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Allergies Are Making My Head Spin!


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Hi guys!


So I've always had gastrointestinal discomfort, hives and rashes on my skin, and respiratory issues etc. I finally went to the allergist and found out I'm allergic to these foods and must cut them out immediately:








Obviously the last three aren't relevent to the whole30 anyway, but for my last whole 30 and paleo lifestyle the first four were STAPLES in my diet. Although I felt crappy afterwards I couldn't pinpoint what was making me feel awful all the time.


Basically I'm asking - without eggs, nuts and avocado in my diet what do you think I can have for breakfast? Know any good allergy-free recipes?

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Thinking of your first meal as meal 1 instead of breakfast would be a food place to start - I rarely ate nuts or avo during my whole 60 (nuts twice, avo for a week or two) and usually only had eggs at breakfast....cutting these three things out may not be so difficult if you think about having leftovers (or whatever you'd eat for meal 2/3) instead of "traditional" breakfast foods.

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I have some similar sensitivities - can't do dairy, wheat, sugar and some other things but trial and error is making a difference - this forum has helped with ideas.  I just  printed off the shopping list for auto-immune from a successful whole 30 (from home page) and the other is a shopping list for low histamines  - which can cause the itching and spots - I have a lot of itching and my naturepath thought from inflammation but this list (L-H) has given me some trial and error of things that are creating some of my problems.  Worth looking at?  !. 

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I agree with the people above--the AI protocol sounds like the way you should go. I did it for 90 days, and was very happy with all my meals. I don't like avocado and I'm allergic to shrimp, so I really did cut out all of your forbidden foods. I ate regular meals for breakfast--lamb or beef patties, salmon, or sausage for protein, and sweet potatoes and green veggies for carbs. Without avocado or dairy, it's kind of hard to find fats to eat. I used coconut cream in my tea, and when I could get compliant bacon I ate that. Otherwise, I just used olive oil and coconut oil. Since I couldn't have ghee I used garlic powder a lot to add savor to things. I also like fried plantain with cinnamon for breakfast. YumMEE!  :D

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I cut out eggs and avocado for a while and it wasn't so bad.  I just had to plan.  For breakfast, on Sunday I cooked up a big pan of chicken thighs and some squash.  I divided it into 5 or 6 containers and ate that every morning.  Add some coconut oil or coconut butter and a salad or other veg and you have a quick and easy breakfast.  I missed eggs, but it wasn't so bad.  I replaced the avocado I usually ate with my lunch salad with olives.  Good luck!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am highly allergic to eggs as well and have been egg-free for over three years now. Hey, at least we won't get sick of eggs like everyone else, right? :) 

I *just* started whole30 yesterday, but so far I've really been enjoying roasted sweet potatoes (with coconut oil and Italian seasoning) and ground beef for my "breakfasts." There are also a lot of approved soups and salads that don't include eggs and are delicious.


A few websites I'm finding helpful are:



http://stalkerville.net/diet/whole30/ (This one is pretty incredible!)


Those don't have exclusively egg, avocado, and nut-free recipes, but if you look around there are plenty :) 



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There are also egg-free mayo recipes. I haven't tried any, but I'm sure someone can recommend a good one :)


Can you have other seafood or fish?
if you can, scallops or white fish are often interchangable with shrimp in recipes, but the cooking time may vary.

There are also egg-free salmon pattie recipes, quite a few egg-free folks on the forum. Maybe time to start an egg-free thread? :)

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I'm egg-free as well.  Breakfast is usually sausage hash with either sweet potato or butternut squash. Sometimes I dice up some peppers and add those in as well.  If you search "egg free breakfast" you should get several posts with lots of ideas.


Can you eat olives? They can add some fat to salads and such in place of the avocado.


My allergies are egg, dairy, cashew, garlic (that's a tough one to avoid, but it makes my head and face itch, so I really try), and sunflower. It's hard at first, but it does get easier to think of substitutions and work arounds. 

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I have found roasting sweet potatoes or yams in oven so you have left overs (I did put some butter on them for process but you could use coconut oil)  - then when I want some - I put the amount I want in a small bowl and warm with some pecans (if you can have them - but good w/o them) - and then eat some left over meat.  I have found roasting think little steaks (enough for left overs)  - eating some of this with the potatoes for breakfast is pretty satisfying.  I'm eating left overs more and more - I tried the Asian beef & broccoli this week (used the master mix for hamburger in "it starts with food") then used it for 3 different meals.  I had pulled some out before I added the extra ingredients for the Asian recipe - and I used the remainder another day - and made the Mexican recipe sort of leaving out what I didn't want and adding a little extra - then on both recipes 1 or 2 of the times I ate it - I added avocado inbetween the spinach and meat.  It was very yummy!.  I also tried the creamy avocado dressing recipe on the mexi meat recipe - I tried it on a chicken salad the next day - decided I liked it best with the beef meal.    Hope this gives  some ideas?!  :)  Becky


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