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Hello, so twice this week I've suffered from really bad headaches in the morning. I don't know if I should be taking anything but I haven't experienced headaches at all while being on the whole30 so far and I'm now on Day 13. I did just start implementing exercise back into my routine after a break for about a month since I was dealing with emotional stressors and binging and had no motivation to do anything. I notice the two times I've had headaches were after going out for a run in the morning. I don't know what to do but I don't feel good. Also, my body has been telling me to go to sleep much earlier which I'm assuming is supposed to happen. I actually went to bed at 8pm the other night but I'm normally an early sleeper but never as early as 8. Any thoughts or suggestions? Thanks!



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No I actually can't drink coffee because of the bad reaction is gives my stomach. I was thinking maybe it's because I am not having a pre-workout meal but I read that if the workout is light I may not need it and used to work out in the past without anything in my stomach since I would workout really early in the morning.

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What do your meals look like?  Are you able to post a couple of ways worth of meals here. It will help people get ideas on how to help you troubleshoot.


Honestly by the sounds of your symptoms it sounds like you are not eating enough.


If you are introducing workouts it is very important that you include a pre and post workout snack.  Pre workout should consist of fats and protein - so maybe deviled eggs, or chicken with mayo, or a handful of olives and a egg.  And Post workout meal should be lean protein + carby veg.  So roasted chicken breast and some cubed sweet potato.

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Okay sure!:


Breakfast: twoo eggs crambled with tomatoes and spinach, 1/2 avocado and a side plain salad with a little olive oil and balsalmic

Lunch: One hand palm of turkey meatballs, roasted squash and asparagus, saurkraut and a banana

Dinner: Scallops with proscuitto, spaghetti squash and a baked apple or Lara bar


My workout right now is running outside steady for 30 minutes.

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When is your run in context to your meals? Not enough water can surely cause dehydration headaches...I used to get them when I was running a lot especially on long run days. That said you certainly can eat more. A serving of eggs when it is your only protein is as many as you can hold in your hand without dropping them. I would say you need at least one more. Are your meals keeping you satisfied and full for 4-5 hours? Ditch the Larabar...while technically compliant it is essentially a candy bar. Keep them for emergencies but don't treat them like dessert. What are you having for added fat in your 2nd and 3rd meal?

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I run early in the morning from 6:30-7 am then have breakfast around 7:30am. I used to be on weight watchers and was accustomed to eating 5 times a day (3 meals and two snacks) so eating only three meals a day has been a challenge but I've been getting much better and havent been snacking in between meals. Sometimes I stay full until 1pm to eat lunch but sometimes I don't. I try to load up on veggies in the morning to keep me full and restrict myself to only having fruit two times a day. I was at one point heavily relying on nuts and dried fruit but realized it was only providing me comfort or feeding my "sugar demon." I have since cut down the past couple weeks. For my fats for lunch and dinner it's usually in the way i cook my vegatables or if I have a salad (cocounut oil or extra virgin olive oil). If I have a salad I put olives in it.

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We highly recommend eating within an hour of waking up so I would recommend that you have something small like a hard boiled egg before you run. The intensity and duration of your runs don't really require a post workout meal in the regular sense but that pre-workout food (no carbs) will help your hormones adjust.


Coming to this from weight watchers is going to be a huge mental adjustment because we really want you to eat. A lot. You need to eat enough volume of food to get proper nutrition. I would say increase your water intake, add the pre-workout meal, increase your protein at meal 1, your veggies at all 3 meals, and maybe your fat a little. Really use the meal planning template as your guide.

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I'm with Physibeth regarding coming from Weight Watchers.  I drifted into primal/paleo from Weight Watchers and it took me a long time to stop assessing my intake based on calories or points.  7-ish years later, putting food on my plate and eating until I'm truly nourished is a lot easier.  Moderator AmyS often talks about eating more and not associating personal value with food consumption which, as women, we get "trained" in from a young age.


Food is nourishment, not morals. Counting or restricting, whether purposely or subconsciously, is your inner mean girl's way of trying to tell you that you are not valuable enough to nourish...that you have to be smaller and exist on less and less in order to be virtuous.  I'm not saying that this is specifically you....but I keep reading forum posts from gorgeous, worthy women and they aren't eating enough for a 6 year old let alone a fully functioning adult with a job and a family and exercise and hormone fluctuations and then they are feeling horrible and weak and getting wicked headaches and major mood swings. 


Even my husband, who can see that I am fitter and healthier and happier than ever before, watches the volume of food that I eat and from time to time comments on how I'm probably eating too much and I should try to reduce my consumption.  I just shake my head and ask him to please mind his own plate.  People are not used to seeing women eat!  :)


OK, rant over, sorry to hijack your thread!

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Hahahaha not at all!!! This was great to read and this is the whole reason why I made the decision to stop weight watchers and I never would have learned about whole30 until my coworker told me about it and I thank her all the time. I had lost 12 pounds while on WW and I thought I was doing so great until I resented the process because I felt like I was in prison. I was working out daily and wasn't getting anymore results and I just felt so trapped. I ended up going on a binging cycle for a month and ended up feeling ill and disappointed in myself that I let all my hard work go. With starting the whole30 it really has helped with how I see food since my relationship with it and still somewhat is a way to comfort myself when I can't deal with my emotional feelings. I have to say today, despite the headache, has been the first day that I just feel physically "good" and mentally my obsessions with what I'm eating has minimized. I just told my boyfriend the other day that I didn't even realize how many days had passed by already because it's more effortless. I'm not saying it's an easy challenge because it isn't but coming from WW where I personally felt resentment towards it because I kept asking "Am I going to have to track points the rest of my life?," I feel like I finally can appreciate food and actually listen to my body. Thanks for your feedback!

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Medical needs always outweigh Whole30 rules. So if you do feel that you need a painkiller, you are more than welcome to take it. 


I would just say to try other methods (as you have just done) first but if you need it, you need it.

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Tylenol is a good choice for headaches. It is what I take when I have a headache.


Our guideline for water consumption is 1/2 ounce of water per pound of body weight per day. So if you weighed 120 pounds you would need to drink 60 ounces of water per day on an ordinary day. On a day when you sweat while exercising, you would need to drink more. You may find that a lot of things go easier when you are drinking enough water. 

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