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Dirty Thirty "Roundup and Ride"!


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Good morning Billy and Elvis


Not to worry about the shorter days We will soak up any rays that come our way Just take them all in My husband echoes your sentiment so lets enjoy every minute of summer to live in the present

We've accomplished so much haven't we? Yes sirrrreeee

Kelli I'm hoping that your blood sugar levels off

Jmcbn has great suggestions no olives needed

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And this from Jmcbn

Ok so that morning coffee ladies...... Consider that in the morning your cortisol levels are at their highest having fasted overnight. Then consider that raised cortisol levels can prevent weight loss (& even encourage weight gain...). Then consider that coffee raises cortisol levels. Consider also that stress (read that as stress, exercise, fatigue, illness, inflammation etc etc etc) ALSO raises cortisol levels.

Then consider that the older you get the longer it takes for your cortisol levels to drop - so in a 21yr old their cortisol levels will return to normal within a matter of hours. In a 70yr old, however, it can day several days for cortisol levels to return to normal.

So think about a 45yr old wakening in the morning, cortisol levels are at their peak, she trains hard raising them further, then reaches for the coffee mug raising them further still......

We are each of us somewhere in the midst of that 21-70 year age bracket which means that our cortisol levels our having a fairly big impact on our weight.

Still want that morning cuppa?

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And this also from me:

My post above shared by Meadowlily was one I'd made in a support thread to explain, in layman's terms the effect that coffee can have on cortisol levels, which can in turn prevent weightloss, or encourage weight gain. It is, of course, dependant on whether or not your cortisol levels are abnormally high, or are prone to being high due to external stressors like stress itself, insomnia, exercise, illness etc. The older you are, the longer it takes for your cortisol levels to return to normal once raised.

It should be noted that many of the research articles that I have read indicate that it is the coffee bean itself that raises the cortisol, and notthe caffeine, and therefore switching to decaf may be of no benefit.

With all of that said it is worth noting that caffeine does in fact have a mild thermogenic effect, increasing the metabolic rate by a very small percentage (3-4%)

Green tea extract does something similar in that it acts in two ways to boost noreponephrine levels & inhibit the degarding of cyclic AMP (Adenosine Monophosphate) and therefore may increase energy expenditure and fat oxidation, with a thermogenic effect greater than that of the same amount of caffeine. Studies suggest that a caffeinated green tea extract could help decrease body mass index, body weight & waist circumference - although this may not amount to a significant loss over time. Decaffeinated green tea extract does not produce the same result.

Green tea extract can however cause acute liver toxicity with sustained use. Caffeinated green tea on the other hand is safe to drink and has many other health benefits.

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Kelli I'd maybe try to eat meal three a little earlier, then eat a mini meal an hr or so before bed - proteins & fats (& preferably veggies) - see how you go with that... Nuts really aren't something you want to be snacking on - hard on the gut & feeding that sugar dragon.


 Thank you jmcbn - I will try protein and fat at bedtime.

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Thanks ladies!

You're welcome. I should add there are a lot of studies showing the benefits of caffeine consumption too, when combined with an otherwise healthy diet/lifestyle but your hubby is obviously not there right now....

And should he think, after reading all of those, that switching to diet soda is maybe a good alternative, then have him read this.

And Mark's response when asked if diet sodas are better to consume than regular sodas because they have no effect on insulin levels:


"Nice try. Research indicates that after consuming artificial sweeteners, which are 80-200 times sweeter than sugar, the appetite center in your brain is tricked into craving sweet foods. It’s as if your brain thinks you filled up on sweet calories, but realizes you actually didn’t and then forces you to make good on your teaser. Furthermore, some artificial sweeteners have been found to have a toxic and potentially carcinogenic effect on many body systems. They are simply as far away from Grok as you can ever get. I would even go so far as to say that I’d drink a Coke over a Diet Coke if I was forced to choose between the two at spearpoint.  Then again, maybe I’d do neither, and just turn and run using my primal sprint speed…"


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How true! Someone we are really close to and is a very affluent physician with worldwide exposure can't get enough artificial sweetener He uses 3/4 paks in each coffee all day one after another Drives me nuts! Lol

His wife also a physician is all about veggies exercise and health ..go figure

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Kelli-- my Diabetes dr recommended that I have a snack before bed to keep my blood sugars level over night. So when I saw him at the beginning of the month, he recommended that I have a protein/fat/carb snack before bed. So, I have been having a hard boiled egg, some veggies (celery and broccoli, sometimes cucumber) with either a mayo dip or olives. Has really helped keep me level. 


(Both sunflowers have sold, so I guess I better get more made!!)

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"Nice try. Research indicates that after consuming artificial sweeteners, which are 80-200 times sweeter than sugar, the appetite center in your brain is tricked into craving sweet foods. It’s as if your brain thinks you filled up on sweet calories, but realizes you actually didn’t and then forces you to make good on your teaser. Furthermore, some artificial sweeteners have been found to have a toxic and potentially carcinogenic effect on many body systems. They are simply as far away from Grok as you can ever get. I would even go so far as to say that I’d drink a Coke over a Diet Coke if I was forced to choose between the two at spearpoint.  Then again, maybe I’d do neither, and just turn and run using my primal sprint speed…"

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Do you ever think about the clothes in your closet?   They're your memory containers.  Think about all of the experiences you have in your clothes!  We go to family reunions, church buffets, concerts, shopping, hunting and gathering, lounging  like lizards and leaping like frogs in our clothes.


Memory containers.   Your fave Tee-shirts are so cozy and soft.  Is it any wonder we have a hard time getting rid of our memory containers.   They remind us of all of the good times and everything inbetween.  I have no problem giving my clothes away but I lovingly hang onto a few containers so I can take a trip down memory lane.

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Did you ever think Back To The Future when you were in high school?  Did you sit on the floor, listening to all of your music with your MawMaw screaming outside of the door....turn that crap off!!  Welp.  MawMaw and I listen to that same music now and we both realize how tame it really was.   Mild.  No nasty lyrics.  I wanna jump on this or that or run down the street after your car and lick your tires.


TayTay keeps it Rated G. ..Some of what's on there now turns  many of us into  lil  Blue Hairs.  Maw and I have waterproof radios that we swim with.   She looks at me, shakes her head and asks why are we listening to such 'multi-crap'?   I don't know Maw.   We need the beat to make us swim faster.  It's quite embarrassing.  Yep.  Shameful.


So we go back to the Country channel but it really knocks us off of our pace.  I start swimming around in circles...looking back up at the ceiling beams, goofing off.   I've used music as a distraction from cravings.  It works.  




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Let's meet up for lunch, shall we?  Afterwards, we'll sit around and shoot the breeze for awhile.  jmcbn will have to go back to work but we'll make plans again for tomorrow.   After all, Tomorrow is Another Day.  



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Totally agree with you I'm stuck thankfully back to INSYNC Christina OJays Pendergrass Justin T No Doubt ppppink BeeGees Backstreet Boys etc

So great beats some not so ..cleaner than today's multicrap tho

My 70s stuff is on cassettes so no portable player

Country on radio

Anyway whatever moves you is better than standing still

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Love that someday Jmcbn will have to take a red eye tho

We'll all be in great health and reminisce about these days

Enjoy the views and each other's company

Set a spell twang

We're doing that today...in the here and now.  We're all present and accounted for.   We're there.  I just close my eyes and use my imagination. 




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We're back in the bus and headed for the Grant Village Marina.




 We're taking a boat out onto Yellowstone Lake




for some cool breezes and tasty waves.




We may need an upgrade for the boat...our tribe/pack is getting larger and we've brought so many backpacks full of water and personal items.


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