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1st W30, not weighing is driving me nuts


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8/3 day 22

B- 2 poached eggs, salad, chicken breast, olive oil, balsamic

S- nuts

L- can of tuna, guacamole, olive oil, balsamic (1pm)


Lots of water and tea

S- nuts, cherry tomatoes

D- (10pm) fajita meat and guacamole

Today wraps up my first business trip/trade show/conference since starting W30.

All and all it went well and I was able to find compliant foods to eat. I'm glad in read the eating out PDF from the website as it gave me the idea to have fajitas Which I had twice this trip.

I was rushing and forgot my snacks to hold me over on the plane, so I bought a banana at the airport figuring that was the lesser of all the evils. It held me over until I got home at 10 pm and could eat dinner. There were way too many hours between lunch and dinner. Not good.

I learned to ask for no rice, beans, cheese, sour cream, chips, and tortillas. I picked up my dinner from a restaurant on the way from the airport and had they given me chips, I was so hungry I might have caved in. Crisis averted.

Happy to be home.

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Great outcome Mrs Zimm! The work thing can be tricky but once you've flicked the switch you can turn away from everything offered. And it makes you feel sooo good afterwards :)

Thanks! I have to travel next week too, so I will try to do what I did this week.

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8/4 day 23....the 7 day countdown begins!

Slept in- man did that feel good!

The smell of coffee was very tempting today, but I think I'm better off without it, so I'm abstaining.

B- 3 eggs, meatloaf, roasted veggies and guacamole

Picked tomatoes & okra from the garden

Peeled tomatoes and stewed them for canning. Canned 5.5 quarts.

L- fajita meat, salad, grilled onions and peppers, a big ole dollop of guacamole and a 3" piece of sausage.

D- dinner at Lonhorn's. steak, baked potato with olive oil, steamed broccoli.

Note: when you ask for clarified butter here, what you get is not what you asked for. They basically melt the butter in the microwave and ta da... Melted butter! That's why I used olive oil on my potato. I would have been happier with a sweet pot. Live and learn.

Lets talk about attitude. I'm a very positive person usually. My job (mostly my manager) has really gotten under my skin to point where I handed in my resignation, but over 2 days the big boss talked me out of it. I feel very resentful; I never should have agreed to try to stay until the end of Q3.

I was looking forward to taking the balance of the year off and taking care

of myself. I want to join a gym- lift weights, spend time with Norm, help Norm in his business, do yoga, meditate, go to the beach, sun bathe, read more, knit, learn to sew, cook, foster a dog, garden, see my friends more, and hike. Not necessarily in that order.

My job is consuming, his job is consuming, we grow a huge garden, can food, cook just about every meal, care for our 2 dogs, 2 cats, and flock of chickens... I just feel like something has to give and of all I do, my job brings me the least happiness- causes the most stress and angst.

If anyone has any suggestions that could help, I'm open to listen.

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If you feel that strongly about it, you could go back to the big boss and say, look, I know I said I'd try to stick it out, but I really can't. I have to leave.


The danger in doing this is that you could piss him off and he might not give you a recommendation when you're looking for another job in the future -- so if you think you'll need his recommendation, you should keep that in mind.


Alternately, go back to him and say, look, I'm staying til the end of Q3 for you, but here's the thing -- I need more time to spend at home with my family. I'll make sure I get the work done I need to get done, but I want Fridays off. (or Mondays, or whatever day would work for you -- I'd shoot for a Friday or Monday because it makes a longer weekend, but if there's a class you want to take on Wednesdays, for instance, ask for that instead.) This works better for some jobs than other jobs, so if this particular setup cannot possibly work with your job, come up with something that can -- shorter hours each day, different start time, longer lunch break, whatever would help to make your last few months there more bearable. If there's any way to report to a different manager, it sounds like that might help, though that's probably even harder to make work in most companies.


