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This is Moluv's new foodlog chronicling a month doing the AIP and subsequent re-intros.

My IBS Protocol log is here: http://forum.whole9l...ocol-long-haul/

I had a lot of healing take place on that protocol and saw vast improvements in my digestion and general happiness and well being. However I encountered a few reactions that were troubling, namely to caffeine (from tea), whole eggs, curry powder in cultured vegetables, FODMAPS, coconut butter, and dried fruit (a no-no on IBSP, and what ultimately brought that W30 to an early demise). So when it was time to restart, I decided to do AIP so I would have the comfort and ease of a strict rule in place about avoiding eggs. I like rules, ok, I can't even look at my phone at a stoplight without experiencing an extreme twinge of guilt and paranoia. Just to be clear I am following AIP TO THE LETTER- THAT MEANS ALL THE W30 RULES PLUS NO EGGS, NIGHTSHADES, NSAIDS, COFFEE, DRIED FRUIT, NUTS, SEEDS (INCLUDING SPICES). I am probably forgetting something.

I am posting lots of food pics on Instagram too, and will post some here as well.


If you post an AIP approved meal on Instagram, use the hashtag #pleasurebelly

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Day 1: (yesterday)

Meal 1: ground grassfed beef with shredded yellow squash sautéed in the fat

Meal 2: sweet potato burger sliders with lettuce, pickles and horseradish. Raw carrots and avocado.

Meal 3: leg of lamb roast with pork belly and herbs, raw sugar snap peas and mixed olives.

Drinks: Kombucha and water

BM: 2 between 4&5 on the Bristol Stool Chart- so pretty good

Excercise: none, still resting after the weekend flare

Sleep: 6 hours (unusual, I was having fun staying

up and being creative so...)

Day 2:

Meal 1: ground beef and shredded squash

Meal 2: chicken grilled with turmeric and basil added to a chopped salad of greens, olives, artichoke hearts and sugar snap peas with red wine vinegar

Meal 3: Office Pantry Surprise: canned chicken, olives, butternut squash and freeze dried mango

Meal 4: probably going to be leftover chicken and

whatever vegetables, 1/2 an avocado

Drinks: Kombucha and plenty of water

BM: 1 after breakfast, 1 after dinner- more like a 3 on the bsc. May be that I am dabbling with raw veggies. That's a no-no for AIP but I'm rebelling a little there as its getting warmer I like the coolness of raw veg. I may steam some spinach and sugar snaps and then eat them cold so I'm following THE RULES.

Is anyone else doing AIP and NEVER EVER eating raw veggies? I feel like some things I can handle raw but not too much. Idk- I'm going to play around with that.

Excercise: still feel weak but I did work on my art so I'm happy about that!

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Hi Moluv-I mostly saute or steam my veggies. The only way that my tummy seems to handle raw veggies is chopped up nice and small, then I put them in apple cider vinegar, olive oil, and lemon for at least 24 hours. This seems to pickle them enough to be good for my digestion. For instance, I make a kale salad this way. So good! Not sure if this might work for you too.......

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I'm eliminating citrus too per the IBS protocol- but I did remember you posting about soaking in vinegar before. I may try that. I do ok with raw carrots, sugar snaps, and lettuce as far as I can tell. I'm going to be watching my digestion closely.

For dinner I ended up making a chicken salad with steamed green beans and carrots that had cooked- mixed with avocado it was cool and creamy and I didn't miss the crunch at all.

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Hey lady! I am with you..been having some busy days so haven't been on forums as much. More later:) Keep at it!

I will say..if you can tolerate some raw veggies it is good as they have more active enzymes in them that can give your body/digestion a break too. I try to rotate between the 2 right now...

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Oh my gosh Moluv! I just made a recipe from the clean plate:


Then, put seasoned ground pork/beef on top. This was sooooo fantastic and it is AIP safe. Thought I'd share, because it is extremely easy (once your spaghetti squash is cooked).

Hope you are feeling well!

*I just remembered you said no citrus and it calls for lemon juice. I think it would still be really tasty without it!*

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Those sweet potato burger sliders sound YUMMY! I'm making some this week for sure!

You can see what they look like by clicking my Instagram link above. Fun to eat a "sandwich" for the first time in two months!

