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Jen's Post W30 Log


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Dang that treat mentality! At least you didn't let it drive you into what the heck land. AF could totally be to blame for some of this stuff. There have been several different pumpkin spice latte posts by paleo bloggers out there. I've not tried any of them. I just got the pumpkin spice flavored coffee from TJs which is enough for me. That and allowing myself to have a Starbuck's version twice (full fat milk with half syrup) but I don't have strong milk reactions. Of course after I had my 2nd one of the season Diane from Balanced Bites actually posted the ingredients of the syrup. Yuck! That pretty much cured me of my need for another one.


Keep trucking! Let me know how the PaleOMG recipe turns out. I still don't know what I'm making for dinner tonight with guests coming over. Yikes!

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Treats at Target for me usually means raw almonds or a banana. Go figure. That is when I end up getting myself in trouble because I shift my focus from the food to clothes :).

I totally get the pumpkin spice craving. It is everywhere! The sad part is no matter how much we try to recreate a healthy version, they will be a let down. I just remind myself that the syrups a frankenfood and that helps!

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Pumpkin spice!  I made some pretty darn good pumpkin spice cookies yesterday with almond flour, pumpkin, spices, coconut oil and maple syrup.  My excuse is I'm searching for a quick friendly recipe to make when the kids and I are headed to a Halloween thing, but really it was just fun to have something sweet.  They were really good and really spicy which I like.  They were also full of almond flour and I can feel the difference today!


Treats while shopping are just not the same as the old days!

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Yeah, I know those syrups are icky.  I got myself off them years and years ago.  I still always crave a pumpkin spice latte this time of year even though I know I won't get one.  Cravings are funny.  I always crave a Filet O Fish from McDonald's during Lent (because they market it like mad).  That was my favorite when I was a kid.  I gave into that craving once when I was pregnant and oh was it horrid.  Disgusting.  But, I still always crave one during Lent.  Luckily, I know it will taste horrid, so I never give into that craving.  I think I just crave what I thought it tasted like when I was a kid.  I'm not sure if it was actually better back then or if my taste buds were just immature.  Either is a possibility.  I also crave that first spray that comes out of a Diet Coke with Lime bottle or can when you open it.  Mmmmm.  But, I know a Diet Coke with Lime will give me a stomach ache.  So, I don't get one.  I wonder if cravings like that will ever go away. I've been off soda for 6 or 7 years now, but that sound and smell and mist still gets me!  Weird.

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LOL Juzbo!  Don't do it.  It's not worth the stomach ache.  If I weren't practical and frugal, I'd buy Diet Coke with Lime just to smell the fizz when I open it. LOL


The PaleOMG recipe was delicious!  I loved it and will make it again for sure.  I have leftovers, too, which will probably be even better.  My tummy was a little wonky after dinner last night, though, and still this morning.  I'm not sure if it is a continuation of the possibly ice cream, almond, AF issues or if spag sqaush, broccoli AND spinach in one dish was too much fiber or if it was something else.  It didn't help, I'm sure, that I forgot to take my enzymes.  I also forgot this morning and forgot to bring some for lunch.  Grrr!


I stopped at TJ's ON MY WAY TO WORK!!!!  I'm giddy. For the past many years, I've driven 10 minutes past work every Friday morning to go to TJ's to get the majority of my groceries.  I'd laugh with a friend that I was going on my way to work because it definitely wasn't on the way.  But, they just opened one that is actually on my way to work!  I'm so excited.  Of course, they are still working out the bugs and were out of a lot of things I need, but now that it is on my way home, I can stop any old day I want.  Yipee!


My exciting Friday night plans are hot yoga and cleaning under my kitchen sink.  I'm not sure I've ever really cleaned under there.  Ick!  Anyway, I finally got fed up and am putting in new contact paper and trying to find some sort of tray to put under the garbage and compost cans.  It will feel good to get that done.  Tomorrow, I think I'll clean out the recycling closet!  I also have some holiday dishes and my old SLR camera (hubby bought a new one, which I don't think we needed, but oh well) to put on Craigslist and need to bag up stuff for Goodwill or something.  I went through the kids' winter clothes and found a bunch of stuff they've grown out of that I'd like to get to somewhere where it can be used this year by someone who needs it.  Should be a fun, productive, weekend!   


M1 - smaller portion than usual due to wonky tummy, but same foods: CB sw pot, kale, eggs, CM coffee

M2 - l/o spag squash dish

M3 - this: http://civilizedcavemancooking.com/entrees/seafood/coconut-shrimp-with-cccc-sweet-and-spicy-sauce/

Tummy did not feel better so just had a banana and almond butter before yoga.

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LOL Tiger blood?  I'm not sure.  Just fed up with the mess and the boys were away for a couple days (it's MEA wknd in MN - the teachers all have meetings and the kids have off.  Practically a state holiday!) to the hunting shack with Dad so I have time to do things I want to do.  But, I guess I'm not just watching tv, so maybe tiger blood...  Though, I never really just sit and watch tv.  I have a hard time sitting still for long except when I get into bed at night to read.  Normally, I have enough kid stuff to keep me hopping.  It's rare to have time to fill with stuff I want to do.


