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Have almost made it through Day 7 - except that I just ate a bunch of figs :( Like, WAY too many figs. Maybe technically compliant, but sure doesn't feel compliant because I ate way more than I should and I think I was definitely chasing their sweetness. At least I'm proud that's been my first "deviation" and I'm feeling better about being able to do this for 30 days! Just spent the last five hours cooking for next week!

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Yes, what a relief to be back - I NEED you all, too!  Rosann23, I must've tried logging into this site a half dozen times since last night.  The support of this group is really, really helpful to me, too.  I have been so fatigued today, I haven't wanted to cook at all.  I dragged myself to the grocery store and now I'm feeling overwhelmed with figuring out how to prep a whole pile of food for the week ahead.  I read some blogs for ideas, like this:




She has some great strategies for doing a "Cookup" to prep meals for several days.  Problem is, I can't muster the energy right now to tackle a big project like that.  Hopefully tomorrow I'll find it in me.


Barney, good job keeping a "cheat" compliant!   I just did something similar with apple slices and sunflower butter.  I think I had way more sunflower butter than I should have.  And wow, 5 hours of cooking - that's impressive.


Day 6 winding to a close.  Keep it up, 6/9ers!

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So good to be back! My biggest success: last night my son went to the 8th grade dance (we're still in school here through next week!) and to a party after. I stayed up to wait for him until 2am. Last week, I would have eaten my way through the house. I was not hungry, but realized how much I eat when I'm anxious or bored. So I rented a movie to distract myself.


I took a nap today, which I never to, and it helped.


Higs, I want to do some meal planning for the week and can't bear to think about it tonight!

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Wow was I bummed I couldn't access the forum this am.  But now I'm here, and just spent 30 minutes ready Leaf Parade's 

whole30 diary and checking out some of her recipes. Thanks Deb C for the link to the sausage recipe!  


Breakfast today was chilled steamed shrimp dipped in melted ghee and carrots.  I've never been a lover of sweet breakfasty foods, except for leftover dessert, of course...  I splurged and bought the already cooked by the grocery store shrimp and oh, was I glad this am, when I opened the fridge and those babies were starting back at me saying "eat me! eat me!"  It satisfied my love of eating food with my fingers - a trait that makes my mom still shake her head in sadness.  I think maybe it's a sign I'm meant to eat paleo.


Am I doomed to fail that I am not planning all my meals in advance?  Do most successful whole30ers plan meals way in advance?  

Maybe I need some help with my routine.  Does anyone recommend their plan of attack - is it just the night before, is it the day of, or a week or month at a time?


Thanks everyone for your warm welcomes  :D

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Hi friends! So glad everyone is still on track. Today has been the hardest to date, not with fatigue but with control. In-laws are here and bought all of my favorites: cookies, french fries, M&Ms and Garlic rolls. Plus, we went to the movies! And I did not cave it. Everyone had steak, french fries, onions in butter and rolls, and I opted for plain grilled chicken and broccoli. I ran 6 miles this morning, and did indulge in extra fruit this evening, but it may have been because I hadn't eaten much all day:1/2 lara bar after run, 2 egg whites, 1/2 sweet potato and broccoli for lunch, one apple, dried strawberries and almonds during a girl scout event (emergency) and dinner. After dinner while everyone had cookies and "treats". I had one spoonful of almond butter and a green apple (not sweet) and some blueberries and rasperries. Was my day great? No. Did I have too much fruit? yes. The point is= I am still compliant and its not the end of the world, I ran 6 miles.  

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Goofy -- sounds like you did great under the circumstances.  Staying strong with temptations so near.  Good job.  6 miles!  Holey Moley.


Anna -- I love eating with my fingers, too.  I even eat salad with my finger when I can get away with it - one of the benefits of living alone.  :)

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Hi, just wondering if I can join in? Looks a great supportive group.

While I started on the 9th I did have to restart on the 10th, but with time differences (I'm in Australia) I feel I should be in pretty much the same place as you guys. I've read through all the posts (I had to turn to google to explain more than a few things, still have to look up what is spaghetti squash ;-) ) and this looks such a knowledgable and sharing group. This is my first whole30, as for why I'm doing this I think I forgot that somewhere around day 2. As a diet coke and sugar addict it's been hard work, though today on day 6 I have only a slight headache.

Okay with the kids out of the house no more stalling for me, it's run time. Bye for now and hopefully I will be getting to know you all soon :).

