gave my body time to replay, hence more stims to keep up. I'm sure this was taxing and I really believe that I started this program @ the right time! and not a minute to soon! Just as back-ground, the whole pre wko, fat burner, ...route was not the way I used to compete, but this time, my body wouldn't cooperate, and I wouldn't listen. I knew and almost quit, wanted to really, but I didn't want to let some people down, so I sacraficed my health. yup... I'm sure lots of women sacrafice their health in many other ways for their love of others in an effort to support those around them.

7:30 Pre-wko collagen in cocnut milk/ half caf coffee, egg *egg made me feel ick, think I'll try a handful of hemp next time for almost the same nutritional profile

walked 30 or so with the d.o.g.

Gym - legs and abs about an hour

10:30 amPost wko - two zuchini's egg white and half chicken sausage (cna't remember if I had 2 ew?)

-tea with friend took toooo long got hangry, well not really, but overly hungry

3pm --Meal 1- small red potato, 2 farm eggs, 1 cup zuchhini, 2 tsp coconul oil (felt super greasy initially, then I got used to it)

6:30- Meal 2 *Yum* cauli-zuch mash (10 oz) half a porabello, a few pepers, daikon radish, 1 oz coconut cream, 3 oz chicken

so far I think that's under eating so I'll need a Meal 3


1/2 Avo & ? for protien?  I was totally vegan for the past 2 weeks and very vegarian before then Feb-June protein I was eating just Chicken, Fish, EW, and protien powder, when and veggie protien.


@jenbean, thank you for the encouragement!!! I do have whole 30 and am working through it, so helpful! Thanks for reminding me to breathe! Are you a yogi? Part of my heart as a yoga instructor just tends to believe that an all veggie diet it optimal for health, it does make me feel connected to life, so I'm looking for that in this, too!? Any insights?


@frm_sailor Thank You for letting me know I'm not alone! You will very likely be hearing from me. Day 3 down, 21 to go, but really I want a new eating life and I know you know!!!

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3pm --Meal 1- small red potato, 2 farm eggs, 1 cup zuchhini, 2 tsp coconul oil (felt super greasy initially, then I got used to it)

Dear Celestial, this is not ok....eating your first meal at 3pm. It is simply not possible to heal the things you discuss needing to heal if you are going to eat one egg, two egg whites and a half a chicken sausage in over 7 hours.

I'm not sure what your schedule is but you either need to do some extra prep so that you can grab a M1 and M2 or set a timer on your phone so that you can be eating meals at proper intervals.

As far as feeling connected to life, it might help to look inward to what your body needs as a living creature. You can eat an omnivore diet while still being respectful to the sacrifice that the animal made for you.

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I think I need a little more than a palm of protein most days.

This is totally fine, Sailor! 1-2 palms is the minimum.....and you're at the low end of the minimum, there is still room for you to make tweaks and adjustments and still be well within a normal range. :)

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Celestial, in regards to your question regarding veggie diet for optimal health. I totally understand what u r feeling. I had struggled w the same issue in the past. When I was eating vegan I actually felt like crap. Legumes were not making me feel good and I had little energy. I am not a big meat eater, never have been. Now that I am eating meat for most of my meals I do feel more satiated and less crappy. I choose grass fed beef, pasture raised chicken and eggs and wild caught fish. eating higher quality meat makes me feel better about the process. The animals lived a more humane life than others in my mind.

I think its important to deal w the issues deep inside of you that causes u to obsess w food and working out. U will not b able to grow your soul if u cant love yourself fully. I was anorexic/bulimic for many years. Those were symptoms to a deeper pain that I was feeling about things. It is scary to acknowledge and work thru our pain but for our own preservation we have to do it. Free yourself, let it go. Namaste

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Cooking and eating with the grease and oils was bothersome to me too, but you WILL get used to it. Last night I made some sautéed zucchini. Started the pan with 2 tablespoons of olive oil, then very easily tossed in about a tablespoon of ghee at the very end. It was delicious, and I can't wait to have more at meal one! The ONLY thing that still gets me is that cooking with grease makes my stove so messy. But, you know, in the grand scheme of things....WHO CARES?! Lol. Looking forward to seeing how your today goes. Check out my log for food ideas and to see how I'm managing to make it work, if you like. This is my fourth attempt at a Whole30 since July 1st, so I've def had my struggles!

