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100 Days of Awesome "Whole 100" Group Log


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Sipped two cups of bone broth until about 2 pm, when I decided to try a scrambled egg. I usually love my eggs cooked in ghee, but opted for the non-stick pan because I couldn't handle even the thought of any kind of grease. That egg stayed down, so I cooked a second.

I finally went into work at 4:30 and relieved Jen, and I stopped for tea on the way. I don't like tea, never drink it, but felt the need for something kind to my tummy. Green Ginger did the trick. I figure ginger is good for the digestion, and green tea is good for all kinds of things.

Got around to making my green curry this afternoon. It isn't pretty and I overcooked the cabbage, but it got made. Usually I'm so careful about adding the "hard" veggies first and the "soft" veggies later, but today I just chopped everything up and threw it in the pot. That was all I had the energy for. Just had a little for dinner and that's staying down, too. Still exhausted, so early to bed again tonight.

****My sauerkraut is starting to get frothy...***

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Still here! Started new job (well, returned to a job I had before, long story), and am fried. Still doing better than I would without Whole30 though. Phew. Staying complaint is easier than I thought it would be this go-round. It's like a security blanket, almost. Everything in my life is changing but I can still Whole30. Aaaahhhh.

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Tina, I feel so sad for you. You didnt eat the noncompliant food intentionally so you dont have to worry about that. On the other hand when you react to something noncompliant it sometimes takes a couple of weeks to get over the reaction which can mean you wont get some or all of the benefits of the whole30. I did a whole 30 last November and only tried two reintro items - sugar - okay (only a small amount) and corn chips - was sick for three days and felt so bad I started another whole* and didnt feel good again for 12 days. Would never have guessed. If you were planning on doing a whole30, perhaps you could make it a whole 40 instead? If you are going for 100 days it probably doesnt really matter since there are still 90 days or more to go.

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Overall, feeling pretty good. Energy seems to be there during the day, but am ready to crash around 5:00pm. I've come to realize that when this feeling of wanting to crash hits, it's on days that I've had to pick up my husband from work. It's usually around 5:00pm and we have to drive down a not so well lit road (while it's pitch black out). It's probably the darkness since I'm not a fan of driving at night.

Sleep is still inconsistent. I woke up around 4:20am this morning, used the bathroom, and went back to bed. Didn't think I would go back to sleep, but the next thing I knew my alarm was going off at 6:00am. Hoping my sleep gets better as the week goes on.

Food today was pretty darn good!

Breakfast: beef & bell pepper frittata, 1/2 of an avocado, roasted veggies (broccoli, carrots, & rutabaga), mug of bone broth

Pre-workout Snack: handful of grape tomatoes & 3 jalapeno meatballs

Lunch: cheater crock pot beef stew (from Nom Nom Paleo)

Dinner: roasted brussel sprouts, spaghetti squash, and damn fine chicken (from Nom Nom Paleo)

Looking forward to hitting up a winter farmer's market I found out about in my neck of the woods. Saturday can't come soon enough!!

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Anyone actually sleeping worse? I keep waking up at night whereas I never used to?? Thought I'd throw it out there.

Farah, I have had that experience in the past. Not this time, though. In case you didn't see it above, I like taking Natural Calm in warm water at night, followed by the herbal supplement Relora. I sleep like a ROCK now, every night. I used to just use the Natural Calm and it was OK, but the Relora really seals the deal. No grogginess, either.


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Farah, for some reason I was sleeping awesome, but the past 3-4 nights I just haven't been able to get into a deep sleep. I haven't figured out what it is...

I'm still here and enjoying good food again! I'm surrounded by sick people at work but (knock on wood!) I'm hoping that I'm fighting it off. I have a slight sore throat but other than that I'm okay.

Keep on!

