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weird food day. Woke up feeling full-likely also bloated. Food was W30 complaint last night, wine was not ;)

M1: two applegate all beef hot dogs, three poached eggs, black coffee-totally missing my greens, but had zero motivation to cook a proper meal this morning!

snack: not surprisingly I was hungry early, ate some jerky

M2: a feast of leftovers! One chicken leg, a little steamed broccolette, a salad with vinegar and oil, 1/2 avocado a few strawberries and a small dish of mashed cauliflower with some of last night's pork stew.

M3: uh....no idea. I have plenty of protein defrosting in the fridge, so I'll wait and hope for some inspiration when I get home. High stress weeks like this zap my love o'cooking.

Busy weekend ahead, tomorrow I need to find my dress for my 80's prom party :D Sunday the dude and I are going on a hike with some families from his school, I'm hoping it doesn't pour, I'm really not a fan of trekking around a mountain in the rain :unsure:

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Back on track after a few...odd...days. Saturday's mission was to find an 80's prom dress, I was unsuccessful and Paulo was not uncooperative! Totally melted down when I got a parking ticket-now mind you I'd paid for parking but mistakenly left my slip facing the wrong way so they couldn't see I'd paid for parking....whatever, they totally could have seen the date and time if they'd looked. Completely my mistake though, I should be able to get it dropped since I have proof of payment but after going to 4 stores and not finding a dress while dragging a whiny child around, I had to sit in my car and cry for a few minutes. Poor little dude didn't know what to say/do so he just rubbed my head.

Saturday was not a great day for food, breakfast was complaint, after the dress fiasco and ticket meltdown I decided to take Paulo out to lunch, got bunless burgers and fries, decided to have a glass of wine, only one, so much easier to say no to a 2nd when you have to pay exorbitant amounts of money for a glass of wine! Then we went to the mall, he asked to visit the candy store, against my better judgment I said yes, we both nibbled on candy for a while, didn't finish the bag, but ate more than we should. Went to the grocery store and then home for the evening where we both proceeded to start feeling....ill. Sigh, sugar, you evil, evil sweet stuff....Did not eat dinner, made him an omelet, had an apple and almond butter myself and loads of water.

Sunday dawned with my sweet boy limping down the stairs, his ankles were sore and his cough was worse. Canceled on the hike. Flushed out his little sinuses with the neti pot and marveled at how much mucus he can produce AND store in his little face! Took advantage of my unexpected time at home and cooked up some ground beef, simmered some chicken legs in bone broth, steamed carrots and prepped other veg.

M1 almond flour pancakes with bacon and eggs

M2 chicken leg, a little ground beef with shredded zucchini and a little mashed sweet potato, small bowl of bone broth

M3 chicken thigh, couple slices of steak, roasted Brussels sprouts and sauté kale, loads of water. Hey, it was a nut free day! That's rare for me.

Got through the day without a drink, cravings the first 24-36 hours are always the worst, make it through those and I'm home free until Saturday's party. Husband helped by not suggesting a Sunday evening cocktail, but honestly that's because he went out with his friends Saturday and had WAY too much beer! I have a very busy, hectic, week ahead. Definitely returning to the strict W30 eating to help me deal with the stressors better.

M1 ground beef with roasted Brussels sprouts and kale, three eggs, black coffee

M2 salad with egg salad on top, 1/2 avocado, sliced raw carrot

M3 burger sliders, cauli rice and ??? some other vegetable.

I'm exploring the AI protocol for Paulo, his seasonal allergies are better, but not 100% improved and his ankles definitely flared in response to the sugar and probably the fries. I'm nervous though about adding more restrictions. I think for now, we'll just be extra vigilant about sugar and following the W30 principles. The candy store was definitely a bad idea, I knew it too when we were doing it but sometimes **knowing** just does not translate into **doing**.

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Last week was not a great week and the icing on the proverbial cake was my 80's prom theme party. party was a huge success, just not in terms of healthy eating ;)

Ah well, the beauty of going through a W30, I know what I need to do, no guilt, no stress, just do what must be done.

M1 ground sausage patties & homemade mayo with a huge veggie stir fry; Brussels sprout leaves, kale, mushrooms and broccoli, black coffee

M2 green cabbage salad with cucumber, radish, red bell pepper, 1/2 avocado a few apple slices and smoked salmon, macadamia nuts with dried apricots

M3 plan pressure cooker beef stew with spicy sweet potato and steamed broccoli

I'm a little fruit heavy, the sugar dragon is awake and roaring like a B. Going to have to wean myself back off fruit for a few days to feel more in control. I was really surprised I slept as well as I did last night. I actually woke a minute before my alarm was set to go off, so much more pleasant than being jerked from sleep by the annoying beeping. The sun is out in Portland so that helps a lot with regards to mood and mental clarity! Practical Paleo and Paleo slow cooking books just arrived! Yea, just in time, I need some inspiration and new recipes!!