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OK Day 4


started great, ended not...


pre- half caf coffee and some hemp hearts 2 TB I think, I think that's roughly the protein of an egg and a bit more fat...

hike/jog 4 mile

post - 5 EW, half a plantain, basil, cinnamon, salt & pep


breakfast @ 11? melon from the farmers market, left over thai curry chix and veg on cauli/zuchh rice, coconut flakes


lunch @ 4 tuna boats with 1/2 avo, baby carrots


dinner@ 9 HANGRY like a bear two palms ground beef (grass fed/fin) 1 med zuch, garlic, onion, basil, compliant salsa for sauce, TB pumpkin seeds and handful olives, oh and palm sweet potato

*was forced to wait so long and then really over did it.


here's where it get's ugly: was trying to think of a breakfast that was non meat, have seen coconut/banana/cashew bowls, decided to make a chia, coconut, banana bowl, but had to taste it, ate it, and then continued to eat coconut, sweet potato with coconut oil, 3 dates, more coconut til just embarrassed. I think stress set me off, then I noticed a neck pooch, that shows when Im up in lbs, AND I need to lose these 10 lbs I've gained in the past two months, sabotage.


why!!! so, do I have to quit and start over? I think there is something here that I want bad enough to have only eaten compliant foods and not gotten into the stevia choc chips I still have. unless some-one corrects me, tomorrow is getting up again for a better day 5 and today I learned.


is food freedom, health, and a bikini body all possible by eating this way?

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oh, and I tossed all the shredded coconut. i have nothing "fun" to eat. I dont know what all you think of the blood type diet recommendations? but coconut and banana are not recommended for me...

I'd better clairfy some grass fed butter or buy ghee. coconut oil might end up being the same too...


Failing Forward >>>>>

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Your breakfast bowl that you created I would consider a dish known as "sex with your pants on" (SWYPO). Trying to use compliant items to recreate "treat" type foods during the Whole30. And I gather by the outcome you experienced, you can see why it's so dangerous. I know you saw my 3 in a row Larabar binge on my log right?? :-). No, it's not a restart, but it should be a signal to you that there are certain foods that shouldn't be a part of YOUR Whole30, or at least be severely restricted. I don't usually eat meat at breakfast. I'm still happy with scrambled eggs and leftover veggies from the day before. I added seasoned ground pork the past two days because I was craving fat (which is OK).

So sorry you had a rough evening, I think many people have been there! The Whole30, so far, has helped me learn a lot of things one of which is that I need to be kind to myself. After years of berating my appearance out loud to myself and only "feeling" happy when my appearance was "just so," I have needed to learn this. And competing in body competitions must put a level of stress on you that so many other never experience. Look at it this way, you learned something from what happened last night. Now it's up to you to make sure that you make it easier for it to NOT happen anymore.

Your dinner last night actually looked pretty good! Eat plenty at each meal, and then you will get to where you won't feel you are overdoing it at one meal. It does take time and practice though. Hope you have a better day five.

And throw the choc chips away! ;-)

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Day 5~

huge thanks for keeping me on board! I woke up and first wanted to quit then started believing...

I can DO this!

