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May 5th start


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Gabenick2~ Thank you for your service! I lost my mother in February and she was with Hospice the last 2 weeks thankfully. You can do this for yourself. I was very tired and sluggish my first days. This is my 13th day and my energy is great and I sleep good. I did, last friday, have a bit of a, I'm guessing, hormone explosion. kinda blew up at my husband and son. I'm hoping this too will balance out. They forgave me  :wub: . Just hang in there, for you!!

Marita- sorry for your loss. Thank you.

I would not restart the w30, I had crumbs in one of my salads when I went out for dinner last week and I just kept going. I felt miserable the day after and think it's the reason I am not yet seeing the full effect. I will continue to eat paleo after the 30 days, not w30 but will cut out gluten and soda as I know from my first w30 that its a big problem for me.

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Jaime, don't start over!! You did the best you could do. I know the whole30 has a lot of rules and start over rules, but remember you are doing this for you and no one else. If you want to make it longer then make it longer but I think you should feel pretty happy about your choices!! I have said it before I think being a stay at home mom doing whole30 is way easier then working and doing this. I am able to meal plan better and go to the store anytime I want. Good luck and stay positive about today. You didn't go to taco johns or whatever it's called and that's a win!!

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Jaime, don't start over!! You did the best you could do. I know the whole30 has a lot of rules and start over rules, but remember you are doing this for you and no one else.


It's not easy to be the mean moderator and tell people to start again, but here's the thing: the research tells us you need a full 30 days without certain gut irritants to be able to test reintroduction and gain meaningful information about your personal sensitivities.


Yes, your choice was better than Taco Johns, but the carrageenan means you've re-irritated the mucosal lining in your gut, and your healing is impacted. Gluten is the same way, Dairy and Soy also. The restart rules aren't punitive; they are there to help you get the most out of the program. No, the whole30 police won't stop by your house, and it doesn't invalidate your efforts so far, just think about whether a few additional days giving your body the best possible nutrition is such a terrible thing, and consider the additional insight you might gain with a full 30 days without those irritants.

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Marita, Renee_a, Kage and Donna -thank you so much for your encouraging words! Today was a much better day and it felt so nice to read your replies. 


Marita, I'm sorry for your loss. 


Jamie, I am so sorry for you. You did your best in a truly crappy situation. I don't want to disagree with the moderator but since you said mentally you couldn't handle starting over, maybe you should just focus on finishing your whole30 and then by the end you might find you have the resolve to continue another 15 days for a whole45... and then you'd have 30 days without any irritants. 
I am thinking about doing a whole45, it'd be nice if you found other people that started around the same time so you'd have support. 


Hope everyone has a good night. 

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Miss Mary aka Big Bad Moderator,


Honestly, I think that was an amazingly kind and thoroughly explained smack-down. We know that's your job and we appreciate and respect it. For me, I think I will have to follow Mary's admonition, however, I'm not going to do it until I finish with the 5/5's. I've learned so much from everyone and will really  be prepared next, even if I decide to do the auto immune version. Everytime I think I know what I'm doing I learn something new...and I've read the book twice. Today I read the back of my Morton's Steak seasoning and it has bad oil...in spices? I looked for sugar but never even noticed the oil. Each thing I find, I toss it. I can already tell by how I'm feeling that this will be a way of life for me, for the most part. I just want so much more than I'm getting. I really need to get to the point where I can do a perfect whole 30 in order to see if I can tolerate any of these foods.


Tonight I had ground chicken with long beans (I think they're ok...they're like a chinese green bean) cumin and cumin seed, olive oil, garlic, onion, tumeric and salt...ohh baby.


Bluegrass Mama, looks like we'll be seeing each other aft er the 5/5's are complete.


TZarter - give yourself credit. There is something to being busy outside the home where all the temptations are and no one is looking.


Next time I will do a lot more planning. This weekend I'm going to try and cook all the meals for the week, we'll see how I do.


Tonight, I tackle mayo!



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Jimmy, that sucks, plain and simple. The scenario you described and having dealt with it so well only for it to go pear shaped on you is such bad luck. This is your journey and you know what you want out of it and what you need to do to get it. Don't be disheartened.

