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Karen's Whole30 Life


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So, I have woken up on a delimma today:


I am off for Thanksgiving this year and for one of the only times I can remember, my parents are not going to be home for Thanksgiving.  I had planned for the kids and I to go out to dinner.  I did the research and found a couple of restaurants open where I could get a really good, compliant meal.  I was really looking forward to steak and salad :)


Yesterday, while I was at work, DD texted me that we had been invited to the ex-in-laws for Thanksgiving.  I was so torn.  First, I will never hear the end of it if I choose to go out to a resturant instead of spending time with the "family".  Then I started thinking about what was going to be served:  turkey (ok) - ham (glazed with brown sugar), slaw, rolls, mashed potatoes and gravy, lima beans, corn pudding, stuffing, green bean casserole, pumpkin pie, sweet potato pie (all not ok).  Man, am I going to get read the riot act if I don't eat every thing.  I am just picturing myself sitting there with a piece of turkey on my plate and nothing else.  Might be even worse if I take my own food.  I love my in-laws dearly, but they just don't understand that when I diet, I have to stay on it.  "Just one day" doesn't work for me.  I have worked hard to get where I am right now and don't want to ruin it.  My parents understanding and make things that I can eat.  I have asked a couple times to bring something to share, but keep getting told no.  If I do bring it:  1)  everyone will think its weird  (they alway do) and 2) I have done that in the past and caused hurt feelings.  *sigh*


might just say I have an upset stomach and send the kids on their own......

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>I have asked a couple times to bring something to share, but keep getting told no. If I do bring it: 1) everyone will think its weird (they alway do) and 2) I have done that in the past and caused hurt feelings. *sigh*

They don't like devilled eggs?! :-O

Time for a new family.

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Day 22


Ketonix:  51 yellow


FBS:  89

M1:  brat, bacon, mushrooms and green beans cooked in bacon fat and ghee, cheese omelet (2 eggs + 2 egg yolks) with sour cream (I was hungry!)


BS:  (forgot to take before thanksgiving dinner)

M2:  turkey, ham, green beans cooked with bacon and butter in water.....  deviled egg


ketonix:  45 (checking too close to eating?)

BS (2 hours after eating): 98


Went to the "out-laws" for dinner - decided to just try to be unobtrusive about my eating.  Took deviled eggs which were well received.  Stayed away from all the high carb stuff and didn't question how things were cooked.  Just tried to be smart.  Hopefully the green beans weren't cooked with sugar.  If my ketones drop, that is probably what it is.  Overall, I think I did really well.  Probably not enough fat (although I picked out and ate all the fatty bacon chunks in the green beans  :P ).  No one said anything until I declined dessert.  I just said that I had been working too hard to give in now.  I got the typical "its only one meal", "its thanksgiving", etc....  I didn't give in - in fact I even cut and served all the pies and cakes!


Tomorrow is a new day and I will be back at work..... I wonder how many people will be bringing in leftovers to get rid of?  

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Day 23


Ketonix: 55 red


FBS:  95

M1:  mushroom and cheese omelet, sour cream, cream cheese, bacon


BS:  93

M2:  green beans and mushrooms cooked in bacon fat and ghee, brat, cream cheese


Ketonix:  65 red


Been fighting a low grade headache today and grouchiness.   At the same time, seemed like a lot of people at work were grouchy today too.....  Am glad to be going to bed tonight.  However, as I sit here in my bed, I am listening to DD pull out the Christmas village to get it set up....  she stood me out of the room and told me she didn't want help.....  but I wonder what I am going to face in the am :)

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...I am listening to DD pull out the Christmas village to get it set up

My uncle has a bonkers collection of Dept. 56 Dickens Village stuff ... He hasn't displayed it in a few years but I told him I want to put it ALL up this year. Not sure what I'll actually be getting myself in to! :)

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My uncle has a bonkers collection of Dept. 56 Dickens Village stuff ... He hasn't displayed it in a few years but I told him I want to put it ALL up this year. Not sure what I'll actually be getting myself in to! :)