I can enjoy Dinner as my last meal

I can eat 3 meals a day


pre-hemp, coconut oil, cocoa, coffee, coconut milk

post-since I binged last night and was out the door to church, just collagen in my left over coffee with coconut milk


lunch- pretty salad, chix, baby greens, cucumber, half avo, pecans (made me feel bloated), half apple, la croix,

wanted to get up and get more but resisted




snack- hopefully not, but since lunch was breakfast, I'm gonna be easy on mehself


oh, I started this before and need to re-start - http://mollygalbraith.com/2014/03/cellulite-stretch-marks-and-a-love-your-body-challenge/

it would go perfect for me in this challenge.


so I killed it at the gym in only 25 minutes and loved my body for what it can do for me and I respect it and I accept it while also acknowledging that I desire change (like clothes fitting, thighs not rubbing, and being ok with shorts and pants not just skirts every day...)


today is last day before kiddos go to school, so... more shoe shopping and I need to make some paleo grap and go muffins for them, pray for me, lol, NO Really!! they leave so early that they need an easy quick bite. wow, thinking of school, makes me realize how much more I need to do!!! not to mention messy house. I remember when I was homeschooling, I read one woman said: Monday, wash the floor, teach and you've done enough! :)


I'm not feeling like cooking meat...this has been an issue with me for a while. I bought and defrosted stirfry from grassfed beef from the market yesterday, and though I ate a pre-cooked anit-biotic/hormone free chicken for lunch, I didn't have to deal with raw meat... fish doesn't bother me, nor eggs...

more later....

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I have some raw meat issues too. I know cooking a whole chicken is cheaper than just the breasts, but then I read "remove giblet pouch," and I'm like NO. And I hate dark meat. But ground meat seems to be the easiest for me to deal with. I don't have to touch it raw. Just cut open the package and drop it into the pan.

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Be nicer to yourself! I know it's kind of flippant to say that, because I have also been where you're at with the food obsessing and putting so much importance on every morsel of food that passes my lips, assigning all these labels to it: "good", "bad", etc. What has helped me immensely is to look at FOOD AS FUEL. Almost every day you are talking about overeating! You are definitely not overeating, if anything, you aren't eating enough to really benefit from this change. I am eating a literal wheelbarrow full of food at each of three meals. My giant dinner plate is FULL and then EMPTY, three times a day. And I feel like a million bucks. I am obssessing about food WAY LESS because I'm not wasting my entire day having these monologues in my head about whether or not I should eat a cinnamon bun or a protein shake or beating myself up because I ate this or that or was planning on eating this or that or WHATEVER. It's a maddening place to be. I also highly recommend Geneen Roth's book "Women, Food, and God" - it was a game changer for me in how I saw my obsessive patterns and has been soooo helpful to me. Hang in there, take a deep breath, be kind to yourself!

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Be nicer to yourself! I know it's kind of flippant to say that, because I have also been where you're at with the food obsessing and putting so much importance on every morsel of food that passes my lips, assigning all these labels to it: "good", "bad", etc. What has helped me immensely is to look at FOOD AS FUEL. Almost every day you are talking about overeating! You are definitely not overeating, if anything, you aren't eating enough to really benefit from this change. I am eating a literal wheelbarrow full of food at each of three meals. My giant dinner plate is FULL and then EMPTY, three times a day. And I feel like a million bucks. I am obssessing about food WAY LESS because I'm not wasting my entire day having these monologues in my head about whether or not I should eat a cinnamon bun or a protein shake or beating myself up because I ate this or that or was planning on eating this or that or WHATEVER. It's a maddening place to be. I also highly recommend Geneen Roth's book "Women, Food, and God" - it was a game changer for me in how I saw my obsessive patterns and has been soooo helpful to me. Hang in there, take a deep breath, be kind to yourself!


Thanks for your compassion! I will try one of the yoga vids you sent me now and "Breathe!" x

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I have some raw meat issues too. I know cooking a whole chicken is cheaper than just the breasts, but then I read "remove giblet pouch," and I'm like NO. And I hate dark meat. But ground meat seems to be the easiest for me to deal with. I don't have to touch it raw. Just cut open the package and drop it into the pan.

Thanks! Ha, I'm not alone! Frozen is easiest, I could care less about touching fish... and the stirfry from the market, though in a packet just didn't feel life giving.

What is your opinion on the anti-biotic free/ hormone free precooked chickens (at Fred Meyer) ?

Just taking it day by day...

