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Goals for Post Whole30

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So, let me preface this by saying that I have not yet embarked on my first Whole30. 

I have always had this theory that, as long as you ate real, whole, foods (as opposed to processed food-like substances) your weight would take care of itself. I have never discriminated against gluten or dairy. I, personally, gave up consuming milk for about two or three years. When I opted to reintroduce it into my diet, I suffered no ill effects (though I did not eliminate dairy entirely, so that may have been part of it). I have no major health issues or concerns that are part of my motivation to try a Whole30 (aside from some extra weight I'd love to lose in the process). 

My main reason for doing this is to get control over my anxiety, depression, and find balance with food. 


And that's why it's so easy for me to visualize my post-Whole30 life. I have no intentions of living without grains, dairy, and legumes. My goal is to gradually transition to a real-foods diet that will incorporate some of those things in moderation (primarily following 100 Days of Real Food guidelines) (All Whole30 foods meet that criteria). This would also reintroduce some honey and pure maple syrup into my diet at home. 

I will also plan on relaxing a bit when out socially in these cases. The same bagels and pastries at church every week? I'll pass on those Sunday mornings, but I'll allow myself to indulge if there is some kind of post-service potluck luncheon (like around the Holidays). I won't necessarily pass up on getting a burger and fries when eating out (which doesn't happen often). 

So, I'm probably looking at 85% compliant, 15% real whole foods that aren't compliant, and 5% treats (give or take depending on the week). For me, that seems like a realistic, livable diet that won't leave me feeling deprived. I'll still be allowed to have ice cream, but it'll be when I'm hanging out with a friend after her kids are in bed- not for breakfast in the morning.

And being able to picture myself transitioning into a lifestyle like that helps me feel more in control over any anxiety I have about this whole process. 

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I would encourage you to not make solid plans about your post Whole30 life until you've completed a Whole30. I had a lot of I'll nevers when I first gave paleo a try and I've had to eat some of my own words (nom). I'm not saying that some of your goals are unreasonable but I am saying that Whole30 may change your mind on a lot of things and you need to enter it with an open mind to really get the full effects. Once you complete Whole30 and careful reintroductions it is easier to make decisions about riding your own bike and knowing what is worth it and special. What if you find ice cream is a key component in your anxiety? Or grains? Or legumes? I'm not trying to discourage you. Quite the opposite. Best wishes for your journey! I can't wait to see where it takes you.

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I am just your average older female trying to find what works long term-so when I found this plan a few years ago, I did not intend to continue long term. Just gotta get some pounds off and decrease joint inflammation. I never intended to not go back to grains, sugar etc but when I did, even a small amount-my body said "oh, hell no!" I am not as articulate as the mods, but you may find a whole new way of thinking about food and what is worth eating, and if the consequences are worth it.

Some days I has to say I wish I didn't know what I know now and could just enjoy those pancakes etc. And at times, I do have something off plan worthwhile. Mostly I know what will occur(in MY body) and I have to just pass. I am paying a higher price these days for mis steps.

Just sayin-not having even started yet, you may change your mind about what comes after. I don't have alot of anxiety per se, but I do get "moody" as hubby puts it. And, if I eat whole foods, I am less moody and more pleasant to be around-now if I can get him to pick up his clothes, I would always be in a great mood!

Good luck!

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Thing is, at this point, I need to think in terms of what I can picture myself doing for life. In 40 days when my Whole30 comes to an end, maybe my visions for my future will change. However, at this stage of the game, I'm focusing on the lifelong changes I can clearly picture myself making which is making my diet primarily real, whole foods with some occasional indulgences- not necessarily avoiding grains or legumes. 

And if I start to think in terms of never being able to eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on homemade 100% whole wheat bread, washed down with a tall glass of organic whole milk, I will scare myself out of attempting a Whole30 entirely. If, however, I look at this as a tool to help me get my sugar cravings under control, and as a way to prove that I do not need to eat whatever unhealthy food is presented to me (and that I CAN say "no"- even in social situations) it seems doable. 


I just feel like doing a Whole30 and giving my body a reset would be more beneficial than attempting a 10 to 100 Day "Real Food Pledge" even though, at this point, I can picture myself living by these rules for life [with some occasional treats that break the rules, of course] (whereas I'm not 100% confident I can stick with the Whole30 guidelines for life in the same way). 




  1. Whole foods that are more a product of nature than a product of industry
  2. Lots of fruits and vegetables (we recommend that you shop for these at your local farmers’ market)
  3. Dairy products like milk, unsweetened yogurt, eggs, and cheese
  4. 100% whole-wheat and whole-grains (find a local bakery for approved sandwich bread and check the Understanding Grains post for more info)
  5. Seafood (wild caught is the optimal choice over farm-raised)
  6. Only locally raised meats such as pork, beef, and chicken
  7. Beverages limited to water, milk, all natural juices, naturally sweetened coffee & tea
  8. Snacks like dried fruit, seeds, nuts and popcorn
  9. All natural sweeteners including honey, 100% maple syrup, and fruit juice concentrates are acceptable in moderation
  10. No refined grains such as white flour or white rice (items containing wheat must say WHOLE wheat…not just “wheat”)
  11. No refined sweeteners such as sugar, any form of corn syrup, cane juice, or the artificial stuff like Splenda
  12. Nothing out of a box, can, bag, bottle or package that has more than 5 ingredients listed on the label
  13. No deep fried foods
  14. No “fast foods”

Again, not extreme, and I understand that my goals may change in the next 40 days, but for now, I think picturing this Whole30 as a tool to get me to a point where following these rules will be an easier transition will help me get through some of the anxieties I am having about starting this.

