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One last swing at a Whole30


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Today is day one for my last attempt (maybe) at doing a Whole30. I always fall off just about the time the timeline says I will even though I know it's coming like a train out of a tunnel. I have a birthday next week but will promise myself good health in my 57th year and keep the Whole30 that night.

Today was Cookup Saturday. Made my mayo, roasted some chicken thighs and am inhaling the fragrance of Well Fed's Chocolate Chili which I will have as my dinner.

I'm set for my lunches and breakfasts next week and don't anticipate issues otherwise. The birthday on Tuesday may be a challenge but I'll deal with that then.

Can't wait to get that good sleeping back and the energy and the even moods.

My goal: to be the oldest person in the United States who is not taking a prescription.

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Okay that did not go swimmingly.  My husband has not been feeling well for several weeks and on Sunday he wanted pizza.  I said "Oh, well, I don't think I'd care for that right now."   A few hours later he says "Whopper with cheese."


At which point I caved big time and was incredibly frustrated and angry with myself at having done so.  That being said I had also seen today (my birthday) looming in front of me with the inevitable "Happy Birthday to me" types of treats.


SOOOOOO...Let's restart this tomorrow, shall we?   I've got chocolate chili in the freezer, mayo in the fridge and all the other good stuff.


This is the year where I finish stuff.



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Meadowlily you are insane!  I adore you! But we cantaloupe because I'm married!  :-)  (get it?)


DAY ONE.  Great start, great attitude.  My Day Ones are usually fabulous.  I have a lot of motivation, not a lot of schedule challenges and what the heck.  I'm doing this.  


Lunch: kinpira carrots, cucumbers, radishes and a chicken thigh on greens.








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Day 2 going fine.  I'm still tortured by the whole conventional wisdom stuff and how this conflicts with that.  I have to learn to shut my head down and keep my nose in my own plate.  Stay out of the websites that conflict with this one and the never ending debate about whether fruit makes you gain weight or whether skim milk is healthier than whole milk and how many danged points someone earned during a session at Curves. 


*head banging into keyboard*

My obvious issue if you haven't already assessed that is that I was involved with Weight Watchers in some extent or another (yes, even a Leader with a capital "L" at one point) for 27 years.  It's hard to shake a lot of that and harder even if you've made some acquaintances online who are points-fixated. 


After 27 years it's really annoying to keep feeling I should be logging food and weighing weekly and counting exchanges and making sure I get my whole grains and crap in.


Looking at my wonderful meals today where I had chicken with some homemade mayo and a peach this morning (it's in season and I'll catch up on the veggies, I know I know) and then chocolate chili, brussels sprouts and part of a sweet potato with ghee at lunch.  That's mighty tasty stuff. 


Like a dummy I decided to put it into my WW food tracker (don't worry, the membership is due to expire in a week or 2) "just to see".  Well of course it's fine. But it's not about the points.  THAT'S NOT HOW THIS WORKS. THAT'S NOT HOW ANY OF THIS WORKS!


It's about the content of the food. It's about choices that have nothing to do with weight loss and everything to do with making sure I feel the best I can --- AND BECOME THE OLDEST PERSON IN THE WORLD WITHOUT PRESCRIPTIONS!!!!


So I unFRIEND Weight Watchers.  I have to do it.  Just like an alcoholic can't just keep going to bars with friends and expect to stay dry.    I downloaded a nice little Paleo App to my iPhone this morning:  "myKitchen".  Recipes, menu planning and shopping list.  There, I says to Weight Watchers.  WHO NEEDS your POINTS TRACKER??? Who needs your scanner?  Not THIS girl.


My goodness but aren't I vehement today?


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That is the best part of this way of eating - no weighing, no measuring, no counting points.  Just protein (check), fat (check) and veg (check) on my plate.  (Oh, and don't forget a little fruit here and there!)


I still find myself reaching for the scales now and then (how many meatballs in 1/4 pound - oh, who cares).  Old habits are hard to break!

