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I'm on Day 5 of Whole 30 and what I'm missing most is mayo/dressing.  I don't want to make my own mayo and they don't sell Tessemae's at the Whole Foods near me.....are there any other Whole 30 approved pre-made mayo (or dressing)?  I know that Tessemae's does ship, but wanted a local alternative if there was one.


Thank you!!

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I have pasteurized my own eggs when I felt a little "iffy" about them. It did not affect the consistency or taste of the mayo. It only takes a few minutes.


I'm an old hand at it now, and I trust the acid in the vinegar or lemon juice to make my mayo safe. Besides, it's so good, it doesn't last long at our house.

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  • 2 months later...

I was just reading the Whole30 book last night and some recipes called for Olive Oil Mayo as a base for things like ranch dressing... I took that as being compliant???

I'm pretty sure they're referring to homemade mayo, not the stuff labeled olive oil mayo in the grocery store - which usually has canola and/or soy in it anyway. I don't have my copy of ISWF handy, but in the new book it's called basic mayo and it's its own recipe.

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Yep--homemade paleo mayo is fine, not the commercial olive oil mayo. Use extra light olive oil for your mayo--Extra Virgin Olive Oil is too strong. Just do a search for mayo recipes here on the forums and you will find many variations. I make ranch with my homemade mayo, thin it out with coconut milk and yum! I also do a southwestern version with tomato, chili powder (homemade), cilantro, a bit of jalapeno, soooooo good on taco salads! 


(for my mayo I use 1 whole egg and 1 yolk, 1 T lemon juice and 1 T raw apple cider vinegar, 1/2 tsp each sea salt and dry mustard. I sometimes also add a T of fermented pickle brine if I have it. I put all of those ingredients in my food processor and add 1/4 cup extra light olive oil and whirl together. I let sit till room temp--about 30 minutes, then I slowly drizzle in a cup of extra light olive oil and done! ) 

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I made the best mayo the other day- I subbed in 2T of roasted garlic olive oil in place of an equal amount of the regular extra light olive oil. Oh yummy yummy yum! Amazing how much flavor in 2T!

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This is a brand they sell at my Whole Foods. Is it compliant?


Hampton Creek, Just Mayo, Original, Gluten Free, Soy Free, Egg Free


It also contains pea protein (a legume, not allowed) and modified vegetable starch which is generally corn based.


The trick with all things Whole30 is to read the ingredients.  If all the listed ingredients are compliant, the item is good to go.  If not, such as in the case of this mayo product, it would be off limits for your Whole30.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you are worried about the raw egg in homemade mayo, you can always try the microwave technique to sterilize the yolks in about a minute: with a fork, blend together 2 egg  yolks, 2 T water, and 1 t lemon juice in  a mason jar. Cover with plastic wrap and microwave about 45 seconds, until it bubbles. Beat with a second clean fork. Microwave, covered, 20 seconds. Beat with a third clean fork. 


Then proceed as normal for immersion blender mayo: add another T of lemon juice or vinegar, seasonings to taste (I like herbs, salt, pepper, garlic, a little mustard), and 1 cup of light olive oil (the extra virgin gets too bitter--the less flavor the better, oddly enough). Stick your immersion blender to the bottom, turn on high, and in about 30 seconds you will have perfect mayo. No drizzling of oil required. 


To be honest, I never bother sterilizing the egg--I just toss in a complete egg, straight from the fridge, and with the immersion blender it always makes perfect mayo. Herbs in it are great!

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