Day 10, nearly a third of the way there and feeling great. Stomach sickness has passed and I've enjoyed a few nice meals (and no yucky salads).

I hope you enjoyed the mayo geminimik, are you now a convert? :)

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Day 10.... pretty good feeling to be hitting day 10 ! Congratulations to Everyone!


Only 20 more to go.....


It is getting easy and it is getting harder!


How did the mayo turn out Miki?


Glad that you are feeling better @Freylah


Jamie, do what is best for you...... I like the suggestion do the Whole30 and then tack on some days..... if I can make the Whole30, I might just see how far I can go after that.......


I am feeling great and that was the idea behind this for me. I did a 21 day challenge with my daughter in November with the paleo diet but I cheated and had cream in my coffee every morning. So even with that little change I began to start to feel a whole lot better and than I fell upon this and began reading about it so I decided to try to follow it.


For the last couple of years I have been feeling horrible, aging does not help neither. I just had no zip.


So I wanted to see what this could do for me. 


So far so good.... but everyday I am learning and every week I am learning. It has become a fun adventure and my co worker is even thinking of doing it.


My haridresser even notice that my skin was glowing (now if that is not a confirmation that it is working I do not know what is)!


So just hang in there everyone, we have so many triggers, so many stress's, so many trials and struggles that in the end if we feel even an ounce better it was worth it and depending on your body it may take some longer than 30 days to feel the full effects.


Have a great day everyone, we had a light dusting of snow where I live ..... May 15th ..... but even that will not dampen my mood! :lol:

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@MamaMiki and Bluegrass_mama...I'll be joining you all for the extension too! I messed up my first four days with an incorrect bacon choice and finding out my fish sauce had sugar in it...seriously sugar in fish sauce!?! I know I could extend by 4 days but I want to do more just to cement in my mind and body the good eating habits.


I was down for the last few days because I haven't been walking as much. Where I work they encourage us to get 10,000 steps a day on our Fitbits (roughly 4.5 miles). For the past few days I have been short on my goal each day, but then it dawned on my last night that while my quantity is down my quality is up!! Saturday I got my steps while pushing a lawn mower (something I had not done in years!) and even yesterday while I didn't do distance, I climbed 10 flights of stairs (w/ a knee that needs replacing). I definitely view my increased activity level as a #nonscalevictory !!!!


I have to admit that I had a huge temptation last night though. I took my son to see a musical at a theater in a nearby town. In the lobby they sell hot cinnamon sugar roasted almonds. I love them! I bought some for my son and when he handed them to me to hold while he went to the restroom, I looked longingly at the bag. I heard a little voice in my head say "just one. no one will know." I didn't though, because while no one else would know if I had one or not, I would know! I would know and I cannot do that to myself.


While our setbacks and do-overs have been disappointing we all deserve major kudos for admitting to them. By being strong enough to admit our failures we exhibit the strength needed to persevere!!

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Good Morning Freylah, Dave, Donna and Auburn  and all the 5/5s,


Ah yes, another gorgeous day with birds chirping loudly outside my window and cats begging to be fed.


Mayo - Does regular Mayo have sugar? Anyways, the mayo is truly a sight to behold. I made it in a food processor. I started making it (and you know when you start there is no stopping) and I realized that the little hole that I was pouring the oil into let little spats of mayo out. By the time I was done making it my face and shirt were covered in Mayo spits. I'm reasonable sure the shirt will not recover, however my face is nicely moisturized today. The Mayo flavor may be a bit of an acquired taste for me (I'm a Bestfoods snob) but I'm going to try egg salad tonight I think and we'll see how that goes. Indeed, it was easy, even for me.


I'm a bit overwhelmed and exhausted by the cooking. My big boss is in town starting Sunday for two weeks, So it will be fun getting her onboard. We do alot together both socially and workwise so I need here on team 5/5, it shouldn't be too hard.


My injured hip feels markedly better today. I'm reasonably confident that by Friday I will be ready to start walking for exercise and I'm hoping that will help with my bloating and feeling like I've gained weight.


I still wake with this feeling as if I had 1 1/2 Martini's last night. That funny dull feeling in your head and your eyes just a bit numb or tight? I upped my water yesterday (atta-girl) but not sure that helped. I am confident I'm consuming too much fruit and I know I'm sugar sensitive so maybe that is it.


