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Rosacea getting worse on Whole 30

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So this is the second time I have done a strict Whole 30, I am overweight with insulin resistance issues and have been eating Paleo for the last two years but have not been terribly compliant in the last year. This past Christmas I fell off the wagon somewhat and consumed gluten and dairy as well as a lot of sugar.


Three weeks ago I was diagnosed with mild rosacea which has to the best of my knowledge only surfaced recently (I just turned 40) - this shocked me into action and my partner and I started the Whole 30 the following week. I'm on Day 13 today, but I am noticing my Rosacea seems to have gotten a lot worse.


Is this common? I know several people have mentioned that their gut issues etc. have gotten worse before they get better but should I be worried that the Rosacea has escalated? Or is that a common by-product of healing the gut too? I am considering switching to the AIP at the end of the 30 days if there has been no improvement.


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Have you lost weight?  There is a theory (don't remember where I saw it) that fat you've stored has toxins in it and when you burn a lot of it in a short time, you kind of poison yourself.  My husband had this problem when he first went paleo and lost 40 pounds in 6 months.

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Hi There,


I had mild to medium bouts of roseacea - one side of my face was worse than the other.


It did get mildly worse during my first whole 30 - but the longer I eat whole 30/paleo the better it has become.  Anytime I eat grains (either gluten free or otherwise) I get a slight breakout but nothing that won't clear up within a week.


So just hang in there, it should get better.


BTW - I have never really needed to do a AI protocol whole 30 although I generally do stay away from nightshades on average - I just feel better without them.

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AllyB, yes I have lost weight previously and I assume I have lost weight this time around (not weighing myself as per W30 rules) but that theory makes a lot of sense. Thanks!


And thank you, Carlaccini. That makes me feel a heck of a lot better - will keep going and hope that I have a similar experience to you. :)

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If you consider AIP for inflammation in future, you may want to try removing nightshades first as I had a big improvement in inflammation from this and from my understanding, rosacea can be related to inflammation.


I also get inflammation from all grains and most pseudograins, just to varying degrees.

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My rosacea frequently gets worse at the start of a W30.  The degree depends how compliant I've been before.  After the first 2-3 weeks it calms down.  The one thing I found that causes a really angry outbreak for me is kambucha.  Half a glass and my face is on fire for days.

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I've seen coffee, nuts and fruit and coconut increase my skin issues if I start having too much, have these increased for you as a result of your whole30 diet?

Hiya! I haven't had much of those things, just one coffee a day and maybe a little coconut oil, a serving of fruit here and there but nothing major. It's definitely calming down, I think :)

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My rosacea frequently gets worse at the start of a W30.  The degree depends how compliant I've been before.  After the first 2-3 weeks it calms down.  The one thing I found that causes a really angry outbreak for me is kambucha.  Half a glass and my face is on fire for days.

I've never had Kombucha, but yeah, it's definitely calming down for me now (on day 26) I think!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Rapid changes in your blood sugar (such as going from being 'non-compliant' to a Whole30) can cause all kinds of funky problems in your body. Rosacea is an inflammatory condition, so a non-inflammatory approach such as a Whole30, will help in the long run. There is definitely an adjustment period, as all kinds of processes are being downregulated and others are being upregulated. Caffeine will operate the same way, if giving it up rapidly (i.e. cold turkey). There you see the vasoconstriction effect (this means the narrowing of blood vessels) rapidly change, resulting in an actual INCREASE of CBF (cerebral bloodflow) above baseline, which is what someone who doesn't usually drink caffeine, would experience. [1] This can lead to multiple skin issues.


Kombucha has sugar, which would explain why your skin would go haywire, but if it's ONLY kombucha causing issues, that is interesting. Anyway, glad to hear you are doing better. Hopefully this helped!

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