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Day 1 - Trouble already


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Today is Day 1 for this classic bread junkie. I prepped, I planned, I shopped. I took my weight and measurements this morning. I said goodbye to all my favorite foods and got super psyched to do this. I was as ready to tackle this challenge as I ever could or would possibly be.


By 1pm I already have a headache. I ate lunch and fell into my typical over-carb-load-sleepy-time-fog as if I ate a bagel and donut, and I'm really not understanding why. It was one of the worst sugar crash/sleepy feelings I've had in a while. I didn't expect it, and it's making me doubt my ability to do this.


So far today, I ate:

6am Breakfast: 8oz black coffee, 1 egg over a handful of fresh spinach, and 1/2 an avocado

9:30am Snack: 8oz black coffee, 1 banana and a handful of almonds

Noon Lunch: Glass of water, small helping of tuna-salad w/ romaine lettuce, and 1/2 an apple w/ almond butter


Normally by this time, I would have eaten a granola bar, and maybe leftover pasta or pizza. I feel like I ate a lot more so far today than I normally would, though. Anybody have any idea what's up? Just too many calories and my body isn't used to eating this much at these times? I didn't feel "full" like I was overeating at any point. Anyone else struggle with glucose/insulin problems while doing W30? 

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You are not eating enough.  Full stop.


Please check out our meal template (linked in my sig below).  Eggs as protein are as many as you can hold in your hand.  That's at least 3 for most women.


"Just too many calories and my body isn't used to eating this much"  -- Sorry?  Your two meals and one snack scraped together are just barely one template meal.  I think you're feeling funky because you need to eat! 


1-2 palms of protein

1-3 cups of veggies (include a fist sized serving of starchy veggie at least once/day)

1-2 thumbs fat


Repeat this three times a day or more if you are hungry.  Tweak your meals so that they keep you satisfied for 4-5 hours.  In no way, ever, is one egg and a handful of spinach going to keep you going for 5 hours.

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Anyone else struggle with glucose/insulin problems while doing W30?



I did pre Whole 30 but now I don't.   I'll let one of the Mods examine your food for you.  I've eaten 3-4 eggs for breakfast almost every day ...with the addition of salmon,





trout, beef or pork, and 3 cups of roasted vegetables.  


That's all at breakfast. :lol:   Then there's the 3 cups of cooked vegetables with 3 meals aday roasted with good dietary fats for a grand total of approximately  9 cups of cooked vege aday.


I don't snack on nuts or nut butters and dates are used only for cooking purposes.    That's the recipe that worked for me and I'm kicking insulin resistance down the road.




I wait 4-5 hours inbetween each meal (3 aday) to give the pancreas/digestive tract time to process all whole foods.


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This is a wakeup call and a half!


I'm only about 1/2 way through It Starts With Food, and have really only learned all about what I shouldn't eat. Based on an upcoming trip I'm taking, I wanted to get started so the program would be over before we leave. Guess it's time to switch gears and focus 110% on what I should eat, but more importantly, the right amounts. 


Thank you, everyone, for your input.

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And remember that no matter what you eat, if you were heavy on the carbs before whole30, you could be suffering from carb flu symptoms for a while -- like 1 to 2 weeks. Better energy often doesn't show up until the last two weeks, have patience!

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I've got a lot of readjusting to do. I'm certainly not used to eating that much food period, let alone that early in the morning. I threw away half my breakfast. I did make two eggs and had half a plate full of spinach, but I just couldn't eat it. Then by 9:30 I was starving! 

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I've got a lot of readjusting to do. I'm certainly not used to eating that much food period, let alone that early in the morning. I threw away half my breakfast. I did make two eggs and had half a plate full of spinach, but I just couldn't eat it. Then by 9:30 I was starving! 


Rather than toss it, pack it up and keep it handy for when your body realizes you need more food.  Are you eating within an hour of waking?  Also, keep your coffee for after your meal if you aren't already.  Coffee is an appetite suppressant.  

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I've got a lot of readjusting to do. I'm certainly not used to eating that much food period, let alone that early in the morning. I threw away half my breakfast. I did make two eggs and had half a plate full of spinach, but I just couldn't eat it. Then by 9:30 I was starving! 


Next time, make three eggs and a bunch of veggies, eat what you can, wrap up the rest and put it in the fridge. When you get hungry, go eat more of it. Eventually, you'll be able to eat it all at once. But do aim for at least three template meals worth of food every day, even if you break them up into six smaller meals for a while as you get used to this. That's the minimum amount you need every day.

