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Jen's Post W30 Log


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Thanks!  It really is a dream kitchen.  Things are going well right now.  I actually overslept my alarm yesterday!!!!  I slept until 630.  Woohoo!  And, my neck pain is gone.  I'm not sure if it's the standing desk, work stress going down, project being over, or if it was the Dulera, but, regardless, I'll take it.  The kitchen is great, except the dishwasher leaks.  Hopefully, they can figure out what it is fairly easily.  At least I can live in and enjoy the kitchen.  I don't mind doing dishes by hand as long as it's not in the laundry tub in the basement!  Last night, I watched Love Actually :) and wrapped presents.  I almost finished.  I feel good about that!  Just 2 more and I'll be done with that.  I'm feeling more caught up.  Shopping is done and wrapping is almost done and tree is almost decorated.  We'll get there in plenty of time! 

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All is coming together for you, Jen!  So glad you are sleeping and your neck is no longer hurting.  Big Woot!


Hope they get the dishwasher leak fixed quickly!  Jealous of your Love Actually watching and Christmas wrapping almost being done.  I went quickly through our gifts last night to see what we are waiting on to be delivered and Oy Vey - there is much to be done.

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I skipped yoga last night in favor of some family time and finishing my wrapping.  I really need to get there this weekend!  Tonight, my goal is to get the family to finish decorating the tree so that I can put the bins away.  As with every other year, they were all excited at first, but then lost interest.  Actually, the bins are going away whether they finish or not.  I don't care if the tree is only half decorated (only husband can reach the top third, even with a step ladder).  Then, all I have left is grocery shopping and food prep, but I can't really do that yet anyway. 


So, why am I more tired today than I have been for a long time?  I somehow powered through all of those days after waking up at 4 am and now that I'm sleeping again, I'm soooooo tired.  Part of me is tempted to dive into the cookie trays that are all over the office to help with this afternoon slump.  But, I know it won't help so I am going to resist with all of my might.  Today is day 53 of no sweets except one Thanksgiving meal dessert.  I don't want to ruin my streak just because I'm a little tired.  Right?

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Happy Monday!  I resisted the cookies at work.  I know it was tiredness, AF and boredom and not hunger.  The main thing keeping me out of them was fear.  I know I don't have an off switch and that once I fall, I am probably done until New Years.  Every day that I can resist is one fewer day of sugar free for all.  Just today and tomorrow to survive the work cookie gauntlet.  That said, I did end up using one of my exceptions Saturday night.  10yo and I made cookies and then ate one together.  Of course, I then had 2 more.  But, then I stopped and kept it from becomming a free for all and didn't have any more cookies or sweets the rest of the weekend.  I consider making and eating Christmas cookies with my kid who loves to cook a totally worth it occasion. :)  Much more worth it than any Holiday party. 


I had to leave work early on Friday (that helped the cookie thing, too!) because the 13yo went to the nurse sick.  Poor kid had the chills and a headache and sore throat.  He ended up sleeping all day, watching a movie with Dad and then sleeping all night.  He felt well enough to still go to ski club and his best bud's  birthday on Saturday/Sunday, thank goodness.  He was dragging a bit, but he made it.  His best friend was out for 4 days with the flu last week and I was certain that was what he had.  Actually, it might have been what he had.  His best friend lives on sugar and my son, though he gets plenty of treats, also gets plenty of wholesome food.  I bet that helped him beat the same bug in less time. At least that's what I'm telling myself while patting myself on the back. LOL  :P

Fingers crossed that the rest of us don't get it just in time for Christmas!  I've been upping the vitamin C and zinc and making sure everyone washes hands, etc. 


I got a ton done this weekend.  I did all of the non-perishable shopping, finished the stocking stuffers, got a bunch of organizing stuff done in the kitchen (hanging stuff and moving stuff around), baking soda/vinegar'd the drains (last year, our kitchen drain clogged on Christmas Eve - NOT doing that again!), tons of laundry, switched my first post new kitchen batch of kombucha over to the flavor stage, etc.  It felt good.  I also got in 3 yoga classes.  And, somehow convinced husband to do 3 of the things on his honey-do list. :D


I'm feeling ready!  And so happy that I only have to work 2 days this week.  My fingers and toes are crossed that work doesn't mess with my week and a half off.  I'm sure it will, but I'll try to minimize it and enjoy some time off with the family.  Yay!

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Making and eating Christmas cookies with your kids sounds totally worth it to me as well.  And great job not letting a few cookies turn into a free for all.


You had a busy weekend!  Sounds like you are feeling good and ready for the holidays.  I'm on a two day this week, two day next week work schedule and I'm also pretty excited about it.


