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On to Day Five and it's not even that I'm physically hungry. I'm emotionally hungry: I'm just in a horrible mood and don't want to do my work because it's really stressful, and the only thing I can think to do in response is think about chocolate. I'm proud I've made it even this far, but I'm worried I'm starting to lose my resilience - the whole "oh, you've done it long enough, it's too much energy" demon is on my shoulder. Support appreciated!

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Laurie, hang in there!  I am also coping with family members with serious medical issues.  I regularly tell myself that I need to make sure I'm doing really good self care so that I can better support my partner and others.  This program has been a good way for me to focus on my own well-being.  And, frankly, it's also a good distraction when the world can get overwhelming.  One of my reasons for doing the Whole30 is to try to moderate my moods, because if I'm not taking good care of myself I can slide into depression, or PMS rages.  I am happy to report that on Day 4, I feel really good and haven't really experienced much of the fatigue or headaches (yet).  I think my symptoms may be less because I did a mini 14 day trial run a couple months ago and cleared out a lot of the bad stuff then.


Keep it up everyone!

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Duke, make sure the militants are Whole 30 compliant! Hang in there and stay away from the sweets!


Legallygoofy - "We have seen the enemy (sugar cookies) and it is ours"! Stay strong and keep cleaning! I made several things in the kitchen the other day including a birthday cake and I always leave the kitchen (and sink) cleaner than I found it. My wife loves this about me.


Laurie - glad to hear back from you. We are here in strength and numbers to help you thru your journey and ultimate success!


Miki - you give me waaayyyy too much credit. The fact that you pay attention to me makes me think you might be a little "off"! hahahaha


Sandy - I orderd my coconut aminos online.



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Okay, just a quickie.


Laurie, for some of us the head is it. I'm actually trying to learn not to measure, weigh or diet (this I consider healthy eating) because I've been on a diet for 44 years, and I think I am who I am and I need to learn to love 54 year old Miki. If you're not measuring any of your success with weightloss, I'm impressed. I'm sorry to hear about your boyfriend, but we will keep him in our prayers and meditations.


Rosann...That's a toughie - is wiring your jaw shut too extreme?


Barney - hang tough, you can do it. I guess we're supposed to be learning not to eat our feelings. Can you journal? Draw? Crochet?


I continue to struggle with the demons in my head directing and redirecting and constantly trying to rationalize and ignore my good intentions. I want to be more like Dave when I grow up...NO EXCUSES>




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So day 4 has been pretty good. I have to admit that I haven't had any of the crazy "symptoms" no headaches, no withdraws, II have even been able to fit in my scheduled runs without feeling the "effects". Now, I did have one episode this morning. After finishing my first meal at work today, I walked over to the kitchen to wash my dishes and move around a bit, and as I walk in I see a Tupperware on the counter= sweets. I almost launched that red container and stomped on it (i did so in my mind quite vividly). Instead of attacking the culprit, I proceeded to put the enemy in the fridge and continued through my task knowing that this is the reason why I am completing this.


At that moment, it hit me, prior to this experience, food controlled me. I cannot allow food or my daydreams of it to control me. For the first time, in a long time, food no longer stresses me out. I am eating 3 square meals at pre-planned times, and i have my pre and post wo meals. I now understand that restricting calories, binging and all of the nasty behaviors was probably the cause of most of these issues. Food is something that helps our system run and you can't fuel it on sugar and crap, even if its only 1200 calories worth of that sugar and crap. I am tired of being sick and tired and this will be all worth it. 


I am really hoping that I have these mind opening experiences throughout my journey. 

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Wow, lotta action this morning!


Duke - above all, stay safe. Sorry about the local fruits and veggies - guess the peelable ones are safest? 

Dave  - I love the jingles "jodies" and wish you could run us all through a boot camp drill each morning ;-)

Miki - get those beets! I sliced up pre cooked beets, added slivered apple, lemon juice, olive oil and some chopped mint - done!

Laurie - health stuff is so stressful but like others here I agree that in pursuing your own self care and in effect putting your own oxygen mask on first, you are doing the best thing you can for your boyfriend. I am interested in the stem cell transplant as I follow several Facebook groups regarding the transplants and have a diagnosis myself that if resistant to drugs some folk have turned to SCT. Keep us posted. 

Rosann - the macarons!! Can't believe you have to be that close to sugar every day. Well done remembering not to taste.

Barney - hang in there. I was desperate for sugar last night too. I had some fried plaintains with dinner and that helped me. 


I am on Day 31 of a 40 days of yoga challenge and SO CRANKY about that commitment lol. Need to look closely at my resistance!

I signed up during my first W30 on one of the good days lol. 


I'm feeling a bit frustrated in general that with all this healthy eating and doing, I'm not seeing more visual results, I know I know I know, I so so know that W30 is not about weight loss but damn, I was hoping for some as a side effect. I am also proud to be telling work people about what I'm doing and feel (rightly or wrongly) that they are like - huh, but you look just the same so what's the point. Or, wow she must be secretly eating more than we know. NO! I AM NOT! 