It sounds like you're in a position where you're not having to be concerned about the paycheck, if you'd already planned on quitting, which means you actually hold the power in this situation. Obviously, ideally, you'd leave on good terms, because it's best not to burn bridges, but if they need you enough that they're asking you to stay, it means you're providing a value to the company that they don't want to lose. Leverage that to get something you want.


Having been in a job that I was making myself physically ill over because I disliked it so much, I can say that when you do leave and start doing something that makes you happy, it will make a huge difference in your quality of life.

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Shannon- thanks or responding.


The danger in doing this is that you could piss him off and he might not give you a recommendation when you're looking for another job in the future -- so if you think you'll need his recommendation, you should keep that in mind.

----I don't need a recommendation- I have a good reputation in the industry and my sales speak for themselves, but I still wouldn't want to piss him off because he's a good person and has been an advocate of mine.


Alternately, go back to him and say, look, I'm staying til the end of Q3 for you, but here's the thing -- I need more time to spend at home with my family. I'll make sure I get the work done I need to get done, but I want .....

-----I like this. I can go back to him and say I want a day off per week, especially since I am doing him the favor of staying until Q3 ends.


It sounds like you're in a position where you're not having to be concerned about the paycheck, if you'd already planned on quitting, which means you actually hold the power in this situation. Obviously, ideally, you'd leave on good terms, because it's best not to burn bridges, but if they need you enough that they're asking you to stay, it means you're providing a value to the company that they don't want to lose. Leverage that to get something you want.

---this is all true.


Having been in a job that I was making myself physically ill over because I disliked it so much, I can say that when you do leave and start doing something that makes you happy, it will make a huge difference in your quality of life.

---yeah- my stress levels are very high. I know my Cortisol is high. I don't want this job to erode my health.

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Mrs Zimm there could be another way to look at this depending on the circumstances. Why is your job stressful? Yours sales are good so you probably don't have a lot to worry about there... Is it the way your organisation processes what you're selling? The tools, method, people? If so, then you could say to the big boss, "I've committed to staying but here are a few suggestions that could immediately ease the stress of doing what we do, and probably help the customers at the same time". Focus on the outcome not the politics of doing it. If your immediate manager is not performing then tell the big boss in a constructive, outcomes-based way not a personality based way.


At the very least you will feel good because you've made positive suggestions that clearly demonstrate your value. If you've done this all before and no one has listened, then tell them that, ask for your day off per week and leave knowing you've done everything you possibly can. You never know, you might find that the big boss might listen and you end up in a far better place working less without the person above you that is causing all the angst! :)

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8/5 day 24

B- 3 eggs, meatloaf, roasted veggies, guacamole 9:30

L- Shepard's pie-- avocado oil. 2:45! I forgot to eat sooner. Food was not on my mind at all! I even forgot to put dinner in the crock pot!

First Friday gathering at the lake. I had 5 strawberries and 2 grapes. I successfully navigated another social situation. Yay me!

I'm not really hungry for dinner, but I know I need to eat.

D-Tomato, chicken/eggplant parm-less stew, avocado, was supposed to be dinner, but it didn't finish cooking in time. My actual dinner was 3 eggs, ham, onions, lots of spinach and tomato, peppers, olives, onion salad with avocado and avocado oil and balsamic. Yummy!

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8/6 day 25

Slept in. Actually overslept to make it to yoga. :(

B- banana, blue berries, almond butter

L- chicken, eggplant parm stew. Avocado oil and nutritional yeast.

D-spinach salad with tomatoes, cukes, Kalamata olives, balsamic mad avocado oil, 1/2 avocado, steak and a bit of chicken breast. Small sweet potato. Avocado oil.

Picked the garden, Cleaned house for 4 hours, food shopped, & Home Depot. Packed for this weeks biz trip. I'm glad thats over with.

Prepped food for brunch tomorrow- we are having company.

Got 10,000 steps today... I suppose I should clean everyday and I could hit 10,000 without trouble. :)

Trying to read 'It Starts With Food' before Friday so I know what to do after my 30 ends.

