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Jen's Post W30 Log


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You can do this Jen!  I feel like I've been hurting myself too.  I'm not sure why it's so hard for me to get to a better mindset.


Sara, I want my wine too.  I'm having a super stressful and chaotic week and wine is one of my favs so I really want it after a long, hard day.  I've been resisting, but this is only day 5 for me!

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Have you considered that the weather at this time of year might be playing a factor as well? You said you struggled Jan-Apr and hit your groove in May. Perhaps you need to increase Vitamin D or get a HappyLight or something of the like to help you through the dark depressing months? Is work also more stressful for you at this time of year?


You've got a great plan...just make sure you give yourself all the support you can besides just trying to white knuckle it. Something I have to continuously remind myself. :D 

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Same old here.  No changes.  January has really been a bust as far as food/eating/weight/feeling good.  Other stuff is good, but that stuff stinks.  I'm hoping February is awesome!  I got some vit D to see if that will help.  Other than that, all I can do is try to make the best choices I can each day and try to stop fighting against myself.  It's tough because there are so many events.  I ate out twice this weekend and am eating out again today and a work lunch tomorrow.  Even though I make what I think are good choices, it's harder to control restaurant ingredients and portions.  And sometimes, I make a less than steller choice (that glass of wine was fabulous, though! :P  )  When I wasn't eating out, though, I just ate normal food and no sweets.  This is going to be a long week, so I am going to just try to get through it - eat wholesome food, get some sleep, manage stress.  Calm.  That's the goal.   

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A really fabulous glass of wine is worth it. Cheers to a February that's all yours, lady!


Another thought: if you've been missing your walks, that could be having all kinds of bummer effects. I find that I need an extra cardio boost in the winter. I haven't really been getting it much lately, which reminds me to get my butt on the treadmill after work. . . . 

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I think winter is just a hard time.  You can't get outside to exercise so all of us move less (unless we're huge gym rats) and comfort food always sounds so appealing!  During my Whole 10 I'm craving rice (I mean, really, RICE??) and I think it's because I'm really craving warm, comforting foods.

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I'm hanging in there.  Absolutely no change despite no real off-roading.  I'm not sure what's going on.  It's very frustrating.  I started taking VitD and will try to get out for a walk as often as I can.  I'm on NS7 after my trail mix episode.  I'm trying to not worry about it as worrying about it won't help.  I'm hoping NS long term and just keeping as clean as I can will eventually pay off.


We had a catered lunch yesterday during an all day meeting.  It was awful - sandwiches, pasta salad, chips, and super delicious looking brownies.  Barely a veggie in sight.  Sigh.  I ate the insides of a couple sandwiches and most of the lettuce garnishing the plate. LOL  I was starving the rest of the day and didn't have the ability to leave to get something.  I survived, of course, and had a good dinner of fish, salad/veg and avocado.  There's an optional catered lunch today.  I will skip that one!  I've had a little streak of eating out, which even making the best choices I can doesn't really help matters.  Luckily, that should be done and I have a stretch now with no plans.  So, I'm going to focus on just eating my normal, plain food.  Fingers crossed that February is awesome!

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It's so funny to me how I used to leap at the chance at a "free lunch" whenever it was on offer at work, which sometimes is quite frequently. Now, I have no interest whatsoever and am all the better for it.


Fingers crossed!

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Sounds like you made the best of a less than stellar set of choices.  Relaxed, being kind to yourself eating.  That's what I'm trying for - not to be crazy restriction lady.  But right now, crazy restriction lady is yelling that her's is the way to go.   :(   I will keep it positive, I will.


Onward, upward February!

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Well, I ended January in the same sorry situation as I started.  But, I'm determined to not let February follow suit.  I'm going for a super clean February.  It's a short month, after all. :)  I even skipped coffee yesterday and today!  We'll see how long that lasts. LOL


I offroaded Saturday night.  We were invited to friend's for a fish fry.  I had wine, fried fish, salad, guac.  Then tortilla chips to soak up the wine.  But, no sweets.  It was a very nice relaxed evening and I'm happy we went.  I woke up Sunday feeling the blah effects of indulging, but nothing too bad.  It was a good time to clean up my act, though. 


We had a nice time last night, too.  I chose not to off-road at all and still managed to get too full on veggies.  Sigh.  But, that's better than eating the rest of the junk!  The boys indulged in all kinds of treats and were happy as clams. 


I don't have any events or work lunches or anything like that planned (that I know of!) in the next couple weeks.  Hopefully, nothing pops up.  I'd like to start out the month really clean.  I'll probably indulge a little on Valentine's Day, but I'll figure that out when it comes.  For now, I'm just going to eat my veggies and try not to think about the rest. :)


Here's to a great February!

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Jen! Yay. It's so comforting to see you guys are still here.

Here's to a good February, with sunny walks and vitamin D. I definitely suffer when I'm housebound. Jan was cold here but not snowy so I was able to bundle up and get out and that felt great. Now the sidewalks are covered in inches of solid melted snow and slush and the wind is frigid. A friend of mine suggested snowshoes. Alas no one shopped from my Christmas list but I still think that sounds like an amazing winter activity.