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Wow, I thought it was my computer. I kept trying to get on then finally took care of some other stuff. I am going to move soon and that whole stress is beginning. I have still felt really fatigued and have a rumbly tummy. I am so tired tonite I can't think of cooking anything! I think I have to do these things in the morning or it won't get done. 


Boy, you don't know how much you miss something til it's gone. So glad it's back up. Nice to see all the posts!


cara123   A big welcome to you! This is best group, so full of support and knowledge. You will do great here!


Day 6 in the bag! Great job everyone!



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Anna, for me it helps to have a bit of a plan, but I haven't been able to plan meals for a week. I have tried but I get overwhelmed. So I just pick a few recipes and make sure I have all the ingredients on hand for those and keep a protein thawed and on the ready.

I have also found that just making extra when I cook so I don't have to cook every meal. I haven't had the energy to do a big "cook up" yet but I think it would be helpful.

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O M G you guys I was beside myself without y'all. I went on Twitter and tweeted impatiently at W30 what's up, then I went on the FB page and did the same thing. LOL!!! I so appreciate the support of the group!! SO SO MUCH. It would not be easy doing this without it not at all.


Cara123 - WELCOME!! We have one honorary Kiwi, someone in Asia (speaking of that Duke how are you?) and now an Aussie. I am a Kiwi/US Citizen. 


Higs - those tired days are rough. I think I'm having one too. And yesterday very rough day at work, got home at 10 and who wants to cook? Ate wayyyyyyyy too many grapes.  Rallying for better food organization this week. 


My baking friends! I cured the baking blues today by baking for - MY CAT! Does that make me sound like a sad cat lady? Actually it was super easy and fun and totally satisfied my baking urge. And guess who was SUPER happy about his all organic, gf, df  tuna/spirulina treats handmade with love? Yes, Le Grand Orange. I'd post the recipe but it has oat flour in it and is not compliant :-) . If the mood strikes you, the recipe can be found on Joy the Baker's blog!!


Now another reason I was worried that the forum was down was I was like what will they do without all the amazing olive recipes I'm going to post ;-)   So without further ado, I present to you tomorrow's Ingredient of the Day (maybe someone had some ground turkey today, sadly I didn't)  - OLIVES!! 


I looked up these recipes yesterday and I have to say that the Chicken Marbella (chicken with olives and prunes) looked so good that I shopped for it on my way home from work last night. Spent my feelings at Whole Foods. !!!


Anyway - OLIVES!!


Olives will give you a nice boost of healthy fat, as well as that unique olivey sour flavor. I use the tapenade on meats and sometimes mixed with coconut milk as a dipping sauce, but just on their own they pair deliciously with watermelon, and with chicken.


Tomato and Watermelon Salad with Olives



Olive Tapenade



Olive, Garlic and Lemon Chicken



Fancy Olives! (I just discovered that red wine vinegar is compliant, yay!)



Cuban Meatballs with Olives



I'm posting this recipe even though it has no olives because I came across it and it looks redonkulous. And I sort of regard capers as honorary olives. And I love anchovies. Its a saucy sauce. 




and I'm making this fo sho - Chicken Marbella (with olives and prunes)




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Don't shoot me Deb C, I'm just throwing olives in my salad (normally I would throw them in my Martini.


All welcome - too tired to  go back and find out who the new person was...but we will love having you.


Had a long and busy day, cooking, eating (turkey burger & salad & melon balls).


We went on a goat walk...yes, that is a goat on a leash!


I must rest...I wll try to be more contributing tomorrow.


so tired.

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Glad I can log on to the forum today. Welcome to the newbie, we are a great group!!

Yesterday I woke up feeling not too bad and then all of a sudden I was full of energy!!!! This is odd for me, I am always tired. I know the book has a timeline but this is not normal for me to feel like this on day 6. My first whole 30 it took 3 weeks and I did not feel like it was the true tiger blood.

I scrubbed my kitchen from top to bottom, only thing missing was a toothbrush to clean the corners..lol

Today I was a bit nervous because we took a short drive to do some shopping and they have quite a bit of "comfort foods" I passed by the cinnamon bun place and I felt like I was going to shed a tear... I could smell the yeast in the bread with all the sugar and cinnamon glaze....it was pure torture!!

I managed to find a "build your own salad" place and had a large ice tea. I also found that sipping on water throughout my day helped.

