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  • 4 weeks later...
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Didn't I just say that? ;)

I couldn't send you a private message, which is what I would have preferred. We as moderators are expected to make sure that questions are answered clearly, not only for the folks that ask the question, but for the people who come along later looking for answers.

I clarified that shallow frying was not okay, just like deep frying. It's okay if more than one person answers a question because each person brings to the table a different way of speaking or typing that may be more easily understood by different people.

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The ones I saw at Sam's have 3g sugar so just wanted to make sure. They are fresh creamer potatoes...small size.Thanks.


Fruits and vegetables have naturally occurring sugars, that's not what Whole30 is concerned with. The only time sugar in a food matters is when it's something that's been added to the food, which would be listed in the ingredients on a package of any food that has stuff added to it. 

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