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I would love it if y'all would stay here with me and keep in touch with what we're doing post-Whole30. I know we've got some that started halfway through the month to support, too! I don't remember who started when at this point but I love hearing from you all. :)

I've been wondering where I'll get my support juice after next week, though there is the Whole100 forum. I've been present here much more. I am continuing on. I have such a long road ahead of me with metabolic issues that I'm just going to keep going, even with my birthday just a week away. I'll be weighing, measuring, etc. after 30 days for the data. (I like data.) I'll probably do the same at the end of every month just see how it fares.

I did get news back from a blood test last week saying that I finally, for the first time in I don't know how long, have my cortisol level up into the bottom of the normal range. I lowered my fibrinogen over halfway to the high end of normal (from 527 to 400-something, 300 or less being the goal), and my chronically non-existent homocysteine level has come up, though also not normal yet. So, in just 3 weeks, I've made big strides. My goal is normal across the board - and to sustain it. Hence my continuation into a WholeWhatever.

So, hey, I'll be here if anyone needs a shoulder.

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I did get news back from a blood test last week saying that I finally, for the first time in I don't know how long, have my cortisol level up into the bottom of the normal range. I lowered my fibrinogen over halfway to the high end of normal (from 527 to 400-something, 300 or less being the goal), and my chronically non-existent homocysteine level has come up, though also not normal yet. So, in just 3 weeks, I've made big strides. My goal is normal across the board - and to sustain it. Hence my continuation into a WholeWhatever.

So, hey, I'll be here if anyone needs a shoulder.

Really awesome news! I'm so happy for you!

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I know I'm new to the thread, but I'll likely be continuing at least until a Whole45 (I have a girls weekend in Lexington then and I don't know if I can deny bourbon). I feel like I'm just now starting to see some results and don't want to quit now! Plus, I've got another 40lbs to lose and my boyfriend has about 80, and I'm not sure of a healthier diet than the one we're already on.

Would love for everyone to keep up and share how things are going with their transitions!

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I am also thinking of taking a short break and then doing another W30 or so. I just want a break from all the cooking and I would like to go out to eat and eat something I really, really like and have a drink.

I can totally see why some people go with the 80/20 paleo lifestyle. That 20% break on the weekend (or whenever) does a lot to keep one sane. At least it would for me. I can be strict to a point but I don't like it when I start to feel deprived or like I can't participate every once in awhile. 80/20 could be our solution when we are not doing a whole 30.

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this may sound crazy, but the biggest factor in beating triggery foods for me was screwing up and eating them. I have done vegan cleanses in the past and once I felt really good I would definetly know it when I ate crappy food. Feeling good and then screwing up and getting sick after a "bad" meal really proved to me that eating the right food was essential. I still battle with some things. And there a few foods that I cannot put down once I start eating them (tortilla chips :P ) so they don't come into the house unless I wanna give in. Sometimes it's just the experience of giving in and feeling the consequences, at least for me anyway. I guess what I am try to say is, if it happens then know that it is a learning experience and move forward. ;)

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You all are talking like this is almost over.

Wait. What?

No, but seriously people. I am going to keep this going. I feel better in lots of ways (not tiger blood per se, but at least no longer sloth blood :lol:). It's getting easier. My kids are eating more vegetables (I was floored when my 13 yo said he "really likes" roasted kohlrabi. Wait, what?).

I'm on a roll and not inclined to stop.

Day 31 is my birthday. I'll be sleeping post-call all day, and then that night we have reservations at a paleo-friendly place where, if I do go off-plan, it'll be minimal. Feb 1, I go right into the 30 day autoimmune plan from Practical Paleo. Just pulled up the shopping list from balancedbites.com. I'll be sad to give up eggs and ghee, but it's only for a month and then I'll reintroduce and see what happens. Nuts and seeds I can live without as they really tear up my gut (plus, I tend to overindulge...jeeze, anything I can shovel in my face, I will).

My only trepidation is the whole no coffee thing. Not ready to go through complete withdrawal, but I will work on cutting it down to 1-2 cups a day.

So, I'll be around. It sounds like a lot of us will be, and that makes me happy :).

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I've been eating them when I am not hungry at all.... Totally relapsing into unconscious eating.

...I'm noticing the lure of my old habit of mindless eating. And hating that that habit is so deeply engrained.

SO deeply engrained! I once went without sugar for about 6 months. Felt great. Then had a 'cheat day' and went right back to old behavior. Crash!

Neurochemistry. It's a bitch.

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I'm still going to be here for sure. I still don't know what I am doing either, but I know I'm not changing much since I'm experiencing positive things in my what do they call it "metabolically broken" body!! I'm even considering going to talk to someone at a Crossfit place to see if they think they could work with me. My body is pretty broken too from a wreck a couple of years ago (two level herniation in my neck and one in my low back, along with some pretty good tears), but I am thinking they may be able to make some modifications and help me out. Maybe...