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Tina - I feel for you!! I bought some cashews yesterday at WF - had maybe a handful while shopping, grabbed another handful this afternoon but decided to look at the label - they were in the bulk nuts section so I assumed they were just nuts...nope, they had vegetable and I think safflower oil and peanut oil. I freaked out, I know I'm doing a W100 but the point is I'm on day 9 and I fought really f'ing hard to get myself here and I want to be on day nine! I put it out there and one of the moderators said not to start over - continue and stay on day nine, that those oils are highly discouraged but I was still being compliant. I think this has a lot to do with intention. I am still on day 9 with 100% compliance and I bet you are too

So obviously today was ROUGH! I realized my cashews I had eaten had those oils and I did not want to be noncompliant for 15 stupid nuts, but in my past life I would've used this as an excuse to go out and eat what I wanted. I had posed the question as to whether I needed to go back and restart on the forum and two people responded - both pretty much said yes. My brother is in town visiting and wanted to take me and my girls out to dinner. Perfect storm. BUT...we went out to eat and I made the decision that no matter what day I am on its going to be compliant. I had prepared for chipotle but we got there and there was a huge line. With P.F. Changs across the street - my bros favorite restaurant. One more reason to go all out. instead we got there and I pulled the allergy card - got them to steam some salmon and veggies with olive oil and ginger & it was amazing. Came home to see a moderator post on my topic that I should not restart at day one!

SO I had a really empowering day where I made different choices than I have in the past based on who I want to be instead of letting my emotions run me and giving up!! PLUS I made mayo tonight after two previous fails! I feel fricking amazing!

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Day8.....no sleep again last night:(. I woke up in a cold sweat, not sure why. I felt great this morning but am so tired I feel like I cold pass out. I pray that I can sleep tonight! It seems so many of us ar having sleep trouble, any thoughts on why??

Have you tried melatonin? I get some at Costco that has that, B6, theanine, and an herbal blend. Amazing. I tried Natural Calm (magnesium) during my last Whole30 and it worked quite well but gave me a strange rash after a few weeks (around my neck, crooks of elbows, almost like a heat rash).

I had another interview this morning (yay), and between here and there are a lot of interesting-sounding restaurants. I really wished I could have stopped at the barbeque places I passed -- ribs and rib tips sounded awesome, and I kind of miss barbeque sauce. I may have to see what I can find in the way of homemade bbq sauce that doesn't have sugar. Anybody know of a good recipe?

Well Fed has one!! So good. Worth the simmer time.

I am so upset right now! Ok, so I have not slept for more than 2 hr increments over the past week. I had hormonal issues, my daughter has been up sick for days, I can't sleep, etc...so today I was literally delirious. I went to work this morning and came home early to run 2 kids under 4 to 2 doctors and a hospital for blood work:). By the time I was done, I was soooo hungry and soooo tired. The last thing I felt like doing was cooking. My husband eats a version of paleo/primal and told me that our Chinese place will make shrimp without sugar and MSG and my eyes lit up:). So I ordered our dinner. I ate and then felt sick, I felt the way I feel when I have gluten or flour...so I called and they told me they do put corn starch in their sauce:(. So now what? Do I need to re-start? What does everyone think? I feel so bummed right now.

What will be the most reassuring for you? I am an all-or-nothing type (for better or worse) and would find some sort of reassurance in knowing I went back to day one. But the points above by others are good, too - if you feel that driving on without restarting will be more effective since you had good intentions, then I'd say do that. And we do have 100 days to work out the kinks :).

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I kind of forgot what day I'm on... oops :). Guess that's a good sign.

I've been slipping into what I call ghetto W30 - such as eating a can of olives and whatever else I scavenge up for dinner. Recently started a new job and it is kicking my butt. But the crazy thing is even shoving random meats, veggies, and fat into a container for lunch at work leaves me feeling better (and happier!) than some good looking takeout. A girl I work with was eating a Subway sandwich with two-toned bread that was quite pretty but at the same time looked thoroughly disgusting. I've slipped since finding out about my gluten intolerance a couple of years ago but am thoroughly over Subway. Blech. There is soy in their chicken. I mean, really.

Also started a regular workout program in conjunction with my Whole100, in fact the 90 day workout program is what originally led me to consider doing a Whole 90, then I found this thread, etc. But I think realistically it will take me well over 90 days to finish it - some nights I am just way too smoked. It is hard as an endorphin-lover to put sleep and nutrition ahead of exercise, but day by day it is gradually happening. And on that note, time for some melatonin and sleeeeeppppp.