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So.... I think what you envision for yourself now looks pretty good, actually.  I have this sense that some people do a cold-turkey approach to living better, where others do well with a more incremental (not gradual!) approach.  And I think all of us learn and grow as we go along.  You're envisioning something far more healthy and realistic than those who daydream about major pizzabeericecreamchocolatebreadcandymilkshake days as soon as the Whole30 ends, and that right there is a nic step.


When does the fun of actually doing it begin?


ThyPeace, heading to the countryside today.  It's time to collect ingredients to make salsa.

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I start my Whole30 on September 8. 

I was originally thinking about trying a pledge from 100 Days of Real Food (maybe not 100 days, but 30 or so seems doable), but I feel like I can still get into way too much trouble with honey and maple syrup. If I can nip my sweet tooth a bit before transitioning, I'll do a LOT better. 


And, of course, that's not saying that refined sugar and white flour will necessarily be off-limits forever. Last week, I went over to a friend's house and after she put her girls to bed, we each had a bowl of chocolate peanut butter ice cream. I would love to keep doing things like that. I want the freedom to go to a local bakery at 1AM with a group from church (one of my friends is an employee there who can open up the store after hours) and enjoy a cupcake. I don't think that's unreasonable. I think that's being realistic. 

I want to feel strong enough and healthy enough that I can say "no" if I decide I don't want to indulge, but I want the freedom to say "yes" if I decide it's absolutely worth it- even if it's just ice cream on a Monday night (and not some special occasion like a holiday or event). 

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Woot!  September 8 is an awesome day to start.  I am really looking forward to you coming back here after your Whole30 to talk about how things have progressed!  What are you doing to get ready this weekend, anything?  I hope you are totally psyched!


ThyPeace, doesn't go much of anywhere at 1am anymore.  I think this means I am officially old.  

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Is it normal to be freaking out right before starting? 

Because I definitely am. A couple friends of mine have pointed out that I'm going to have a rude awakening when I get started- especially since the church picnic I'm going to on Monday will have 20 different flavors of ice cream. Ice cream is a huge weakness of mine. 

I'm also jumping back into work after 10 days of vacation on Tuesday, so that's just making things a little more stressful. It helps that my friends are all on board with me doing this (which also means I can't back out). I'm semi-prepared for last-minute dinner invites, and I made some purchases that will help me get ready. I have two lunchboxes (in case I need to pack both lunch and dinner or breakfast and lunch). My thermos is cleaned out. 

I'm not sure what I'm going to eat on day 1 though. I have a habit of skipping meals. Sometimes I get too busy to stop working to take a break. Other times, I just get distracted and forget to eat. I'm definitely not a traditionalist when it comes to meals (I made a salad with steak and seared nectarines for breakfast the other day), but I do tend to go for peanut butter and jelly on waffles or breakfast sandwiches (made with Applegate sausage patties on Ezekiel Cinnamon Raisin English muffins) for breakfast frequently. In my indecisiveness, I often opt to skip eating entirely. It's not that I can't think of anything to eat. It's that I have a lot of ideas and I either can't make a decision, or I don't want to deal with the preparation/clean up involved in what I really want to eat. 

Perhaps I'll remedy this by finding a simple slow cooker recipe that I can prepare on Monday. It will cook while I'm at the picnic and I can pack it up for the week. I also found some seafood in our freezer... salmon, tilapia (I think... it's some kind of white fish). I can defrost some of that. 

It'll definitely be easier when I have a couple recipes with leftovers to rotate between. I'm used to eating dinner leftovers for breakfast or lunch. 

Right now, the nervousness about starting combined with a potential issue with my car (Check Engine light came on and I'm BROKE) is making me second-guess starting this thing. I'm just a TAD overwhelmed. 

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Have you been looking for recipes on all the blogs? I strongly recommend trying out some new recipes before your official start. There are so many great ideas out there -- no need to be unsure what to eat on day one! And don't worry about 20 flavors of ice cream--all that stuff will still be around when you're done. But you may discover that you're better off without it!

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The Mods have given you some great advice.  While I've been here, I've taken a few notes.  There are those who've planned too far down the road and talked themselves out of it before they ever get started.   Some have quit after a few days.  It's fear. 


There's nothing to fear.   There is a fine line to walk between being prepared and overthinking.   I think it's good to jump on in and let each day take care of itself.   Why wait?  

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