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I've got a lot of readjusting to do. I'm certainly not used to eating that much food period, let alone that early in the morning. I threw away half my breakfast. I did make two eggs and had half a plate full of spinach, but I just couldn't eat it. Then by 9:30 I was starving! 


Going forward - don't throw it away - Keep it to eat later.


I had to do that too.  I started with 2 eggs - which was doable.  But then I noticed I was getting hungry earlier and earlier.  So I added 1 more egg - ate as much as I could of that - then put the remainder in a container to eat when I got hungry again.  It did help.


And honestly you are not eating enough food.  Think of bread, pasta and the like as cheap filler (because honestly that is what it is).  You are no longer eating that "filler" so you need to eat more of the nutritious stuff.  Spinach is basically water so if you cook a large handful - it works out to be about 2 tbsp - which really isn't enough.  Really.

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Women need to eat too. Heck, we DESERVE to eat too. I eat meals now out of former mixing bowls. And I'm super extra tiny. Eat up. Way more than you think is morally right and proper. And feel the magic that comes from just not being hungry. It's awesome.

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Step 1: Buy more tupperware!


I get up at 5:30, and make breakfast as soon as I'm out of the shower/ready, so I am eating within an hour of waking. I don't have my coffee until I'm on the road to work (about 6:30), so at least I'm doing a couple things right.


I just sort of gleened the meal template, thinking "I'll make it work with the recipies I have." Now I sort of feel like all my planning was for not because I really need to adjust. Although it seems like the obvious fix for each meal is going to be: add some eggs and veggies!! :-)


What do people do for more veggies at breakfast? Peppers and mushrooms with eggs, I guess? Not a whole lot sounds appetizing at 6am!

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What do people do for more veggies at breakfast? Peppers and mushrooms with eggs, I guess? Not a whole lot sounds appetizing at 6am!

This comes with time, the ability to eat regular food at breakfast time.  Many people eat leftovers for breakfast.  Check out this thread on getting extra veggies at breakfast time, lots of good tips here.



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What do people do for more veggies at breakfast? Peppers and mushrooms with eggs, I guess? Not a whole lot sounds appetizing at 6am!


Try and step outside the 'breakfast foods' box as well.  It doesn't have to be eggs, it can absolutely anything you like.  I like liver and bacon pate with carrots and cucumber sticks but on a cold morning I'll have a cup of bone broth with that too.  If you adjust your mind to it being Meal One rather than breakfast it loosens you up to the idea of eating a burger pattie or  a salmon lettuce roll to start the day. If you're time strapped then leftovers rule here! 

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I made a good dinner last night: This, plus two cups of steamed veggies: http://whole9life.com/2010/10/stm-stuffed-acorn-squash/


I think I'm doing a lot better today portion-wise. Breakfast: 3 eggs sauted in coconut oil with a cup of mushrooms, 1/2 red pepper, 1/2 green pepper, and a BIG fistful of spinach, topped w/ 1/2 and avacado. It took me until 9am, but I finished it all. Lol. On the menu for lunch is: a fist-sized portion of tuna salad and a few pieces of romain, 1 cup of raw broccoli and 1 cup of raw cauliflower, and a banana. The other half of the acorn squash and more steamed veggies for dinner.


More on track?

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I made a good dinner last night: This, plus two cups of steamed veggies: http://whole9life.com/2010/10/stm-stuffed-acorn-squash/


I think I'm doing a lot better today portion-wise. Breakfast: 3 eggs sauted in coconut oil with a cup of mushrooms, 1/2 red pepper, 1/2 green pepper, and a BIG fistful of spinach, topped w/ 1/2 and avacado. It took me until 9am, but I finished it all. Lol. On the menu for lunch is: a fist-sized portion of tuna salad and a few pieces of romain, 1 cup of raw broccoli and 1 cup of raw cauliflower, and a banana. The other half of the acorn squash and more steamed veggies for dinner.


More on track?

Are you feeling better today than you were yesterday? You're definitely more on track, that's nice to see!  :)

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I've never really had a problem with raw veggies. Though, it's hard to hear your body weeping over something if it's screaming over something else, right? Haha. Time will tell.


I am just finishing lunch and haven't had the horrible "foggy-crash" feeling yet. It makes me want to crawl under my desk and take a nap. I think I'm safe if I make it to 1:30!


I want to, again, say thank you to everyone. This forum is so supportive. It's great to get advice and read everyone's personal struggles and triumphs, tips, tricks, and advice. I THINK WHOLE30 ROCKS*!


(*subject to change during Kill All the Things ;-)) 

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