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JennP I found my bacon at Whole Foods, the brand name is Pedersons. 

Here's their website and at the top right hand corner there's a store locator where you put in your zip code. Hopefully you can find it near you. 




There is a rumor that you can find sf bacon at Costco - can anyone substantiate that? 


As always, everyone is doing amazing, even under duress. Its hard, but its worth it. I'll tell you, extra sleep makes a huge difference, I got an extra hour this morning and I feel so much better.  @abbyn yes to that nap. @Miki ha ha yes I'm sure we're related somewhere down the line .


Ok guys so I've seen a few cabbage takers today - awesome!!! 

Tomorrow we're moving onto BEETS as the ingredient of the day that we'll be thinking about, maybe cooking, maybe eating!


Here are some BEET recipes to inspire you!!






YUMMY looking salad


Note you can buy sunbutter at the health food store - check ingreds to make sure its compliant 


salad with pistachios (make sure vinegar is compliant):



salad with kale and hazelnuts!  (check compliancy of the ingredients on the beet can)



citrus beet salad NOTE - OMIT the agave in the dressing (you knew that)





Don't forget that the beet greens are edible too - in salads, or sauteed. 



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Legallygoofy - I am right there with ya in regard to making cookies several times a week.  I usually baked 1-2 times a week because I loved the dough, enjoyed making homemade cookies/cakes for my family, and also sharing what I bake at work.  It was a stress releaser for me.  Something I could start and finish and be totally in charge of.  I really miss it!!!  I have to admit that often times I would get a headache from eating the dough.  My guess is from the sugar.  I decided that since I can't do that for Whole30 I will fill that time reading everyone's great posts, going outside, making phone calls, etc.  Anything to get out of the kitchen!



Hi Whole30 friends! I love seeing that everyone is doing well. Slaying the sugar demons are no fun, but it has been eye opening so far. Reading labels is a scary scary thing. So far, Day one and two have been a success. Haven't felt too tired or hungry, but I haven't had a good nights sleep in the last two nights. My runs have felt okay (not great but not bad) and I am making sure that I am getting enough protein and starchy veggies in to fuel those long, hot Florida runs. I am thankful that I am not a coffee drinker after seeing your coffee without sugar posts.


Admission: I have a horrible after-dinner cookie obsession. For the past 6 months, I have made a batch of home made cookies at least 3 times a week. No, I didn't eat the entire batch. I would usually make some for my stepson's lunch and then bring the rest to work, but always nibbled on the cookie dough. Horrible habit, but I am hoping that this breaks that cycle. You can't outrun a bad meal plan.


Here is to another good day!

 I empathize also as another baker. I love everything about baking. Love the mixing, love to eat the batter, love to eat the results.  I've been gluten and dairy free for three years but that didn't stop me from baking up a gf, df, storm every week - cookies, cakes, scones, you name it, and they all had sugar in them :-(  I do feel so much better without the demon sugar but boy I miss it. 

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Guest Andria

That's weird, there isn't a single Whole Foods near me that sells Pederson's bacon :-(((

Another option, Whole30 approved bacon is also sold through US Wellness Meats, but you need a minimum order of 70 bucks. I stock up on their liverwurst (beef liver, heart, kidney) and the bacon to hit the minimum.

Just a reminder - since I saw a mention of bacon in someone's breakfast meal that didn't include a protein source - bacon is your fat and not a protein in a Whole30 template meal :-)

JanieRosanne: As for breakfast suggestions: anything and everything you would eat at any other meal of the day while following the Whole30! You just have to get past the idea of "certain" breakfast foods for breakfast and just consider it another meal.

Day3 done! Good night all!

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Boy am I a crab!! I snapped at my husband today, I tried taking a nap and felt worse. I had a cup of coffee with my dinner and I felt a tad better.

For dinner I had ground beef seasoned and made a compliant taco and had a huge serving of calabacitas with green chile and it was very delish. I think I am going back to bed.

Day 3 done!

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I took up the torch for you, Meadowlily, coming from a military background. My father was a lifer in the Army and older brother was a Marine and then in the Army. So here it is. Feel free to add lines if you or anybody else is so inclined. 


I don't know but I've been told

that 6/9er team is tough and bold.

Will they make it? Yes, they will.

They'll push each other over the hill.

Are they Happy, some maybe not

but that won't stop them! This is their shot!

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I hope this isn't going to be too crass, but since we're being truthful about how it's going...  I have really stinky farts today!!!  Ewww!

Since you put it out there, that's exactly what I meant by having the tummy rumblings they speak of and saying I am not fit for public! I hope that goes away. I'm about to gas myself to death! lol I keep telling myself the benefits are coming. Hang tough!

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Sandy:  whew.  Glad I'm not alone on this one.