I got the under sink cleaned and matted and put back together.  I scoured Target twice and finally found the perfect solution.  Instead of contact paper, I put down rubber mats that are meant to go under dog bowls.  They are easy to clean and have a slight lip to catch any spills.  It's much better.  I also got the recycling closet cleaned out.  I poured out soda that was dated 2009!  We don't drink soda, but I liked to keep some around for company.  The newer stuff I'm going to donate to my next door neighbor's Halloween party.  Then, I'll just keep a few jugs of lemonade around to open for guests.  Nobody needs soda!  Luckily, there was no Diet Coke with lime to tempt me. LOL 


Yesterday was cleaning lady day, so when I came home from hot yoga to my empty quiet and CLEAN house, I took advantage of no grimy kids and took a bath in my clean tub.  It was lovely.  I added epsom salts.  I thought maybe that would help my tummy, which was still wonky all day yesterday.  I ended up not eating dinner.  I had a banana and almond butter before yoga because I didh't think going to hot yoga on a 7 hr empty stomach was a good idea but also didn't want to eat something that would make my stomach hurt.  I think it worked well.  My stomach still isn't great today.  I think it's AF related more than anything else.  It isn't cramping or naseous or anything.  Just full feeling.  I at a smaller breakfast again and plan to make lunch soon but keep it small, as well.  Hoping it feels better soon.  I'm going to yoga again tonight.  Yay!


Better get to the rest of my list as the boys will be back this afternoon.


M1 - eggs, kale, CB sw pot, CM coffee

M2 - this: http://civilizedcave...nd-spicy-sauce/

M3 - salad/veg, ground beef, guac

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The shrimp was ok.  I overcooked it.  If I try it again, I'll fry them or use the broiler instead of baking it.  By the time the coating crisped up, the shrimp was rubbery.  The taste was good, though. 


Stomach still is weird.  Sometimes being a girl stinks.  Not that I'd want to be a boy.  :)


Yoga was wonderful.  I am just about able to do crow!  I can do it for a couple seconds, but am working up the courage/trust in myself to stay in it.  Very fun!  I get to go again tonight.  Last year, I had Groupons that got me 45 classes, so I carefully spread them out so as not to run out before Spring.  Unfortunately, the Groupons were just for first time customers, so this year, I had to shell out for an unlimited monthly pass.  Although It's a bummer to pay more, it is nice to go as often as I want and not worry about them running out.


Day 5:

M1 - eggs, kale, CB sw pot, CM coffee

M2 - I think acorn squash stuffed with ground turkey, kale and spices

M3 - potato leek soup, chicken, salad

snack - banana

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It's funny, last Monday I was all grumpy because my larger pants were tight.  Between AF finally coming and a few days of stomach aches that made me not eat that much, this Monday, my larger pants are loose and my middle pants fit.  So, Yay!  I feel much better.  I can't count how many times I've read on the forums women freaking out over weight gain and then saying oh, I guess it was AF.  And then I go and do it, too!  We're funny.  Anyway, I'm inspired to keep going, eating well and finishing up my W16+16 and then figuring out what November looks like.  I had thought that maybe I'd stop this Saturday for my neighbor's Halloween party so I could have a glass of wine, but now I'm thinking I won't.  A glass of wine might be yummy, but then I would likely bend to temptation at the food table, sleep horribly, be tired and bloated the next day, probably suffer tight pants, be discouraged, etc.  It's not worth it.  It might be worth it a couple weeks later when my mom comes to visit, but it's not worth it for a neighborhood Halloween party.  I will bring my kombucha or maybe decaf if it's cold out and feel good in the moring!


The weekend was great. I cooked some great food, got a ton done, went to yoga 3x and even finished my book.  I wish I didn't have to come back to work today, but at least I feel somewhat refreshed from a good weekend.  Stomach is still a little weird.  It's better than it was, though. I actually got hungry last night about 3 hours after dinner / 1 hour before bed, so I had a banana. 


Day 6:

M1 - eggs, kale CB sw pot, CM coffee

M2 - l/o shrimp, brussels sprouts

M3 - braut, salad, turnip/potato patties, applesauce

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Possibly weird conincidence, but my recent 3-4 days of stomach ache with no explanation reminded me of a similar string of days back in May that I tentatively attributed to switching from store bought kombucha to homemade kombucha.  I read back through my log just to see what I was eating around the time it started and it turns out that the night before it started, I had a cabbage salad with almond butter dressing.  Well, before it started this time, I had spag squash w/ OMG sauce - made with almond butter. 