So today my non-participating husband made me a totally Whole30 compliant gumbo...yep, gumbo. An okra, chicken & sausage gumbo. He had his over rice. I had boiled eggs in mine. When you use okra, you don't have to make a roux. It was good!


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My only trepidation is the whole no coffee thing. Not ready to go through complete withdrawal, but I will work on cutting it down to 1-2 cups a day.

I only drink one really strong (big) cup of coffee (I like Sumatra) a day but I have been wanting to quit. My NP suggested that I go to Starbucks and buy their Espresso bulk coffee and have them grind it on 'eight' and then run it through the regular coffee brewer. She swears it tastes like real coffee. I may do this and mix half and half at first and then slowly reduce.

Maybe switching to tea in the afternoon would help. I sometimes drink a cup of Earl Grey with a splash of coconut milk around 3 pm and it doesn't seem to overcaffeinate me. I love green tea too but there is something about Earl Grey that reminds me of a cup of coffee.

Also, he isn't Paleo but Andrew Weil has a lot of good info about the inflammatory diet.

I plan to add things slowly to see how it goes.

My oldest daughter wants to go to a Mexican restaurant on the 5th for her birthay. I figure I can order fajitas and eat guacomole :) I was doing that anyway except having a few tortilla chips.

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I'm still going to be here for sure. I still don't know what I am doing either, but I know I'm not changing much since I'm experiencing positive things in my what do they call it "metabolically broken" body!! I'm even considering going to talk to someone at a Crossfit place to see if they think they could work with me. My body is pretty broken too from a wreck a couple of years ago (two level herniation in my neck and one in my low back, along with some pretty good tears), but I am thinking they may be able to make some modifications and help me out. Maybe...

So today my non-participating husband made me a totally Whole30 compliant gumbo...yep, gumbo. An okra, chicken & sausage gumbo. He had his over rice. I had boiled eggs in mine. When you use okra, you don't have to make a roux. It was good!


Have you ever done yoga? I am obsessed with yoga. Like anything else you have to really search around but there are a lot of really great instructors that can work with you one one one and teach you all the safe modifications. My main instructor is also a LMT. Yoga has changed my life in more ways than I can say. I want to do crossfit maybe in the Fall. I don't have time in my schedule to commit to it right now but the strength training will help repair your back too. It is all about building up your core strength to help relieve back pain but you have to go slow with injuries.

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Day 31 is my birthday. I'll be sleeping post-call all day, and then that night we have reservations at a paleo-friendly place where, if I do go off-plan, it'll be minimal. Feb 1, I go right into the 30 day autoimmune plan from Practical Paleo. Just pulled up the shopping list from balancedbites.com. I'll be sad to give up eggs and ghee, but it's only for a month and then I'll reintroduce and see what happens. Nuts and seeds I can live without as they really tear up my gut (plus, I tend to overindulge...jeeze, anything I can shovel in my face, I will).

My only trepidation is the whole no coffee thing. Not ready to go through complete withdrawal, but I will work on cutting it down to 1-2 cups a day.

I am considering the autoimmune protocol, too, but I want to see what my thyroid numbers look like in March before I do. They do the 21DSD every first Monday of the month which will be March 4th and my husband has committed to it (yay!) and maybe even my daughter (double yay!). Happy early birthday!

SO deeply engrained! I once went without sugar for about 6 months. Felt great. Then had a 'cheat day' and went right back to old behavior. Crash!

Neurochemistry. It's a bitch.

Seriously. I just KNOW if I have sugar sugar? It's over. I will have to go through a Whole30 likely as intense as this one was to recover again. I've made it so far I don't want to go back.

So today my non-participating husband made me a totally Whole30 compliant gumbo...yep, gumbo. An okra, chicken & sausage gumbo. He had his over rice. I had boiled eggs in mine. When you use okra, you don't have to make a roux. It was good!

Can you share that recipe for me, please? I have a good friend from Louisiana and her sister's about to go GF (her daughter is on the autism spectrum). I bet she'd love something she could make that's like home.

Have you ever done yoga? I am obsessed with yoga. Like anything else you have to really search around but there are a lot of really great instructors that can work with you one one one and teach you all the safe modifications. My main instructor is also a LMT. Yoga has changed my life in more ways than I can say. I want to do crossfit maybe in the Fall. I don't have time in my schedule to commit to it right now but the strength training will help repair your back too. It is all about building up your core strength to help relieve back pain but you have to go slow with injuries.

I want to get back into a practice. I've been paying for ballet and pilates, and it's possible that the pilates class I can attend will be dropped (attendance issues, and the other one my husband would not be home in time for me to attend). There's a yoga studio maybe 5-10 minutes from my house that I'd love to go to. Even if it's just once a week, then I can supplement at home. I miss it. I went to Yogaville down near Charlottesville, VA years ago for a Goddess Retreat. It was wonderful to wake up, go do yoga first thing in the morning, relax, enjoy commune life and do more yoga. It did wonders for my practice and I got in the habit of setting my alarm 30 minutes before my husband's so I could do it every day.