I have a friend that has been collecting for years.  It takes up their whole living room.  This year, it took him 26 hours to set it all up....  and he does it all at once without a break - its a tradition :)

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Day 24


Ketonix:  72 red


FBS:  78

M1:  (out to eat with a friend):  cheeseburger (no bun, no condiments) with lettuce, tomato, onion and sour cream - side salad (no dressing, no croutons) with sour cream


BS:  89

M2:  burger with cheese and bacon, guac and sour cream.  green beans and mushrooms cooked in bacon fat and ghee.  was still hungry, so had a couple bites of cream cheese


Ketonix:  69 red



Kind of a roller coaster day today.  I think I witnessed the end of a friendship today.  I really wanted to run away.  Have just been getting overwhelmed with life lately and this was just one more thing.  Couldn't go for a hike because DS needed the car for work.  Couldn't go anywhere.  I had great plans to get loads of work done on my work projects today, but I couldn't concentrate.  Thought about decorating the house for christmas, but was too downhearted.  


I did call on another friend today and was reminded what a real friendship is supposed to be like.  That's enough for me.....


On the positive, I am feeling good.  My blood sugars have been under great control.  My clothes are looser.  (I am running out of tops to wear - put one on last week and had to paper clip the neckline together because it has gotten too big).  I have more energy.  My grocery bill has actually gone down.  I have you all :).  

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On the positive, I am feeling good.  My blood sugars have been under great control.  My clothes are looser.  (I am running out of tops to wear - put one on last week and had to paper clip the neckline together because it has gotten too big).  I have more energy.  My grocery bill has actually gone down.  I have you all :).  



I'm here for you, Karen.  :)


I am so happy for you to see all of these positive things going on!  


I am doing really well, also.  I am only measuring fasting blood glucose and ketones in the morning (because that is how I did it for the 30 days in January).  My numbers are not looking like yours.  I am really impressed!  I know that I still need to make a few minor changes to see what you are seeing.  But I am feeling good without the carbs, and I have lost some fat, as well.  Energy and mood are good & consistent.  My mind feels so clear.  .......I was having some really foggy moments when we first got puppy and I was so short on sleep.  You don't realize HOW bad it is sometimes until you get completely out of it, you know?


Anyway -- I am sorry about your friend.  Is this the one you had not heard from in awhile?  I don't know, but maybe it is for the best.  I have had a few go in that direction, and I've realized that we grow apart -- and that is not always a bad thing.  I can look back and see how each of those situations was not good for me and in some cases, was holding me back from who I was really meant to be.

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Day 25


Ketonix:  71 red


FBS:  94

M1:  brat, green beans/ mushrooms cooked in bacon fat and ghee, sour cream


BS 75

M2:  chicken cordon bleu (paleo version), salad with dressing


ketonix:  61 red


Church today:  we decorated the sanctuary for Christmas during the service today.  Lots of fun and singing.  Plans to go get a Christmas tree were foiled by the rain.  When we got home, DS wanted to make Chicken Cordon Bleu - and he was kind enough to make a paleo version (bacon wrapped instead of breaded).  Spent some time working on a project for work.  


Early bedtime tonight - have to be up early to travel for a work conference all week this week.

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Day 26


Ketonix:  51 yellow


FBS: 85


BS:  96

M1:  2eggs + 2 egg yolks mushroom, cheese and spinach omelet with sour cream and bacon


BS:  86

M2:  chicken salad with mayo, olives, pickles


Ketonix:  51 yellow


Had a class today - had to get up earlier than normal.  Alarm woke me up from a strange dream that I can't quite remember anymore.  I decided to stay on my eating schedule (m1 at 9-10 and m2 3-4).  I ended up eating during class breaks and sitting during lunch.  I didn't miss eating the fast food that everyone else had!  


Not sure why my ketones have dropped....  but will keep plugging along.  Maybe I need to increase my fats a bit.

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Yeah Karen it doesn't seem like much food overall. Do you feel like you've got plenty of energy? If not -- FAT up, for sure! ;)


It doesn't seem like much food overall - but I am able to sleep well (got 7 hours in last night), wake up on my own, feel well rested, no sleepy periods during the day, plenty of energy, and mentally fit.  I am not hungry between meals.


