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Holiday Season


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Started my first Whole30 on August 6 and successfully finished on Sep 5th. Then I continued on for several more weeks. I experienced so many positive changes during those 30 days and felt amazing. Sleeping better, 10 lbs gone, belly flatter, less bloat, skin glowing, work outs easier and best of all not hungry all the time. And I even survived my birthday during that 30 days without cake!

Then started adding things back and getting more relaxed about eating at restaurants…laziness starting to creep back…eating more junk stuff, less vegetables and feeling the pants starting to tighten.

Oh no what have I done! Why am I back here? Ok deep breath…do another Whole 30. But it's almost the holiday season! Thoughts to self..could I do a Whole30 or Whole60 during the holiday season? What would it be like? Would I feel good? Would I feel cheated? What would I be missing out on?

Still pondering…Can you imagine waking up January 2 without the extra 5- 15 lbs of post holiday flab? Without the food and holiday drink hangover? What a challenge…what a way to ring in 2013!

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Trust me...after a lifetime of disordered eating...waking up on January 2 and not tirelessly thinking about my "new year's resolution" of eating healthier, losing weight, exercising more...blah, blah, blah...is TOTALLY worth it! I would say go for it, get back on the wagon and maybe pick a couple (the key here is to pick them ahead of time!!!) of days throughout the holiday season for planned off-roading. It will minimize the damage and set you up for better success into the New Year! And you will just feel better!!!

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Yeah, I'm going until December 20th, with the intention of getting through Halloween and Thanksgiving with zero cheats. Thinking about going straight to new years, but not sure. I do sure like the idea of getting to Jan 2nd without the extra weight. What if I was at my last year's resolution weight in January??! I'd have to come up with ALL NEW RESOLUTIONS!!!

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My family hosts Thanksgiving for 35ish people (that's including a mob of kidlets), and everything my mother and I prepare is compliant, (including the stuffing!) Other family members will bring non-compliant foods, of course, but the muggles LOVE the paleo options. My baked apple crisp (which isn't W30 approved, but rather grain/sugar/dairy free) went faster than my aunt's apple pie...and THAT is saying something.

This food tastes good! There is no feeling "deprived" when you have such awesome choices.

Side note: baked apples with cinnamon and pecans sprinkled on them are the Best. Things. Ever.

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I am currently day 27, and already told my boyfriend that we are back to the whole30 for round 2 from the day after Thanksgiving through Dec 24 for the single purpose of avoiding the holiday hangover. I just feel so good right now, and honestly cannot think of any holiday food that I love that much that I would want to interfere with this feeling.

Once I hit my day 31, I may do some reintroduction just to understand how I might be affected by any holiday indulgences. I can already say Halloween is no problem because I refuse to eat commercial candy designed to make you eat piece after piece after piece...you get the point.

Like Renee Lee said, you can absolutely cook amazing food so that you don't have to focus on what you can't have, but can fully enjoy what you are having.

Muggles! Ha!

I absolutely, positively think you can do a whole30 over the holidays!

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My family hosts Thanksgiving for 35ish people (that's including a mob of kidlets), and everything my mother and I prepare is compliant, (including the stuffing!) Other family members will bring non-compliant foods, of course, but the muggles LOVE the paleo options. My baked apple crisp (which isn't W30 approved, but rather grain/sugar/dairy free) went faster than my aunt's apple pie...and THAT is saying something.

This food tastes good! There is no feeling "deprived" when you have such awesome choices.

Side note: baked apples with cinnamon and pecans sprinkled on them are the Best. Things. Ever.

I'm in the process of planning our Thanksgiving meal. Would you please share the recipe for your stuffing and apple crisp?

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Still pondering…Can you imagine waking up January 2 without the extra 5- 15 lbs of post holiday flab? Without the food and holiday drink hangover? What a challenge…what a way to ring in 2013!

My husband and I were talking about that tonight. We are planning on enjoying the holidays by starting new food traditions. Enjoying the meal while eating and afterwards is our goal...we don't want that bloated, tired, gassy feeling this year after we are done with our meal. The kids know there will be a couple sweet options, but they will be paleo friendly. There won't be tins of homemade cookies and candy setting around 2 weeks before and 2 weeks afterwards this year. I'm looking forward to a much easier holiday for me since I won't be making all that stuff.

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THANK YOU for this post! I am absolutely in the same boat and the suggestion to do a Whole7 or Whole 14 is absolutely perfect! I finished my first Whole30 August 30th and have gained 5 lbs since then and feel so ill and have a huge lack of energy. Reading this helped me recognize I wasn't the only one going through the creeping return of pounds as well as recognize that just because the holiday's are coming up doesn't mean I can't take it in baby steps!

Wonderful posts! Thank you everyone who has contributed!

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Major props to all of you staying compliant through the holidays! I will try to stay as clean as I can after my current W30 is over. I usually eat W30 at home no matter what, but I do enjoy some dark chocolate and wine on occasion!

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