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Weight Gain


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Hoping someone could help (and sorry in advance for the length), I am trying to trust the process, but am frustrated.


I am on Day 8 on my first Whole 30 and so far have been feeling totally normal: no cravings (so that's actually better than normal), no sugar hangover, no mood swings, good energy (I have lots of energy at basline, unless sugar gets involved). The problem is, I have gained weight in my abdomen. I have not weighed myself, but after 15 years of obsessive weighing, I can pretty much guess my weight when I wake up within 0.5 lb (obsessive, I know). I know it's only day 8, but previously when eating "clean", I could feel results, especially in my stomach, within 2 or 3 days.


My background: I have lost 25 lb in the past year, with about 35 more to go. Before W30, I was eating about 70/30 Paleo, with that 30% being terrible binge days when I would eat ANYTHING. Part of the reason Whole 30 appealed to me was I wanted to get my binge-eating under control. And my other terrible habit: drinking. I would have a bottle of wine on most nights and a lot more if I was going out with my friends.


Here is a typical day for me: (I do not eat any fruit or nuts. Fruit because I don't like it and cannot even remember the last time I ate any; and nuts because they hurt my stomach).

M1: 3 eggs, large amount of kale (like half a bag) and broccoli sauteed in EVOO, guacamole (1/2 avo worth),2 cups black coffee

M2: large chicken breast with veggies (onions, peppers, cabbage) cooked in olive oil, over kale (again, a large amount), dressed with lemon and olive oil, 1/2 avo, salsa

M3: Big bowl of veggie and meat chili


Drink 150 ounces of water daily.


6.5 to 7 hours sleep/ night, trying to work on this.


I workout 5-6 days a week doing various things (spin, yoga, walking, body weight exercises - squats, lunges, etc) usually in the morning. I do HIIT intervals on the treadmill (sprints and hills) about 3 mornings a week for an hour. If doing a high-intensity workout (HIIT, spin), then:


preWO: 2 tbsp. coco oil (I feel like I have better performance with fasted workouts, but am eating something bc I "should" and otherwise would not be eating in the 1 hour window of waking up)

postWO: a few bites of chicken (eating soon after working out is reallyyyyyy hard for me)


Caveat: I have had broccoli and eggs nearly every single day for the last 3 years, so I am pretty sure its not an egg or FODMAP issue, or could these problems suddenly appear after being fine with them when you start a Whole 30?


I am going to stick with this regardless, because I am curious to see what happens, but any insight would be appreciated!! Thanks in advance!

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First off, breathe, it's a 30 day program. You're just over 1/4 of the way there.

Food and water look good.  


From what I see, your opportunity for improvement is getting more sleep - closer to 8 hours a night.

Work your way up to that if it feels like too big of a jump right now, and keep on keeping on with how you're eating (the good news is, it doesn't look like you're binging and you haven't had alcohol in 8 days - two of the big reasons you took on a Whole30 - celebrate those Non Scale Victories!)

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Haha! Oh, right, breathing! I always forget that part :)​ I mean I restrained myself from writing this until Day 8!


Thanks for your quick response....7 hours a night is a really big improvement for me already, so I guess I'll just have to keep working at it....ughhhh


And, yes, 8 days with no booze is a small miracle for me, so if nothing else, I have that. Thanks for reminding me!!!

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When you eliminate alcohol and whatever you were binging on that was not on the Whole30 menu, your gut flora begins to change. The process of change can result in some bloating. Things will settle down and your gut will be healthier. One reason that we ask you not to weigh or measure for 30 days is to limit your opportunity to obsess over changes that are good for you that are easy to mistake for a problem. :)

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You are kind of in the stage of "For the love of Gosling, my pants are tighter"


Which is pretty par for the course - Google whole 30 timeline 2.0 and you will find that exact phrase.....


Now this is some food for thought.  


I have noted that you are ultimately doing lowish carb.  Plus you are doing HIIT.  Those 2 very often don't play well with one another.  I know you want to lose weight and that seems to be your main focus.  You might have some luck - believe or not - on the days that you work out with adding a fist sized starchy veg.  


I initially was a little leery of adding starchy veggies in more than once a day.  I wasn't terribly active and I needed to lose weight.  But once I did my hormones regulated better, and I released weight.  Now I am not saying this is you.  I am just giving you some food for thought here.

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Caveat: I have had broccoli and eggs nearly every single day for the last 3 years, so I am pretty sure its not an egg or FODMAP issue, or could these problems suddenly appear after being fine with them when you start a Whole 30?


To answer this part of it:  Sadly, yes.  FODMAP intolerance is something that builds up over time ... Your body can deal with some here, some there ...  But start eating FODMAPs multiple times per day, for days in a row.....  Yes.  That is what happened to me.  And we see it here a lot.


Check out this article, if you haven't already -- and look at the chart about halfway down to see if you have been consuming more of them than usual.  Now, if you are not having a lot of digestive issues, I DON'T recommend restricting yourself even more by trying to follow this.  But it is something to be aware of, if you do start having a lot of digestive complaints:




You can certainly develop a reaction to eggs over time, as well.  But again ~ there is probably no need to cut them out at this point... although having them every day for the past 3 years may be a good reason to take this opportunity to add some more variety to your days.  

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If you're not taking any magnesium, this may help with sleep.


Magnesium is also good for the body if you're doing high intensity like HIIT, which can raise cortisol.


If you're feeling any cramps or twinges in muscles (especially the legs and feet) you might not be getting enough sodium (salt) or potassium.

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So, how do you feel now on day 10? I experienced the same thing around day 8 and didn't feel like my mid section settled down until about day 15. It is truly different for everyone! Your body is learning to trust you, and your hormones need time to do so as well. Hang in there, you're doing great! Each day is one step closer to a healthy gut and healthy relationship with food (and alcohol). I learned a lot by not drinking this month, so I commend you on doing the same. You got this. 

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