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Dirty Thirty "Roundup and Ride"!


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Kelli she's funny that Meadow lol

Nice dinners all around

We just now finished ours

That small tornado watch turned to warning til 6 pm watch now to 11 it went north east Spotted Touched down maybe 25 miles from here We did get TStorm all clear now glad that's gone

So how are you today Kelli?

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I like anything to do with nature.  We garden, can and hunt - lots of outdoor time.


I think I would like to have a garden tea party for my next birthday complete with parasols and lace napkins.

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Yes, Miranda has to come.  Cher might be a stretch but she certainly is sassy.


SpinSpin -  have -bag -  will - travel.   I want to ask you something.  I forgot to mention that wheat makes my arms burn in the crease of my forearms.  Have you ever heard of that?  It was immediate and didn't go away for a couple of days.   No wheat....no burn.   Has that ever happened to you with too much sugar? 


I loathe artificial sweetners now.  Anyone ever try sugar free snapple?  OMG.  There is so much sweetner in all of their teas, they make me sick.  Literally sick.   Why would they make them so putrid and sweet?  Horrible.  :P  :P  :P 

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Nadia said this...


"... overeating and I feel it's a "brain hunger" vs real one. Quick google search showed me that it is more common than I thought and that increased hunger with increased exercise often leads to eating it all back and then some because of certain mechanisms. I am not trying to deprive myself of food but rather be more aware and eat slower so my brain can register what's up. "


Good one!  WOW.   This is so true.  The more you exercise, there is this drive to eat it all back.  Yep.

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Hmmm... I would have to say, in my non medically trained opinion that it could very well be a reaction to the wheat. Wheat is the devil-- especially since wheat now is not the wheat it was years ago! It is so GMO'ed you wouldn't believe it! 


Gonna talk abit about my diabetes and have sorta of a confession and let me tell you -- take it to heart, and this is why you want to be healthy and not even dance once with the possibility of diabetes. 


I know when my sugars are really high, I feel 'fuzzy' like pins and needles when you have sat on your leg too long and it and your foot has gone to sleep. And I get really angry, and hubby says I get really flushed. When they are low... that is a whole nother story. I am drenched in sweat, like a bucket of water got poured over me, and my outer extremities are really floppy and I don't have any control over them -- no walking or holding things -- and I can't talk very well -- very slurred speech. You really do feel like you are drunk. My grandfather was a diabetic, and he was having a low blood sugar while driving and was trying to get home. He got pulled over and started arguing with the cops and they threw him in the drunk tank. Called my grandmother to come get her and she took them to task because he was a diabetic and was having an insulin reaction (what it used to be called). They had handcuffed him so tight that he wore the scars till the day he died. I have type 1 that runs in my family. I remember being told as a child that it went Father to daughter, Mother to son and it was genetic, and that T2 was diet related. Now I hear that T2 is genetic and T1 isn't. I know that T1 is an autoimmune thang and if you have 1, you are more likely to get more. I also know that T1 is caused by stress. Mom was diagnosed with in a few months after her dad passed away. He passed away on Labor Day weekend 1945 and she was diagnosed by Nov. 1st of the same year. I was really sick, really really sick with a virus and was diagnosed right after with mine. 


I know when I get my lows it takes a few days to get myself straightened back around to being on an even keel. I will bet you it is for sure a reaction to the wheat, and since you dealt with T2 I would for sure say it was probably tied to that and it is a good thing you kicked it to the curb. I know for me, being sick can really mess up my sugars. Before I saw my dr this last time, I was really really sick with a bacterial virus (so the doc at the urgent care said) I had 2 visits with the EMT's 2 Mondays in a row. First one, my BS was 36, and the second was 31. The first time, they stuck me 5 times trying to get an IV in and ended up giving me a shot that caused me to dump ALLLL the glycogen that was in my liver and of course shot me thru the roof to the point I couldn't move without getting sick to my stomach. The second one, a Fireman had to help the EMTs get an IV in me. He had to hold me down so they could get the IV in my arm. Thankfully, hubby was with me. 2 days later, I ended up with ANOTHER low that found me on the floor for who knows how long I had been there, but hubby came home and found me. I was really afraid that I had had a stroke because I couldn't talk at all and kept trying to say my little guy's name and I couldn't get it out. Hubby and I have a rule -- I need to let him know I am up and motating by 9 am or he worries. Well, that morning, I hadn't so he called his boss, his boss brought him a work truck so he could come home. He managed to get me to drink some juice and I started to come around. He told me that I must have really wanted to stay around because we had no idea how long I had been there. I remembered him checking me before he left for work, but other than that... It was the following Monday I got my night time dose dropped again down to its current 40 units once a day, which was down from 50, which was down from 100 a day. My diabetes doctor said between my weight loss, cutting out grains, beans and dairy and being more active (walking up to 30 miles a week) that I didn't need all the insulin I had been taking. Especially since my night time dose was throwing me for a loop. But it took me quite a while to get straightened back around after those lows. It is also when he suggested my bed time snack. 


Thank heavens for whole 30, because even with those two weeks -- which were contributed to being sick with the virus as well, since being sick can really mess with a diabetics blood sugar control -- I am in such better health than I was before and my insulin needs are dropping. My long acting is down to 40 units a day from 100, and my fast acting, which I take with meals was at 100 a day as well (30+ per meal!) down to around 15- 25 a DAY depending on what kind of starchy veggies I am having. Don't take my sharing with my low blood sugars to mean this is a bad way of eating no ma'am, it has truly saved me. My last experience with pizza taught me that! Waking up with a 400 blood sugar, AFTER I had taken plenty of insulin to burn through the carbs (or so I thought)... NOT fun! I guess it was a combo of carbs in the crust, carbs and fat in the cheese and toppings... I can't even do the thin crusts either. And it just isn't worth it to me. If I need a pizza hit, meatza is where I head too. And I still want to do individual ones on meat patties!

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Nadia said this...


"... overeating and I feel it's a "brain hunger" vs real one. Quick google search showed me that it is more common than I thought and that increased hunger with increased exercise often leads to eating it all back and then some because of certain mechanisms. I am not trying to deprive myself of food but rather be more aware and eat slower so my brain can register what's up. "


Good one!  WOW.   This is so true.  The more you exercise, there is this drive to eat it all back.  Yep.

The problem here is in what you eat back.

Many folk think that exercising gives them a free ticket to fill their faces with all the multi-crap of their choosing as a reward for bruning off all of those calories, when they should be thinking of food as fuell - and you'd opt for premium gas over that cheap black market stuff if you were fueling a lamborghini.

You CANNOT out train a bad diet.

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So how are you today Kelli?

Funny you should ask Meadow... Feel a little off on mood. Up at 3 again. Had a Rx bar at night but that wasn't quite right. Must have needed fat too.

Hate to admit it but was discouraged at the end of 30 days. Did not release as much weight as I expected. Know its not supposed to be about weight. I struggle to get in the range that is healthy. My employer is focusing on health and a component of that is weight.thinking eventually premiums will be tied to weight.

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We are listening to Roy Orbison he was a genius

Time to relax before all the crazies start again

What should we plan for our next staycation?

Should we have a theme?

Lets go someplace warm ....Hawaii the beach... we cant be worrying about thigh gaps.just talking reading an relaxing mixed with walks on the beech

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Spin.thanks for sharing to remind me of why I am doing this! For my health...for blood sugar control. For quality of life...to be with my grandkids longer...to take care of DH.

I can be pretty stupid sometimes ... just need reminders of what is really important.

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