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Oh my gosh Moluv! I just made a recipe from the clean plate:


Then, put seasoned ground pork/beef on top. This was sooooo fantastic and it is AIP safe. Thought I'd share, because it is extremely easy (once your spaghetti squash is cooked).

Hope you are feeling well!

Ooh thanks- perfect timing too- my husband wants to make WellFed Pad Thai this week and we discussed keeping the components separate so I can eat the meat and veggie and squash portion and they can add the sunshine sauce separately. But I was longing for a creamy sauce too- so I'm going to use this and sub ginger and fish sauce for the garlic and lemon juice.

Will report back if it works out. Thanks for the share and hope you are well too!

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Day 3:

Meal 1: slow cooker refrigerator throw down of leftover various meats and finely chopped celery, cauliflower tips, and zucchini. Had a lot of fat and just a tiny dish of this held me over all morning.

Meal 2: more of meal 1 (no gas or discomfort after eating cauli this way so I'm exited to add a veggie back into the rotation!)

Meal 3: grilled chicken breast with oregano and onion powder (no reaction to that either, but onions themselves are problems), sautéed zucchini and squash, spinach guacamole

Drinks: got some Kombucha on clearance for $1.20 and thought I had to drink 2+ of them before they expired. Feeling no ill effects besides guilt that I over consume Kombucha- but the jury's still out on that one. Lots of water in the am

No BM today and dozed off for a power nap in the afternoon (unusual)

I'm really excited about doing the AIP. I'm thinking about ingredients differently and removing more food groups has only made me more curious and willing to try things I typically don't like, like olives and celery and chicken.

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Hey lady!

You are doing great..glad to see it:) I have no idea why..but I hadn't had sweet potato in like forever so had some of that in last night..think it helped:) Why I haven't had any before now is beyond me..and a good way to get some good calories in without so much fat (I don't have a gallbladder).

Moved my appt with my functional med guy up to next Tuesday..excited to see what he has to say.

Do you tolerate garlic well?

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That's the attitude! While others complain you take the challenge with excitement! Time to do a bit of research and get creative :)

Thanks Nadia- I have noticed around the internet other people beginning an autoimmune protocol having a very negative attitude about it, and frankly, I just don't think it would work as well even if you followed the rules to a tee. I'm glad to have a few positive comrades here to bounce ideas with for sure!

That's great you can have some onion powder and cauliflower.... How does your stomach handle avocado? I am no good with these...

I was pretty excited about the cauliflower- granted I shaved it pretty fine and only took the tips and slow cooked it all night. Will experiment with regular cooking and eating more into the stalks later after more healing time. I also tried a smidgen of garlic powder on my dinner tonight and have noticed no belching and swelling so I'm happy about that. It may just be undercooked or too big of chunks that have given me problems. And I had been leery of avocado but have eaten it now several times with no ill effects. My tummy is continuing to shrink down after the "egg incident" so I think I'm good with that too. A relief because I do love them.

Hey lady!

You are doing great..glad to see it:) I have no idea why..but I hadn't had sweet potato in like forever so had some of that in last night..think it helped:) Why I haven't had any before now is beyond me..and a good way to get some good calories in without so much fat (I don't have a gallbladder).

Moved my appt with my functional med guy up to next Tuesday..excited to see what he has to say.

Do you tolerate garlic well?

I notice a lot of people on the forums act like the starchy carbs are to be eaten carefully especially with not a lot of physical activity- but I started eating them daily when I cut back on insoluble fiber (which helped my digestion greatly) and I'm not really losing pounds but I'm not gaining them either. I also read in Practical Paleo that the soluble fiber in starchy veggies feeds the beneficial gut flora improving motility and digestion in general. So yes to sweet potatoes and squashes!

I'm excited to hear about your functional dr. appointment, please let us know what you find out!

And as I mentioned I did ok with a teensy bit of garlic powder but am not ready to try chopped garlic just yet. I think I'll try that next week. I feel like the fodmap issues I was having were more around the time I was still having coffee, nuts and coconut products and that I was only reacting to them because I was already irritated. This sounds weird I'm sure but when I'm in the midst of a "flare" I will have insane cravings for more foods that exacerbate the flare. This weekend with the eggs- I just couldn't stop thinking about dried fruit- and eating some (ok, alot) just compounded the problem. Long story short, calm gut tolerates small amounts of fodmaps, but distressed gut craves large amounts of them.

