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day 19 guys!!!! how are you feeling? has tiger blood hit you yet?

i'm feeling pretty great, i'm sleeping better and waking up revigorated, and my cravings are under control (aka i'm not dreaming about sugar or feeling like i rather die than continue with this, but i would really much like to have chocolate on my reintro days); oh and my workouts are great! 

tomorrow i have a wedding!! i've already emailed the caterer to ask some questions about the food, cause i dont want to eat something that i shouldnt by mistake.  some awesome people on the forum advised me to do it so i did it :) i hope it all goes well.

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40 minutes ago, IronGirlTrixie said:

I don't have Tiger blood yet but I feel more loose and slim. Some of my clothes are fitting better. 

I don't have tiger blood either. I'm still craving everything I can't have but I am sleeping better and my clothes feel better. 

I can't log onto the forum except through my phone :(

have a great day everyone. We are past the halfway mark.

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Day 18 and no tiger blood but definitely feeling slimmer and no longer on that yucky high-low blood sugar roller coaster. Plus I've been taking brisk walks almost daily!

One thing that has been troubling me is sleep. I have sleep apnea and due to the lack of providers in my area, it's taken a looong time for me to see a specialist and get a sleep study. (I finally have one scheduled for next month - praise the Lord!) Since doing Whole30 I feel even more tired in the mornings now. I sleep through my alarms, am late to work, and just feel physically drained most of the day. Has anyone else struggled with this? Could a mod possibly get me a link to a good sleep apnea forum thread? 

It's so frustrating. I'm often in tears over it. 

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1 hour ago, NatalieCatalie_ said:

Day 18 and no tiger blood but definitely feeling slimmer and no longer on that yucky high-low blood sugar roller coaster. Plus I've been taking brisk walks almost daily!

One thing that has been troubling me is sleep. I have sleep apnea and due to the lack of providers in my area, it's taken a looong time for me to see a specialist and get a sleep study. (I finally have one scheduled for next month - praise the Lord!) Since doing Whole30 I feel even more tired in the mornings now. I sleep through my alarms, am late to work, and just feel physically drained most of the day. Has anyone else struggled with this? Could a mod possibly get me a link to a good sleep apnea forum thread? 

It's so frustrating. I'm often in tears over it. 

I'm sleeping pretty good but once I wake up it takes me forever to fall back asleep. Maybe you need to eat a little more. Hopefully the fresh air on your walks helps too. Hang in there.

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So wrong. As I was running through Whole Foods tonight in a rush to get home I grabbed a bag of "paleocrunch" and didn't bother to read the ingredients because on the shelf it had a tad that said "whole30 approved" then when I got home I read the ingredients and it has honey in it. How is that ok?!?! What a waste of money. Hopefully my kids or husband will eat it.

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4 hours ago, NatalieCatalie_ said:

Could a mod possibly get me a link to a good sleep apnea forum thread? 

It's so frustrating. I'm often in tears over it. 

I'm sorry it looks like this is not an oft discussed problem and you've found the thread I was going to point you to. Google is the best way to search this forum. 

We may not be able to fix the problem but maybe some tweaks to your meals can help in the meantime. Feel free to post a few days of meals including portion size, specific veggies, protein and fats as well as fluid intake and anything else relevant (stress, strange hours) and we can see if we can help :)

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13 hours ago, Anetters said:

I don't have tiger blood either. I'm still craving everything I can't have but I am sleeping better and my clothes feel better. 

I can't log onto the forum except through my phone :(

have a great day everyone. We are past the halfway mark.

Hi, @Anetters. For the cravings, there could be a couple of things going on. If you're undereating in general or not getting enough fat, that can make cravings worse, so be sure you're following the meal template for each meal, and if you're truly hungry between meals, like you'd happily eat something bland like steamed fish and broccoli, go ahead and eat a mini meal of protein, fat, and vegetables, or at least two of the three.

