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Hungry! On Day 2....


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Hi! I'm on day 2 of my first Whole30 and I can't seem to get satiated today. I've eaten plenty of protein, fat and vegetables (during Meals 1 and 2), but I'm still hungry. I've been drinking plenty of water (about 100oz a day), so I know I'm not dehydrated.

Has anyone else gone through this during their Whole30?

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There really isn't any reason to go hungry on W30. Just keep eating protein, fat, and veggies until you're satisfied. It may take a few days, especially if you're accustomed to a different feeling of fullness from grains, but hang in there. How's your starchy vegetable consumption? Do you need to add more potato, sweet potato, winter squash, beets, parsnips, etc.?


I recommend keeping a log of your food. As problems or stellar days arise, you'll be able to go back and see what you were eating and drinking--and perhaps share it here when you need advice.

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Hi Calista,


Could you post the last couple days of meals for us, including portions (as they relate to your personal palm/hand size), activity, sleep and any other items that might be pertinent (eg, are you having or about to get your period? That particular monthly "event" can cause some women to become extremely hungry and to need significantly more food in the week leading up).


Once you can post some details, our awesome community can look through and let you know if there is anything that looks like it could need tweaking.

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Sure! Today's lunch was a chicken thigh with green beans and coconut oil. Breakfast was a chicken thigh with roasted sweet potatoes and spinach and coconut oil. I had tea with coconut milk also. I had a snack of a compliant Lara Bar and ghee earlier this afternoon, thinking I needed more fat.

Last night for supper I had two eggs scrambled with roasted sweet potatoes and spinach and coconut oil. Yesterday, I went for a 20 minute walk on the treadmill. I slept 8 hours last night, and it was decent. Not awesome, but decent.

My period isn't a concern, as the birth control I'm on renders it nonexistent.

Thank you so much! I realize I probably should have put this in a different category. Woops!

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A chicken thigh is very little meat. The meal template calls for eating a serving of protein at each meal that is at least as big as the palm of your hand and we recommend eating as much as two servings if you are not satisfied with one. One chicken thigh would yield enough meat to match maybe 1/3 of my palm. You probably need to eat twice as many chicken thighs and maybe more. When it comes to eggs, we recommend as many as you can hold in one hand. That is typically at least 3. Study our meal planning template and see where you might need to make other adjustments:



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Oh, girlfriend, if that's all I ate in a day I'd shoot someone!  If your chicken thighs are like most chicken thighs that get cooked and shrink down, one of them for lunch is not even a third of what you need.  You don't mention how many green beans but hopefully around 1-3 cups of them?  And the coconut oil should be 1-2 of your thumbs worth.


Eggs are typically measured as a protein source as however many you can hold in your hand without dropping them.  For most women that is at least 3-4.


Lara bars, while compliant, are considered "emergency-stuck-on-a-deserted-island" food.  They shouldn't really be used when other whole, real foods are available.  And in a perfect world, you wouldn't need the snack anyway because you ate enough at lunch.  ;)


I know it can be different from all the "wisdom" and direction that we've all been beaten down with, but you need to eat. 


1-2 palm sized servings of protein

1-3 cups of veggies, more if they are leafy greens

1-2 thumbs of fat (or half to whole avocado or handful olives)

Repeat this three times a day at least.  Err on the higher side of the template above if you are hungry between meals while your body figures this all out.

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I think you're hungry because your meals aren't large enough.


For me, a boneless chicken thigh is not as big as the palm of my hand (I'm 5'4", and while I'm not skinny, my hands are not particularly large). If you're using bone-in thighs it might be harder to tell, but one is really not much meat at all. A serving of eggs is as many whole eggs as you can hold in your hand without dropping them.


For snacks, if you're truly hungry between meals, try to have a mini meal with protein, fat, and veggies. Larabars are really for emergencies, as in, you're out, away from home, with no access to other foods, and are so hungry you must eat. I can tell you from personal experience that they will feed any sugar cravings you may have.

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Oh lord, yes, you need to eat more food, lady!


And I want to underscore the larabar problem--eating a sugar bomb like that will FEED your sugar dragon and make you hungrier. I wouldn't touch them with a 10-foot pole while on a W30.


Eat more of the good stuff!

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Thanks ladyshanny and ShannonM16! So, more protein it is!!! I come from a "eat every 3 hours & never eat anything larger than your face in one sitting" background and that clearly doesn't work here. I'll increase the protein pronto! Oh, as far as veggies, I've been eating 2-3 cups per meal. The fat is easy - I have plenty of that!

And no more Lara Bars!

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