This is the OMG sauce: 2 tablespoons almond butter, juice of 2 limes, 1 tablespoon white wine vinegar, 1.5 tablespoons coconut aminos, 2 tablespoonssriracha ,½ tablespoon raw honey,1 teaspoon sesame oil,3 tablespoons coconut oil,2 teaspoons fresh ginger, grated,2 cloves of garlic, minced,½ teaspoon red pepper flakes,salt


This is the sauce from May: 2 tsp minced garlic, 1 tsp sriracha,3 T rice vinegar,2T coconut aminos ,2T almond butter, 2T olive oil, 2T sesame oil


Both sauces have almond butter, coconut aminos, sriracha, sesame oil.  I wonder if the combination of those doesn't agree with me?  Maybe after I feel 100% better for a while, I'll mix up some OMG sauce and see what happens.  I've had all of those ingredients plenty of times without a stomach ache, so I'm thinking maybe it is something in how they are combined? It would be weird, but maybe worth noting.

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Wow, thanks for posting that potato and turnip recipe! I live in a vegetarian co-op, and we often have a surplus of turnips, especially in the winter, when that and kale seem to be all New England farmers can grow. :P So next time I'm cooking for the co-op and we have turnips and potatoes (aka always), I'll definitely be making these patties!

I just wanted to drop in and say hi, as well. Hi! Glad to hear about your great weekend! :)

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The turnip/potato patties were pretty good.  The kids (and more importantly my root veg hating husband) had no idea there were turnips in the patties along with the potatoes. 


dani - I posted a root veg mash recipe on the recipe forum that might work, too.  You wouldn't be able to add bacon, but you could probably find another way to add flavor and by mixing roots together and adding some fat and flavor. 


M1 - eggs, kale, CB sw pot, CM coffee

M2 - l/o coconut shrimp, brussels

M3 - chicken salad

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Nothing much going on here.  Just truckin along.  I put a spoon of AB in my apple sauce last night and warmed it up. I t was lovely, but kind of desserty - probably shouldn't do that every day.  I realized that I've been doing much better this time around at not going for "dessert" after dinner.  No dates with SB or anything like that.  I'm happy about that.  I like just calmly eating what I eat and not thinking or stressing aout the rest.  Maybe it's getting easier in that respect?  I hope so.  7 months ago, I never would have believed that I'd still be sitting here eating my eggs and kale and meat and being relatively ok with not eating sweets and oatmeal.  I'm not really sure how the time went so fast!


Day 8

M1 - eggs, kale, CB sw pot, CM coffee

M2 - l/o spag squash w/ AB sauce & sausage

M3 - chicken salad

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I hear you on that movement of time sentiment. It still feels like I just started this paleo thing sometimes but in reality I've been doing it since mid-March. It really is the new normal for me. Redefined normal is what is key to long term success. When your status quo is good clean healthy real food than the occasional treat or less healthy food really is that...a treat...and not as detrimental to your success. 

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LOL.  So, you like the kale salad, then?  :)  I never thought I'd be excited to eat eggs and kale every morning and not miss oatmeal all that much. 


I had the leftovers of the AB sauce dish yesterday for lunch and no tummy ache so far, so that isn't it.  It was a REALLY long shot, but it was an interesting theory.  I guess I can live with occasional unexplained 4 day tummy aches.  As long as it doesn't happen that often.  It's better than the probably every other day tummy aches I had before April and the 4 week straight tummy ache I had on the lentil "restart" diet I did in January. 


Day 9:

M1 - kale, eggs, CB sw pot, CM coffee

M2 - l/o acorn squash, sausage, kale

M3 - smoked trout on salad w/ veg and roasted brussels, roasted delicata squash dipped in mayo - SO GOOD!!!

snack - apple, almond butter, coconut butter

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So, I got into the anybutters last night.  Just letting the idea get into my head was my downfall.  Goal tonight is not to do that.  I don't want that habit to come back!


My dinner was so good and so filling.  I roasted a delicata squash and dipped it in mayo along with a salad topped with roasted brussels sprouts and smoked trout.  I was so stuffed!  I'd do the same thing tonight, but I don't want to be that stuffed for yoga.  Oddly, three hours later, when husband got home and was eating a late dinner, I actually felt a little hungry.  That's when I got into the butters. 


Day 10:

M1 - kale, eggs, CB sw pot, CM coffee

M2 - salad with salmon, olive oil dressing, veg

M3 - smashed plantains, avocado/tuna mash, salad

Post W/O - AB banana - not the best post w/o choice, I know, but it's what I wanted and I did not go back for another unneeded spoon of AB or any other butter, so I'm happy

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Your dinner sounds amazing! I think I'm going to come home for lunch today and roast some delicata squash as well to eat with one of my leftover burgers. I need to do some major veggie cookup and fridge cleaning.


Lame on the anybutters. What's your game plan for the next time that gets into your head?

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I do like the kale - well, only the lacinto kale at this point and I don't always love it, but then I keep eating it so I think I like it in the same way I like coffee.  That lentil restart of yours sounded awful.  I remember reading about it.  Definitely wouldn't be for me.  

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