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That is the best part of this way of eating - no weighing, no measuring, no counting points.  Just protein (check), fat (check) and veg (check) on my plate.  (Oh, and don't forget a little fruit here and there!)


I still find myself reaching for the scales now and then (how many meatballs in 1/4 pound - oh, who cares).  Old habits are hard to break!

Ain't that the truth, Karen?   I was just reading an article by Mark Sisson about the need some folks have for structure.  And I do believe there are people who thrive on structure.  I think I seek structure for negative reasons -- fear, wanting to fit in, whatever.  At any rate, it's my undoing constantly!  Because I cannot maintain structure.  It's not natural for me.  So I just need to go to like a Weight Watchers Anonymous.  "Hi! My name is Julie and I was a Weight Watcher for 27 years!"  "HI JULIE!"  


Twelve steps:  I don't know what they would be but the first one would be "Admit that writing every lick, bite and chomp makes you feel like you're in control of your life."

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giving up my fitness pal in april was one of the best things i did for myself for the long run especially since this overall template works for me. i'm not perfect but as karen said, protein-check, veggies-check, fat-check, extra fat-check check. more veggies if hungry-check!


good luck. it is hard when you read conflicting information. really really hard. but i think of the moderators wrote and I try to remember this when i am obsessing..."Don't overthink this".


good luck.


day ones over and over lead to days 2, 3 and 4 eventually!

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Hey there - hope you don't mind me dropping in to say hi and also share that I am at a last ditch effort for 2014 - there's a lot happening at the end of this month that would make it very difficult for me to stay compliant, and while I tried to get it done this done well before my birthday (no longer happening - like you, I will be W30'ing right on through my 34th birthday) - I just made too many mistakes. I'm a bit worried about setting any expectations about doing a W30 during the year end holidays.


Rooting for you - We can do this!

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So I unFRIEND Weight Watchers.  I have to do it.  Just like an alcoholic can't just keep going to bars with friends and expect to stay dry.    I downloaded a nice little Paleo App to my iPhone this morning:  "myKitchen".  Recipes, menu planning and shopping list.  There, I says to Weight Watchers.  WHO NEEDS your POINTS TRACKER??? Who needs your scanner?  Not THIS girl.


My goodness but aren't I vehement today?


I'm a lifetime member with an ActiveLink and I am seriously considering canceling membership and ActiveLink. This way of eating just works so well. Thanks for encouragement.

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Just had a lovely breakfast of leftover chicken with kinpira veggies and it was so good.

Leah, it IS hard to break the yoke of WW. I just made a decision this morning to stay off the WW site in order to start the break up but I get that your Active Link keeps you there .

Our weather next week is going to continue hot and sultry. I've used that as an excuse to avoid running but I can swim and use the treadmill inside over lunch.

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I have several relatives that are WW lifers.  Not a single one of them has ever maintained anything..They're all right back where they started and some are worse.


One started in the late 70's and is still trying to make it.   Now, she eats all that 100 cal snack pack garbola.  Her daily treats are miniature choco covered thin mints, new flat pretzel crackers and you get my drift.  Those diet dinners are loaded with chemicals and carbs.   In fact, if you look at any frozen dinner you will see that it's mostly white rice or pasta with a few pieces of really weird chicken thrown in for ornaments.


There's always a strange sauce and after the nuke it looks and tastes like....


Anyone who makes a steady diet of any frozen dinners or the home delivery kind...you just have to break up.   My sister ordered the home delivery diet food...all freeze dried with all kinds of sugars and salts.   She said it was worse than a dog's breakfast.   She's storing it for emergency rations in case of a crisis.   She doesn't think anyone will beat her door down to get to that stuff.   She's safe.


WW,  portion control of sugars, starches and chemicals.

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Thanks for stopping in everyone!

Just had a lovely lunch of veal liver and veggies. I know a lot of folks don't like liver but I'm one of the lucky ones. ALL YOUR LIVERS ARE BELONG TO. ME!

If you get that reference you are a geek like me.

I didn't weigh or measure anything. Coconut oil to cook it in. I feel all earthy now.

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