It's hard when you're stuck inside, faced with wine and treats. Though from my event-less life events sound fun. (Though maybe work events are more like "mandatory fun," what I always used to call them. Taking the fun out.)

I have no doubt you'll put yourself right again!

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And I'm back!  Woot!  Remember those 5 lbs gained at New Years?  Gone!  In one week!  February is going to be my month for sure.  I feel so much better.  It's not about the number on the scale as much as not feeling bloated, pants fitting better, just feeling better in my skin.  I still think of my goal as 5 lbs lower, but I'm comfortable here and so don't need to strive for more.


Last week, I was super careful.  Not really W30 or sustainable, but a good reset of sorts.  I mostly ate and drank veggies and fruit for 3 days and then ate very careful normal for me eating the rest of the week.  I didn't really think of it as restrictive or a diet as much as a reset, which kept the rebellion at bay.  It helped reset my habits back to my normal calm way of eating.  I got of out of my head, too.  It helped stop the "it's just a little, a little can't hurt" and the "wah, it doesn't work anyway so I'm going to just eat what I want even if I really don't want it" and all that noise in my head.  It stopped the dipping things in almond butter any time I felt the slightest bit hungry.  It stopped the inability to pass by samples at TJs or WFs.  I'm again able to objectively react to hunger, including just ignoring it if the situation is right for that.  It's only a week, so I know I still have to pay attention to stay in my calm place, but I feel like I'm 90% there.  I have no special occasions (work lunches, etc) this week, so I plan to continue my careful normal W30 way of eating.  I may make that treat for V day that I planned for the super bowl party but skipped.  Or, I may not.  We'll see how I feel then.  I want to be back in the place where I eat normally and calmly until it's worth it to not, indulge mindfully and in small portions and then seemlessly go back to normal.  I feel like I'm almost there.  So, yay!


3 tough yoga classes (I'm actually sore, which is awesome), a long walk with a friend and a pedicure this weekend didn't hurt, either.  13yo had ski club and a long sleepover/hangout and 10yo spent the whole weekend talking husband into ice fishing on our lake across the street.  So, Mom had some nice free time. :D


Here's to another great week!  Hope to see the sun, too.  That would make it perfect!

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Yay for February!  So glad you are in a more comfortable place.  I two have started heading in the right direction, thank goodness.  A tighter eye on my eating and getting my regularity together seem to finally be helping.


Glad you had some free time and lots of yoga.  I'm jealous of the pedicure, my feet are a mess!  ;)

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Wonderful! Yes, Whole30 works for me in that way--the NO CHOICE mantra in my head quiets all the nonsense, I make better choices, and am all the better for it. So happy Jen's BACK!

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Yay! You sound great. I am feeling 100% better than I did two weeks ago (if not more patient with my kids). It sucks to feel like bad choices have a hold on you.

Your weekend sounds great too. Yay for yoga that makes your sore. (Sometimes.)

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Rumbly tumbly today. :wacko:  We had hamburger for dinner last night and even after all this time, it just doesn't agree with me.  Oh well.  Sometimes, I just have to take one for the team.  Or make myself something else, I guess.  It's not that bad and it will pass. 


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Yep - beef always seems to give me a rumbly tumbly but ground beef in particular.  Ground pork does not.  It's hard because my 10yo won't eat pork (he read Charlotte's Web, and is technically allergic to port, so we indulge him) and I won't eat venison and beef doesn't really agree with me.  Makes it tough to make one meal for the family.  Chicken works for all, but we can't have that every day.  I did make an awesome butter rubbed, sourkraut stuffed whole roasted chicken on Sunday.  It was SO good.  If I weren't cooking for a family, I'd just have eggs and kale every night as well as every day.  Wonder if I'd get sick of it? :D


I've been working on pincha at yoga (kicking up to a wall - nowhere near doing it without a wall).  My success rate was about 20% actually getting all the way up.  The last two classes, though, I tried once and got up once - success rate of 100%. :P


Oh, and I lost my first scoby!  I scaled back on the booch after M suggested it and ended up letting my last batch just sit in the pantry figuring it was like a big hotel.  Well, no.  It grew mold.  So sad.  I still have a scoby in a hotel, so when I decide to start up again, I can bring her out. 

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Have you tried the venison mixed with beef yet?  That might cut whatever the beef does to you and cut the aversion you have to venison.


Yay for 100% success on pincha, take it wher you can get it!  I was super excited when I could do a headstand (against the wall) and a back bend, two things I would have sworn I absolutely could not do.  Oh, and crow (well, for two seconds anyway).


Sorry for the loss of your scoby!  ;)

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Ha ha Jen, I love that you would have kale and eggs for dinner!  Before I married my husband I ate basically no meat.  I did eat a lot of legumes, which are Whole 30 no nos, but I was happy without a lot of meat.  But my husband LOVES meat so I have let it invade our lives.  

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