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Back on the scale at Day 31.....


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And I lost only 2.5 lbs? Really? Since I cheated & stepped on the scale about 10 days in, I know I was at that number then.

This surprises me because I am fitting better in my clothes. I can see more definition in my arms and upper waist. I even think I see a little trimming in my thighs. The small loss as per scale makes me wonder if I should doubt my eyes. But I don't think so: I don't think I am seeing changes that are not real.

I was planning to continue with another Whole30 anyway, but I am a little discouraged by that number on the scale, despite my "non-scale victories." Since no one has commented on my looking better in the last month, either, I guess those NSVs are pretty small. Which is no reason to dive into a donut, but it is, again, a little discouraging. I think I will go for a run.

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I have seen small changes as well, and feel much better and am definitely sleeping better. I was going back and forth about getting on the scale when I finished my whole30 on Saturday-decided against it, because knowing myself, it would have more than likely disappointed me. I've been hung up on that number FAR too long ! My husband finished up a day after me and had lost 9 pounds. That's good-but knowing how it always goes, I know I would have lost a lot less.I am oblivious- but happy, and am continuing on full steam ahead, not sure when/if I'll ever check out the scale. Temptation is there,of course, but my wanting to feel good about myself for reasons other than that stupid number outweigh that temptation.

Keep going- and I am sure those things you notice have not gone by unnoticed by others-just think what another month of awesome eating will do for you.

I echo Tom- Hang in there !!!

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Thanks, Bridget & Tom. Your responses were/are very helpful and reassuring.

I'm definitely hanging in there. If nothing else, I love the feeling of being in charge of whether I drink wine or eat sugar or bread.... before, it sort of felt like the wine/bread/sugar was in charge....

I am in this for the long haul as a lifestyle. I don't mean that wine and such are off the menu forever, but I do mean that I intend to keep them as occasional treats, not crutches or habits.

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This is why scales are bad measurements of progress. I did a hydrostatic body fat test before and after my Whole30. Weight did not change at all, but I lost 3 pounds of fat and gained 3 pounds of muscle. Don't you worry about that scale! Worry about how you feel and how your clothes fit if fat loss is the goal.

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I gave up weighing myself trying to get over my obsession with the number on the scale. Come to find out the test I have coming up for my husband's insurance measuring BMI height and weight and judging if your overweight!!! No wonder why people (like me) are obsessed with the scale. I am ready to argue my point with them. I feel great. My clothes fit and am able to run better. But according to "their" chart I know they are going to tell me I am overweight.

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I am on Day 16, but I can see a difference as well in how my clothes are fitting. I was able to pull my pants off without unbuttoning them - that to me is SUCCESS!! Not sure what the scale will say, but I FEEL better and have much more control over my choices, just like kew was saying. So, it won't really matter what the scale says. I will still get on there because I'll be curious. But for the first time in my life, that number will no longer define me. My restored health will.

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Oh, I am so glad you posted! I am on Day 31 today as well, and lost THREE pounds! I was so disappointed because I felt like it would be more like 8-9. My clothes fit better and I have lost a lot of bloat, I was expecting more. But, so many other good things have happened that I am going into my second Whole30. We'll see.

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