If it's not actually hunger, but is more a psychological thing, that can be a little harder to deal with. One thing that can help is to stop thinking in terms of "can't have" and reframe it as "choosing not to have." The truth is, you're an adult, no one is making you do Whole30, you could have anything you wanted to. You have chosen to commit to a Whole30 right now, which means you're choosing not to have certain foods -- but those foods are still out there, and when your 30 days are over, you can decide to have them again.

If you find that the cravings hit at a certain time of day, it may be that you have a habit of having a treat at that time most days, so perhaps make a new habit -- go for a quick walk, spend a few minutes meditating, make yourself a cup of tea -- start replacing that habit with a different habit.

If you find that the cravings hit at different times, but as a result of some emotion -- boredom, anger, frustration, sadness -- then it might be helpful to take a little time to think about what you're feeling and just let yourself experience those emotions. Maybe journal about what's going on.

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So, day 19... and I caught a cold. Sore throat, slight headache, tiredness... my body is taking this adaptation seriously! I made squash soup in case my throat hurts more and I can't eat properly. Is it normal to be craving more carb-y meals? Squash, potatoes, sweet potatoes... all look more appetizing than zucchini, lettuce or other veggies.


- I'm so happy to be adapting to the cooking and the food template!

- I'm sleeping so much better. I found out that no matter when I go to sleep the night before, I always wake up around 7:30 with no alarm.

- my period, usually 32-35 days long, normalized to 28 days. Good food usually does that to me! Shows how deep the change goes, and how important it is to our hormones.

- the dreams are still around... I dreamt that I was DREAMING about cheating. Felt like Inception (the movie) when I woke up.

Let's keep going, people!

@ROQUE how are you keeping up with a big family? Is it difficult to let go of bread in most meals?

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Good morning.  Day 17 for me.  My body has settled into the routine of 3 template stye meals and mostly no snacks.  I would say about 3-4 days of the past 17, I've had a compliant snack, and only when truly hungry or lightheaded (not emotional eating).  This is a major change from my prior eating where I was eating 3 small meals and 3-4 snacks a day (really).   I was just more of a grazer and now see that I was filling up in small amounts of carbs that didn't satisfy me for very long and kept the sugar dragon close at hand.     And, when I think of the snacks I as eating - all carbs (crackers/pretzels/candy/fruit/etc).   For NSV, I would say I feel better in the afternoons and evenings, plus I wake up really hungry so once I eat I feel really good in the morning.  I am still waiting for my skin to clear up, and also am not sure if clothes are looser due to occasional constipation.  So, just need to keep on for another 13 days to see the end result.  The past 2 W30 I didn't do much for re-introduction.  So, am going to start reading up on that and thinking through it.   I know that's a different forum.  But, like the W30, I think it takes more planning and thought than I originally imagined.  

We are hosting Thanksgiving which is good because I can make sure I cook enough compliant food for me, and of course the regular fixings for others.  I think I will do OK but am a bit worried since my DH just brought home a huge box of wine and champagne (a favorite).  So, thinking some Kombucha in a wine glass.  Also, we are eating at 3pm which is so off the regular schedule of Breakfast/lunch/dinner.  Anyone have any thoughts on how to handle that? 

It's Sat here and we just got our first snow - it's cold out but pretty.  

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19 hours ago, NatalieCatalie_ said:

Day 18 and no tiger blood but definitely feeling slimmer and no longer on that yucky high-low blood sugar roller coaster. Plus I've been taking brisk walks almost daily!

One thing that has been troubling me is sleep. I have sleep apnea and due to the lack of providers in my area, it's taken a looong time for me to see a specialist and get a sleep study. (I finally have one scheduled for next month - praise the Lord!) Since doing Whole30 I feel even more tired in the mornings now. I sleep through my alarms, am late to work, and just feel physically drained most of the day. Has anyone else struggled with this? Could a mod possibly get me a link to a good sleep apnea forum thread? 

It's so frustrating. I'm often in tears over it. 

I hear ya on this topic. I've had similar issues. I found if you raise your head of the bed a bit using a wedge of some sort, it helps a little. I found it I was snoring and  that's what was waking me up. So I also have a sound machine which kinda gives the sound a little. Hope this helps! 