That being said, I plugged my food into one of those programs that breakdown fats, protein, carbs, and calories.  1300 calories, but my fat ratio had dropped a bit.  So, I added a snack before I went to bed last night of pecans, macadamia nuts and sunbutter.  (Have to be careful with that, as I know sunbutter is SWYPO for me.)  Brought my ketones up this morning.


My challenge this week is the class that I am going to.  I am packing my meals (not much of a change) but have no fridge and no way to warm them.  But I have a cooler type lunch box and ice packs.  I also seem to be in a bit of a food rut.  For some reason, food isn't calling out to me so much anymore (You know, "eat me!!!") and I am just eating because I need to fuel.  In class today, the table beside me was full of donuts that someone brought in to share.  I didn't even really pay attention to them.  When a box was opened, the sweet smell was almost too much - not too much as in I was drawn - but so sweet I couldn't even think about eating it.  


So, we go on......

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Part of the beauty of ketosis is being able to truly just use food as fuel, and not have it calling out to you.  I love that.  My entire family eats better when I am not making emotional decisions with food / using food for entertainment.


I am really glad to hear you are feeling so good and sleeping well, etc!  That's awesome.  Really cool.  The magic is happening.  :)


And nuts/seeds/butters... as you know, have been a slippery slope for me in the past, as well.  I am happy to say I have complete mental control over that one now.  I am able to have 1 oz. of roasted salted macadamia nuts with 2 squares of 90% chocolate -- I grind them up in the nut chopper together and eat them with a spoon.  That's like a little treat to me, and that's it.  I am truly satisfied and can stop there.  ...It only took me like 3 years to be able to say that.    :ph34r:   haha

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Day 27


Ketonix: 60 red


FBS: 81


BS: 92

M1:  salami/cream cheese rolls, pickles, olives, pecans/macadamia, havarti cheese wedge


BS: 90

M2:  broccoli slaw with mayo, venison burger


Ketonix: 54 yellow 


Not much to report today......

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Day 28


Ketonix: 76 red


FBS: 88


BS: 74 (yeah!)

M1:  2 eggs+2 egg yolk omelet with cheese, spinach and mushrooms.  Bacon, sour cream, guac


BS: 94

M2:  green beans, 2 brats, sour cream, cream cheese


Ketonix: 69 red


Wow.  I can't believe that it has been 28 days already!!!!  This "w30(ish)" has gone so quickly!!!!  No real struggles this time around.  I almost can't wait for another two days so I can weigh myself.  Plenty of NSVs (as stated a couple of days ago), so I am not too worried  ;)


Even with my classes, I have kept to my eating pattern (M1 9-10, M2 3-4).  I just very quietly pull my food out during a break in class.  One of the instructor asked me today why I eat so much (he assumed I was eating before I got there, and during the lunch break as well).  When I explained that I only eat at 9 and 3, and by doing so, have been able to bring my sugars down by 30-40 points, as well as lose weight and feel better, he couldn't quite believe it.


I had been thinking a lot about something that someone said on their posts (I believe it was Kirkor) about only eating at certain times to get their hormones (the appetite ones?) regulated.  With the years of night shifts and eating at all hours of the day and night, I have done loads of damage to my regulation systems.  I think this 30 days has become a bit of a test.  I am in bed with the lights out between 10 and 11 every night.  I am naturally sleeping 6-7 hours a night (hoping to get to 8 eventually) - waking by 600-630 every morning.  I kind of ended up with eating at 9 and 3 at work because that seems to be when patient care allows for a break.  I decided to try to stick to that as much as possible every day.  Just to see what happens  :P .  I know that I have a long way to go to fix all the abuse I gave myself.  I don't know how long this will last, either.  I may decide next week that it isn't worth it/ working/ for me/...  or I may "fall off the wagon".  So far, this time, I haven't felt the need to "stay motivated", or that I am "missing out".  It is just working.  and that is G.O.O.D.