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Day 4:

Meal 1: butternut beef breakfast (still my favorite morning meal, and today the kids ate it too- and LOVED it)

Meal 2: spinach salad: raw spinach, cucumbers, green onions (tops only), cooked squash and zucchini, ground beef, red wine vinegar, few olives, peaches in juice fruit cup (drained juice) with cinnamon

Meal 3: Made the Avocado Spaghetti Squash Johnsona posted the link to above, but didn't read the recipe again and forgot some of the ingredients- mine had a little garlic powder and herb de provence. it was good and awesome because I came home from work put two small squashes in the oven and sat on the sofa for an hour reading, then just threw it all together. The kids and husband loved it. Also sucked on about a half a tamarind pod and had 5 raspberries.

drinks: 2 1/2 kombuchas. I think I have a problem. I am contemplating giving up kombuchas for a week or so and saving the money to buy a top from Patagonia. I want to see if I feel differently without them. I know I would at least feel thirstier and drink more water which in turn WILL make me feel better. This is the top I want- going without 12 bottles of Kombucha will pay for itself. http://www.patagonia.com/us/product/womens-astrid-twist-tank?p=54500-0-263

BM: Woke up with this informative (yet hilarious) video in my email describing the Perfect Poop- my NUMBER ONE GOAL WITH WHOLE30- and found it oddly motivating.


I had a #3 on the BSC after breakfast, which isn't ideal, but better than nothing.

I got Practical Paleo from the library today and read more about Autoimmunity and inflammatory issues which an autoimmune protocol can address and feel strongly that I am on the right track, not just being an overly restrictive health nut.

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I'm glad I cant be tempted by kombucha, its not really known here.

Garlic and I arent friends!

My gall bladder and I parted company over 20 years ago when I was in my early 20's

I can so relate to having much worse cravings in the middle of a flare! I am a bit concerned that eggs might be bad for me but not ready to test yet. Main effect I suspect is constipation but that doesnt happen often due to the other triggers so I may be able to compensate for it mostly. My appetite has reduced by 20% this week because I am not in a flare I think. No nuts and dried fruit to make me crazy and no coffee to make me want to eat fruit all the time. Regular exercise and good sleep has helped too!

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Juzbo- that's so interesting about the cravings during a flare. I've only just gotten my system clean enough to really be able to tune into that frequency and I'm now finding that a strange craving is often the first indicator of intestinal distress to come. Case in point- last night I started having a bad reaction to tamarind and was trying to fall asleep and had a crazy hungry feeling and had a strong urge of cheese. I knew immediately I was reacting and sure enough about 5 minutes later came the stomach burning and restless legs, jaw clenching, anxiety feeling. Luckily I'd already taken my melatonin and just slept it off. By morning I just had a tiny tummy ache and have been kind of cranky but now I'm feeling a little more normal. In the old days, I would have just gotten up and eaten a piece of cheese and it's easy to see now how I wrecked my gut by adding irritation on top of irritation day in and day out.

I hope you continue to feel well off the nuts and coffee, I know how hard it is to resist them. My husband and kids have a jar of Artisana cashew butter which is so creamy it just slides down your throat and I long for it often. Stay strong and JUST SAY NO TO NUTS :)

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I had the experience you are talking about yesterday! I tested eggs and let's just say it didn't go well. All I could think about was eating chocolate or some crackers. In some ways I think my mind goes to "comfort" when I am feeling off kilter. My tummy does not want it, but my brain is begging for it. I at least feel like I can (mostly) stay in control of this though, where as before this was not even a thought. Maybe the desire to keep my body healthier won out :)

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I had the experience you are talking about yesterday! I tested eggs and let's just say it didn't go well. All I could think about was eating chocolate or some crackers. In some ways I think my mind goes to "comfort" when I am feeling off kilter. My tummy does not want it, but my brain is begging for it. I at least feel like I can (mostly) stay in control of this though, where as before this was not even a thought. Maybe the desire to keep my body healthier won out :)

I think there is something to this phenomenon and it's one of those things where our biology is so complex that science cannot explain it clearly. I think it sheds new light on the whole idea of what cravings are. I know my nutritionist always tells people if they are craving ice cream their liver/gall bladder is out of whack. It definitely makes it easier to ignore the craving and just try to support your body through a reaction.

