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I feel like I will never kick this sugar addiction

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My story is just like so many others'. I am on day 20 and still crave sugar ravenously. Sure I'll have a few days where I'm not too bad, usually the ones when I work out I'm less likely to have cravings. However I recently bought some dates and lara bars for an upcoming race and the next day ate 2 lara bars in one day. The first one was because I was out and about and was starving and had no other choice. But a few hours later I couldn't stop myself. I'm ashamed to say the same thing happened today. I am going to have to throw out the rest. I just feel like it's never going to get better. I know there are much worse things I can be binging on than lara bars and dates but since sugar is my one main weakness, I am very discouraged.

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Hang in there. Sugar is such a powerful addiction. It really isn't your fault. You can even watch youtube videos regarding sugar. UCTV has a video series: Sugar: the bitter truth. I have found that sugar is an addiction for me that seems to be much like how an alcoholic is with alcohol. In other words...one taste of sugar, and it is all over for me. I can't even eat fruit. I have proven this to myself over and over. I've tried pairing it with tons of protein and every idea on the planet. The bottom line is that some people just can't deal with sugar and it isn't healthy for anyone. Hang in there!!

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The advice I have seen given to others is to make sure you are eating enough at meal times, and with your workouts you may need a fourth meal. Consume some starchier vegetables like sweet potato and butternut squash.

Here is a link to the video that Keri mentioned. It is REALLY good and worth the 90 minutes.

Additionally, here is a series called "The Skinny on Obesity". I watched this the week before I started the Whole30. All I needed was this and the book It Starts with Food and I was in and ready to conquer my sugar dragon once and for all.


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I agree with the others. Plus, you've done awesome for 20 days, but keep in mind that it's only 20 days. In another 20 days you'll be even further along. I've been working on my sugar addiction for over a year now, and it took about 3 Whole30s for me to get to a state where I could consider eating fruit. I say this often, but it is a process. Keep going and you will progress. And be gentle with yourself. :)

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What helps me a lot is when I see something that is "off the list" of approved foods, I will redirect my thought process to begin planning my next meal. So I start thinking of what vegetables will be on my plate and what protein needs to be cooked and how much time do I need to prepare the meal, etc., and sometimes I will go so far as to actually begin to make the meal to occupy my hands and thoughts to get through that craving. Usually, I'll come across something like olives or cashews that I can eat, and between eating something and preparing and thinking about the next meal, I can get past the forbidden fruit.

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I do have issues with sugar too. I find when I don't have anything sweet around in my house it is much better. I also start my day off with a spoonful of coconut oil in my coffee. Sometimes throughout the day depending on how much fat I'm taking in I'll down another 1-2 scoopfuls. It helps curb my sugar addiction.

Also I'm re-reading The Paleo Solution right now by Robb Wolf. This is geeky but I find really studying what happens with our hormones when we eat protein and fat vs. carbs and how the protein and fat sends signals to our brain that we are full really helpful. I know scientifically that is the best thing instead of diving into the sugar. Good luck, it will get easier if you stick with it!

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I just wanted to kick in a little support from a "veteran":

I just finished my third "successful" W30 and I am ONLY JUST NOW beginning to think I may have tamed the sugar beast. I won't say vanquished, because at this point its still a conscious choice to avoid the candy, but it's so easy to recognize how crappy it makes me feel and to make the choice to avoid it. Three days ago I threw away half a bag of candy corn, which (not kidding here) is like a smoker throwing away half a pack of cigarettes. I've been living this "paleo" lifestyle for 2.5 years. It's a process. A long one, for those of us who really truly struggle with sugar. Don't beat yourself up, don't try to compare yourself with someone who doesn't fight this battle. Just continue to make good choices, over and over, and it will get better.

I might also suggest sticking with a W30 plan for 60 days instead of 30. It took me to day 45 this time to get things under control.

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I rarely stray far from Whole 30 principles, I never eat gluten, grains, legumes or refined sugar of any kind...I do enjoy about 2 tablespoons of cream in my coffee, occasionally use butter in cooking and every once in a blue moon have some yogurt. Sugar is sneaky, it gets me in any and all forms and I never know what happens or how it gets so out of hand. When I say sugar I mean...dates, bananas, raisins and 90% dark chocolate... I could go months eating it on occasion and then all of the sudden BAM....it's once, twice and maybe ten times daily!!! I just reign it back in, cut it all out and get it back under control. It is completely unrealistic for me to ever believe I won't enjoy these things from time to time in my life so I am so thankful I have the tools to get things under control when they do get out of hand!

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A lot can happen between Day 20 and 30. I thought I'd never kick my sugar addiction either (and I still don't believe I have, but I've got the dragon in hibernation for now) but m or d said "the only way to slay the sugar dragon is to starve it.". There are some things I can not eat or it's like I pull out the small some that starts the avalanche of sugar binging. These foods aren't necessarily always sugary! Dates and nut butters seem to be bad news for me, so I avoid (had to throw the nut butter out).

Now, post w30 (day 34) I am amazed that now that I can have it (sugar of any kind) I just don't want it. I didn't think this would ever happen. I've had a few sweet things and they'll seemed way too sweet and not totally enjoyable.

So hang in there. Throw out the larabars if they're starting an avalanche and good luck to you!

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Thank you, everyone, for your kind words and advice. I'm still in the game but struggling. I actually find that allowing myself fruit helps me not to reach for dried fruit/dates (most of which I threw away). I realize this will take a long time and if others can do it, so can I! Thanks again everyone, its such a help to hear testimonials such as yours.

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It's great to read these notes as I feel as I am in a losing battle. Was nearly 3 weeks in with no sugar and was feeling great, but made the silly mistake of weighing myself. I got disheartened and ended up on a sugar free for all. It's so hard to stop once I have even a small amount of sugar or refined carbs - it ends up being days before I can get off it again. I kid myself when I think I can handle a small amount - after numerous attempts, I have learned that the only amount of sugar/refined carbs I can handle is none at all.

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