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Did I mess up???

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Hi everyone. I started whole30 about 9 days ago and about 3 days ago I made a banana bread using cashews, almond mill, banans, eggs, and cinnamon. Well, the next day I had a piece with a few dried dates and was wondering if I messed up??? I decided no more banana bread and no more dates until the 30 days are over but until then I was just wondering if I have to start again? Oh and just a little fyi, I started whole30 because I have hashimotos and arthritis, I am 33 and want to alleviate my symptoms and drop some weight. I have plenty to drop. :)

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Only you can decide if you should start over. But I will share this about my own Whole 30- I've restarted 3 times and I haven't even eaten anything off plan (on purpose anyways, I think I got "buttered" at a restaurant though). I could have not started over in which case I would be on day 29 today, instead I am on day 2 AND SO GRATEFUL FOR THAT. I am amazed at how much I have learned from my body and these forums. I chose to start over because I am better and better each time. It never felt like a failure it feels like a victory. My point here is don't try to rush through the 30 days to get free to eat other things- the very things that brought us all here in the first place- but use this program as it's layed out to heal your body and your mind and have and approach a new day 1 as a day of hope and promise.

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Hi There,

By the sounds of it you decided to have SWYPO (Sex with your pants on) meaning making *junk* food with technically compliant ingredients. Which is fine post whole 30 but not during your whole 30. To start over is your decision. Maybe you want consider doing a whole 35 or a whole 40? Personally I think that is better than doing a restart.

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Banana bread is way off plan for a Whole30. Maybe you could tell us how to make that clearer because to me the guidelines explain it pretty well. And yet people keep doing it.

You do not have to restart, but the best Whole30 experiences develop when you eat meat, fish, eggs, veggies and hardly any or no nuts, nut butters, dried fruit, etc. And honestly, you don't need the "barely" legal ingredients. I eat great tasting meals every day without them. I've been working on my cooking skills for a while, but good taste does not require fancy, time-consuming, or especially expensive.... Okay. I am going to calm down now. But I want better for you!

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I don't get how it's okay to chop up pineapple and bananas cover in coconut whip cream with toasted coconut and slivered almonds (from well fed) yet combining eggs, coconut oil, bananas and nuts and eating a piece of that, is wrong??? Did I miss something? Because to me, that absolutely makes NO sense. I came on here looking for encouragment and support and as of last night I felt discouraged and on the verge of quitting. But, I'm not going to quit because I'm doing this to heal and not because I think that grains, dairy or honey is wrong for us to eat. I do not plan on rushing through to eat "junk." As a matter of fact I had decided on make this a life long way of eating.

The night I made the "banana bread" I was looking online for whole30 recipes and I came across a banana bread recipe that was whole30 friendly and I made it. I can not eat raw bananas but I can eat bananas that are baked. I had some dried dates and to be honest not that long ago I had an orange and it was just as sweet if not sweeter than the dates. And for the record, I do not feel like I failed, and after thinking things through last night, I do not feel like I did wrong and I think that when we look at food like dates as being a "wrong food" . . .well in my mind that's a recipe for an eating disorder. I already purchased the book It Starts With Food but, it was purchased after I made the "banana bread." If I continue to have problems with my symptoms I will become a little stricter but until then I will continue on because I feel it's alright to be human.

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"I don't get how it's okay to chop up pineapple and bananas cover in coconut whip cream with toasted coconut and slivered almonds (from well fed)"

Very common mistake, don't beat yourself up.....

This is in no way shape or form exceptable and I don't know how you got the idea that it was. Cook books are just that.... You need to pick, choose and adjust what is acceptable...

No " paleofying " no desserts. You shouldn't even eat fruit if its going to make you push vegetables off your plate

Ok deep breath.... There are no failures as Long as we learn.... There is no " wrong" just more healthy and less healthy choices, so cut yourself some slack, pat yourself on the back for questioning and gain knowledge about yourself.

30 days isn't an arbitrary number but the minimum time for a physiological and psychological reset.... It's more about finding up what makes you tick and to make better choices... If a few days in you are eating for all intents and purposes a " cake" then you won't get that reset

If you are eating "cake" then your are most likely not eating enough vegetables proteins and fats.... Got to ask yourself if this sounds like your old poor eating habits....

As far as I'm concerned... I only use fruit sparingly and as an ingredient like chicken salad with some apple ( 1/4 med Granny Smith) but I also have 2-3 cups asst veg with it also

Your here for a reason.... You want to make good, healthy choices.... Don't let any forum posts discourage your from your goals.... FWIW.... you didn't have to post a new topic, you must have questioned yourself or you would have kept it to yourself .... I applauded your courage :)

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I think this is exactly why the Hartwigs get so frustrated when people tag recipes as Whole 30 compliant when they're just not.

I doubt it's anything but an honest mistake, oversight, or incomplete comprehension of what the plan actually is on the part of the taggers, but holy confusion for people who are new to this and just trying to do it right!

As with anything else we read online, we need to take these "Whole 30 Friendly" recipes with a grain of salt. Some sources are more reliable than others (this one's pretty good, because there are always so many well meaning members to give you a gentle smackdown when you post something noncompliant ;)), and by the time you get through the book you'll be able to discern for yourself when that Whole 30 Friendly tag is a lie.