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@NatalieCatalie_ See you've had lots of replies already but I've read somewhere than stimulating a particular hormone by getting natural light in the morning is v helpful, so they suggested an earlyish am walk. And no screen 1hr before sleep ( she said writing this in bed) Will try and remember where I read it. My m in law has a sleep machine thing which revolutionised her sleep and therefore life ( we call it her Darth vader machine) so I do hope you get some help at that appointment. 

So lovely your mum is doing this with you!

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day 21 for me was pretty much like expected. i felt tired of it all, i just wanted a quick meal and not doing the dishes. of course that didnt happen.

my 20th day was interesting because i was ta a wedding. at first i was in the worst mood ever because the caterer didnt answer my questions and when i got there i realized i couldnt eat anything but grapes. but after a while it hit me: i was okay. i ate the grapes and declined every appetizer that came my way, and i was OKAY. I didnt eat dessert, or the pasta they were serving at dinner, or rice. and guess what? again, i was ok!!! i danced the night away and came home at 3am, and the best part was, i wasn't bloated at all and i didn't have to take anything for nausea before bed - which i always had to because of all the eating and all the sugar (or else i'd wake up during the night wanting to throw up).

also, yesterday, my father kept telling my how great i looked and that he was so proud of me. he asked me a million questions about whole30! my parents have a pretty healthy diet, they are active and look really good. and now they want to try this out for a month :) i dont know if they will, but it felt nice to hear how they were inspired by me.

i hope you are all doing well (and sleeping a little bit better, Natalie! :) )

let the countdown begin!!!

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Wow, here we are, Day 22.  We are all almost there.  If this beer swilling, buffalo wing eating, halloween candy snacking, pizza inhaling, gummy bear devouring 46 year old joker can do it - we all can!!  Spent Sunday preparing for the "home stretch."  Made a big pot of turkey chili that will cover several lunches.  I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.  The funny thing is that I thought I would be DYING for some wine or a bucket of beers and the reality is that Im not.  I was thinking about what I would do for my "celebration" and the reality is I'm not sure I will do anything differently (since it is midweek).  Sure, the next dinner out or dinner party at friends house I will certainly enjoy some wine or some cocktails but I am not in any way shape or form craving it.  Which is a huge surprise since I would generally have at least a glass of wine (to unwind - wink, wink) every night after work.  I feel great about the food choices whole30 forces you to make and I am thankful for the way I feel right now.  Has everything been tiger blood and dream filled nights of sleep - no.  Do I feel dramatically different than I did 24 days ago - yes.  Lets go people, 8 more days.  

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On 19/11/2016 at 1:29 PM, Mallorca said:

So, day 19... and I caught a cold. Sore throat, slight headache, tiredness... my body is taking this adaptation seriously! I made squash soup in case my throat hurts more and I can't eat properly. Is it normal to be craving more carb-y meals? Squash, potatoes, sweet potatoes... all look more appetizing than zucchini, lettuce or other veggies.


- I'm so happy to be adapting to the cooking and the food template!

- I'm sleeping so much better. I found out that no matter when I go to sleep the night before, I always wake up around 7:30 with no alarm.

- my period, usually 32-35 days long, normalized to 28 days. Good food usually does that to me! Shows how deep the change goes, and how important it is to our hormones.

- the dreams are still around... I dreamt that I was DREAMING about cheating. Felt like Inception (the movie) when I woke up.

Let's keep going, people!

@ROQUE how are you keeping up with a big family? Is it difficult to let go of bread in most meals?

Hello Mallorca,

To eat without bread at home, is very easy, if I don't buy it, ....anybody is going to buy it. Ha, ha, that's my power!.


Anyway, I'm with Whole30 and they support me,  I'm really a pain in the neck talking about eating vegetables, and I cook a vegetables cream twice a week to dinner every day, but my family isn't with Whole30. They eat potatoes and rice, and althoug I die each time they add sugar to yourt, they do. They eat sandwiches at breakfast but sometimes I get they eat eggs and bacon at breakfast, that's much better than cereals with suggar or cookies.

I don't buy for some months chips, or sweet desserts, they have always natural yogurt at fridge, and fruit.