I plan 3 days worth of meals at a time. I find that if I plan for the week, my veggies are not as fresh and if I get a slight odd smell on the meat in the fridge I will toss it all out. I usually always have leftovers and 3 days is good to finish leftovers.

Deb- thanks for the recipes, I will try the tampenade as its the only thing I can have that contains olives. Do you think I can make it without anchovies?

Day 6 in the bag!

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I hated not being able to log in.  I tried so many times.  So happy we are back up and together again. 


Welcome to all the new people.  You will be so grateful you joined this fun group. 


I did much better with my fruit the last 2 days and, as a result,  I feel better.  Feeling good is priceless and not easy to attain.


To all the dads, wishing you a happy, healthy father's day.  Hope you all have a wonderful day with your children.  But don't forget to stick to your Whole 30.  The best gift you can give to your kids is a healthy dad!

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Good Morning Day 7! I'm going to remember something Dave said and use this success to help me make it through! 


I think those people that send the emails everyday have little gnomes that hide in my house to see  how I am doing this program, because every time I do something they post it in the dang email...I was eating way too many nuts, lo and behold, it was in the email!


I suck at planning and prepping! I like the  approach to just stock the kitchen so I have choices. But I need to do better! I had to laugh at Deb when she talked about standing in front of the fridge eating chicken, I did the same thing with an avocado! And my mind was blank about what to fix and eat. I think that calls for a little better planning. 


Please God do not let this Forum go down again for the remainder of this 30, I pray!!!


Big Hugs to all that have stuck with us this first week! Thanks to everyone for posting, I am hanging on them!


Have a great day! ~Sandy

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Hi all!

I thought my technical difficulties were because I was on the road yesterday!

We made it from ky to pa in 10.5 hours and The food I packed worked out perfectly, felt so good to arrive feeling great- not bloated or greasy from fast food. If I'm perfectly honest, I was a little disappointed last night because no one noticed (or said anything) that I'd lost weight (12 pounds, that I know of! From my previous round of whole30). But I had a blast packing for this trip because all my clothes fit great.

Debc those recipes sound great! I brought green olives (canned) from trader joes to eat on my car ride but they just didnt appeal me, they were such a weird green color and I think I may be an olive bar snob now, the canned just didn't taste right.

Gabenick I love your tip about just planning the next 3 days, and I'm so glad you found so much energy!

Welcome Cara!

Hope all the dads have a great Father's Day! One week, guys! We made it! :)

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Happy Daddy's Day to all the fathers here.  I love what Laurie said about the best thing you can give your kids is a healthy dad.  Great insight. 

I'm a little tired this morning and don't have meals planned so I think I'll have my coffee first.  I usually save it for mid morning.  It may help clear the cobwebs this morning.  I woke up at 2am (probably because I went to bed at 9:30!!!) and noticed my work website was still displaying strangely, so I redid the home page and scrapped the messed up one.  Still don't know what made it mess up, but at least now it looks pretty again.  Back to bed at about 3:30.  I don't usually wander too much in the middle of the night, but at least I accomplished something. 

I did dream that I was telling everyone (and I mean everyone that I came across) that I would be able to have ice cream again one day.  Actually I could live without ice cream if I had to, but I don't know about life without pizza and pasta.  I usually go to Italy at least once a year where my diet consists of pizza, pasta, and gelato.  I'm already planning another whole30 for November after I return from Rome.  At least I won't be as off nutritionally as I am now.

We have successfully made it 20% through out 30 days!!  YEAH US. 

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A huge thanks for the warm welcomes. Day 6 done and dusted for me.

I think I saw there were some other runners (in my case jogger would be more appropriate) here, can I ask how you are going? I'm struggling on runs my legs are heavy and slow :( I'm hanging out for it to feel better.

Abbyn- well done on hanging in there while on the road and well done on the weight loss.

Sandy- I'm not a meal planner either but I'm pushing myself to have options in the fridge and freezer.

Laurie- good for you on feeling good, I don't think I'm quite there yet. It's very promising to hear others say how good they feel though.

MeadowLily- I love getting the giggles over nothing, it's usually when I'm tired.

Gabenick2- great to hear someone else full of envy. You have me dreaming of cinnamon buns now. Might have to settle for cinnamon on my sweet potatoe :).

Geminimik- hope you had a good sleep and feeling more energetic today. I'm off to bed in a second (night here) and hoping for energy for work tomorrow.

DebC- thanks for the welcome and for all the recipe ideas. I'm not very creative with cooking so love ideas :D. Also glad to hear there are others from the Southern Hemisphere.

