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Dirty Thirty "Roundup and Ride"!


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Spin - that's a scary couple of weeks you had. I'm so glad to see you came out the other side, stronger than ever. I imagine if your diet had been different you may have been laid up for a lot longer..... Good for you to sticking to your guns & putting your health first - just as it should be.

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So how are you today Kelli?

Funny you should ask Meadow... Feel a little off on mood. Up at 3 again. Had a Rx bar at night but that wasn't quite right. Must have needed fat too.

Hate to admit it but was discouraged at the end of 30 days. Did not release as much weight as I expected. Know its not supposed to be about weight. I struggle to get in the range that is healthy. My employer is focusing on health and a component of that is weight.thinking eventually premiums will be tied to weight.

Depending on where you started Kelli it can often take longer than 30 days to undo the damage we've done in the previous 30 years.... stick at it and the weight will go when it's good and ready. In the meantime you are doing the best you can for your health by eating healthy nutritious wholesome foods - you are what you eat.

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Good morning ladies

I hope everyone slept well and is rested up for our staycation We are leaving for Hawaii as Kelli suggested It's quite beautiful and peaceful so much to do and experience There's even the active Kilauea for Meadow to seismos!

SpinSpin thanks for sharing your life's lessons with us We care and hope that never happens again You have accomplished so much and know better now I do agree that a proper W30 may save lives This is exactly what we need

You my friend are a shining example to your family and friends that this is so important

I hope you enjoyed your sleep under the stars fresh air and peacefulness You'll be the first to board the magic carpet for our staycation for sure!

Jmcbn thanks for clarifying it's what you eat to keep you from gaining back all your hard work

It's so true I'm living proof this isn't a diet so I'm not as worried this time and slowly in tune with incorporating exercise back into my lifestyle

Cher can't make it anyway Meadow her schedule is booked and she only wants to repeat "snap out of it" 40/50 times so she'll get on our nerves it's just as well :(

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Plus, you know this isn't a diet, right?  ;) 

Think of it as more of a marathon than a sprint......


Right... I know... I know.... have been so diet focused for sooooo long its hard to change my focus. Definately have food issues.

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There's no waltzing around the rhino in the rec room here.  


SpinSpin, thanks.  This should be a huge wakeup call for anyone who continues to binge.   Eating your way back from anything gets you nowhere good and that includes T1, T2, AutoImmune and all of the rest of it.  You cannot out-exercise a food addiction.


Wheat is highly engineered to be craved.  All of the refined multi-crap sitting on the shelves...ditto.  When wheat makes you want to hang your head like ole Tom Dooley...it's time to hang it up.  Burning sensation in the arms....SpinSpin has shared that comes with T1 and T2.   Uh huh.   


Kelli, get rid of all of the bars in the house.  Rx...the entire lot of them.   No bars to fall back on.   Fruit and nut bars are candy.  You don't want any snacks between meals.  None.  Zero.  You do not want BS problems to progress.  Let's just nip it all of it in the bud RIGHT NOW!  No bars.  No snack backup plan.

No budgeted snacks.     No Leader of the Snack. 


I'm back from the Ridge.   Started up there at 5:30 am and back by 7:30 am.   Visiting with SpinSpin is exactly the kick in the arse I needed, too.  Let us tell you, doin' the mess around with BS {blood sugar} is nothing to play with.


As my heart surgeon told me...show me someone who's been binging since their teenage years and I'll show you someone with Diabetes in their latter years.   The pancreas has a shelf-life.  It can only take so much abuse before it gives up the fight.  You can go buy a new vehicle when there's too much mileage but new body parts are very hard to come by.

Stop.  Think.  Your internal organs are working too hard to keep with up with all of the food abuse.  Your body parts are engineered and programmed with an expiration date.   


You come with a warranty that's only valid if you treat your vehicle with respect and care.  Our skin is fragile.  It's the container holding your bones and muscles in place.  Those internal blobs...you liver, kidneys, heart, pancreas, brain -  it's all  we're ever gonna get.

Let's get and keep ourselves together.   Snap out of it!


I was thinking on the way home about how many go right back to binge eating on Day 31.  Automatic.  A quick food bender is never quick.  When the misery outweighs the thrill eating spree....time to start over and quickly, quickly.....RUN  for another cleanse, diet, QUICK FIX.    That usually involves some over the top food restriction - trying to get back on an even keel.   Once again, back into another cycle of the binge merry-go-round.