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I totally applaud you for wanting to make this a way of eating for life. I believe there are no failures, only learning experiences, so you didn't fail. I'm glad you've got the book and I'm really sorry you came across a recipe that was tagged W30 compliant when it wasn't, there seem to be quite a few floating about out there.

Once you've read the book, I'm sure you'll understand why the banana bread is not a good idea while doing a W30 but may well be something you reintroduce afterwards. For what it's worth I, personally, also avoid the fruit whipped coconut cream almond concoction as well. I'm sure it's delicious and I'm sure some people can cope with it but for me, personally, it's too much like trying to recreate a dessert. Yes, we're all human but W30 is a chance to eat as healthy as it's possible to eat and to break all our old, psychological attachments to certain foods, so that when we do look at how we're going to eat for the rest of our lives, good habits are already established and bad habits have been kicked to touch.

I'm really, really sorry you felt discouraged and I totally applaud you for sticking with it. W30 is the best chance we have to heal and following the program, meal templates and all gives us the best possible results out of it. Good luck and the very best with your healing journey.

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Please don't misunderstand any of the above posters as being negative. What it is some tough love. Sometimes it feels like it is attacking but it really isn't. We want to help guide you to have positive results.

In the first few days I had and arguement with one of the Mods (or I felt it was an argument) similar to your own about Paleo bread. I felt that since I didn't have any bread leanings (I always kind of felt bread was a waste of calories, and a vehicle to put something else in my mouth) that I should be allowed to have it. It was made up of all compliant ingriedients right? I was corrected pretty vehemently and felt probably similar to how you feel right now.

I like you felt similar about the fruit with whipped coconut cream but I duitifully stayed away as I felt this dish would be feel too dessert-y for me. (I am a self professed dessert lover) I also don't do bananas whole. I like them mashed up into things. But I did reliaze if I mashed them into things that the minute I did that the item in question attomatically turned into a dessert for me. I also have noted that I need to stay away from dried fruit. Why you might ask - because I will eat copius amounts of them and they will crowd out the rest of the whole food on my plate. Plus I will get some fierce sugar cravings from them.

So what a lot of people are doing is speaking from experience. They know what works and what doesn't. Do read the book. It will explain things better.

Good luck!

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I'm so sorry if what I said came off as anything other than encouraging and supportive- I can see now how saying "don't rush through the 30 days" was an ill informed word choice given that you are viewing this as a lifelong way of eating (as am I). I hope I can clarify now: some people will say "no need to start over, the ingredients were compliant, just don't do it again". Others will say "add on some extra time at the end". What I meant was- starting over on day 1 is a great way for your psyche to register "that was the old way, this is the way we are going forward". I think you answered your own question when you made the post- it kinda didn't feel right, right? Like I kinda didn't feel right when I got a wicked headache after eating steak in a restaurant. Did I order compliant? YES. Did I technically do something to break my whole 30? NO. Did I need to learn a lesson that restaurant food is lower quality than food I prepare at home and can be laced with unknown additives that don't make me more healthy? YES! That's why I chose a restart because that is the lesson I needed to learn. I simply wanted to share that perspective that restarts can be good for us an don't mean failure in any way.

I hope you will check back in and let us all know what you decided :)

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Okay, okay. So, maybe some of what I was upset about was just a misunderstanding. I found that going from eating grains, sugar and dairy to totally eliminating them has made me a tad emotional. So I've been a bit touchy lately. Sorry :( However, I am new at this way of eating. As a teenager I had an eating disorder (anorexia and bulemia) and then as a young adult going through a divorce and dealing with a child with Aspergers I started to be an emotional eater so I'm facing a lot of emotions that I haven't fully dealt with.

As for the tough love, though it may be with good intentions, tough love does Not work on me because I kind of feel that it can be used to justify being. . . well, just down right rude. I'm definately going to continue on with this way of eating and I am making this a life long way of eating so I guess my whole30 will be extended.

@Moluv, Your post did not make me feel discouraged I could tell from your post that you were relating to my situation and trying to help, thank you. And I want to thank everyone else for working with me and explaining why some would seem so upset over my food choices and those of you who were encouraging me to not beat myself up and to continue on. And just to clarify, (I have to clarify because, because. . . I guess it's an OCD thing) I don't eat raw bananas because they give me terrible stomach pain but, when cooked my body can comfortably digest them because the enzyme that causes stomach discomfort is destroyed with heat. I also don't push away my veggies just to eat fruit I have always from the first day ate protein, fat and vegetables and maybe after an apple or something. I did weigh myself and I don't feel bad about that because I had a doctors appointment so I was going to be weighed anyway, currently I have lost 11 lbs. Again thanks everyone for all of your responses. Oh yeah today, I woke up and the very painful arthritis I have been having in my knee was totally gone. So, here's to succes :) !!!

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Hey Starry Night!

Good to hear about your positive results this far! Keep on going!

You will find a lot of emotional eater here. I'm only just one. But let that be your history rather that be who you are.

Something hit me last night after watching the movie "Flight". Near the end of the movie Denzil Washington's character mentions that he feels free for the first time in his life (WARNING SPOILER ALERT: when he was locked in jail) And I was thinking yes - I can relate to this. The whole 30 is the most strict diet to date that I have followed and yet it is the most freeing to eat this way. Why? Because there are no food choices that guilt should belong to.

There is only this conversation: Are the ingriedients compliant? Yes / No.

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