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Clackamas isn't too far away, maybe 30 minute drive, depending on the traffic. I actually had no idea he was based in Clackamas....off to read the website more! Oddly, one of the links on his site goes to Crossfit Portland, Rochelle and Scott Hagnas have a son in Paulo's charter school and Rochelle is our PE coordinator. My little dude gets to do some crossfit, as well as the other things they organize like hip hop, martial arts and yoga. Small world!

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Happy Tuesday! My sleep was disrupted by a scared little dude last night, so I squeezed in with him to keep him calm and comfy. Ah, the joys of parenting. Should have just taken him to the guest room but I was optimistic that I'd be able to get him settled again and back to my own bed.

M1 I paleo'd my whole family this morning ;) cooked ground pork with shredded carrot, diced cocoa roasted sweet potato and broccoli and topped it with poached eggs. I also made coconut flour biscuits, totally not W30 compliant-complete SWYPO and has honey added-but man they're tasty and you know...sometimes momma needs a biscuit!

Went for a walk on a beautiful sunny morning down by the river after dropping my kid off at school. If I could figure out how to post pictures I'd share the amazing view, but alas, I don't know how! Any advice?!

M2 lunch out with my Dad, bunless burger with bacon (totally sugary bacon at that...oh my yum!) and a salad with oil and lemon, black coffee

M3 plan, roasted chicken-it's going in the crock pot-with mashed cauliflower, roasted Brussels sprouts and steamed carrots.

I started reading Practical Paleo last night, I'm not too far in to it yet but it's a good read. I'm tempted to just skip to the recipes but I enjoy reading the why behind why I eat the way I do. Still contemplating AIP for Paulo to see if it helps his allergies more and his joints. It'd be a really big change for him though, I may hold off until after school is out. I feel like it'd be easier in the summer-extra fresh veggies from the farmers market-plus he already feels "different" because of his lunch box, I really don't want to make him feel any worse! His birthday is this weekend, cannot believe he'll be 9 already!! We're having a huge party on Saturday and then just a family day Sunday, the actual birthday. I'm going to stick as close to paleo eating as possible but I know he'll be off track. Hopefully he won't have an allergy set back or an ankle flare up, we shall see...

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Lovely, lovely Wednesday here in Portland! The sun is out, the sky is blue, and people are smiling! The gray, rainy skies take a toll after a while-and I was born here, I should be used to it, right?

I have no idea if I'm doing the whole pre/post work out meals right, it's still foreign to me. I really didn't work out at all during my W30, all I wanted to do was get extra rest. Now that I'm adding it back in, I need to reread and do some research to be sure I'm fueling up in the best way possible to burn off the excess fat store.

M1 bacon, 2 eggs in coconut oil and sautéed kale and Brussels sprout leaves, one coconut biscuit-so yum, but so glad they're all done! black coffee (6:30)

went to the gym after dropping off Paulo, spent an hour,1/2 cardio, 1/2 weights, felt famished after (9:00-10:00)

snack when I got to work the last of my roasted sprouts and a very small bit of left over cocoa roasted sweet potato chunks (10:30)

by noon I was ready to eat but needed to cover the upstairs while my husband went to lunch, had a black coffee

M2 salami, a lot of raw veggies, homemade mayo and the leftover mashed cauliflower (1:00)

M3 plan steak and veggie frittata. I only have a small portion of steak thawed, so I figure mixing it with some eggs and veggies will help stretch it to feed the three of us.

My little dude is struggling with the food plan I'm trying to put in place. He really feels like he's the odd man out because his classmates are eating sandwiches and downing bags of chips. Even my paleo leaning friends have apparently not tried to transition their kids outside of gluten free. To top it off his Grandma, who takes care of him after school, is less than supportive and told him that really, he could just live with his ankles popping and hurting....uh, yeah, but he doesn't have to!!!! I was rereading ISWF today and found a passage I bookmarked to share with him-and her-about how non gluten grain and legume proteins and joints. In the meantime I told him to just not talk about it with his grandmother! The reality is she has multiple diseases that can be tied back to diet, Graves, diverticulitis, chronic digestive distress, depression, high cholesterol, but she is resistant to change. Her naturopath gives her the same diet advice I give her and she's still reluctant. She keeps talking about how she's reducing grains, but I keep telling her you cannot know how they effect you unless you give them up 100% for a minimum of 30 days and then one by one reintroduce. Eating them less doesn't tell you anything. Grrr...end rant.... :angry: I guess I should be grateful that she at least doesn't directly undermine me by giving him the non gluten grains but she's not helping by telling him that he could "live with" it.