I see the dieters using the Whole 30 as part of that merry-go-round.  The simple, non-negotiable priciples are used for dieting and the "weight loss" side effects.   So many have now ridden that merry-go-round that all of the horses saddles are worn smooth from their hineys.   This will not help them get to a period of food stability.


The Big Kahuna trigger foods are still in charge  of their lives.  Over restriction is definitely a trigger for binging and causes massive cravings for pretty much everything.  It is self-inflicted starving.   We can see those who've dialed the W30 right down to the nub and who are eating nuts and fruits for breakfast and lunch.   A few tiddly wink bones for supper.  


Lowering their calories too far, forces them to deal with chronic hunger over too long a period of time. No surprise when the Champion of the Binge follows up with make-up for binging by stripping meals plus doing a bunch of super intense cardio followed by ooops - more thrill eating.   Long term....this approach is going to push you right to the razor's edge of Diabetes.  


It is a brutal approach and filled with vicious cycles that will only last until a health crisis knocks on your door.  It should not take that before serious changes are implemented.  


You'll have a better shot of getting out of this endless loop and staying there...without the pain of withdrawal and less mental and constant emotional struggles if you will stay in the groove of 3 whole meals aday.    Don't let a thrill eating spree derail you for weeks and months before you get back into the groove.   HUGE MISTAKE.


Meal by meal.   Mile by mile.   Day by day.  Month by month.   You will have better retention of how all of these healthy foods work with brand new patterns that we've learned.    At the end of 6 months, you have virtually stopped all binging and are now in an ever so slight calorie deficit that keeps you releasing weight at a slow and steady pace until you reach your optimum setpoint.    


You are able to maintain this positive food management plan forever on your own positive health journey.

This is a successful strategy.    Think always of long term success. Weight stability.  Gentle permanent change for the WIN. 

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Willingness.   You have to be willing to read the W30 books, the articles and the materials provided.  Take notes and keep a notebook or journal of everything that pertains to you.


I've watched many needy folks who were not willing to really dig in and search it out for themselves fall right off the grid within a matter of days.  The needier they are...the harder they fall.  It's fear that keeps them from plowing through and taking what they need.


They're fearful to start, fearful to keep going and fearful of change.  There's no buy-in.   You either come in through the front door and stick it out or sneak out through the back door....never to be heard from again.  You cannot be timid.  It's not for sissies.  You have to be sassy and want to stick the landing.


We're adults.    We no longer talk about food in childish terms.   Oooo,  I'm being so naughty.  I've been a really bad little girl or other baby talk.   That's a mindset, too.   


Come in through the front door,  learn to see your place of importance in this world. 

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The Sugar Dragon.   After a thrill eating spree....so many times I've read "well, apparently, I still have a sugar dragon."   Of course, you do.


You went back and tangled with him full on, playing with him - day in and day out for a few days, weeks or months.  Of course he comes roaring right back.  He was there all along.    He only goes away when you starve him out.   That takes time.   


Calling him on the phone and asking for a play date...he will bite your head off again.  He loves it and actually sits in the corner waiting for chance to pounce.   He laughs at you, too.



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I'm with you Meadow!!! Have I told you lately....

I've finally got it I'm hoping I keep it I'm not afraid of it this is for me my lifestyle I don't want to go diabetic not my husband or kids it's no fun and leads to no good if you can't handle it

Thank you for your writings you words are heard and those who learned their lessons hard will heed Thank you I'm so glad we've met

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I'm with you Meadow!!! Have I told you lately....

I've finally got it I'm hoping I keep it I'm not afraid of it this is for me my lifestyle I don't want to go diabetic not my husband or kids it's no fun and leads to no good if you can't handle it

Thank you for your writings you words are heard and those who learned their lessons hard will heed Thank you I'm so glad we've met


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Kelli, get rid of all of the bars in the house.  Rx...the entire lot of them.   No bars to fall back on.   Fruit and nut bars are candy.  You don't want any snacks between meals.  None.  Zero.  You do not want BS problems to progress.  Let's just nip it all of it in the bud RIGHT NOW!  No bars.  No snack backup plan.

No budgeted snacks.     No Leader of the Snack. 




I'm hearing you Meadow.... don't know how to manage those low BS at night without a snack at bedtime. Can get rid of the RX bars (but I dont want to LOL). But I will - they are gone and wont order more.

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Anyone out there in the Universe who already has 30 compliant days under your belt and you've went sideways....