Good night fellow Whole 100ers.

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BTW for a compliant meal out P.F. Changs is SUPER accommodating! They even sent the manager over to me to verify and she went back and talked to the chef, too. I did use "allergy" to make sure I stayed compliant but I was so impressed and they were so gracious!

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PF Changs wins the customer service award hands down! Even ordering take out from them is a pleasure. They ask questions, give you options, repeat the order back to you, suggest add-ons, all in the relaxed manner of a waiter standing at your table. No "Yep Got it. 15 minutes."

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Hi everyone. Hope all is going well for the Whole 100ers. Never has the phrase "one day at a time" been more relevant for me. I am steadfastly refusing to "future trip" about the fact that there are dozens and dozens of days left on this challenge. It's almost too much for me to handle, so my default is to "just concentrate on today". So far, so good. I made this yesterday, for the zillionth time --


The author is my neighbor and friend, and the recipe is THE BOMB. You can use the leftovers so many ways, one of my favorite being "Korean Tacos", with kimchee, homemade mayo, hot sauce , cucumber, etc. wrapped up in nori sheets.

Still struggling with a lingering (very mild) headache and some extra fatigue. Other than that, full steam ahead!


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I've been doing fine without snacking and drinking my coffee black BUT, what I wouldn't do for some nuts!! I am not hungry...I just want to shove them in my mouth one right after the other. Just because. I will definitely make the whole 100 as outlined in the program but I'm wondering if I can stay nut free that whole time.

How are all of your co-workers/friends reacting to the way you are eating? Most people I work with are used to seeing me eat so I still get some questions sometimes, but last night I ran into somebody I work with at the grocery store and she was like "That is so healthy looking, but do you really think you'll be able to eat all those vegetables before they have a chance to go bad?" Ummm....yes :) I know she wanted to ask about the bones in my cart (for bone broth) but I don't think she had the balls.

Have a great day everybody!

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Happy Day 10!

Kim! Thank you for that recipe. It looks amazing and I'm going to make it this week.

Work has been incredibly, CRAZY busy and with my lack of sound sleep for the last 10 days, my energy is at a low and the bags under my eyes look like I've been doing drugs! Ugh.

My boyfriend took me out to eat last night to a lovely little asian restaurant down the street. We walked which was good because I've been so tired it's been hard to even think of exercising. The people are so accomodating in the restaurant.

They have 1 thing on the menu I can eat. I have severe allergies and sensitivities so I ask a lot of questions so I can feel safe (as safe as anyone can in a restaurant) with what I'm eating. I have grilled fish and veggies. The fish is a smallish portion and the veggies fill the plate. It was awesome!

Still and all I prefer cooking my own food and will finally have time tonight to do some catch up cooking. That pork shoulder is going to be on the menu in the next few days!

So, not much to report other than what I already said...I'm dragging.

I had a bit of a freak out (internally) this morning when the woman I pick up for meditation class told me she'd been down with this hideous flu for the last 2 days but was just fine now. Aaargggh! Are you kidding me?! I'm not a germ-a-phobe but I was dumbfounded that she was puking yesterday and confidently informed me she was not contageous today.

It will be whatever it is but this does spur me to be drinking more water, eating more vegetables and paying closer attention to washing my hands etc.

Before I forget, I wanted to say how grateful I am for all of you on this thread. If not for you and your willingness to talk about what you're going through, I would be having so much more trouble. I know that sound sleep is an issue right now so I'm not stressing about it. Bloat is still lurking in the corners as well as a few other things.

I feel a camaraderie with all of you and everything that we're experiencing. I know that this "clearing" is making way for all of the good stuff that's right on the doorstep.

"Don't quit 5 minutes before the miracle happens!"

Wishing you all a compliant day and may your choices be ever in your favor!"

Have a happy day.


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Day 9 and feeling good - still have a lingering headache. Made some expresso this morning and added some coconut milk - it was ok. I think I am starting to prefer it black. That's crazy, never saw that coming.