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Oh dear, will you have to cook for the party? It's good in a way that you will somewhat control food choices. Can you make a gf cake for little dude? Would be brutal to have a gluten hang over the next day. There are a lot of info about transitioning kids on paleoparents. There was an awesome podcast with Michelle (nomnom) about her attempts. Everyday Paleo writes about this stuff too. Maybe you will find some useful lines to word it properly for little buddy.

I so understand your anger about this family situation. You honestly tried.

Good weather and working out should help with the stress, hold on there and do the best you can!

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Oh there will be no gluten Saturday, just plenty of grains. He's requested crunchy tacos, with refried beans, there will also be cheese. I ordered GF cake and cupcakes from a dedicated GF bakery-that is awesome-no gluten but sugar galore! I told him it's ok, we're not going to worry this weekend because it's his birthday and a special day. I'm very curious though to see how he feels when it's all said and done, it could be a rough Monday.

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Thursday, beautiful Thursday, otherwise known as Friday Eve :D

Sleep quality was poor again, still working on getting the dude to sleep better. Frankly I think my husband's genes have made him prone to insomnia. Rene doesn't get it, but his Mother and brother do. Honestly I'm so used to it that it doesn't phase me but I really think Paulo needs uninterrupted sleep. Might have to seek out a sleep study after all.

M1 3 eggs scrambled, sautéed kale, mushrooms and sprout leaves, salami, black coffee x 2 6:00

Back to the gym for another hour, about 60% of that being weights, the rest cardio and stretching 9-10:00

10:30 my welcome to my desk cup of black coffee

M2 1:00 raw carrots, celery, cucumber with 1/2 avocado and smoked salmon, 4 dry apricots and a small serving of macadamia nuts, man that salmon was delish!

M3 is up in the air, I'm leaning towards a ground beef and shredded veggie mix, but the dude may nudge me towards sliders, which would be tasty too....

Now for my vent of the day....husband knows I "don't do wheat" but still thinks I must eat a chocolate chip cookie that a customer made and brought in this morning. It's sitting on my desk, wrapped in a napkin....it smells really good. The thing is though, I actually don't want to eat it. It smells great, but I'm coming off of a week/weekend that was filled with poor food choices and I have the residual belly bloat to prove it. It's honestly not worth the pain that I think it will cause. Kind of a milestone moment for me really, to be able to look at it, smell it, and go....meh....I'll pass.

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Oh man am I glad that's over! The party was a huge success, my son is now a very happy 9 year old....a very happy 9 year old with a cold-thank you very much sugar overload! I was not at all surprised to hear his nasty cough develop yesterday. He reacts strongly to the influence of sugar. I asked him if it was worth it, he said yes...and no....yes because it tasted good-and yes it did, New Cascadia knows how to do GF cake! and no because he was sick today and missing school. In an ideal world we'd have a sugar free birthday....but I live here, on Earth, in America, and birthdays=sugar consumption. :wacko:

So, in the interest of disclosure over this past weekend I've consumed bourbon, beer and wine, corn tortillas and chips (organic, non GMO), GF cake, rock candy (basically glorified jelly beans so definitely HFCS and food dyes), GF burger buns with fries, and a bite of my baby's ice cream sundae (what can I say, he is too cute to say no to!). I woke up today feeling very bloated, my skin is far from glowing and I have a small breakout. Mentally I'm ok, not feeling terribly anxious or depressed, which is an improvement over off roads past, especially considering where I am in my cycle.

I have been reading Practical Paleo, great book, highly recommend it! I'm just now getting to the meal plan sections and will be perusing the recipes soon. Now that the birthday chaos is over and done with we'll be returning to our regularly scheduled paleo meals :D

M1: 3 eggs scrambled with cauliflower, red bell pepper, mushroom, onion and Spanish chorizo....holy yum! Where has that been all my life!? black coffee x 2 6:30

M2: chicken breast with raw veg, 1/4 avocado and 2 tablespoon (ish) of sunshine sauce black coffee x 1

M3: cinnamon/cocoa spiced beef shoulder is roasting in the crock pot on top of some knuckle bones and water, trying to make a small batch of bone broth while cooking dinner to give to my little dude. This will be served with roasted Brussels sprouts and steamed broccoli.

