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Eating after Whole 30


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I am on day 24 and looking at the information about reintroduction. I love the changes to my diet that have come about due to the Whole 30 plan, especially cutting sugar out of my diet. I would like to continue eating this way and following the plan, yet there seems to be some confusion on my part as to whether or not this is a good idea. I have discovered that sugar in my diet is simply a bad idea. Is there any health reason as to why it is not a good idea to continue following the Whole 30 plan after the 30 days...there seems to be sugar in many products not on Whole 30. Any input would help. Thanks!

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Tom that is interesting as on another thread you said that no one eats this way all the time, not even Dallas and Melissa, and you did not recommend it permanently. Could you clarify for us? Thanks! 

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I am on day 24 and looking at the information about reintroduction. I love the changes to my diet that have come about due to the Whole 30 plan, especially cutting sugar out of my diet. I would like to continue eating this way and following the plan, yet there seems to be some confusion on my part as to whether or not this is a good idea. I have discovered that sugar in my diet is simply a bad idea. Is there any health reason as to why it is not a good idea to continue following the Whole 30 plan after the 30 days...there seems to be sugar in many products not on Whole 30. Any input would help. Thanks!

Susan there has been confusing info posted on the forums in this regard. Moderators have advised others NOT to embark on a Whole 360/365. I am curious to have a moderator clarify. 

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I think when they say "don't eat like this forever", they are referring to the extreme restriction of Whole 30 (questioning every little ingredient of every single piece of food eaten), but recommending the Whole 9 principles as healthy and possible forever. That's how I've always understood it.

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I think when they say "don't eat like this forever", they are referring to the extreme restriction of Whole 30 (questioning every little ingredient of every single piece of food eaten), but recommending the Whole 9 principles as healthy and possible forever. That's how I've always understood it.


^This is how I've always understood it too.  I base that on blog posts like these: herehereherehere, and here that have examples of how Melissa and Dallas recommend eating post W30.  The Ride Your Own Bike article talks about taking responsibility for your food choices. A quote from that article that seems to sum up their stance on following W30 forever or not: 


The point of the Whole30 is to gain awareness – figure out how foods you used to eat are actually affecting you; create new habits, patterns and relationships with food; and learn to apply that knowledge in everyday, real-life scenarios for the rest of your life. The program isn’t meant to continue forever – it’s a tool to give you the knowledge and confidence to make good choices on your own. Think of the Whole30 like your dietary training wheels, giving you the support and structure you need while learning. And despite the fact that it’s scary to lose the structure and comfort of our “rules” and take on the big, bad, sugar-laden world all on your own – at some point for each of you, it’s simply gotta happen. - See more at: http://whole30.com/2012/01/ride-your-own-bike-2/#sthash.uJEuzWxP.dpuf



(And then there's the Guide to Nutritional Off Roading, which includes a flowchart to help you decide which foods are worth having. Not completely on topic, but sort of related, and maybe helpful.)

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Thanks to all for your responses. I have looked at the information and seem to have better clarity. Before starting this, 25 days ago now, I was eating Paleo (or I should say Primal because I loved my feta cheese and Greek yogurt), but could not kick the sugar cravings. Through this past month, I have been able to see the difference in myself when I have no sugar in my diet. I have certain, what I call "trigger" foods, such as nut butters, nuts as a stand alone and of course, sugar- in any form, including green leaf Stevia, Larabars, honey, etc. (Paleo-approved sugars). So now, I will do my best to keep these out of my diet, as well as gluten-filled carbs and will eat other foods if it comes up, but will mainly stick with the Whole 30 plan...in other words not be as "picky", for lack of a better word, as the Whole 30 is. I am grateful to this plan, for it has made a HUGE difference in my life. I have NEVER been without sugar or carb cravings and finally, I am free of them.  Thanks again! :)

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I am day 28 and have done really well on my While30! I am also a little nervous about ending it, I love being on a "plan". I would like an "ok" or "not ok" on what we have decided to add back in on Thursday.

All I was going to add is Organic heavy cream in my 1 cup of coffee in the morning, blue cheese or gorgonzola on my afternoon salad, and grated Parmesan as a topper on dinners occasionally. I would like to also add "occasionally" a few squares of dk chocolate and wine with my meal!? I don't have to worry about wakening any sugar dragon, never was a sweet eater (yeah) - if I did sweeten my coffee, is it best to use organic honey? The Whole30 was fantastic, I feel so much better and can definitely follow through - maybe with adding these few things back in????? Can't wait to hear back from someone!

Thank you!!!! :)

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I am day 28 and have done really well on my While30! I am also a little nervous about ending it, I love being on a "plan". I would like an "ok" or "not ok" on what we have decided to add back in on Thursday.

All I was going to add is Organic heavy cream in my 1 cup of coffee in the morning, blue cheese or gorgonzola on my afternoon salad, and grated Parmesan as a topper on dinners occasionally. I would like to also add "occasionally" a few squares of dk chocolate and wine with my meal!? I don't have to worry about wakening any sugar dragon, never was a sweet eater (yeah) - if I did sweeten my coffee, is it best to use organic honey? The Whole30 was fantastic, I feel so much better and can definitely follow through - maybe with adding these few things back in????? Can't wait to hear back from someone!

Thank you!!!! :)


You probably want to do reintroduction of dairy (one day like you just listed, cream in your coffee in the morning, cheese on each of the next two meals) and then go back to W30 eating for a couple of days to make sure you don't have any reactions to the dairy. If you want to do any other reintroductions, do them the same way -- and go back to W30 eating on the days between reintroductions. This is just to allow you to see how different foods might affect you. 


As far as sweeteners, check out the Sugar Manifesto for the official Whole30 stance. (And while it really deals with sugar as an ingredient and the many names it can be hidden under, the Sugar=Sugar=Sugar article is interesting too, and may provide further insight.)


Edited to add: More info on reintroductions is here.

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