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My Frisky Hubby


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Ladies.... I just have to say that the Whole 30 has been transformational in more ways than one! We are only on day 16 but my husband seems to have dropped at least 12-15 lbs (ok, can I just stop right here and say THAT'S NOT FAIR.... My weight loss has not been nearly as dramatic, but that's all the complaining that I have.... my energy is sooo much better, sleeping better, better moods, my PMS experience is even different).

OK, so back to the good stuff.....I guess hormone regulation is just as powerful for men as it is for women because we've.... ahem, (keepin it PG) SEEN more of each other in the last two weeks than we have in the last two months.... I'm reminded of my honeymoon..... ahhhhh. I'm sure that a big part of it is also that we are not the lethargic, marshmallows that we once were merely two weeks ago... and of course we look and therefore feel a bit sassier! .... Just a word of encouragement to anyone who might have been a little lackluster in this department... things might just change for the better as your body heals and changes for the better! Hang in there everybody.... I'll be busy hanging from the chandelier! haha

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I guess I'll have something to look forward to when hubby gets home! He isn't doing W30 with me, unfortunately, until after his marathon (I just can't convince him that he needs something OTHER than simple carbs in his diet while that's on the horizon) but I'll be doing most of the cooking. I will make him bread (I'll be off W30 by that point but will probably still mostly abstain) because he asked SO nicely, but at least he'll be closer to the diet than he would be otherwise. Maybe there'll be a difference still...maybe not as dramatic, but still somewhat.

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RIGHT?! I'm on Day 21 and no complaints, but my husband just started going about 90% Paleo maybe 10 days ago. He woke up one morning, strutted into the kitchen (where I was cooking some fabulous eggs and hash for his breakfast) and said, "Hey, I feel skinny." I looked up and went, "WHERE IS YOUR BEER BELLY??!!" LOL!

Not fair, no.

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Agreed. My husband and I have always had a healthy sex life but it has definitely been taken up a few (okay, many notches) in these past few weeks. We flaked out on plans over the weekend :P He's definitely losing weight and I'm feeling more confident. Woot :P

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  • 1 month later...

I'm starting a Whole 30 with my boyfriend on Monday so it will be very interesting to see where things go, woohoo! :)

Woot! you go girl!

I could say something really inappropriate like.... Things can only go up from here... but I won't. haha!

Happy Whole 30!

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  • 1 month later...

My hubby (also did the Whole 30) noticed he was feeling a bit friskier early on but I wasn't. I actually went completely the other way - usually it's me with the very high drive but i was so exhausted and so emotional going through the early changes that it was the last thing I was thinking of once I hit the bed. Now that I'm done, and not feeling sick (have had a headcold the last week) there's been action and it's been great - not different, but I've lost over 8kgs (almost 18lbs) on my Whole 30 so my body shape has changed dramatically and it's like I've made hubby a new wife to play with :) It's certainly helped!

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Remind me to never allow my husband to do the Whole30. ;)

He is frisky enough now as it is.

I am hoping to gain a sex drive. I lost it. There are other factors here, but at a basic biological level I've lost the desire to some degree. I can already feel a clarity and reduction in anxiety on Day 16 that I hope translates into amor in time!

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My husband and I are also doing Whole30 together and have experienced this, um, unexpected side effect. It definitely helps not being weighed down and full after dinner. And now that we're on Day 17, we're seeing some results physically. Being more attracted to each other doesn't hurt!

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Just cutting back for my hubby helped. Definitely have more going on in my house - increased desire on both ends! Of course, getting off of my BC helped a bit, but eating clean is definitely what kicked the rest of the hormone disruption out...

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  • 4 weeks later...

i wish this was happening to me! my husband has always had a high sex drive and mine was pretty healthy too up until like a year ago or so and then it nosedived.  I'm on day 14 and it hasn't increased at all.  I hope I'm not past my prime already at 30 am i??  i have no idea what the issue could be.

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