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I don't want Whole 30 to end...is that OK?

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This is my first whole 30 and i feel great. For me it took until day 26 to really see a change. I only needed to lose 10 pounds and i really didn't see much change but for the first time in 36 years (since i was a teen) the "fog" has lifted and my energy highs and lows have finally ended. I no longer need naps and i am rarely starving, even after a good workout. I don't want this to end and don't want to go back to my old way of eating, which was very healthy but included alot of legumes, oatmeal, and yogurts. My family wants me to return to them but i am more inclined to have them join me. Is there anything wrong with continuing this way of eating? Do i really need to go through a reentry to find out that grains make me puffy, cheese makes my stomach hurt and that processed foods make me feel lousy?

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I don't think that there is anything wrong with eating this way but I do believe it would be difficult to turn this into a W365. There will likely be events that come up where you are faced with a little off roading, it'd be good to know what you're in for if you do partake.

Personally I had the same thoughts as you but my curiousity won out, I was drawn to the science experiment aspect of the W30 and for me that includes reintroduction and evalluation.

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If you're feeling good eating W30, stick with it, especially if you already know how those things make you feel. Don't feel like you have to go back to old ways after day 30 if you don't really miss the stuff. I've realized that when I don't eat grains, I eat more vegetables, so I plan on keeping grains out, even if I find (through reintroduction) that they don't mess me up.

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You don't have to re-introduce anything that you have no intention of eating. I stay w30 almost always and I do it happily. I do eat white rice with sushi. I never eat bread and I have yet to eat pizza in over a year. If I wanted it, I would simply have it but I don't miss it. I have a friend who has a wood burning pizza oven in her kitchen. If she made pizza, I would probably have some and happily suffer the consequences. Food has to be very special for me to go off roading. :)

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Get out, a wood fire oven in a regular house kitchen. How cool is that?

Oregon Sunshine, I am a day behind you and started to feel a little disappointed that this experience was coming to an end too. Then I realized, hey, it doesn't have to end. I'm committing to 100 days because there are some health issues that are not healed.

I have a sneaky feeling that this experience was supposed to make us not want to stop eating like this because we all feel so darn good. There is certainly nothing wrong with adopting a whole foods lifestyle forever. As Susan said, maybe not every day of the year though.

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Before I started W30 I was already gluten and dairy free so have no desire whatsoever to try to reintroduce something I already know upsets me. All the reading I did on W30 (obviously I started with ISWF, in fact i keep rereading it :) ) but also Rob Wolf, Mark Sissons, Dean Dwyer, Diane Sanfillipo and others (yeah I go overboard i know :) ) has convinced me that grains and legumes are really not that good for us, so again, and this is a purely personal thing, I don't want to reintroduce them. Non W30, I also want to continue to avoid all the sulphites, carageenans and other nasties I've learned about but will relax a bit over organic honey and added 'natural' sugars and not sweat if I'm out somewhere. I also see that in the future somewher I may make the odd Paleo treat but just haven't really wanted to yet.

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It's hard to be super strict for 365 days of the year. I'd say sooner or later you will be in a situation where you will want to eat something off plan. And when that time comes, just try to restrict it to one food group and call that your reintroduction.

There is no need to reintroduce things immediately and within the suggested 10 day schedule.

Once you reintroduce s.th. you'll know how it makes you feel after eating clean for so long, and you can decide if you ever want to do that again.

There is no reason why you can or should not eat according to Whole30 guidelines for the rest of your life.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am a W60 because of both my cancer and celiac... I really don't miss a lot and i never felt better-- tues the 26th is the end of my first 30 so i am anxious... For me it's not about weight loss but my overall health: i was a HUGE cheese fan and for me rice/corn pasta was how i helped with my celiac... And i am a huge sushi fan. Do you think it'd be ok to start that as a reinto? Plus- is wasabi ok??? I haven't cheated or eaten out once so i am curious what happens now and really sad that it's half way over :(

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