I've been a tad envious of my dad and Norm drinking Gin and Tonics...or Norm slicing into the Brie... I love Brie. But I feel good and I'm sure I wouldn't feel like this if I had a G&T.

Having a dinner party for dad's 78th birthday next Saturday. I may indulge and let myself have a glass of wine... We'll see how I feel on Saturday.

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8/7 day 26

Having company for brunch.  I'm making everything except a fruit salad.
My eating schedule was a bit off all day
Walked Baby, 35 minutes.

Brunch 11 am. Fruit- maybe 1/4 C. Sausage patty, ham steak, quiche with spinach, ham, onions, sweet potatoes, and roasted tomatoes.  Roasted mix veggies with coconut oil, curry and turmeric.  Tomato, cuke, olives, salad dressed with basil, balsamic and avocado oil S&P.

3 pm handful of cashews.  I realize this is not an optimal meal.


D-3 eggs salad, dill pickle, tomato salad with olives and avocado oil.


For the past 2 days I've been gassy, bloated and not eliminating as normal.  Each of those days I ate 1 or 2 figs from my tree as I walked the yard.  I noticed figs are on the FODMAP to avoid.  Needless to say, I am avoiding figs for a few days and will retest.  

Other than figs- I can't think of another food that I've eaten on these days that is not part of my normal diet.

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8/8 day 27

Woke up at 5:30am.  Worked for 1.5 hrs, trying to tie up loose ends before my flight.  Delta is having a WorldWide computer issue--- so far, looks like my flight is ok.  I've called the travel agent, she says it's a go.  As the shuttle bus pulled up to the Delta terminal I got an email the flight is canceled.

Waited in line to see if Delta could get me out of ATL, had to change cities, now I'm flying to Boston and driving.  But the flight keeps getting delayed.  The plane is here and we now have pilots, but there are 22 planes that can't get to gates, so the flight attendants for my flight and I imagine 22 others, can't disembark.  

This all leads me to say... Thank God, Melissa and Dallas!  All I see is Junk-Food!  I got a salad at noon...But no fat was available so I'm getting hungry now.  I see folks eating ice cream, chips, cheese-it's, subs, fried chicken.... I'm SO THANKFUL to be W30 as I would have had a few drinks and engulfed in JUNK.  But, I'm not even tempted!  I'm SO incredibly thankful.  I found a pack of almonds- no oils and that's going to hold me over until I get to Boston and get something amazing to eat.  

Never made it to Boston.  

B- 3 eggs, steak, small sweet potato
L- salad with chicken, blueberries, blanched sliced almonds and strawberries, no dressing 
S- handful of almonds
D- chicken fajitas lots of onions and peppers & guacamole.  Glad to be home. 

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8/9 day 28

B- left over breakfast casserole made with eggs, coconut cream, sweet potatoes, spinach and ham.  Ham steak. 
L-spinach salad with chicken breast olive oil and vinegar
1 banana, almond butter, frozen blue berries
D-2 hot dogs, okra, onions roasted tomatoes. Broccoli. 


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20 hours ago, Jager07 said:

Way to stay positive and laser focused during your rollercoaster of a stress filled day!

Btw, you're 90% of the way through Whole30.  Congrats!:D

Thanks for the encouragement!  It's been a great ride so far!  


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8/10 day 29... 1 day and counting. 

B-3 eggs, 1 chicken apple sausage, 1/2 avocado, 1 tomato, avocado oil
L- 1 cup tomato, eggplant, chicken, roasted veggies, 1/2 avocado
D- apple bacon stuffed pork chop, roasted tomatoes, sautéed green beans, avocado oil

I can't help but want to see weight loss on Friday, even though Whole30 is not a weight loss program.  

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8/11 day 30!

Yes--- day 30!

Woke up hungry
B 3 eggs, meatloaf, roasted veggies, roasted tomatoes, doused with avocado oil.
Walked dogs
L 1 hotdog, spinach salad, 2 boiled eggs, 1 avocado, balsamic and avocado oil. Small amount of steak, 6 roasted cherry tomatoes, handful of raw macadamia nuts.
D 2 salmon patties (from ISWF), tartar sauce, cole slaw, piece of tomato. 