Okay off to bed for me. All the best for day 7 everyone!

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Hi everybody!  I was LOST without our forum yesterday.  Like so many others I needed the support.  Yesterday was my hardest day ever - visited a bourbon distillery, watched my daughter eat a pizza, and I missed my glass of wine. 


This is gross but is anyone constipated?  (If we can discuss gas we can discuss this.)  Is Miralax compliant?


Is sparkling mineral water compliant?  I drink a lot of water but it does get dull and thought maybe I could try this.


Happy Father's Day to all of the dads!

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Singing mom, I hope a mod can weigh in but I've been doing a little reading about digestive enzymes: http://whole9life.com/2012/09/digestive-enzymes-101/ maybe they could help you. I'm not constipated but I think it took a little while to get regular during my last whole30.

Are you in Kentucky? I toured woodford reserve a few weeks ago, it was lovely! But I can't handle bourbon, I'm such a lightweight!

Pizza was my hardest temptation as well (and now I'm in PA visiting family and the pizza here is amazing!) but I have a belly full of eggs and sweet potatoes so that definitely strengthens my resolve.

Cara I'm not currently a runner but I have seen advice here and there to just take it easy on working out, especially in these early days of whole30, while your body's adjusting... Maybe just take a break and try again in a day or two?

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Happy Father's Day to the Guys,


Yesterday was my Goatwalk...I love goats. The picture is my son, his girlfriend Cayley and Billy the Goat. I think Billy needs a whole 30 because he was panting and coughing up the steep side of the hill!



Singing mom - I would up the water intake and fat intake (like steamed vegies with an avocado sauce on top. It's fun finding foods that serve as pills.


I too, like everyone was very lost the few times I tried to log on. I will send my personal email to anyone interested, just in case.


Cara - here's your real welcome with your name included.


Rosann - Italy twice a year? Amazing. I will go for my first time in August of 2015 and I would love to be healthier and know what my trigger foods are or work to eliminate them before I go on a 10 day cruise and walking tour!


Sandy & Abynn - sounds like you're doing great except for missing us yesterday.


Laurie, isn't if phenomenal that in such a short time, you're so in tune with your body that you know that a little less natural sugar makes you feel better? That is awesome!


Meadowlily, I haven't experienced sill, so I'll try eating two olives tonight and let you know what happens. Perhaps if I soak them in Vodka?...just kidding.


Gabenick, congrats on the salad (I'm currently addicted to salads)  and on the energy burst.


Deb C - I'm going to try harder with the olives, was that yesterday or today?


I would like to make a ground chicken meatloaf...what do I add to bind it? Chicken, egg, (do I have to make catsup?) let me know if you know ..I guess I can go on NomNomPaleo and see if she has a recipe.


It is inspiring for me and hopefully for you to see our big mistakes being too many grapes. What a great mistake to make. Yes, we want to be perfect, but we also need to focus on all the amazing successes we are each accomplishing. Someone posted the Believe Achieve mantra, but that is so true, we become what we focus on, so today I will focus on Cooking, like Deb C, moving for 21 hours a day like Dave, Running like the runners, making a list of all the body parts that feel better, and honoring myself and my one week accomplishments.


Make it an amazing day.



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Abbyn - I don't live in Kentucky but would like to visit.  I live in Texas.  :)


In yesterday's Day 6 email we all get Natural Calm was suggested for sleeping.  I know magnesium will help with the constipation and that is what is in Natural Calm.


Some people were having a hard time finding Coconut Aminos and I actually found it in my local grocery store in the Gluten Free area. Now what do I do with it????


Any suggestions for using Thai Red Curry Paste? 

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Singing Mom, you just happened to pick two of my favorite things. I'm not much of a cook. I only made mayo once and trying to work up my nerve to try it again today. It was easy and tasted great...I guess I'll crack an egg and put it in the blender...then I'll be committed.


Okay...Coconut aminos...great in stirfry, just like soy sauce, marinating meat...that type thing. The Thai paste I've only used in a traditional thai curry.  I stir fry carrots and a little yellow pepper in a pan, add shrimp or ground chicken, brown....pour in a can of coconut milk, a bottle of curry paste and wala. Oh, you must add fresh basil. I do the basil fresh each Time I serve it. That makes 3 to 4 servings for me. I serv it over over sauteed cruciferous...or if I'm in need of comfort, sweet potato. You Will Be Full.

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