So sorry to hear your egg intro didn't go well- was it the whole eggs? I am going to test egg yolk via homemade mayo this week since it's raw and such a small amount as a condiment. I really hope I can at least have mayo since the AIP does allow for egg yolks. How do you do on egg yolks?

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Well, I have tested the yolk back when I first started and I thought it did okay. So, I got brave and tested the whole thing since I've been on the strict protocol for over 75 days. Not completely logical, but at least I know. Once I settle from this bravery, I will test just the yolks alone again. I want to make a mayo as well, so if I could do the yolk, that would be awesome!

One thing that is good is that I am not completely fatigued, just my gut reacted as far as I can tell.

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Just stopped by to chime in that cravings are DEFINITELY a sign of a reaction for me. Now that I'm finally healing sometimes the cravings are the only "symptom" until next day's poop is off. While it's a relief to not have the strong, more immediate stomach/intestinal reaction of before, those symptoms sure made it a lot easier to avoid the problematic food. ;)

Keep rocking the AIP protocol!! It sounds like you're all making good progress.

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Day 5:

Meal 1: butternut squash and ground beef with gelatin added

Meal 2: same thing + 5 raspberries

Meal 3: 1/2 avocado and canned tuna, few bites apple (post hike)

Meal 4: a feast on the grill- burger topped with spinach cucumber avocado salad and pickles, grilled okra and a grilled banana with cinnamon

Drinks: 1 1/2 kombuchas. I'm dropping $1.50 into my tank top fund since I had less than 2 today. I figure that's a good way to cut back without sending myself into some kind of rebellion spiral. Also had a Perrier and plenty of water, plus some ginger peppermint tea

BM: 1 after breakfast. Still a 3.

'twas a fabulous fun and productive day with my family!

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Day 0:

I forgot to add on my foodlog last night that I had ONE BITE of my husbands grassfed beef bratwurst we had grilled- it had a strange chemical taste I didn't recall. I thought these were compliant (it was the garlic I wanted to avoid) but when I double checked the package I saw these have liquid smoke- and probably the creepy kind with caramel color and who knows what else- hence the chemical taste. Anyways, by the time I went to bed I felt my anxiety rising and my jaw clenching and head hurting. My husband wasn't as helpful with our little one who woke up in the night and I was just ready for a fight. So weird. I ended up sleeping on the sofa, an emotional wreck. I woke up this morning with a terrible sinus headache, teeth hurting and started my period. While pms may be partially to blame for my rage last night, it's still really unusual and I am suspicious of that sausage, which also could have nightshades in the "spices". Or maybe I'm having a problem with avocados that isn't showing itself with GI distress.

Meal 1: canned salmon salad with avocado, sugar snaps, artichoke hearts, carrots

Meal 2: same

Meal 3: grilled salmon (kind of overkill at this point, but not my idea), broccoli and cauliflower on the grill and spinach guacamole.

While we were grilling I had the bright idea to make a cocktail. 60 days with no intentional off plan foods and I just wanted to go offroad exploring the scenic town of Jameson's. I had an ounce of it with sparkling water and a splash of pomegranate juice and it really wasn't that good. Before I could even finish it my throat and sinuses were in pain and I started feeling generally bad. I have to say, I expected to feel bad tomorrow after feeling really good tonight with maybe a little buzz. But no, I got no buzz, didn't even finish my drink and now wouldn't be surprised if I come down with a cold. To top it all off, now I am in pain with gas from the broccoli/cauli (another test) and belching through this headache and sore throat is incredibly uncomfortable. I rubbed my whole head and neck with tiger balm, had a neti pot, and 3 Tylenol and some sprays of chloraseptic (fd&c yellow # 4 hello gut disruptors!) and I'm just in bed waiting for melatonin to take this awful day away.

On a positive note, I am glad to know what effect alcohol has on me as it was the only excluded item I was really curious about, and now I know. Granted, my reaction may be compounded by other things but frankly, despite my best efforts, with all my sensitivities it's pretty realistic to think that would be a factor in the future too.

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Wooow, that's a lot of nasty stuff going on. I imagine this is exactly how we made our gut feel every day prior to this Whole experiment. Terrifying. I really hope that your body gets rid of irritants quickly. Feel better tomorrow!

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