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I've been thinking about a Whole45, too. My birthday is at the end of February, though, and I'd like to figure out/trial foods before then. We likely will be visiting with family out of state. I need to go read that chapter soon.

Torena, are you a leapster? My son's birthday is the 27th and my bf's birthday is the 29th. They both turned 13 last year ;).

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That's awesome! I have to admit, I'm having trouble staying off the scale. I had lost 3 lbs then Gained it back. Currently feeling just as bloated and gross as day 1. Are you exercising? I started running again last week and I'm wondering if that could be the problem cause my food is 100%, at least I think it is. If I lost 10lbs I'd be at me goal weight.

I am exercising 3-4 x a week (kettlebells at home), nothing crazy but it's more than I had been doing. I think my body was just begging for an opportunity to release water and bloat, and the food compliance opened that door. I can just about hear my body and gut sighing, "Aaaaahhhh....thank you. Its about time!"

Have a good shop. Excellent idea to eat first :).

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Confession: I cheated. I stepped on the scale. I am roughly 10 lbs down. In less than 3 weeks, without hunger.

Blows my mind. Hail to the healthy fats, for I am convinced they are the key.

Not that fat loss has been my primary incentive for doing this, but, wellll...... yea, I'll take it.

I'm sitting here listening to my chickens outside, egg-songing it up. They are so funny. Does anyone else here have chickens?

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@ Dukunbayi

Confession...I cheated too. I put on one of my "tight" pairs of pants one day and they were much more loose. I thought, nah, can't be! I couldnt help but validate with the scale. Holy cow...I dropped those 5 vanity lbs I've been carrying with me for years. I haven't been that weight since college...20 years ago. Not my goal with this plan but I'll take it!

I also have chickens and really appreciating the abundant supply of fresh eggs. I used to sell to friends because we couldn't eat them all ourselves. No more!

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@Skye, do you (or anyone else?) have a trick for easily peeling hardboiled, fresh eggs? My daughter swears you have to put them in ice water immediately after boiling, but it's not working; nor is anything else. The fresher, the more adherent, I find. Any suggestions?

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@Skye, do you (or anyone else?) have a trick for easily peeling hardboiled, fresh eggs? My daughter swears you have to put them in ice water immediately after boiling, but it's not working; nor is anything else. The fresher, the more adherent, I find. Any suggestions?

I add a little vinegar and salt to the water and boil at a soft boil for 17 minutes. And yes, if they are super fresh, they will stick to the shells. A week old is what I use.

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OMG!! My husband is now on the plan with me and we just spent $270 at the grocery store!!!! That's the highest grocery bill we have ever had. Finding compliment foods is expensive!!!!!

I spent a LOT this week on food. But I feel totally stocked up now so next week all I will need are some fresh fruits, veggies and maybe one meal of red meat. Plus we are not eating anything outside the house. Today we did power yoga together and had to rush to a kids birthday party and we packed a lunch for all of us. Normally we would eat out and it would be $30. So I am trying to keep that in mind. But it is hard to spend that much. I figure over time we'll all 1. be eating less and 2. figure out how to make things more economical. One thing is that I am really into 'no food waste' (I worked before I had kids for years at an environmental education center and we did it there) so that really is important. I read a few months ago in a magazine about how much food we throw out in America. If you make yourself eat what you have I bet it will last longer than you think.

Okay, I hope this helps you feel better :) This is what I am telling myself to make myself feel better !

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So glad you posted this. I am experiencing the same thing. I was feeling amazing and the last 2 days not so much. Tired again, bloated. Wondering if I cross contaminated or something. I did go for a long run the other day so maybe I over did? I don't know but I want that awesome feeling back. I almost feel a little bit bipolar ( I am not bipolar, but that's this closest comparison I can make to the energy swings).

Seriously, 9-10 hours of sleep has made all the difference. In order to get that, though, you have to carve out such a big chunk of your day, which is a bummer. But it's winter where I am, and I feel like it's probably natural to sleep more around this time of year.

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Some other thoughts rumbling around in my head...

I'm considering just going on with this way of eating until it feels right to do otherwise. I have these numbers that need to move. Really it's a lot healing that is measured by those numbers.

Besides, I feel so much better. I'm getting feedback that it's visible to others. I'm getting some long lost parts of myself back.

I need to read some parts of ISWF again both to get perspective on extending my thirty and to refresh on why, what, and how.

My birthday is a few days past the 30 day mark and I've been thinking about how I can celebrate with my friends and family in a new way. It's always been about food - and plenty of frosting. I'm ambivalent leaning to the don't-give-a-rat's-behind side about frosting in particular or some big food fest in general. I think I'd prefer a massage and pedi, maybe a nice retreat day. But that would be leaving behind this tradition we have and the togetherness aspect of celebrating. Already I'm being asked what I want to do and I've deferred my response to this point. There's a voice in me, apparently one that likes a dramatic tone, saying it's re-birth day and should be celebrated in a totally different way.

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I am proud of the clam chowder I made for dinner. Totally winged it and it came out GOOOOD!!

Carrots, sweet potato, onion, garlic, leeks, and celery sauteed in ghee, added homemade chicken stock, red boat fish sauce, and a can of coconut milk. Threw in a 51 oz. can of compliant clams (compliant clams, lol) I got at Costco. Seasoned to taste with black pepper, cayenne, paprika. Added a little bit of coconut flour to thicken it up. Delicious. Family loved it. I made them confirm it repeatedly ;).

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@Skye, do you (or anyone else?) have a trick for easily peeling hardboiled, fresh eggs? My daughter swears you have to put them in ice water immediately after boiling, but it's not working; nor is anything else. The fresher, the more adherent, I find. Any suggestions?