Going to weigh in the morn, and stay W30.  

Saturday testing wine, then back on the W30 train Sunday. 

My body still has healing to do, and I'm happy eating all of these fresh veggies.  I don't see a reason to stop. 


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21 minutes ago, Jager07 said:

Woohoo and congratulations! 

You have totally rocked this and have been so encouraging to the rest of us!

Thank you, J! 

Im super encouraged by all the Whole 30ers who post their logs, their stories and accomplishments.  What a great community.

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Day 31 weigh in was extremely disappointing.  I didn't lose any weight. I have 30 pounds to lose, I just don't see how I didn't lose any.

Needless to say, I am very disappointed.  I wish I had dropped a few pounds.

I know, I know W30 is not a weight loss program, but you'd think a body would lose weight by eliminating processed foods from the diet.  What I gave up in the past 30 days was dairy, alcohol, sweeteners I already did not eat grains with the exception of Mary's gone crackers and Luke's crackers.  

I had 5 bananas and 2 white potatoes (which I would not have eaten prior to W30)  I will not be eating these 2 foods the second go round. 

Trying to get my mental ju-ju back to carry on. 

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MrsZimm, it's easy to be disappointed with your weight after the first 30 days but the results do flow if you keep going. Think of your heightened sense of wellbeing, the metal clarity, the energy. It will give you positive vibes to keep rolling on W30. You've done incredibly well to get to this point and if you keep motoring the results will happen exponentially. 

The one thing I've cut right down this time around is nuts. It's easy to consume significant calories from them and they are easy to overdo. I count mine now :) 7 almonds on a good day, 10 if I need a little extra lols. Same for nut butters etc - I've eliminated them completely.

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  • Whole30 Certified Coach
On August 1, 2016 at 8:48 PM, MrsZimm13 said:

The photos were helpful and still are to see the small scale <-- my edit :) changes we don't recognize each day. I had my husband take the photos the other day (first time since starting W30) and the change in my midriff is unbelievable. I've slimmed down so much in that area, it's pretty cool to look back and see what I looked like per W30.

< cough, cough >

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1 hour ago, WholeDave said:

MrsZimm, it's easy to be disappointed with your weight after the first 30 days but the results do flow if you keep going. Think of your heightened sense of wellbeing, the metal clarity, the energy. It will give you positive vibes to keep rolling on W30. You've done incredibly well to get to this point and if you keep motoring the results will happen exponentially. 

The one thing I've cut right down this time around is nuts. It's easy to consume significant calories from them and they are easy to overdo. I count mine now :) 7 almonds on a good day, 10 if I need a little extra lols. Same for nut butters etc - I've eliminated them completely.

Hi Dave-

Thank you for your words- I've decided that I will cut out bananas, nut butter ( even thought I may have had it 4 times in 30 days) white potatoes and nuts the next go round. I'm not giving up, but I am taking a few days where I had a cocktail planned and I'll be back at it Sunday or Monday. 


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1 hour ago, littleg said:

< cough, cough >

See- thats why I'm in awe that I didn't lose weight.  My body has changed.  I must just need more time.  I have blood work done next week and the results of that (I get in 2 weeks) are infinitely more important to me.  I'm trying to reverse insulin resistance. 

If my numbers are not better then I'll have to rethink what I'm doing.

Thank you for the reminder... :)

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  • Whole30 Certified Coach

I know this isn't *exactly* what is going on with you, but peruse this article.  If your body comp is changing (which clearly it is due to a much smaller waist - which is, by the way, the best place "metabolically" to lose it from) scale #s can be misleading. 




There is another series of articles the mods post a lot to this type of comment - its also about a woman going paleo and starting crossfit with dramatic changes in here body but no change in scale weight.  I did a quick search and couldn't find them, maybe someone else can.

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