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I had been thinking a lot about something that someone said on their posts (I believe it was Kirkor) about only eating at certain times to get their hormones (the appetite ones?) regulated. 


Well, that's part of the rationale behind Whole30's recommendations of "eating M1 within 1 hour of waking" and "eat 3 meals per day spaced 4-5 hours apart" ... 

My points on the hormone/timing question are:

* when intermittent fasting, when you keep your feeding window to the same time, your ghrelin hormone gets entrained ... so then you don't feel as hungry outside of your window ... apparently it happens in a similar way to Pavlov's dog and the bell/saliva connection: we get "used to" eating at a certain time.  It doesn't do any *harm* to vary your window, but it can interfere with long term compliance and adherence to the IF protocol.

* orexin is involved with appetite as well as wakefulness, so this may be one of the hormones that W30 refers to

* I believe that the increased cellular repair and other metabolic benefits offered by practicing IF serve to keep hormones and many other body processes functioning well, regardless of when meals are consumed

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Day 29


Ketonix: 49 yellow


FBS:  83

M1: salami/cream cheese rolls, green beans, havarti cheese wedge


BS:  forgot

M2:  burger with bacon/cheese/sour cream with salad/sourcream


BS:  90

M3:  egg salad (2 eggs+2 egg yolks/mayo/dill pickle relish), green beans, venison burger patty with blue cheese dressing, pecan/mac nuts


ketonix:  50 yellow


So, after all my talk yesterday about sticking to 2 meals, feeling so good and having great ketones, ......  well, today, not so much.


I slept hard and woke up by being startled by something.  Once my heart stopped pounding (don't you hate waking up like this?), and I didn't hear (smell or see) anything bad that might have caused me to wake up this way, I was suddenly aware of a throbbing headache.  I got up, dressed and made it out the door.  It was the first day without rain, even though it was cold.  I used to get migraines, occ. affected by the weather, but this didn't feel quite the same.  I headed out the door for my class and still had that throbbing headache, now accompanied by a slightly nauseous stomach.  I decided during my drive that I better eat something.  Grabbed my lunch bag and pulled out what was supposed to be my breakfast in a few hours.  Just about 10 minutes after eating, the headache was practically gone - and so was the upset stomach.  Go figure.


Since I had eaten so early, by lunch time, I was hungry again. (5hours).  I was invited by the class instructors to join them for lunch and we went out.  My standby:  burger, sub salad for the fries, and sour cream.  Still feeling good.  By the time I was going home, I was hungry AGAIN!  Came home and ate.  


My ketones have gone down today, but I am still feeling ok.  I have tried to up my fats, and my body responded by being hungrier.  As much as I want to stay on a schedule, I also know that I have to listen to my body.  Thats how the schedule started. I am also (be ready for TMI) thinking that it might be that "time of the month".  Subtle signs.  Since I don't have a uterus anymore, I find it hard to be sure.  But I was very cranky earlier this week (PMS?).  Now I am hungrier and parts of me "hurt".  And I have been more tired this week.  It will be interesting, if I can keep up the measurements, to see if this continues to happen consistently.  I am sure all those monthly hormone changes affect our whole bodies.  I know some people say that they crave certain things (i.e. carbs) when that time comes.  I never thought I had any problems until my son informed me that yes, I do get cranky, and he didn't mind the crankiness so much because it usually meant we would order chinese........  *sigh*

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Karen, YES -- of course, when you are hungry, by all means -- EAT.   We do experience hormonal changes that the guys don't.  You saw me go through this last January.  :)


But I also just want to caution you that when you are trying to up your fats -- try to go for pure fat.  This is where grass-fed butter really comes in handy.  You can put butter on just about anything!  I say butter because I know you are doing dairy, but ghee is also wonderful here.  I know you can't do coconut oil, but I have been known to just eat a spoonful of that, too.  Using nuts and seeds as a way to increase fat may have the opposite result, as you are experiencing.  It's also easy to say you are going to have "a handful" -- and before you know it, they've snuck their way into your meals every day.  They are sneaky little suckers.  ;)

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Now I will put in my two cents on your meal "schedule".  I didn't say anything before, because it was working for you.  But I will say now:  Don't get too restrictive with this.  I think you will still have beautiful results with your blood work and your fat loss -- by truly listening to your body and not watching the clock.  