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okay peeps! so here's what I've had so far today!

two cups matcha with almond (approved) milk and coconut oil, TB hemp seeds (pre-walk/yoga) schedule weird bc 1st day of school for 'babes'...


1 whole egg, 5 whites (if you saw my egg thing, that kinda explains it) 2 handfulls spiralized zuchinni - this was a fritatta, topped with 1 cup canned pumpkin, handful berries from the yard, 1 and a quarter avocado and more coconut oil...I'm donating blood in a couple of hours and am hoping this will hold me until about 2pm but will bring some almonds and a green apple.


(yesterday was all on plan, just had a hard time with my beef dinner, did snack after dinner, late, but it was HB egg and baby carrots and an ounce ish of almonds)  *also decided not to make the muffins for the kiddies last night, and to stay with the program, both big wins! did make almond flour muffins for them this AM so they have grab and go lunches, no tastes bites or licks I'm proud to report.


i'll be back later...



ugh, I feel too full and had a schedule upset which made me really depressed. I handled it cheerily and really didnt think anything of it but now I'm just blue. Normally food or coffee - starbuck decaf pour over with skinny mocha sauce - would be my drug of choice, but I couldn't think of eating. Now the rest of my eating shedule is going to be screwed up bc I'll be stuck in an office for 2 plus hours and will have to just snack prior instead of having a full meal. It's okay, it'll all work out. Listening to IT STARTS WITH FOOD and hoping that by week 3 this extra fat will just fall off me! But I really do think I am a 4 time a day eater person. I'm small (5'2") and just very efficient at metabolizing food. It's only 30 day's right?!

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@frm_sailor, that's a good perspective :) Per some advice, I was hoping it woud make eating meat easier for me...I didn't buy much and was pretty surprised how far my buck went at this particular market, since the other big city one is fun to look but not to buy at. Anyway, I just didn't even cook much meat for the kids and when hubs wants it, he makes it himself. Probably going to eat off that big chicken for my next few meals...

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k- I think I'm gonna "quit". I don't like eating only 3 times a day and being so hungry that I eat too much. Then feel like crap! I feel like this is a certain course for me to gain an un-healthy (I'm at a healthy weight now and and actually 4-5 pound over) additional 5 lbs which in balance with loving myself would make me un-happy and want to just Diet again.


observations to the positive: losing all the fake crap, sucralose in supplements and over use of stevia and caffeine in pre-wko has given me a clearer head and mood. love that!


I think I fall somewhere on the curve of people that really do better on less fat. I've probably just gone from over eating on veggie burger to over eating on meat :(



And to be quite gut honest as I have been in this log all along I just nicked a pice of artichoke from the kiddies pizza and it had dairy on it that i could taste.


I could maybe try to ease in via the vegan or vegarian route, but I chose to dive in since that's where optimal health happens.


Gah... been so frustrated. This sucks.

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Previously my protien intake has been upwards of 30% to almost 50, coming from veggie and whey powders, greek yogurt and eggs. Some chix and lots of fish when I was prepping for my last show. Then I went back to vegan which I've been 4 times before, not big on starches ever, just tons of veggies and protein and not gluten free. I was just tired of eating meat, but I have known about Whole 30 from something health-wise that I've come across and wanted and still do want awesome energy and less shoulder pain...


Again, I could try this vegetarian or I could be non-compliant and eat my 5-6 smaller meals a day...

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I'm sorry you're having this struggle. Remember to be kind with yourself. I have been transitioning (slowly) from ~6 small food compliant meals per day toward the recommended 3. My body didn't do well with the three large meals either. I'm not sure I'll get down to three with how my blood sugar responds to large meals at longer intervals. I'm now at a meal about every 4.5 hours, which is still 4 meals in a day. The biggest thing for me was eating the right foods to clear up inflammation issues. That is definitely working without the grains, dairy, sugar, legumes.

I know you can do this. You can do anything for 30 days. You just have to decide whether it's worth the 30 days to see if it makes you feel better.

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