I read somewhere to steam the eggs for 12 minutes and they peel much easier. I tried it with my last batch of eggs and it worked like a charm! Put them in the vegetable steamer and 12 minutes later they were done. They peel very easy.

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Some other thoughts rumbling around in my head...

I'm considering just going on with this way of eating until it feels right to do otherwise. I have these numbers that need to move. Really it's a lot healing that is measured by those numbers.

Besides, I feel so much better. I'm getting feedback that it's visible to others. I'm getting some long lost parts of myself back.

I need to read some parts of ISWF again both to get perspective on extending my thirty and to refresh on why, what, and how.

My birthday is a few days past the 30 day mark and I've been thinking about how I can celebrate with my friends and family in a new way. It's always been about food - and plenty of frosting. I'm ambivalent leaning to the don't-give-a-rat's-behind side about frosting in particular or some big food fest in general. I think I'd prefer a massage and pedi, maybe a nice retreat day. But that would be leaving behind this tradition we have and the togetherness aspect of celebrating. Already I'm being asked what I want to do and I've deferred my response to this point. There's a voice in me, apparently one that likes a dramatic tone, saying it's re-birth day and should be celebrated in a totally different way.

A friend of mine who has really changed her lifestyle decided this year for her birthday to have a private yoga class with her close friends and some family. I am going and I thought that was really cool. I quit drinking alcohol last Fall (I was always just a moderate drinker, it was more that drinking a beer triggered eating crappy food, etc) and I thought it was going to be really hard to socialize (for example I'm in a dance collective and after a dance we always go to this cool little pub for a beer). The first time I got a cranberry juice and seltzer and felt myself having to tell everyone why I wasn't drinking beer. What I realized was that no one cared. Maybe you could do something else sort of extravagant. Making exotic smoothies instead of cake and ice cream. I don't really eat desserts or sweets at all so it isn't as hard for me to think of a birthday without cake but there are other ways it would be hard. Another book I can recommend is a book called 'Eating by the light of the moon.' It is more about the psychology of why we eat and I think is good for women. My dance teacher works at a disordered eating center (not implying anyone here is a disordered eater) but the center uses this book and I went with her to hear the author talk at the University. She was pretty powerful and the book was interesting to me. She is from Hawaii so it uses a lot of 'storytelling' which being a scientist I probably would have not been interested if I had not heard her talk. I don't know. I re-read it from time to time to remind myself about emotional eating, etc. Good luck trying to figure it out. Either way you go it doesn't mean you haven't changed...

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I had my first food dream last night. I made a breakfast taco with eggs, bacon and cheese wrapped up in a flour tortilla. I took a bite, then realized what I was doing and spit it out and was trying to scrape the cheese off my tongue with my hands. haha!

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Still tired this morning, although I am sleeping well. Maybe I am going through things in reverse and detoxing now.? My body hurts, joints are cracking and popping and my mood is just ok. Really missing the feeling I had last week. It was so motivating to feel so good. I a, committed to this for 30 days so I will stick it out. Maybe I am also just grieving food. I keep thinking about all my vegan favorites that I can't have and I miss them right now.

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I just finished the best workout of my Whole 30. It was tough but I really hung in there.

Like many of you, I am starting to seriously plan what Day 31 and beyond will entail. I know I don't want to stop sleeping and feeling so clear and alive. And I really am happy with changes I'm seeing in my physical being. But I'm also not sure I want to commit to continuing the totally 100% compliant eating either. I wish I knew how to set new boundaries based on what I've learned during the past 20 days. On Day 31, it will all come down to choices I decide to make vs. the black and white boundaries a Whole 30 has offered.

Anyone else struggling with this?

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Still tired this morning, although I am sleeping well. Maybe I am going through things in reverse and detoxing now.? My body hurts, joints are cracking and popping and my mood is just ok. Really missing the feeling I had last week. It was so motivating to feel so good. I a, committed to this for 30 days so I will stick it out. Maybe I am also just grieving food. I keep thinking about all my vegan favorites that I can't have and I miss them right now.

My super tired came late too and it lasted a few days. I think it was around day 15 or so. It went ahead if that helps!

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...Good luck trying to figure it out. Either way you go it doesn't mean you haven't changed...

Thanks for both sharing the experience of your friend and the book and info that goes with it. I appreciate the input very much.

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I had my first food dream last night. I made a breakfast taco with eggs, bacon and cheese wrapped up in a flour tortilla. I took a bite, then realized what I was doing and spit it out and was trying to scrape the cheese off my tongue with my hands. haha!

I had a food dream last night too. We were in some sort of gathering (husband and I). I was chatting with him when it hit me I was halfway through the 6th of 7 saltines. I went nuts. "Saltines! Oh my god! Saltines! These are definitely not Whole30! I've been mindlessly eating them!" Husband looked puzzled. I continued, "This is day 27. I have to start over! And who knows what this will do to my body and how long it will take me to get over it!" Then I ran to an RV, hopped in and started driving it on the interstate. Automated shades in the windshield were closed when I started. I found the button to open them but they only opened partially. And the driver's seat was on the right side. I was barreling down the road, swerving and basically having a fit. Then the dream shifted into some other kind of weirdness all together.


Probably doesn't take an experienced psychologist to interpret this one for me.

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I allow myself to watch Netflix when I swing my kettlebells around. Brain candy without the sloth and guilt. I am almost through BSG.....oh, what to get addicted to next??

Great idea. SyFy has a new show called Continuum that I recorded this week. How old school are you? Do you like Doctor Who/Torchwood? Babylon 5? Star Trek? TNG? DS9? Voyager? :) I've heard Haven is another good show. Warehouse 13, too, but I haven't seen much of either.

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