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Everything posted by SugarcubeOD

  1. They can definitely cause problems for some people - usually those with an autoimmune condition. Everything CAN cause a problem for someone but we had to draw the line or there'd be nothing left to eat If you feel they cause problems for you, you can definitely leave them off for the program and then reintroduce them when you're doing your other reintroductions.
  2. Unfortunately they are not, due to the rice starch which is not compatible with the program. As far as the canola oil, that would be against our recommendations as well when eating at home for the duration of your program but these look like a great food freedom item.
  3. Soy curls are mashed up soy beans that are then extruded into the shape (a whole food). TVP is made by separating soy protein from the other elements found in soybeans (not a whole food - a processed flour-like food)
  4. Is he eating an abundance of something that he normally doesn't? For example, say he never ate coconut but now he's eating it at every meal and it causes a flare up for him. Not everything that is compatible with Whole30 is compatible with each of us so it's worth looking to see if there's something that might stand out. Otherwise, the basic questions are related to drinking enough water, salting food, eating enough... if all that checks out, it's probably time for a trip to the dr.
  5. Sugar is only considered if it's in the ingredients. Most foods have naturally occurring sugars and that's fine.
  6. This would be off limits for the program
  7. I'm not sure what WFM is but the rule with listing ingredients is that if the ingredient is made up of more than one thing, then those items have to be put in brackets... so dijon mustard might look like: Dijon Mustard (white vinegar, mustard seeds...) You'd have to look at the ingredient list and see what's listed after the mustard to see if it was compatible with the program.
  8. Yes this is fine. You want to get the best quality you can afford/have access to but we don't dictate the percentage for ground meats.
  9. If you're hungry between meals, have a snack (recommend protein and fat or carbs, not just fruit and nuts) and then increase your meals until you can go 4-6 hours between comfortably. Also, you don't mention fat in your dinner so just a reminder to make sure your meals include fat (have a look at the meal template linked in my signature below to help out).
  10. This is not the ideal - sometimes people have problem with a food item in quantity - for instance, I can eat dairy very occasionally and not have any problems but if I eat it consistently over a few days, it's not good. In order to give yourself the best results of the rest of the reintros, it's recommended to put dairy back on the shelf until you're done. For a slow roll intro, you could very easily try dairy daily for a few days/week and see what happens.
  11. Yes. If you are planning on eating it canned, make sure that the ingredients are compatible (ie: no added sugar)
  12. You can check on here for any that are part of the Whole30Approved program. https://whole30.com/whole30-approved/ Outside of that, you'll just want to look at ingredients of what you can find in your area.
  13. If you ate fairly close to Whole30 prior to starting, you may not experience the unpleasant side effects. Everyone's experience is different but if you are following the rules (and recommendations), you will get something out of the program. What that something is, is different for everyone.
  14. You're in the right place of the forum - I encourage you to read through some of the existing and older threads to see what people have said... if you google 'whole30 marathon' you'll get a ton of hits
  15. Brew some of your own tea to make ice tea but add a cinnamon stick or two... cinnamon is actually extremely sweet tasting. You could try adding a splash of compatible juice to your home made iced tea also
  16. These two items are fine. You can look under Whole30 Approved link at the top of this page and see if they're listed. If they're not, then you just need to look at the ingredients of anything of theirs that you want to use. If they are, it's not necessarily that their whole line would be approved so you'd still need to look on the products for the Whole30 Approved logo.
  17. I think these are similar to a twice baked potato? Looks like they're frozen? If the ingredients are okay, I would say these are okay, they're not really chips so much as a frozen vegetable. That said, if you think they may cause a problem for you, just leave them out.
  18. Yikes, thank you! I'll send this over to HQ right away!
  19. Ideally you would wait until any symptoms from your previous reintroduction were complete before you went to the next one - it may be hard to tell now if it's the dairy also causing you joint pain or if it's the potatoes/wine that is lingering.
  20. Oh man, what a BUMMER! It's entirely your choice whether you start all over. There's a 'do I start over' link in my signature that you can read. I think if I was you, I would count this as 30 days and whatever non compatible ingredient was in that dressing would be your first introduction and then go from there using either the fast track or slow roll re-intro.
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