That said:  Day 3 is coming to a successful close!  Deb, I roasted thinly sliced cabbage rings in coconut oil and sprinkled with salt.  Super simple, and quite tasty.  Also had a lamb burger, roasted asparagus, and a side of sauted zucchini and yellow squash.  


Cook, eat, clean, cook, eat, clean!


Go Team 6/9!  On to Day 4!

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I read everyone, to tired to do appropriate responses to all, but I'm impressed with the good, the bad and the stink.


No one Dead...Excellent.


Beets - oh Deb, I do adore you. I see a trip to trader joes tomorrow morning for beets...but then what to do with them.


I ate too late, Long community meetings...lots of sweets and I didn't have one - my victory for the day.



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Hello June 9ers,

I started my first whole 30 on Monday but didn't see this thread till now, hope nobody minds my late appearance, I like to make a dramatic entrance. 

Had started cleaning up my act about a month ago, banished the sugar, the grains and legumes, but held off on dairy and ate a little corn because I knew I couldn't commit until the 9th (social function in the wilds of Ireland, try taking that on with no alcohol to bolster you). No carb flu for me, thank goodness, and I don't find the requirements too onerous, I'm doing this for me after all. That said, having a teenager in the house who is not feeling too supportive of the lack of junky food to binge on is a stinkin great challenge. Anybody who has tips for dealing with that would be welcome to throw in their two cents.

It's lovely that there is such a supportive community for this undertaking. Glad to be a part of it.

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theheywhohaa - welcome to the group. I have three teenagers in the house and I actually dont care about the junk food. To me it's "raising the level of difficulty" but I love a challenge. Glad you found us, have a great time during the program!



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Meadowlilly and Sandy - so you like to sing "Jodies". Here's one for you:


Mama and Papa were lying in the bed

Mama rolled over and this is what she said

"Give Me Something" Give Me Something"

"Leafy" Leafy"

"Sugar Free" "Sugar Free"

"Feels Good" "Feels Good"

"Good For You" "Good For You"

"Good For Me" "Good For Me"

Up in the morning to the rising sun

"Gonna eat right all day 'till the eatin's done

Whole 30 Whole 30 Whole 30  COUNT
Day 1 Just for fun

Day 2 Good for you
Day 3  Good for me

Day 4 Eat some more
Day 5 Still alive
Day 6 that's the trick
Day 7 I'm in heaven
Day 8 This feels great
Day 9 feeling fine
Day 10 lets do it again



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Bravo Dave! Quite impressive. I would say you have some experience in that area, both actually, whole 30 and Jodies (who knew it had a name)


Welcome theheywhohaa! This is place to be if you want support. We're all paddling this boat, just pick up an oar and stroke! I love that people actually post here too. If you have any questions answers come really quick! 


So I have a ton of stuff to get and a couple of stores to hit. (Another rhyme. lol) I need an immersion blender yesterday! It's day 4 and I feel like if I am going to get the most out of this I need to make some changes now. I think for me it is not a good idea to add fruit in between meals. I know that sugar adds up too and will make the weight loss slower. I also had a hard time finding compliant vinegar. I couldn't find balsamic and I am wanting that for salads, even in Trader Joe's. I am on the hunt for Coconut Aminos and Red Boat Fish Sauce. Maybe I should just order online. Any suggestion?


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It is Day 4.

I'm in a country that was just declared a state of emergency with militants fighting towards where I am.

My stomach is still feeling off from the effects of the food poisoning that comes from the food here, possibly from the fresh food/veggies.

I am teetering and want to give in to the sugar dragon and drown in ice cream and cookies.

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Legallygoofy - I am right there with ya in regard to making cookies several times a week.  I usually baked 1-2 times a week because I loved the dough, enjoyed making homemade cookies/cakes for my family, and also sharing what I bake at work.  It was a stress releaser for me.  Something I could start and finish and be totally in charge of.  I really miss it!!!  I have to admit that often times I would get a headache from eating the dough.  My guess is from the sugar.  I decided that since I can't do that for Whole30 I will fill that time reading everyone's great posts, going outside, making phone calls, etc.  Anything to get out of the kitchen!

I have noticed that our house is cleaner and tidier after starting Whole30. I find myself folding clothes or picking up after the kitchen is completely clean to keep myself preoccupied. So far, loving this experience. Even my husband is feeling different, and he has no idea that I am doing this but he is even changing his habits because he has noticed how "clean" i have been eating for the past two weeks. I officially started on monday, but I had been easing myself into the process for  a while.

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 I empathize also as another baker. I love everything about baking. Love the mixing, love to eat the batter, love to eat the results.  I've been gluten and dairy free for three years but that didn't stop me from baking up a gf, df, storm every week - cookies, cakes, scones, you name it, and they all had sugar in them :-(  I do feel so much better without the demon sugar but boy I miss it. 