Man, if you're used to it, there's nothing like half and half in your coffee. That said, there's NO WAY we're putting that stuff in our bodies right now. Sometimes the best substitution for an off-plan food is no substitution at all. The addictive substances in dairy can't be mimicked by coconut or almond milk! And too many nuts can cause imbalance in your body's omega 3 to 6 ratio. So, I just have mine black when I have it. It's a habit like anything else. After a while it just seems wrong to mess with your delicious, black coffee! The thing I really loved about coffee was the warmth of the cup in my hands and the comforting steam wafting up to my face, so I switched to tea. Voila, No more caffeine monkey on my back!

Day . . . 4 1/2 for me (I started Sunday at lunch). We'll just call it 4. ;) Even though I have a head cold, I'm doing really, really well. I decided this time to have a couple of sweet potatoes (or some winter squash) a day to make sure my days 1-14 depressive symptoms don't overwhelm my life. It's working great! As soon as I feel my energy return, I'll be increasing my activity by adding hikes and exploring new fitness options. Very interested in martial arts, rock climbing, dance, and cross fit.

I have other dietary restrictions in the form of FODMAPS. It's a challenge when I can't have certain veggies I eat all the time like onions and broccoli. I'm embracing the things I can have and feeling so much better for it. In ISWF, they say that IBS is responsible for a lot of central obesity because IBS causes such terrible gut permeability. That is fascinating to me and makes so much sense for my situation. Already feeling inflammation subsiding.

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Lisa, how funny you talk about office coworkers and our W100 "diet". A coworkder cam into my office this morning and said "Hey Healthy Girl! I brought breakfast tacos and I know you want one!!!" Took a little convincing for him to realize I really was not going to crumble under his insistance. I just said "not right now, I am on a special nutrition plan". I was quite proud of myself for sticking to my "guns" in the face of Taco Shack breakfast tacos (they realy are very yummy!)

Interesting, last night I dreamed the wheels fell off my W30 eating and I had to push the "start over" button on lmy daily emails! Scared me when I woke up!

Linda, I hope you get some sleep soon.. I just received my Natural Calm and the past 2 nights I have been able to stay asleep which is amazing for me!!

I discovered Ghee (found some locally made at Whole Foods last night) and it was fantastic in my mashed califlower!! Also received my SeaSnax and another shipment of Steve's Paleo jerky, I am really enjoying this food exploration, especially since I have been known to burn water on occasion. My sauerkraut is even frothing, so I hope that means I will be able to eat it and not that it will start talking to me or attack my dog in a week or two....

My energy is continuing on the up swing with still some fogginess and down energy during the day. I'm thinking there is a light at the end of the tunnel.....

Blue skies everyone!

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just wanted to share: I got my period!!! yeah, TMI, who cares, etc etc...I had to share because this is the first time ever in the past 24 years I have not had severe cramps. in fact I didn't even know was about to get my period because I'm usually reminded by severe cramping!

and sorry for those who think that's TMI...I'm an ER nurse so really in my house and life there is no such thing as TMI... :lol::lol::huh:

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Those, who like me are plagued with poor sleep: Question: Before this Whole100 were you in the habit of having wine or other cocktails in the evening? I am wondering if that could be the difference for many of us. You don't have to sip enough to feel drunk in order to reap the depressive effects of alcohol. If, like me, you've been accustomed to a glass or two most evenings, is it possible that without that artificial depressant your brain just needs time to learn not to depend on it? I'm wondering if part of my problem is my brain's inability to know 'how' to get to sleep unaided.

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Jtandi, I too have experienced that joy in the past. High five!

I am home for the third day in a row. From what I understand, the flu is really going around the office. I'm finally feeling a bit better today and am doing some work from home. I have guilt for the things I won't be able to get to, but people will just have to understand. For years, I was a teacher and always went to work when I was sick - we were given the guilt trip when asking for a sub - so I'm proud of myself for getting out of that mindset now that I'm in the corporate world.