Don't let 48 hours go by.  Every day that goes by the ground gets colder.   You don't need to keep starting over and there is no perfect day to start.   If you wait one more day or another month, you'll be one month older when you take the reins back.


Go for a walk or a hike.   Clear your head.   Come back home and take a shower.  Blow the stink off.   The Stinkin' Thinkin'.   Blow all of it off.   Get yourself spruced back up.  Put your war paint on and hit the kitchen runnin'.     Return to your gentle change eating routine.   Prep your vege and eat right on cue... just like you were before it all went sideways.   


Don't look back in the rearview mirror and keep truckin'.   Get yourself back together TODAY!

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Kelli -- I would not have a RX bar or a larabar or anything like that as a bed time snack for your blood sugar levels overnight. I would suggest a mini meal. Protein, Carb (in the form of veggies) and a fat. All the sugary stuff is going to do is hit your system, spike your levels and then leave you right where you were when you started or lower. Yes, you need something with carbs to bring you up, but then also fat and protein to hold your levels. Back in the 'old days' for me, it was peanut butter crackers and milk. Now, it is roasted veg, some meat or an egg and a fat of some sort. 


Of course -- do you snack every night before bed? Is it a matter of fear -- if I don't have 'X' I will wake up with a low? If you have been snacking on RX bars and the like, that might be what is causing your low. Because you are spiking in the night and then crashing. What about upping your dinner and see how that works. I would suggest a method like hubby and I have where he checks on me when he leaves for work (3-4 am) and then I have a time I have to call him by. Try it over the weekend -- when you have hubby there with you just in case. I know it can be scary -- believe me -- I know. Are you testing your blood sugars? When you have that old familiar feeling, check your blood sugar if you can. If you are starting from way up there, a significant drop can feel like the world is falling out from below you, but you are still in an ok range. For me, my dr wants me to be between 72 and 90 before I eat, and 120 an hour after. I like to wake up in the low 90's since I have to take my thyroid med before I eat and I have to wait an hour before I can. 

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SpinSpin - thank you for sharing this story.  I am so sorry you had to go throught this.  I watched the docs cuts pieces off of my dad for two years until he passed away and I vowed that I wouldn't put my family through that.  I cleaned up my diet and was in generally good health but was still eating grains, beans, etc.  I realized that I was slipping back into my old ways and starting looking for inspiration to get my mojo back.  That's when I found W30 and I am so glad I did. Now I already feel so much better and the hubs is jumping on board too and making changes. 

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@Kelli - The Tazo teas are good!  I haven't tried that one.  I see if I can find it here.  Thanks for the tip. ;)


@meadow - You are a master of the written word.  Thank you for your insight and touch love.


@MeGA - About that staycation thingie...I like the Hiawii Idea (and we can have our tea party on the beach). :D

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SpinSpin - thank you for sharing this story.  I am so sorry you had to go throught this.  I watched the docs cuts pieces off of my dad for two years until he passed away and I vowed that I wouldn't put my family through that.  I cleaned up my diet and was in generally good health but was still eating grains, beans, etc.  I realized that I was slipping back into my old ways and starting looking for inspiration to get my mojo back.  That's when I found W30 and I am so glad I did. Now I already feel so much better and the hubs is jumping on board too and making changes. 


It really scares me too GAgal-- my mom ended up being blind (her vision was like 20/2100 corrected), having laser work done on her eyes, losing both her legs from the knee down -- scares me to death. I have a little guy (he just turned 4) and I have to be here for  him, I do crafts constantly and I am afraid to lose my eyesight and amputation scares me to no end. I want to be able to chase my son and hopefully my grandkids. I swear by Whole30. 

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SpinSpin -  have -bag -  will - travel.   I want to ask you something.  I forgot to mention that wheat makes my arms burn in the crease of my forearms.  Have you ever heard of that?  It was immediate and didn't go away for a couple of days.   No wheat....no burn.   Has that ever happened to you with too much sugar? 



When I was off and tried wine my skin got hot and itched like no tomorrow... it was awful. I think it was the alcohol but had I tried beer my guess would've been wheat as well. Ouchie.

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Hate to admit it but was discouraged at the end of 30 days. Did not release as much weight as I expected. Know its not supposed to be about weight. I struggle to get in the range that is healthy. My employer is focusing on health and a component of that is weight.thinking eventually premiums will be tied to weight.


Just keep at it Kelli. Something is better than nothing! It will all add up at the end. How do your clothes feel? What things have improved since you started? Did you take measurements? Focus on the wins. The weight will catch up if you keep going!

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