For snack, I have always in the car, Canned mussels", they love them, and sandwiches used to be made of "jamón serrano, sugar free", and sometimes we eat pork rinds.

I know I have a slow way to teach them to eat, It's interesting.

I'm enjoying MY WHOLE 30.


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On 16/11/2016 at 2:18 PM, Jmb369 said:

I am not a psychologist, but It sounds to me as if you have some issues around food and guilt. I think if you read Food Freedom Forever to the very end, you will find that you are supposed to enjoy eating! Also, there ARE lots of points to doing whole 30 completely right. But it's only for 30 days. Do you have the original Whole 30 book? I found that it lays out the program very clearly, both the basic 30-day program and the reintroduction phase. FFF is more of a resource to answer the question, what next?

And if you are in your second week, you are doing great! This is my second time doing Whoke 30 (I did it in July). Both times  it took until the third week for me to feel the differences in my body. Stay with it, and come back here often. This is a good group. Welcome!

Thaks for your words,

I'm in my second week, I feel full of energy, althoug a bit boring, missing cheese and dayri in general. Sugar don't worry, it's not interesting. I'm not eating eggs neither nightshade family, to avoid inflamation. I miss eggs too.

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@liv.88 You're a superstar!! Well done surviving the wedding on grapes and being cheerful about it. 

@Ilovebeer Will you be changing your name any time soon with your success??!  Thanks for encouraging us all.  Don't go too mad on day 31 - the reintro was surprisingly helpful last time tho will be harder now so close to christmas. But we've done it so far right? 

My daughters been baking madly all sorts of deliciousness for a Xmas fair she's doing plus various birthdays. So the kitchen has ben awash with cup cakes ( too sweet.... But fresh out of the oven the smell.......) and cider soaked fruitcake (oooh harder) and I've been helping her ice some without licking my fingers! Tricky! (Had to spit in the sink several times lol)But actually, although cake is normally my downfall, I was relatively unmoved. Is this food freedom? It feels great!! To look at it....weigh it up.....know I'm free to if I wanted to......and say no thanks, not worth it right now. Take that Sugar Dragon! 

However...... i do still feel very sad in cafés without milky coffee. That's got a bit harder. Have reeeeeeeeeally missed that. But I remember waiting thru reintro for one last time and when the day came it was really quite a let down. I love the free roading PDF on  the one bite 'is it worth it  ' thing which I hope I can do when The Dragon Returns. 

Help guys please - I'm away fri to Sunday on a difficult work course ( in a motel but no fridge. I checked. Really no fridge).  Will take a salad for Friday and motel is next to a carvery which seemed my best bet but any ideas guys? Have bought tinned tuna and olives and evil emergency Naked bars and will take a bag of carrots. Any other bright ideas?  I'm so not blowing it now .....but think will have to focus on staying complient even if I can't do the template perfectly. 3 days! Help! 



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2 hours ago, britgirl said:


Help guys please - I'm away fri to Sunday on a difficult work course ( in a motel but no fridge. I checked. Really no fridge).  Will take a salad for Friday and motel is next to a carvery which seemed my best bet but any ideas guys? Have bought tinned tuna and olives and evil emergency Naked bars and will take a bag of carrots. Any other bright ideas?  I'm so not blowing it now .....but think will have to focus on staying complient even if I can't do the template perfectly. 3 days! Help! 



I do a lot of weekend events so when I travel especially if I have the space,  I take along a small crockpot. It's useful for cooking a sweet potato overnight so you have it for breakfast. You can also throw a piece of chicken in it with salsa over top. Let it run all day while you're out and have it with a bagged salad when you get back. 

If you have a small cooler, you could also bring that.  Use ziploc bags and the hotels ice machine to keep things cold. I'd also pack hard boiled eggs, mayo/dressing and some spices. 

I'm also not above bringing an electric skillet if necessary. ;) 

Hope this helps! 

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1 hour ago, britgirl said:

@liv.88 You're a superstar!! Well done surviving the wedding on grapes and being cheerful about it. 