Here's to enjoying, relaxing, and having fun!   :D

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My plan for yesterday and today to survive the cookie gauntlet is the same as at Halloween - eat a lot!  I am so stuffed full of extra big portions of kale and sweet potato that a cookie just doesn't sound good.  Just 7 hrs to go!  My goal for the next few days is to eat regular meal sized meals at mealtime and not graze and limit the alcohol and sweets to the holiday meal itself and not all day long.  (not that I'd drink all day ha ha!).  I stopped at Target and Trader Joe's on my way to work and got the last of my groceries.  I think I'm completely ready!  Wow!  Tomorrow, I can get up and start prepping and cooking and setting the table and all that fun stuff.  If the weather is ok, I'll take a walk with a friend in the morning and we'll go to church in the afternoon.  Then, the festivities begin!  It'll be several days of get togethers and parties and food and drink and good times.  I'm going to try to relax, enjoy myself and eat what makes me happy but not icky.  Happy Holidays, everyone! 


5 hrs to go.  No cookies!  No cookies!  No cookies!


Today is day 59 of no sweets with 2 / 6 allowed exceptions.  Cookies at work are not worth it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Happy New Year!  I'm back.  I had a lovely vacation and am so sad it's over.  We had fun times with friends and family, enjoyed the holidays, got a ton done around the house and still had time for relaxing.  I went to a bunch of yoga classes and read a few books.  I slept great!  A couple days I was shocked to wake up at 8!  It was hard to get up at 6 today.  I'm so happy that the days of waking at 4 every day are over!  I installed our stair runner, hung stuff on walls, did some touch up painting, rearranged a few cupboards, etc.  It was so nice to spend time in my kitchen cooking or just drinking coffee and reading the paper.  It made me happy every day.  The boys enjoyed plenty of video games, their new soda stream (from Grammy) and a few ski days.


Food wasn't the best, but it wasn't the worst either.  I technically met my goal of 60 out of 66 days with no sweets.  I had sweets on Thanksgiving, when I made cookies with my son, that last day of work when my resistance was just worn down and I ate cookies when I got home (but none at work!) and then on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Years Eve.  I'm happy about the 6 out of 66 days, but not happy with the quantinty on half of those days.  I really dove into the sugar on the three holidays.  It wasn't pretty.  Trail mix with candy is evil.  Seriously, I need to NOT BUY IT!  I need to remember next year that if I buy fancy candy trail mix, I will be the one to eat it all.  I can't fool myself into thinking it's for my company.  Sigh.  However, in between those days, I had plenty of holiday events where I had no sweets and plenty of days full of kale and eggs.  Still, I also was eating more and different foods from normal.  Lots of holiday get togethers and then holiday left overs.  I had beans, brussels, some GF grains, probably some gluten, yogurt, etc.  My belly is bloated and my weight is up.  I started a new NS challenge on 1/1.  I haven't really defined it yet.  Just avoiding the sweets. It's hard to get back on track.  I'm also happy to know all of the holiday leftovers are gone so I can get back to normal eggs and kale and salad and tuna and avocado.  I am not letting myself panic over the weight gain.  It will be gone soon.  I am going to just get back to my normal eating and remain calm.


As far as food, despite the ending, I feel like 2014 was a great year.  I feel like I got off the roller coaster and had more calm eating days than not.  I also had way more no sweets days than not.  My goal for 2015 is to keep it up.  Focus on good, wholesome food.  Calm eating.  Limit sweets.  Not let my weight or what I ate determine my mood.  I would like to improve on it a bit, though, by also trying to make the exceptions smaller.  I'd like to have my exceptions be more like Thanksgiving (one dessert) than Christmas (sweets ALL DAY LONG).  So, that is my New Years Resolution.  Extend the stretches of no sweets and when it's worth it, indulge in contained portions.  It's a process or journey.  Not black and white.  So, I know I can do it.


My other NYR's are to figure out how to do a tripod headstand and to finish my 10yo's baby book.  (that one has been on the list for 10 yrs...) 


I hope everyone had a great holiday!


Just decided after reading LadyM's log to do NS for all of January with no exceptions.  No sweets and no alcohol.  And work on sticking to template meals and not snacking.  It'll be a good way to get back on track without obsessing.

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I think your 2014 NS endeavors were impressive!  And on you go into 2015!


Sounds like we are in the same boat being up a few pounds.  But like you, I'm confident they will come back off, especially now that I'm exercising again.


Glad you had such a wonderful vacation and hope it isn't too tough transitioning back to work!

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I can't get anywhere near trail mix, fancy or otherwise, without diving in face first. Not pretty.


So glad you enjoyed yourself and have a happy plan for moving forward. I know for me that too much diversity in food sets off my I WANT alarm. Keeping it simple and limited to what you know works best for you is definitely the way to go. 

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Another NYR or goal for 2015 is to start 2016 not needing to "get back on track".  I'm bummed that I let it get out of control a bit over the holidays and that I'm now suffering from tight pants and digestion issues.  I know they'll resolve fairly quickly, but I really wanted to start the year for once not needing to get back on track.  Good goal for next year, I guess.  I am also bummed that I am still suffering these consequences when I let it get out of control so much less than last year.  I really only had 3 "bad" days.  They were just really bad.  And then too many out of the norm leftovers in between, I suppose, even though they seemed ok.  I also was sleeping well and doing tons of yoga, so I should be feeling better than this.  Argh! 