Looking forward to another day of gut kindness.


Moderator Du Jour - where can I read the scientific data on why it takes "30 days for your gut to recover"...how they figured that out. I'm going to start rereading the book this weekend as I feel I will get a lot more out of it after practicing this program for 2 weeks.


Alright folks, off to another glorious day, make it a good one.



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I had to laugh because I have been feeling the same " I'm hoping that will help with my bloating and feeling like I've gained weight." :lol:


I am not a full fledged power exerciser but I do walk at least 3 times a week and I do bike depending on the weather at least 2 times per week if weather is nice maybe more and I go to yoga once a week.


And the 'mayo splash" I still get that and I am on my fourth batch not so bad anymore because I put my hand over the small hole when I am drizzling the oil.


Enjoy your glorious day!

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I make my mayo in the blender so I have successfully avoided the splatter effect, but that story did make me LOL Miki because that scene is all too familiar for me with all of my cooking escapades. My son groans when I cook because we have to mop the floor after each intense cooking session! I haven't tried the mayo on its own, but I have thoroughly enjoyed it in my chicken salad, tuna salad, and in my deviled eggs. I have taken to eating deviled eggs for breakfast, which is something I never thought I would do, but they are quick and flavorful.


Donna, I too am not one of those crossfit or workout fanatics doing this. Like you my exercise mostly consists of walking (I try for daily) and yoga and hiking on the weekends. That is what makes this program great is because it isn't geared to any one particular group of people, it is great for everybody regardless of age or activity level. I feel like I am gaining back my body awareness that I had back when I was an athlete which is so rewarding!

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I had to laugh because I have been feeling the same " I'm hoping that will help with my bloating and feeling like I've gained weight." :lol:


Enjoy your glorious day!

Miki- I am feeling the same way, I was thinking maybe its just me. I am hoping this bloating issue goes away soon.

I had a compliant burger last night and that was sit. I did not have veggies only tomato and lettuce. My dog is not feeling well and I was stressing about that. I will take him in today and hope its nothing serious.

I was able to slip on a pair of scrub right out of the dryer today, usually they are quite snug and today I have a tad more room.

We can do this!!

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Thank you everyone for the kind words!!  And deep down, I know the moderator is right.  Its just so frustrating!   :D


Anyway, I will probably add 9 days on to the end of my Whole30 (essentially starting over).  I might even do it longer for the simple reason that I like what I am eating and I am not really missing anything in particular that I have cut out.  And because that STUPID carageenan was in the turkey.  Goes to show -- just because a product comes from "Natural Grocers" and is labeled "organic" doesn't mean it is good for you.


Onward and upward......  Again -- thank you to everyone that commented; very inspirational.



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For everyone trying or thinking of trying to make paleo mayo.....  Here is a plug for "just do it" -- well, if you want mayo anyway.


I first made homemade mayo years and years ago after my stepmom showed me how in a blender.  Later, but still MANY years ago I was out of mayo on Easter and wanted to make deviled eggs.  So I pulled out the recipe to make it from scratch.  Guess what?  I didn't even own a blender.  I decided to try it in my food processor.  It worked.  Took forever to slowly drizzle the oil in.  And it was LOUD.  


Fast forward to present time.  :-)  I read about compliant mayo.....  I go, oh, I can make that -- its easy.  Same recipe from 20 years ago.  Anyway, I made it twice in my food processor.  Family hated how long it took me with the LOUD food processor.  Then I read instructions on the clothes make the girl website and it said to use a hand immersion blender and with that type of blender you can just dump all ingredients in and mix away.  I tried it with my immersion blender last night.  It literally took 2 minutes of blending and was MUCH quieter.  And, BONUS!  I could blend it right in the same container as I am storing it in.  


SO -- if you have or want an excuse to buy an immersion blender -- use it for paleo mayo.  FAST and simple.  And, as the lady says on the clothes make the girl web site where I got my recipe, the KEY is to have ALL ingredients at room temp.


Sorry for such a long post.....  :-)



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Gabenick and Donna, so glad to hear I'm not the only one feeling a bit large in the stomach area. I just keep on keepin' on. 


