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percypat's 1st Whole 30


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I say no stress. I was sending off panic alert at every occasion about my growing pet. Apparently it's not that fragile. You'll grow a good one, don't worry. I say nothing is going to happen at one gentle move. Susan?

Pictures - you have limited storage here. You can use photobucket and paste pocs in the thread.

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I agree with Nadia..brewing booch makes us all nut cases. Except Robin. She is always laid back and cool as a cucumber.

Just went and looked at the bowl. It is awfully wide, but you could possibly end up with a very sweet SCOBY. At this stage, it is okay to transfer it to a different container if you decide to be more traditional.

I say go for it and see what happens. The SCOBY needs to be 1/4 inch before you actually brew your first batch. It may take longer with such a wide bowl? I am guessing.

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Ok, I'm working today so I'm sure I can pick up a jar from somewhere in town. How wide should the jar be? I should probably get a funnel too. That bowl is not going to be easy to pour out of. Apparently I like making things difficult for myself!

I don't want to wait any longer than I have to. Now that hubby has also developed a thirst for kombucha, the craziness must go full speed ahead!

Thanks for the advice guys, really appreciate it! :) You're all lovely!

Hubby can't seem to get over the word SCOBY. In New Zealand, the word "skody" is slang for "yucky" and they sound just a bit too similar.

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Ok, I'm working today so I'm sure I can pick up a jar from somewhere in town. How wide should the jar be? I should probably get a funnel too. That bowl is not going to be easy to pour out of. Apparently I like making things difficult for myself!

I don't want to wait any longer than I have to. Now that hubby has also developed a thirst for kombucha, the craziness must go full speed ahead!

Thanks for the advice guys, really appreciate it! You're all lovely!

Hubby can't seem to get over the word SCOBY. In New Zealand, the word "skody" is slang for "yucky" and they sound just a bit too similar.

I am attempting my first SCOBY from a bottle of booch. I am using 1/2 liter mason type jars. Daughter absconded with my tape measure but I think the jars are abought 4.5 inches wide. No need to be exact. :)

Call it something else. They are also called mother, monster, mushroom (not at all accurate) or whatever the heck you/he wants to call it. :0)

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SCOBY is fine ... He just has a giggle everytime it gets said. Though we probably will find a name for it, I'm not allowed a cat here so this will be my surrogate pet. He caught me telling the brew to please grow quickly last night - but apparently that works for plants so why not a SCOBY?

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Derval is the one who brought photobucket power to the forum :) Now go to the settings and click small pic size in there there LOL

Wait till it grows, yucky might be the name. I grew Lori in a jar from a dollar store I used to keep my oats. Btw - don't freak out if it sinks to the bottom! It's all good.


And here is the first batch


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My brew has moved house!

I'm still struggling with photobucket and resizing ... I go to settings and click the resize tab but then I have to choose my own numbers. There's no option for "small". What size do you guys put in? I hope these are better anyway!



Hopefully it will be happy here! I'm letting the handkerchief cover the jar - less sunlight for potential scoby. I like all your names for your monsters. I have a hunch ours will be called "skody". It's just too perfect a fit.

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I'm so glad I went into town a bit earlier to find that jar, I got asked to stay late once I got there and had to go straight home afterwards as I was teaching my Zumba class tonight. And about two minutes after I got home, my husband walked through the door (wasn't expecting him home for another hour!) with his BOSS. They'd got tickets from a supplier to go to a screening for the new Startrek! And they were going to take our car ... Which I needed to go to Zumba! So I had to drop them off at the cinema, come home, get ready and put my playlist together and then charge off to teach. I was so grumpy as I needed to eat and was feeling sick but had the conundrum of not wanting to eat too close to class. I ate a banana and it settled my tummy just fine, thank goodness.

Class was good, came home, had a shower and dinner and then went back to the cinema to pick the guys up. Was in a much better mood then :)

Day 22 ...

Breakfast: Pate, red cabbage, carrot sticks and nearly half an avocado (there was a big bruised bit). Tea with coconut milk.


Lunch didn't happen - I was planning on eating when I got home at 4:30pm, but then was begged to stay at work til 5pm, and then had driving-cinema-thing fiasco. (I think that's why I was so grumpy - feeling sick, and furious at my meal plans being foiled!).

Snacks: pecans, banana sprinkled with a tsp of coconut flour.

Dinner: pate, cauliflower rice, sweet potato soup. Tea with coconut milk.

Hubby helped me transfer kombucha brew to new home when we got back from dropping his boss home. Hope it is happy in there! Think I'll go say goodnight to it and tell it to do some more growing and then it's bedtime for me. Just a stay-at-home research day for me tomorrow - very happy after all the faffing around today!

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Funny lady, go to setting and change uploading size. So it will resize all pics by default :)

BTW - in my language word "skoda" means goofball! It is a perfect fit, lol

Stupid lady more like! I think I got it :)

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Love the new jar. I guess I'll have to go jar shopping this weekend. You know I hate being left out! You're inspiring me to be a noobie scooby mom. I've actually only heard them called "mother" and it made me think of aliens.

Sounds like you needed to borrow my cranky pants yesterday after work. I'm glad it all worked out ok in the end. I still want to come to your class!

I discovered Rambutan on my two trips to Thailand. My son was an English teacher in a high school there. I love the country and even more the islands. Lest I forget the incredible two hour massages!! :)

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Do it calee! It's not expensive to brew kombucha and as I said to hubby, even if I don't like the homebrew (or it fails) it will be fun to give it a try.

Yeah I did need your cranky pants ... Fortunately getting ready for Zumba entailed putting on bright blue cargo pants with green tassles for exaggerated bum-shaking so that was a good substitute. I've never been to Thailand. One day! It sounds amazing :)

Was finishing off my post last night before going to bed and hubby yells at me from bedroom: "How much sugar did you feed the kombucha?". I told him. "Oh ok, that's alright." I went to see where this was coming from and he was lying in bed reading about kombucha on the laptop. I think he too has been affected by the kombucha crazy. And he's still giggling about SCOBY.

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I spotted a little bit of whitish gloop on the surface of my kombucha brew with a little thread hanging down from it. Is this my newborn baby SCOBY? Told hubby about it and he said "oh yeah, I saw it when I checked it this morning". To celebrate I bought us a bottle each from the health store. I have spent more than $20 on kombucha this week! Grow SCOBY, grow!

Made my second batch of mayo today and it came out much better than the first. Moral of the story: when using a food processor, don't be a wimp and go slow. High speed all the way baby!


Did the grocery shop this afternoon so breakfast and lunch were a bit of a fridge clean out!

Breakfast: pate, red cabbage, half an avocado and sweet potato soup. Tea with coconut milk.

Lunch: sardines on carrot noodles, red cabbage and raspberries. Tea with coconut milk.


Dinner: lamb cutlets grilled with rosemary, broccoli, carrot sticks with mayo. And kombucha!


Ooh, and I finally bought some ghee. What shall I cook with it first?

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