Ok, moving on.  Goals are still calm eating, fewer and smaller exceptions.  It's a process.  And no sweets in January.  I looked at the calendar and the Super Bowl is 2/1, so that works out perfectly.  We just watch it at home but I always make a fun snacky dinner and dessert.  I am going to make a fun Paleo dessert and practice my goal of small exceptions by having a template dinner and one serving of dessert.  Something to look forward to.

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Last year I started out without having to get back on track, because I had the stomach flu over the holidays.  I'll take a little time of getting back on track over that any day!  Ha!  But I do know what you mean.  I'm in the same "pants" as you, and wish I wasn't.  But ever striving to do better.


Super Bowl sounds like a fun treat to look forward to, and to test out your new resolve.

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Jen, I hear you on that.  I felt so proud of myself for being so careful on Xmas and having one small dessert and no candy, etc.  But then I deteriorated in the days after that and definitely feel the need to get back on track.  Sigh.  I too did so much better than last year where I'm sure I had some kind of sweets every day between Thanksgiving and New Years!


Does the getting things done get easier when your kids get older?  I had a huge list of chores for December and I feel like I got almost nothing done.  My kids are 2 and 4 and I was constantly supervising their fights etc.  I wish I could have accomplished more!

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It gets WAY easier as the kids get older.  Be patient with yourself - you are at a tough age.  At 10 and 13, they go off skiing all day with friends (which they did 3 times over break!) or are happy to play video games all day if I let them.  I can get a ton done.  I have to remind myself to stop working on my chore list and force them to spend time with me!  Or better yet, have them help me, which I'm not good at! :) 


The other side of that coin is the driving to activities.  We didn't have that over the holiday, which was why I got so much done, but during the regular week, I often can't do what I want because someone needs to get somewhere.  For example, I would have liked to go to yoga last night.  One of my favorite teachers is on Monday.  But, with various scout meetings and soccer, it wasn't going to happen.  I made the best of it, though, by running to Target during one and then reading my kindle while waiting at the other.  During the nicer months, sometimes I walk circles around the soccer field with my ipod or a friend. 


Hang in there and enjoy these days when they actually want to be with you. :)

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The bloat/weight is still sticking around.  I don't believe I gained 5 real pounds over the holidays.  And, it's weird because I actually didn't feel this way until this past weekend.  Even right after each of the holidays.  Last weekend, I made a Thai Paleo pizza that used a lot of nuts (AB in the sauce, cashews and almond flour in the crust), I ate it Saturday night and then for lunch Monday and Tuesday.  Wondering if the nut overload is the cause of my bloat/weight/tight pants/whatever.  Luckily, I'm too lazy to make fancy Paleo recipes often.  While it was fun to try something new, it's not something I'll do often.  So, maybe now that it's gone I can really get back on track and will start feeling normal again.  That would be nice.  Speaking of fancy Paleo recipes, last night I made a herb-butter rubbed sourkraut stuffed whole chicken.  It was really good.  It didn't take any time at all to put together, just lots of time in the oven.  And, with my new fancy oven, I can stick the probe in the chicken and the oven will tell me when it's done!  That is so cool!


I skipped yoga last night thinking we could have a nice warm cozy family night in (it was so cold yesterday they closed schools - here we go again!).  Unfortunately, the boys had a different idea and were fighting so much they ended up sitting in their rooms while we ate the yummy chicken and then ate their cold dinners in silence before being sent to bed.  Sigh.  Husband and I made the best of it - eating a nice dinner together and then watched tv together after they went to bed.  I think seeing us still having fun made it worse for them. Ha! :ph34r:

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I think your paleo pizza theory sounds like a good one.  The nuts might be causing some water retention bloating.


Love that you are enjoying your new kitchen and new oven.  I have a few chicken recipes I've been wanting to try, but I have been so unmotivated to cook.  Although this colder weather is making me think I might want to try...


Sorry about the boys but it sounds like you made the most out of an annoying situation.  Glad you and your husband still had a good time, we need that with our spouses!

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Ugh!  Weight and all is still the same.  AF is here, though.  I guess I just have to wait it out.  I'm really having trouble not getting discouraged.  I'm trying not to panic.  There's really nothing I can do about it and fretting and stressing won't help.  I can't go back in time and make better choices over the holidays.  All I can do is get back on track and move forward.  It's just so frustrating that 3 off road days wiped out a year of hard work and good choices.  I really hate that. 


We had a nice weekend.  I got to yoga 3 times, got a pedicure, had a dinner date with 10yo, ran kids around to various play dates, etc.  All good stuff.   

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 It's just so frustrating that 3 off road days wiped out a year of hard work and good choices.  I really hate that. 


This sounds like AF talking. NOT TRUE. Ride it out, lady. 


Otherwise, sounds like a lovely weekend!

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