My in-laws are coming over this weekend and I adore them, but everytime they vist but father in law always bakes something for me. Already thinking of tactics to avoid it. I can easily pass up a bread basket, bagel, rice, you name it. But sugar cookies are my weakness.

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 I also had a hard time finding compliant vinegar. I couldn't find balsamic and I am wanting that for salads, even in Trader Joe's. I am on the hunt for Coconut Aminos and Red Boat Fish Sauce. Maybe I should just order online. Any suggestion?


On the balsamic vinegar, I found a compliant brand in Whole Foods and I know others have in places like Costco.  You want to be sure of no sulfites in the ingredients list.  If elsewhere on the label it says something like "contains naturally occurring sulfites", then you're ok.


Coconut Aminos I also get in my local Whole Foods.


Red Boat Fish Sauce, I haven't looked for it, but I know many folks order it online.


Happy shopping!

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Good Morning Kids,


Seems like everyone is doing fine. I'm still a little tired, but not terrible. I need to do a little cooking this am, as the late night meetings have not been conducive to cooking.


Dave, I'm glad you got up early to write this AM, very impressive.


HWH, Welcome. Surly Teens - I have one and had one. I try to treat them when I'm not home to pizza etc. it is still in the refrig, that is better. I have  baskets in each of their rooms that contain their junk, and anything else is on top of the refrig, in a tall basket...or hidden in the freezer.  The two have been eating better since I'm eating better, as usual the only way to lead well, is by example.


Sandy - it sounds like you know your body and are following your instincts, which is great. I'm still a little tire, but feeling okay. I wish I remember what day it is you wake up ready to take on the world, but it will come. I found one balsamic...but it turns on my sugar monster, so I stick with olive oil and lemon, keeping my salad more savory.


Duke - your situation is so different from ours it is hard to comment.I bet you would do well to do what Dave does and that is have a few cashews? They have the fat the satiates, and at this stage in the program, I think they taste very sweet.


LG - Last attempted Whole 30 I cleaned out the entire attic and garage. I can't wait to see what I accomplish this time. Dave taught me that, although I am but a measly grasshopper. Take a cookie and put it on a plate and sneak it into a baggy for reintro...heck, take 3. Tell yourself how amazing you are. it's only 21 days (or whatever it is at that point).  Wrap it up good and put it out of site...


Okay darling friends, I'm off to the showers, it's going to be a great day!

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Feeling good on this fourth day.  Had a good workout this morning - walking/running on the treadmill for 5 miles.  Yes, I did eat protein and a starchy carb after the run.  Still eating too much fruit.  I've thought about completely eliminating the fruit  (I've done this before) since it's easier for me to have none than some but I'm not yet ready to take this step.


Dave - the reason I didn't take my weight, measurements, photos is not because I'm afraid the numbers will be too high.  I'm on the leaner side and in good shape with some muscle definition.  The body is fine; it's the mind that is messed up, and has been messed up for a very long time.


I am making all of you my family and this place my new home for the next 30 days.  I am going to need all the support I can get.   Life is scary and stressful for me.  My boyfriend will be admitted to the hospital at the beginning of July for a stem cell transplant.    He has a great treatment team but I'm afraid.  I know what could happen.

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Good morning all!


JennP - Glad you were able to revive yourself after the crash. 

DebC - Turn the Beet Around --- too cute.


To all my fellow bakers out there -- my morning consisted of packing up 300 French macarons into 100 takeaway boxes and delivering them to the local camber breakfast meeting by 7am.  Didn't eat a bit of them!  I had just a little bit of strawberry/cantaloupe mix and a cup of black coffee at the breakfast, then came home and had a rather hefty helping of cabbage/ground beef from yesterday.   Feeling alright.  Hungry, though.  I'll add more fat for lunch -- I think I'm learning that fat is what keeps me full.  (Seems like there's enough extra on this old body to keep me full, but alas, I seem to need a fresh intake regularly.)  ;)    Next week I have to bake quite a few batches and I am terrified that I will lick a spoon full of filling or something without thinking and have to restart.  I'm determined to not do that, but sometimes I do it before I realize I've done it. 


Love the military marching rhymes.  We will march right into healthier bodies, clearer minds, and a future full of great experiences. 

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Duke- I had food poisoning the day before I started this whole 30, I hope you start feeling better soon.

Dave- I did not kill anyone!!lol

Laurie- I hope it all goes well, we are here for you for support.

Andria- I have purchased coconut aminos and red boat at sprouts and whole foods.

Today I woke up feeling blah, I had a minor headache. For breakfast I mixed the leftover calabacitas and mixed them with 2 eggs, very good spicy but good. I also added fruit this am, cantaloupe. This is the day I usually cave so if I can make it past tomorrow I think I am golden.

It makes it easy when my coworker is also doing this with me. We will be riding together until at least day 14 so it helps, keeps each other accountable and we discuss compliant foods to eat.

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