Jamie, I agree, you always have to have your detective cap on. They're hiding chemicals and bad oils in  everything. I did find one compliant hot dog at Trader Joes, but there are tons of organic natural hot dogs with sugar(s) in them. This really is an amazing nutrition lesson. The mayo tip is a great one.


I made egg salad today and served it over arugula...it was amazing. So glad everyone herded to the path of making it! 


Tonight I'm going to add a little horseradish (after I read the label and make sure it is compliant) and serve it with smoked salmon, capers, red onions and chopped boiled egg. I'm thinking that will be "off the charts".


Off to fill up my water jug and get to work.



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Hi 5/5's,


It's been a while since I posted but I've been checking in here and there and reading some of your posts to keep me motivated.  Everything is going really great for me! The headaches have finally subsided, my energy levels are up and bloating is all gone. Best of all, my cravings are gone and I am craving vegetables. I went to the store the other night to pick up some more spinach and walked out with a cart full of nothing but veggies. I really love getting creative with the recipes and incorporating as many different kind of veggies into my recipes as possible.


We're almost half way there! Keep it up everyone!

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I want to be you when I grow up.



LOL!  This is the second time around for me, it's definitely easier than my first Whole30. Knowing what to expect and remembering how good it feels as we get further into the 30 days, keeps me going.

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Second time around, interesting. I am very sad that I don't feel like I'm losing weight, but my pain level is so much lower it drives me forward. I'm not adhering faithfully to the 3 meals and I know I really need to do that to end the emotional eating that is driving my overeating which is probably leading to my lack of weight loss.


I'm so happy with my overall feeling of wellbeing that I am not chastising myself. I will try 3 plus 1 next week and then move to 3 the next week.


Does anyone else like chinese Chili Sauce. It doesn't have any of the 3 absolute NOs, but it has 3 words that I don't know and can't  be good.Has anyone found a good alternative?



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Well another day another dollar or should I say Whole30


Hope all is well with everyone!


Still finding my way with recipes and such.


Sorry Miki, I have found no alternatives for anything, I have just kept it safe and simple buy using olive oil / avacodo oil or coconut oils and spices ....... have not used any pre-made sauces.


But if you find something, let us know.


I think this weekend I am going to try the coconut shrimp recipe it sounds great.

I might also try a couple of other things that look good.


I have managed to keep to the template (I hope)  and the three meals, I have really had no hunger pains.  I have been satisfied between meals so far.

But I think sometimes my mind tells me to eat, that is the part that I have to learn to control and only eat when my body tells me and not my mind.


Try and have an interesting day!

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Good morning 5/5's! I can't believe this is day 12 for me. I find sticking to this plan very easy now that I have worked out the kinks. I haven't snacked too much and am able to adhere to the regular 3 meal template. Last night I took my son to a pizza party through our church. I brought my own meal of sweet potato hash, steamed broccoli, and a chicken apple sausage. The pizza still smelled sooooo good! I have an allergy to yeast though and I just tried to focus on how horrible the pain was in my stomach following the last time I ate pizza. Worked like a charm!


This weekend is my son's 12th birthday. I know it is going to take some extra planning on my part to make sure I have meals or can get meals when we are out doing things. We are going to the lake to do some kayaking and also planning on doing some shopping. I'll figure it out though!


Have a great day!!!

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Woke up and found out that I am now 47 years old today! I am blaming all of this on the Whole 30 program and think all of you should get out while you can. Hope everyone is doing well today. Sounds like many of you are starting to turn the corner and hopefully starting to feel/see some results. No Cheating....stay away from the scale! Keep snacking to a minimum and and have a great day!


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That is right, that Thai coconut recipe allows you to use red Thai paste, I used to love that. When I sed to make it I added sugar, it will be interesting to see if it tastes sweet without it.


Everything tastes so much sweeter now, I really like that. Let me see if that works.That may give me the spicy hit I'm looking for.


Today I feel very bloated. I'm wondering if it's the Chinese chili sauce. I guess I'll go back to homemade foods.


I love not being in pain when I wake up.


It's going to be close to 100 degrees in CA today, and normally we have what we lovingly call "May Gray", not this year.



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