I'm finding I need to buy more food to get me through the week. I bought a lot this weekend and felt like I'd never be able to get through it all, and now I have little left to eat. I have one bowl left of the TWO huge batches of soup I made this weekend! I have a flank steak that will become fajitas for dinner, then I need to go to the store again. I was looking at my budgets on mint.com and realized I'd go way over on my grocery budget this month. Luckily, though, my eating out budget will be slashed as a result. I suspect my booze budget and entertainment budget will help offset that, too.

I'm at the point in this Whole30 that I'm not even thinking about straying outside the lines. It seems like second nature again. My thighs are smoothing out, my skin is looking better, and I'm happy about the changes. I, too, am grateful for everyone else's participation as it helps me realize I'm at about the same place as everyone else through this journey and gives me some food ideas and perspectives that I hadn't considered. So thanks, everyone!

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Day 8 and I am so ready to be done with this wretched heartburn. It seems like it comes on mid-afternoon for no reason at all and then comes and goes until about 11 PM. What the heck?

(To be fair, having wretched heartburn is why I got on the W30 wagon to start with, but I am so looking forward to it going away!)

I have been craving chocolate like whoa. I swear it starts a half-hour after breakfast and lasts until I have dinner, although it doesn't absorb every minute of the day. But whenever I crave something -- it's pretty much always chocolate. Or soda. I really thought, going in, that not getting to have honey in my tea was going to be a huge hurdle for me, but I don't seem to miss that at all. This thing with chocolate, though... argh. It sucks!!

Doing okay with food planning and cooking. I'm not used to eating so many vegetables with such frequency and am worried that I'm going to burn out on bell peppers and mushrooms in particular. My housemate who is doing the W30 along with me has already announced that she's done with sweet potatoes for the rest of this week. I guess I need to go to the grocery store produce aisles and wander around until I see something I haven't made in a while, and that I know I like. So far my usual suspects are: bell peppers, salad greens (spinach, lettuce, mixed greens), mushrooms, butternut squash, sweet potato, kale, rutabaga, parsnip, celery, broccoli, green beans, red cabbage, and snap peas. I don't care as much for summer squash in general or for tomatoes or sharp-tasting things like radishes, so although those veggies aren't in general rotation, I also have a lower threshold for getting tired of them. I can think of cucumbers, asparagus, and beets as things I haven't had lately, but other than that I'm coming up blank. Help?

Unrelated: Jtandi, I am right there with you on having had an easier monthly cycle than anticipated. I could hardly believe my cycle was starting the other day, because I didn't spend 3 hours in misery on the day before or the day of, and my face hadn't been broken out for days beforehand. The cramps have been so bad at times in the past that I've felt nauseated from the pain, so to *not* have that happen is such a gift!

Thank you to everyone reading and writing here. I am really grateful to have a whole lot of people to be accountable to during this time of choosing new behaviors and making new habits. :)

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Food and exercise wise it was a pretty good day. I got in a total of 7.5 miles walking.....taking the kids to school, getting in some exercise, and running errands.

Breakfast: 3 eggs over easy, 3 slices of bacon, a handful of cherry tomatoes, & creamy spinach

Snack: banana w/ almond butter

Lunch: leftover chicken legs, brussel sprouts, & onions (that were cooked w/ the chicken)

Dinner: spaghetti squash w/ red sauce and oxtail meat, brussel sprouts, & braised cabbage

Outside of food and exercise, I hit a bit of a rough patch today. I had an appointment with my GYN to talk about my recent birth control issues. My cycle has been irregular for the past 6 months, and I wanted to see what she had to say. Outside of just switching me to a different pill, she gave me a few other options to consider. One of them sounds like it could be ideal, but it would be permanent (i.e. non-reversible). I'm 34 and have 2 boys (ages 5 1/2 and almost 7). My husband and I haven't planned on having any more children, but I felt comforted knowing that there was always the possibility. This would completely change that. While thinking about it earlier today, I was VERY tempted to cheat. All I could think about was stopping at the store and diving head first into a chocolate bar. But I held strong and stayed Whole100....even though I didn't want to. Knowing that I was able to get past the desire and want, I think I can handle the next time it might happen.

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