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Cynthia, I set my fitness tracker the same way,...just makes me jump up for my desk and do some laps around the office. Sometimes I use that Pomodoro program the same way, or the timer on my phone...anything to juice me into moving.

I walk almost every morning for at least an hour because I have two big dogs who MUST be walked separately or I run the risk of becoming a human kite if a squirrel or deer or rabbit or fox crosses our path. On week days, this is usually almost 3 miles, but still is only slightly more than one half my goal of 10,000 steps a day...which is just a target, not something I really obsess about.

I know it is time for me to add in some weight training. I do pilates and tai chi once a week at least, and usually some gentle warm water pool exercise wi my hubs, by am not pushing myself enough in terms of intensity. jMbcn, any advice for this old lady (63)???

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Cynthia, any special advice about grapefruit? I know you suggested it might be a trigger for you...

I can tell Iave some tweaking to do with my whole program....exercise, food portions, cutting down n carbs (my beloved sweet taters)....by am sorta enjoying working on the activity side more right now...

However, about to order grapefruit from Florida and want your wisdom before I do.

Denise, your words re so wise. Your post bout beauty is RIGHT ON!!!

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Pickle, that curry meatball recipe looks yummy and much easier to pull off. I think I'll try the ground turkey, as well. I've been wanting to incorporate more turkey, chicken, seafood and fish into my diet, anyway. I've been stuck on too much beef, pork and sausage over the past two weeks. 


Captain, I did an hour in barre class this morning and I did a lot of moving otherwise, but I forgot my puzzle chore. Ack. I'll stack that one on tomorrow's list. 


Oh sweet sixteen: 

m1- Eggs over easy, tomatoes, peppers, cilantro, jalapeno, zucchini, chicken sausage. 

m2- Went to Chipotle for a barbacoa salad with salsa and guacamole. 

m3- Shrimp with zucchini and squash ribbons, garlic, Brussels sprouts, onion, jalapeno, sun-dried tomatoes. 


It's cold and rainy here in South Carolina, but my heart and head are toasty warm. I made it through some real head games today -- slogging around with a sugar monkey on my back. I also found myself famished between lunch and dinner. One thing is for sure, even a huge Pile-O-Salad at Chipotle isn't as satisfying as my homemade lunches right now. Although after spending an hour yesterday searching menus all over town, I sure was thankful to have Chipotle to eat at today!

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Cynthia, any special advice about grapefruit? I know you suggested it might be a trigger for you...

I can tell Iave some tweaking to do with my whole program....exercise, food portions, cutting down n carbs (my beloved sweet taters)....by am sorta enjoying working on the activity side more right now...

However, about to order grapefruit from Florida and want your wisdom before I do.

Denise, your words re so wise. Your post bout beauty is RIGHT ON!!!

You know... if you up the activity, the sweet potatoes are fine. :)  I would do some extra in a day to keep my sweet potatoes, lol.


On the grapefruit, I never knew I had an issue until I did W30.  I think I was in my third week when I discovered the local grocer had stocked in some Texas Ruby Reds (very seasonal, amazing flavor, no bitterness) so I jumped on them.  The next morning I had half of one with breakfast.  Before I had my shoes on I had a headache and was cranky as a bear for the whole morning.  Thinking, surely not... not my beloved ruby reds... I tried it again the next day.  Sadly, with the same result.


I ordered them for my family last year from Pittman & Davis, out of Texas.  They have a rich, sweeter flavor and are extremely juicy.  They were my all time favorite.  I don't care much for yellow grapefruit, I find them bitter.  But the pinks are ok.

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Cynthia, thanks. I will check my reaction after I get my order. I thought maybe it was the carbs you were trying to avoid....hmmmm...I know I can easily blow through one whole grapefruit, so it does have a food with no brakes sort of quality.

btw! Cynthia, so admire you for what you have conquered and are conquering...

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For anyone who is struggling with the exercise......I want to be very clear. I am only trying to get you moving.....you and you alone know what you can and can't do. Take your time, do what you can, don't over do it. If you can only climb 10 steps today, try 11 tomorrow. Baby steps. I don't want anyone hurting themselves and I don't want any self defeating themselves because they aren't able to accomplish the daily task. Post what you CAN accomplish and we will go from there. Nobody rolls off of a couch that they have been living on and runs a marathon. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time......we will get there. Today I need 30 minutes from everyone....at a minimum......again, do what you can.


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jMbcn, any advice for this old lady (63)???

I'd advise starting with body weight exercises first & then moving up to using weights.

Air squats are good, or you can start seated on a dining chair, dig your heels into the ground, tighten your core, stretch your arms forward & rise to standing -if this is easy add some weight (like that 2 litre bottle filled with water or sand for instance), OR from the seated position raise one leg parallel to the floor (or as parallel as you can get it), arms out straight in front again, and drive your weight through the heel on the floor to standing.... start with 5 sets of 5 - and that's 5 on each leg if you're doing the one legged ones!