@Ilovebeer Will you be changing your name any time soon with your success??!  Thanks for encouraging us all.  Don't go too mad on day 31 - the reintro was surprisingly helpful last time tho will be harder now so close to christmas. But we've done it so far right? 

My daughters been baking madly all sorts of deliciousness for a Xmas fair she's doing plus various birthdays. So the kitchen has ben awash with cup cakes ( too sweet.... But fresh out of the oven the smell.......) and cider soaked fruitcake (oooh harder) and I've been helping her ice some without licking my fingers! Tricky! (Had to spit in the sink several times lol)But actually, although cake is normally my downfall, I was relatively unmoved. Is this food freedom? It feels great!! To look at it....weigh it up.....know I'm free to if I wanted to......and say no thanks, not worth it right now. Take that Sugar Dragon! 

However...... i do still feel very sad in cafés without milky coffee. That's got a bit harder. Have reeeeeeeeeally missed that. But I remember waiting thru reintro for one last time and when the day came it was really quite a let down. I love the free roading PDF on  the one bite 'is it worth it  ' thing which I hope I can do when The Dragon Returns. 

Help guys please - I'm away fri to Sunday on a difficult work course ( in a motel but no fridge. I checked. Really no fridge).  Will take a salad for Friday and motel is next to a carvery which seemed my best bet but any ideas guys? Have bought tinned tuna and olives and evil emergency Naked bars and will take a bag of carrots. Any other bright ideas?  I'm so not blowing it now .....but think will have to focus on staying complient even if I can't do the template perfectly. 3 days! Help! 



@britgirl yay, thanks!

congrats on not licking your fingers, hahaha, i'm staying away from all the baking activities for now (my sister's a chef and we have a tiny cake business), but i'll soon have to resource to spitting icing on the sink hahaha.

what's that pdf you're talking about? i'd love to see it! i'm gettin anxious about the Return of the Dragon, bahaha, It's been sleepin right around the corner.

About the food, so haaard thinking about stuff that will go well without a fridge. i''d say eggs and definitely a small cooler if you have one!


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2 hours ago, britgirl said:

Help guys please - I'm away fri to Sunday on a difficult work course ( in a motel but no fridge. I checked. Really no fridge).  Will take a salad for Friday and motel is next to a carvery which seemed my best bet but any ideas guys? Have bought tinned tuna and olives and evil emergency Naked bars and will take a bag of carrots. Any other bright ideas?  I'm so not blowing it now .....but think will have to focus on staying complient even if I can't do the template perfectly. 3 days! Help! 

I'm not positive, but I think hard boiled eggs will keep 24 hours without refrigeration, or maybe you can take an insulated bag with a small ice pack? Are you driving or flying? With a refrigerator bag and ice pack, you could also take celery, cucumbers, sweet pepper strips. Do you eat tomatoes? apples? Almond butter or other nuts? Can you buy tinned salmon as well as tinned tuna? or sardines? We can buy canned chicken here, although it's high in sodium. Do you have time to roast some root vegetables. I think they will keep 24 hours, too. I think Sunday will be the most difficult. Also, do you have something yummy in your freezer for when you get home sunday afternoon/evening? You might not be in the mood for cooking!

I forget who is the latest to come down with a sore throat and cold. I am not sure it's connected to Whole 30. It's more likely change of seasons, depending where you live. And I agree that when I am sick, especially with a cold, I crave sweet things. I have had this cold for a week, and last night after a yummy dinner of baked salmon, baked potato, and green beans seasoned with ghee and thyme, I wanted sweet! A single date and a couple of walnuts did the trick, but I haven't eaten any dates since I decided the first week that they were too much like eating candy!

And the wedding story was fantastic and inspiring! Now that's food freedom. And it shows you can have a great time socially without indulging innoncompliant foods and'or drinks. Brava!

We are past the 2/3 mark already. Wow! Good for us!

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Canned sardines and mussels and asparagus, are a good option too. Raw cauliflower in salad with cucumber, lettuce  and spices (curry, curcuma, pepper, salt, olive oil, vinager). Take a lot of fruits. It isn't the better situation, I understand. :(

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