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Homemade Mayonnaise

Tracey Arsenault

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I have made Melissa's recipe a few times using a food processor and 1/4 cup pasteurized egg whites (in a carton from Trader Joe's). I just didn't feel comfortable using raw eggs. This recipe is very tasty. The only problem with using my food processor is that the bowl is a little big so once it emulsifies it would just stick to the sides of the bowl instead of continuing to mix.

I read somewhere that someone used an immersion blender to whip up mayo in no time. Last week I bought one at Costco. The directions came with a recipe for mayo...it is basically the same recipe as Melissa's except it calls for only 1 T lemon juice and 1 cup olive oil. I used Melissa's recipe but only used the 1 cup oil instead of the 1 1/4. I dumped all the ingredients into the container the unit came with (I didn't wait for the lemon juice and egg whites to get to room temp and didn't drizzle the oil slowly) and the result was the creamiest mayo I have made so far! It was a bit tangy since I used the 2 T lemon juice from Melissa's recipe. Perhaps Melissa's recipe makes more that's why the extra 1/4 c oil. From start to finish, this whole process took me about 2 minutes!!

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

That may not work so well. The thick rich yolk is part of what makes it come together! Besides...there's no reason to toss the yolk. The cholesterol you put into your mouth doesn't translate directly into cholesterol numbers.

Here's a recipe for the one that I made just recently:

1 whole egg

1 tbsp compliant prepared mustard

1 tsp salt

juice of one lemon

1/4 cup plus 1 cup macadamia nut oil (one 250 ml can is exactly enough for this recipe)

Blend together everything up to the 1/4 cup of oil. I used an old school hand mixer, with whisk beaters, set to high. Then slooooowly drizzle in the remaining cup of oil.

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  • 6 months later...

Going to revive this thread. Just made my first batch today of Melissa's mayo and since I'm citrus-intolerant, I subbed apple cider vinegar. It gave it quite a funky taste... Any other suggestions to get a bit of acid in the mayo without citrus?

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I want to figure out a good way to make "safe" mayo. I tried to pasteurize yolks in the microwave myself, but based on the resulting mayo (or rather, non-mayo), I must have actually partially cooked them. I don't think the pasteurizing by boiling to 140 degrees is reliable enough, and I have not yet found a pasteurized in-shell egg source in my city.

Maybe I'll try microwave pasteuriziation again?

In the meantime, I made Melissa Joulwan's mayo and it is amazeballs.

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I've always made the mayo recipe from The Primal Blueprint cookbook, never failed me, but today I used two egg yolks instead of one whole egg and initially I thought I had fudged it as it wasn't mixing as it does usually, but, big smile, it ended up being the thickest, most delicious mayo I have ever made, two yolks from now on for me.

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Just made my first batch of mayo.

Besides realizing that all my vinegars (both apple cider and white wine) have something called "potassium disulfite" in them - which I'm guessing is not compliant(?), the mayo turned out tasting very strange, as similar to what Karen said above. It however probably also had to do with me using my regular organic extra virgin olive oil... The two (the apple cider vinegar and the olive oil) merged and did not like each other. Just feels like such a shame to throw it out, and such a disappointment! Already failing on my first day :(

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This time, I made it with half coconut oil, half light olive oil and I added a tablespoon or two of the fat from the roasted bone marrow I made the other day. I cut the ACV in half and that did the trick. This mayo is thick and creamy and also tastes like butter to me, it's delish! I don't think I can ever make it any other way now. Though I'm dead tired, it inspired me to make a real dinner instead of leftovers, just so I can use it!!

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