Some days we are more hungry, others less.  And I think that is perfectly natural.  I just don't want to see you give yourself too many rules and then one day just be like:  "Screw this" because you are feeling deprived or whatever.  I've been there.  It's a vicious cycle.  I know you've been there, too.  ...Let's not go back.  Let's go somewhere new.  That one is getting boring!    :lol:

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Day 30 (yesterday)


Ketonix: 60 red


FBS: 93


M1: mushroom and cheese omelet, bacon, sour cream, cream cheese.


M2:  burger patty with cheese, large salad


M3:  crab dip, cheese cubes, 1/4 piece of cheesecake (plain) with no crust


Yesterday was a work day - and ended with the Church Ladies Christmas party.  I have to say that I am tired.  I have already worked a full week (40 hour class + travel time).  My fridge/pantry is empty and I don't want to stay up late® by grocery shopping and cooking, so I relied on the cafeteria yesterday for my meals.  When I went down for breakfast, the manager was there talking to people.  When I asked him about vegetables for breakfast I was directed to the fruit and oatmeal bar ( :blink: ?).  When I went back to him and asked again -  I was told they had hash browns......  and this is a hospital people (where you would think you would get healthy stuff).  


After work (I tore out of there as quickly as possible last night), I headed to the ladies christmas party - they were just eating.  I was told to "grab a plate".  I decided that since I had finished 30 days, I would enjoy myself (reasonable, within boundaries).  All I could see was dessert (monkey bread, lemon caked, apple pie, chocolate cake, cookies,...).   Then I found the food table - no a veg in sight!  Lots of crackers and dips with unknowns in them.  Fortunately, the ladies know that I have food allergies/intolerances and tell me what is in their dips.  There was one that was lump crab meat, cream cheese, cheddar cheese and sour cream, then baked.  I had some of that and some cheese cubes.  Then I saw the cheese cake sitting there.  Now, cheesecake is one of my favorites (nudged out of the running only by fudgy brownies).  So I cut myself a half of a slice.  I ate a couple bites of it.  Too sweet - and it wasn't the really dense cheesecake that I love (it was the whipped, lighter kind).  So, I enjoyed what I had, and left the rest.  It felt good to have some control and to not keep going back to the food table over and over for "just a little more".  


On the way home, I was a little worried what this was going to do to my numbers.  Then I decided that I don't live by numbers - that I am using them as a guide to help me.  No matter what they were, I wasn't going to let it bring me down or tell me to throw in the towel.  Well, this morning, my ketones were 52 yellow.  Not bad at all.  My FBS on the other hand was 104!  I am not sure if it was the cheesecake, or just eating so late at night (about 9pm).  I didn't take my bs during the day yesterday, but will try to make sure I do today just to see if they get better.


PS - day 30 scale victory:  15 pounds down.

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Karen, there is another nurse here I have been messaging with. She sent me a message the other day and was just OUTRAGED at her hospital options. One day all she found was a "plain" chicken breast. (She is feeling great on low-carb, as well.). She said something very similar to what you just said! It's so sad -- such a HUGE sign of where this country is with our health. If I really let myself think about it, it is so depressing.

Last night as we were checking out at the grocery store, I looked at my youngest and said, "I want to live somewhere where they don't do THIS to you everywhere you go." And spread my hands out to indicate the WALLS of candy, chips, and utter crap we were standing in. Like you have to go through The Tunnel Of Junk just to make it out of the store!

It is so wrong... So very backwards & upside down. Like a bad joke. My sister blames Satan and I think she may just be right.

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Heheh ya I do this now and then when a given meal just didn't cut it.



Hmmmm...  I can easily do coconut butter, or coconut cream by the spoonful.....  not so sure about coconut oil...  Hey, I brush my teeth with it - does that count  :P

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