Or try push ups - if you can't do full push ups try doing them on your knees, or stand facing a wall & stretch your arms out in front & push off the wall - the stronger you get the further away from the wall you'll be able to move your feet. Again start with 5 sets of 5 and see how you go.

Lunges are another good one - making sure when you lunge your knee does not pass in front of your toe on your front leg. If basic lunges are easy try split lunges - raising the back foot by about a foot (say onto a stool) and hold onto some weights in each hand, or try jumping lunges which will help get that heart rate rising....

Then there's burpees - everybody's favourites!! Or squat thrusts... V sits, crunches, bear crawls, sprawls, plank (and the one leg/arm variation for progression), shoulder bridge (and the single leg options for progression) ..... all terms you can google, and all simple body weight exercises you can add to your daily routine.



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Dave- What I can do today is a 1-hr hot yoga class and a 15 min. walk during a break at work.  I usually don't get 15 minute breaks, but today is a wonderful 8-hr education day where I'll get real breaks!


KSByer- I've noticed in your meals that you consistently don't eat starchy carbs.  I've started having either squash or sweet potato at every meal and it's too much.  It makes me feel full and I have energy, but it's not necessary and sometimes I feel bloated-full.  I've noticed especially with sweet potats that I feel too full afterward even if I've only had a small amount of them.  With noticing this, I'm going to abstain for a while and only have a starchy carb (butternut and spag squash are my favorites) once a day and see how I feel.  And I wonder if you would have felt better yesterday afternoon with a fruit at lunch? 

Thank you for posting your meals because it gives me good reflection on things I could be doing differently...


My breakfast- broccoli quiche (eggs, chicken sausage, broccoli, coconut milk, nutmeg, salt, pepper)

Off to work!

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I started with my body weight {exercises}.   It was enough.    


Now, I'm ramping that up with free weights.  jmcbn and Dave....definite tweaks have to be made now.  What gets you to the altar is quite different from what keeps you married for the long haul.


What I did to stick the landing...gradually increasing my exercise practices...there's no end game.  I would be returning back to Groundhog Day if I started getting sloppy about it.   Can't do that. Wouldn't be prudent.



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So jmcbn,  when you finish your course...what do you want to be?  I hope you never grow up and lose your sense of fun.  Let the child keep dancing all throughout your life.  When the child no longer dances, the roaring laughter diminishes and it's all biz...all the time.   I just can't tick that way.   Sons are great for keeping their mothers finely tuned up for fun.   


Sounds like you have some interesting family activities planned for the weekend.  Wish I was going along.   What goes on over there for Halloween?   Do you hand out bags of multi-crap like we do?

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What is a barre class?


Has anyone tried making coconut yogurt? I have been searching the site most of the day and can't find any references to it--probably not looking in the right place. Have found a couple ideas on the net but no one seems too satisfied with their results.

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I love it! There's a small amount of yoga in it -- mostly at the end of the workout for stretching. Miss Lindy, barre is an exercise class that incorporates weight lifting with pilates, yoga and ballet moves. It typically involves small, repetitive moves that change quickly throughout class. And it's a killer. I've been doing this four times a week for over two years and every single class is harder than the last. I think that's why I'm hooked-- my muscles are constantly challenged. 

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Also, Pickle, I had a baked potato tonight!  :lol: I'm not a big sweet potato fan, but I've been flirting with them at the grocery lately. I need to bring one home and try it. I think my palette has changed a decent amount (black coffee, so many veggies, no other sugar to speak of) that I may actually enjoy one with a little ghee and maybe cinnamon? 


Day 17. Eyes on the prize. 

m1- Eggs over easy with wilted spinach, avocado and tomato. 

m2- Shrimp omelette with Brussels sprouts, zucchini, squash and leeks. A handful of different nuts - cashews, pistachios, pecans, almonds. 

m3- Baked potato topped with ghee. Grilled chicken with sauteed sweet pepper, onion, and broccoli. Kombucha. 


I can tell I have more energy, but I'm not sure my tiger blood is flowing yet. I have to admit, I'm really ready to feel some of that. 

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I like barre classes too, but am making yoga (of maintaining flexibility), tai chi (for balance), general pilates, and walking 10k a day my priorities. Seems to be a fairly good menu for someone my age..I will use your advice jMbcn and add some light weights on a few days a week. I remember how great I felt when I did regular weight training...now, even with a really regular movement plan, I still think I need to mix it up and ramp it up a bit. There is also a nice foam roller upstairs that I pass every morning on my way to the shower..hmmmm...I think I need to get on it for it to work, right?

BTW, Meadow, I have 3 pair of boots....one nice pair of white ones I got married in 20 years ago....no hat, though. Used to have a nice fringed suede jacket too....back in my "cool" days

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