Now let me stress two things 1)  I definitely definitely feel much better. AND THAT IS HUGE!! A HUGE NON SCALE VICTORY and 2) I live in Los Angeles the most physically judgmental city in ? the world? and although I seriously can MOST of the time rise above that, sometimes, it just messes with your head. Especially with all the naturally slender co workers who seem to effortlessly go to spin class every day and look at me and my efforts with deep - something. One co worker eats the same salad for lunch EVERY DAY. I have worked with this woman on and off for two years and seriously - EVERY DAY. I have really thought about this - does taking the choice out of what she eats work? Etc etc etc . 


Anyways, just venting it out here. I want to be a poster child for the habits I'm adopting and I'm impatient about it. But I know, Rome wasn't built in a day. (stomp stomp). 


Onward and upward!!!

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Deb - you have the best stamina and willpower of all of us and your successes will be found at the end. I am glad to hear how good you feel and never estimate how others perceive you. I was once described to someone as the "tall blond guy".......I'm 5'10! Anyway, Rome wasn't built in a day and a lot of Rome has crumbed which goes to show you that some shortcuts were made. You are going about it the correct way and building a healthier diet from the ground up......you will be better built than Rome! Aside from feeling better, have you noticed anything with the Yoga? Are you more limber, are you less fatigued afterwards? Has W30 helped in any way with Yoga? You will succeed, you are strong! We love everything that you bring to the group!




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Meadowlilly - I don't know you, or your circumstances at the grocery store, but I find your post perplexing. Why would a complete stranger make ugly faces at you and smirk at you? Is it possible that she's a nice person that was just having a rotten day, and could have used a smile, instead of being ignored?


I don't know, maybe she is a total bitch. But, just food for thought. :)

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Deb C....maybe we're not related, maybe we're living the exact same life. I totally got everything you said including the skinny-a..ed coworker that eats the same TJ's salad every day and a bowl of raisin bran cereal for breakfast. (that was also my ex-husband. I want to wire my jaw shot and hybernate for the winter, is that too much to ask for?

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Miki - winter is a long way off. You are fine, great, strong, determined, and destined to beat this! If you weren't.....I wouldn't be talking to you. Now go get some pine cones and dirt for that next batch of mayo! I am off to class ........I got to get my brain healthy too!




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Awww Dave thanks for the kind words, truly very much appreciated. Oh, and the yoga, I do feel better from moving my body more regularly, and the deep breathing. Definitely helps with stress and energy. I find that the more physical classes help me to sleep better, and I enjoy them more, the more meditation-y ones make me antsy. Some would say I need to do more of those then :-)  I am not a very physical person, couch potato is my favorite mode, so the yoga challenge is big for me although I have done a fair bit of yoga in the past - just never a commitment like this. I'm thinking about what to do after this is over...more yoga...maybe a spin with Salad Girl...


And Miki stop right now, it is a Trader Joe's salad that she eats. I was like "don't you get sick of that salad?" she's like NO! I look forward to it every day! To each their own I guess!! LOL living the same life except my ex husband's food issues are way worse than ours I promise you. He really battles the food demons; I've told him about W30 and he's very supportive (we're friends most of the time) but he likes a drink or two so isn't game to try it.  

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Well, due to a death in the family I am going to leave this group. I will be staying as W30 as possible, but given the upcoming viewing and funeral, staying compliant is not possible. If you have ever been to a southern funeral you will understand.

Hubby hadn't started as I thought, and had already planned to start Monday. This will give me time to menu plan and shop as well.

Right now, all I want is soda and chocolate. If I was farther along in this journey I might be able to resist more, but I am doing good not to curl into a weeping ball.

Connie was hubby's uncle'svelte on his dad's side. She was one of the first to welcome me into the family. She was well loved and will be missed.

Good luck to all.

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Darling Jenn,


You don't have to leave the group if you don't want to. We'll understand you're doing the best you can, but the encouragement etc, is what helped my try again...and staying as compliant as you can will certainly help you.


I am sorry about your loss and very impressed with your honesty.


Our Prayers and Meditations will follow you.



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JennP I agree with Miki. We would love to have you stay. But understand if you can't. 

I have heard about Southern funerals and their amazing food. 

You could do a Whole 38?

So very sorry for your loss. 

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I have to say, I've had a pretty good day 4. Maybe a little crabby/tired, but nothing compared to what I expected. I have worried a little that I'm not doing things right if I'm not having the detox symptoms, but even after going through "It Starts With Food" I think I'm on track. Did you ever have someone worry that they didn't feel BAD enough? Pure crazy.


Anyhow, I know every day won't be easy - next week is full of amazing challenges, including 8th grade graduation (right with you Dave!), a 12 hr/day-3 day class, and a trip to MD.  My husband thinks he's eating crabcakes. Well, maybe he will, but not me!


Jenn, so sorry about your loss. Hang in there and we'll be praying for you and your family.


Legally - glad you're feeling good, too!


To everyone with the teenagers - I have one, too! I have cut down a bit on his stockpile, but it is in the cupboard. Interestingly, he's loving the program. Mostly because I'm cooking everyday, which I have not done for most of his life  :D


Quick question - is there a way to post pictures here, or is that discouraged?

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