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Wish there was a general discussion of whole30 forum


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Hi Ota,


If you are doing a Whole30 right now, you are free to select a group from "Join The Whole30" section that started around when you did.  Those group threads are basically a general discussion as participants work through the program.


There's also the Success Stories thread that you can do a write up about your experience with your program.


As far as questions go, if you are struggling or need specific guidance about your particular Whole30, you can use the Troubleshooting forum.


And of course there are always the personal logs that you are free to discuss whatever you like in; it's yours.  If you do want moderator attention in your log, you can either state that right up front or you can message your favourite moderator and ask for their input. 


There's no real "general" section as that would fast get out of hand.  Hopefully you are able to make our existing sections work for you.  :)

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  • 3 months later...

Oh hey, I was wondering what this forum was missing!


I think a well-managed* general discussion section would be a boon to the community.  Right now, it's all classroom, so to speak, and no recess.  And it's during recess when you make friends and build and strengthen social bonds.  I've been lurking and recently joined, but I've picked up that most of the interaction is based around asking for/giving advice, like a support board, which gets old pretty fast and doesn't give much incentive for users to stick around after they've had their questions answered.  Whole30 seems like one of these things that would benefit massively from presenting a thriving community where they can learn a lot, meet and hang out with cool people who are doing the same thing they're doing, and get really invested.  With no platform for general chitchat, you can't get that going very easily.


Background:  Long-time forum-goer, have been a moderator on several forums and administrator on a large one.


*preemptively disallow discussion about religion and politics - those are inflammatory topics that almost always cause anger and butthurt, and posting goofy pics of your pets is more fun anyway.

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This has been discussed previously in both the Forum Feedback section as well as amongst the moderators behind the scenes.  We definitely want people to feel that they can form relationships with fellow Whole30'ers and that is the case among many members.  We are not willing to host or moderate web space for cute pictures of people's animals or general non-Whole30 chatter/gossip, it's beyond the scope of what this forum is here for; it is in fact "a support board".  As to your suggestion about "pre-emptively disallowing certain conversations"....we do...anything that is not Whole30 related is pre-empted, for the most part.   ;)


That said, there are great group and friend relationships that form with folks that are all going through a Whole30 at the same time in the group threads in "Join the Whole30" and many of those friendships continue on in the personal logs as well as when members choose to take their friendship outside of the Whole30 forum.


Thanks for your suggestion, ideas from members are important and valued.  In this case though, the decision to allow a sandbox has been declined previously and repeatedly.

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Well it all depends on what you want out of your forum - if you what you want is a support board rather than a more fleshed-out community, then yeah, that's what it is and it's totally fine.


I guess I was personally hoping for more of an integrated community for peer support/discussion (about Whole30, of course).  I got off to a terrible start with Whole30 and I figured it'd be nice to find and just chat with some other folks who've had similar issues, but I don't really know where to do that here since everything is set up with the Q/A support structure. What is the appropriate place to post a topic for just sharing experiences falling off the Whole30 wagon and getting back on, for example?  I'm not troubleshooting anything (already did that), it's not a log, it's not a success story, etc.

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You may find this board a fit but again, to reiterate the comments above, it's to discuss efforts with whole30 and the challenges and successes therein.  It's still driven by staying on topic to the purpose of this forum/support board and is not for posting goofy pics of your pets or other challenges/interests/discussions that are off topic.



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You can start your own personal log and ask for your friends to stop by.   Many have done that and they visit about their Whole 30 tweaking or research or cats/dogs/kids.   :)   Since you're a moderator on other forums, you know it can go from friendly to sideways.  


The leader of the pack keeps everything in order.  This place is run like a well oiled machine. People get their feelings hurt and some leave when it gets too personal.  It's good to have rules and recommendations and boundaries. 

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I'll definitely check out those threads and think about starting a log.  However, I'm not currently doing true Whole30 (ended up reintroducing dairy as to not go crazy and/or starve) and was not sure if a not-quite-Whole30 log was kosher.  I'll PM a mod.


And yeah, having been a mod and admin, I know how it goes and I can absolutely see why you wouldn't want to venture into general chat if you don't have it already.  Not having it definitely makes things easier to run, for sure.

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I'll definitely check out those threads and think about starting a log.  However, I'm not currently doing true Whole30 (ended up reintroducing dairy as to not go crazy and/or starve) and was not sure if a not-quite-Whole30 log was kosher.  I'll PM a mod.


And yeah, having been a mod and admin, I know how it goes and I can absolutely see why you wouldn't want to venture into general chat if you don't have it already.  Not having it definitely makes things easier to run, for sure.

Why don't you start that log and others will stop by and visit with you.   You know how to keep everything in check.  You know the drill.   Been there, done that.  ;) 


I'm sure you have alot of knowledge and experiences to share.   I'll listen. 

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I'll definitely check out those threads and think about starting a log.  However, I'm not currently doing true Whole30 (ended up reintroducing dairy as to not go crazy and/or starve) and was not sure if a not-quite-Whole30 log was kosher.  I'll PM a mod.


And yeah, having been a mod and admin, I know how it goes and I can absolutely see why you wouldn't want to venture into general chat if you don't have it already.  Not having it definitely makes things easier to run, for sure.

You can do a "not-quite-Whole30 log" in the "Post Whole30 Log section of the forum, that's no problem at all. Many people are in that section and eating mostly Whole30 with various off-road items thrown in.  Your case is a bit different in that you haven't actually done a Whole30 and aren't "testing" reintroductions but as there is regular off-Whole30 discussions in there, you'd be fine there.  :)

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