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I was just reading about digestive enzymes.

Digestive enzymes, as well as Natural Calm, are on my list to buy today. My sleep/digestion dyad needs some serious tweaking.

Re: AI protocol, I need to get my thyroid levels checked again as well (though I am such a moronic pill taker, constantly forgetting my synthroid and then taking a few together, just really silly stuff; I've been on it for 20+ years, one would think I'd have figured it out by now :unsure:). Anyhoo, that and my cholesterol, which hovers around 240 and has only once ever been below 200 (familial hypercholesterolemia). My LDL is appropriately low, and my HDL happily high, but triglycerides are high and my PCP is now suggesting lipitor and, nope, not gonna go there. I'm gonna fix this with diet.

Funny thing, my cholesterol dipped below 200 only when I had quit coffee 18 years ago, about a year before my first pregnancy. I asked my primary is she knew of an association between coffee and cholesterol, and she did not. Since then, I have found a few things on-line that suggest correlation, and I subsequently bought a Chemex coffee pot. Their filters and process are purported to filter out the oils that can have an effect on triglycerides, HDL and LDL. I can't speak to the science behind this claim, but the pots are simple, they're cool looking, and the coffee tastes great. Of course, mine is currently in a box (doh!) because I recently moved, so my recent chol levels don't reflect any potential effect of the chemex :rolleyes:.

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This might come across as weird (and if so, I apologize).....but would any of you want to start an email group to stay in touch post-Whole 30? Meaning outside of the Whole30 blog.....just feel we have happened upon a great group of kindred spirits. And I would like to keep in touch no matter what our plans after January might entail.

If interested, send me an email at [email protected] and I'll get it started. If not interested, no worries! I'm a deep blue on the Pace palette so we'll blame that for my attempt!

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I'm so excited I made the Well-Fed mayo! Then I turned whatever was left into the blender into Creamy Italian dressing. Yum! I'm so proud. Now I need to find something to eat with mayo that doesn't include bread! Hmmm...lettuce wraps!

I love the homemade mayo (I hate mayo but use it for tuna salad etc). I love to make the creamy italian to dip veggies in :)

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What are your favorite fast fix meals? One that has worked well for me and is economical is Trader Joes Lime Chicken Burgers, guacamole (TJs or Wholy Gucamole) and salsa. Fast, cheap and satisfying. Trying to get some other ideas together for the protein/fat meal part.

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I was just reading about digestive enzymes. It made me think of NatPatBen and jtota and their heavy feeling. Go read this article: http://whole9life.co...ve-enzymes-101/

I have noticed that I can't eat as big of meals lately as I was at the beginning so I'm getting hungry more often. I'm going to buy some to keep me going.

You have a great memory! Maybe because I can't see people's pictures at work, but I struggle to remember who said what.

I actually bought the Enzymes recommended on this site. I keep them at work and so far, have only remembered to take them twice in two weeks. I'm going to read the article you linked to get clarification on WHY I should take them, which might motivate me to remember.

I'm so excited I made the Well-Fed mayo! Then I turned whatever was left into the blender into Creamy Italian dressing. Yum! I'm so proud. Now I need to find something to eat with mayo that doesn't include bread! Hmmm...lettuce wraps!

Tuna, jicama home fries, creamy spice market kale, mix some in your egg yolks...

I added garlic & paprika the second time I made the homemade mayo (a double batch this time!). That way, when I add it to stuff it adds flavor as well as fat/moisture.

I looked for Natural Calm quickly at the coop (my kids were flipping). Is it in the tea section or with the supplements??

Where I bought it, it was in the section with supplements, vitamins, etc.

What are your favorite fast fix meals? One that has worked well for me and is economical is Trader Joes Lime Chicken Burgers, guacamole (TJs or Wholy Gucamole) and salsa. Fast, cheap and satisfying. Trying to get some other ideas together for the protein/fat meal part.

tuna made with a small avocado, can of tuna, chopped onions (if on hand), garlic powder, jalapeno peppers (pickled), cranberries

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What are your favorite fast fix meals? One that has worked well for me and is economical is Trader Joes Lime Chicken Burgers, guacamole (TJs or Wholy Gucamole) and salsa. Fast, cheap and satisfying. Trying to get some other ideas together for the protein/fat meal part.

Easy to make is a pork chop (boneless is very fast..bone-in is cheaper), frozen cubed butternut squash (or sweet potatoes) drizzled with olive oil after nuking for 4 minutes, and baby brussel sprouts (I buy the single-serve ones, not cheaper, but it's just me and takes 90 seconds to heat).
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Read the article about digestive enzymes and I may give it a try. Not to excited about spending more money though. And I don't think I have just an enzyme issue. That is part of it but it doesn't explain my clothes getting tighter each week. :/

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