Trying to get the water in today, off road weekends = dehydration! I will say though, this was an outstanding weekend, my little guy had the "best birthday ever" and despite being a wee bit under the weather is still one of the happiest kids I know. I left him at his Grandma's playing with his new legos, new kindle charged, loaded with a new book and ready for reading and a smile on his face. He's a great kid and I'm really lucky to be his Mom.

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I'm glad the party went well! My 8yo son has food allergies and will sometimes eat something he knows he shouldn't. He usually says it wasn't worth it and skips it for a while, but forgets after a few times and wants it again. I can't blame him. I eat things I know aren't good for me more often that I'd like to admit! I'm sure it feels good to get back to your regularly scheduled paleo meals!

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exactly! I do it too! We all do, we're human, and dang it-sugar tastes good. I really don't enjoy the aftermath though.

I do think that as Paulo has gotten older he's more able to say no, this will make me feel bad, but it's still hard. I know he doesn't like feeling "different" of course he doesn't like feeling sick either! I hope that by the time he's all grown up and on his own his good food choices will be so ingrained that he won't poison himself all through college. Fortunately I have a long way to go before it's time for that adventure!

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Yep - I feel like my son makes good decisions more and more. He also struggles with being different at school. The other day, a girl was waving peanut butter in his face after hearing he was allergic. Luckily, his allergies give him a stomach ache and aren't life-threatening, but she didn't know that. I usually let my kids fight their own battles, but I went to the principal over that one. She needs to know that could be dangerous. I think that by letting our kids make some of their own decisions along the way, they will be more aware of how things affect them than most kids so that by the time they go to college they will make good choices in food AND alcohol. At least that's what I tell myself!

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Yeah that's not cool, fortunately your son doesn't have a life threatening allergy-but regardless, not cool. Paulo tells me he gets jealous of the sandwich eaters... and the chip munchers...and the sugar snackers! I need to make some paleo bread and rolls so he can have something in his lunch from time to time that helps him feel "normal". What kinds of food do you pack for your son? I feel like Paulo doesn't get enough but he's been harder to please this year-again I'm sure it all has to do with feeling like the odd man out.

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I'm doing my first W30 by myself right now, so the rest of the family is not Paleo at all. There have been too many times that he hasn't eaten his food because he didn't want to take it out of his lunchbox, so I take the easy way out and send PBJ (or in our case SBJ - sunbutter jelly sandwich) everyday along with a watered down juicebox (again to feel like the other kids) and usually a banana and some carrots or grape tomatoes. If I have leftover burgers or hotdogs or homemade chicken nuggets, he'll take those in a thermos, but he won't take soup or anything that gets noticed. It has to look like kid food. It's sad that a kid can't eat in peace. He's my good eater, though, so I don't worry too much about his lunch. He gobbles up vegetables at home that most kids won't touch. His favorite is brussels sprouts. He eats whole tomatoes like apples. He loves onions and sourkraut and asparagus and most everything else I throw at him. Oddly, the one without food allergies is the pickier one. I would like to clean up his lunch a bit, though, and find a way to cut down on the bread. We did dr office allergy tests and an elimination diet that showed that he was not allergic or sensitive to wheat, but is allergic to dairy, eggs, soy, corn, peanuts, cod, pork and cantaloupe. (that one's odd) He's also sensitive to sulfites and nitrates. And definitely to a lot of sugar. He's the reason this W30 has been so easy for me - I already make everything from scratch! Anyway, I have a feeling it will get worse before it gets better. Middle school won't be fun. But, I hope that after that, they don't care as much about what the other kids think.

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I sunbuttered Paulo out in Kindergarten, he won't touch the stuff! His typical lunch is a protein like ham rolled around avocado, left over roasted chicken breast, applegate hotdogs or egg salad with homemade mayo with some fruit and veggies. He goes through phases, sometimes all he wants is red bell pepper, lately he doesn't want raw veg at all, but is fine with cold steamed carrots-which totally grosses me out. If he doesn't have the avocado in the ham there's almost always 1/2 avocado by itself, he'll eat that up happily.

On other news....PMS is way, way, way worse today! I can only think that it is 100% related to last weekend's sugar fest....sigh....just get through the day! Seriously, it's like I'm back to pre W30 days, it's day 25 and I...want....to.....scream....which means I'll probably start tomorrow and then return to my normally somewhat pleasant self ;)

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